GrosserKurfurst: Rest in peace man, your art was always creative and surprisingly cheerful, and you always gave out such a chill vibe, we have truly lost a great one.
janusmaxwell: Rest in Paradise, my dude. Wish I’d had the chance to comm something from him, his most recent Totally Spies pic renewed my horny for the girls, largely from Clover’s facial expression alone. Godspeed.
Sabbs: Didn't really know where to go to give my condolences, the artist will be missed, he had mad skills as an artist and with each picture you could see how much the improvements showed. I was shocked to hear of this persons passing God be with him.
Anonymous8: The King of Rule 34 is dead. Fitting that this is the last image published under his name. The world and this site will be poorer going forward without his art and humor.
Decanter: "Though I've faced many tough decisions and difficult moments in my life, never have I known the sheer challenge of trying to figure out the most wholesome and tender way to draw lesbian sex between a human and a horse." -one of this artist's final tweets, about this, his final piece.
Nymousano: I never was really aware of Relatedguy. I just clicked on this new feature to save a good image I like. To read that it was featured because he who drew it died is sad though. After going through a few of the comments posted here, it looks like we lost a really great guy I should´ve been aware about when he was alive. Now I wish I would. Sounds like it was nice chatting with him, and I like a good chat with nice people. RIP, Relatedguy. I feel sorry for those who knew you and wished I would´ve been one of them.
Angelwolfslayer666: I can't believe it, i literally only found out now through here, and it's been 3 days since official word got out. It feels so unreal, i really can't believe it. It's been about 20 minutes and I'm still crying.
Anonymous28: I honestly have no words, I’m just so shocked that a rule34 artist that I’d occasionally see on my feed would pass away, Rest In Peace friend.
Decanter: @ConsciousDonkey: Do we even have anything that's particularly related to him? Also keep in mind that semi-famous people are dropping like flies lately and not everyone who could theoretically get a death feature will get one, since we like to leave featured images up for longer than a fucking day, which is how long this picture has been featured.
Anonymous42: Well... With all my condolences and that... These days death looks more of a freedom than anything (unless you are a sort of Christian or something like that). Pressure put by certain groups in everyone else is rising strong too fast.. Personally I wouldn't like to be in the world when everything finally breaks out. I hope death comes to me before that happens.
Feathery_Duck: Belmondo was a fun French actor with a mouth like Chris Tucker. Both in shape and in function. Handsome in his youth, too, 40 years ago. But according to rule #34, it seems he didn't exist. 😜
I for one prefer an unusually pretty feature (great artist, great loss) of a hottie getting licked by a horse tongue. Rather than some umpteenth gay fake of THIS rather ripe senior citizen! Heck, I'm sure AF not in a hurry to see a Donald Trump is Dead feature!!! 😲😱👻💀☠
Anonymous44: I simply feel there could have been better, more meaningful choices for a featured in his honor. This is his last piece so that has meaning but maybe his earliest works like the Martian Queen could have been put on display as symbol of his rise. Either way, his loss will be felt.
And once again, both sides, with their pearl clutching, strawmen and all around bullshit, prove putting comment sections on this site was a terrible mistake.
Anonymous45(39): @Anonymous: I understand the appeal of trying to rise above the argument, but you're doing us a disservice. On one side, you have the instigators who bitch using the comments function, and on the other side you have people who are simply trying to keep the record straight. If the arguments were not instigated, they wouldn't ever happen. The comments sections here used to be good. Tumblr happened. Twitter happened.
Anonymous46(14): @Anonymous: Oh, look, a triggered little zoomer who can't stand there's a comment section on a website. 10 years ago, every website had comments. Now you aren't allowed to say anything, anywhere.
I am not "pearl clutching" when I tell retards who spend their days whining about drawings to kill themselves. I truly believe they should.
Anonymous50: Damn... I just learned about his death from this thread. That sucks. Relatedguy's art was a lot of fun, and he shared a bajillion of my own kinks. I must have been one of his last commissioners, for the JuneRay piece he did recently.
He was a skilled artist and he seemed like a nice person. What a sudden shock and a loss to the community. My condolences to all who knew him.
Anonymous52(44): @Anonymous: Then don’t take the bait. This site has this bizarre habit where if one person says something stupid, you get 20 anons screaming middle school tier insults as if a picture’s honor was at stake. Why not just let that person wallow in stupidity and just enjoy the porn? “They started it” is a bad argument as is pinning the blame on Twitter and tumblr.
@Anonymous: I like you called me a triggered zoomer and complain no one is allowed to say anything, when you’re seething and wishing over someone making a dumb comment. Glass houses.
@Titanium: Eh, that argument doesn’t really work if someone comes for vanilla or would be offended by all that. Not defending them, just Devil’s advocate.
Violetty: @Anonymous: IDEA: How about instead of one picture under featured why not three pictures or even five? Just to showcase RelatedGuy's variety of work, it would help especially for people who are unfamiliar with his work as shown that some people think he was some bestiality artist, which he's not, he's done so much great work here 😣
Anonymous54(44): @Anonymous: I was only being half serious but no, nowhere did I imply I was personally insulted, I was just tired of people throwing fits in the comment section especially considering the circumstances. The fact that you’ve just been calling people zoomer retard for pointing that out leads me to believe you don’t give a shit about the artist’s passing or his work and are just underage/trolling.
@Violetty: That actually is a neat idea and would be fitting send off for someone who contributed directly to the content here. Don’t know if it would be possible to pull off but still something very cool.
Anonymous55(50): @Efapper: Oh, neat chart. I hadn't seen that before. Which actually raises the question, is anyone organizing an effort to go through his sites, package everything, and host it somewhere? I know he had accounts on patreon, newgrounds, baraag, twitter (heavily censored), here, probably several I don't know off the top of my head...
Also, I just wanted to say I was thinking about his art and I kind of realized something I liked about it. It was on point with a lot of my kinks, sure, but there's kind of a reason it was: the emotion is always there and it's almost always positive. When he has two characters on screen, nine times out of ten they're clearly in love. I mean, look at these two. His description on other sites; "Go ahead, try convince me that those two are not in love. I can't hear you because I am listening to the most unambigious love song I've heard in a long time." And one of them's a horse. (Who talks once she gets to Centaurworld but that's a different point.)
The whole incest/pregnancy theme? For relatedguy's work, it seems like it's about emotional bonds, commitment, and being happy and supportive of each other's presence. Sure, incest means from an objective point of view it's kind of fucked-up emotional bonds lol, but when you're in the thick of the horny it's all about love, cherishing, and mutual support. That's cool in porn.
Sago: @Anonymous: Couldn't have worded my own specific appreciation for his work any better. Thank you for writing such a positive comment to that effect. I hope he knew how much people like us appreciated his art.
Anonymous58: @Anonymous: dude, ignoring it doesn't work. Then people just think that's the actual prevailing opinion. I hate to say it, but if you want the comments sections to not suck, they will have to have actual moderation, or at least an atonomous mechanism to provide an approximation of consensus. Otherwise yes, it's going to look a lot like 4chan, because some people come here literally just to bitch.
I've been lurking here for over a decade, but the bitching and moaning hit a fever pitch last year. It can't be ignored any longer and lazy word filters aren't going to stop it.
TinyToonFan9: @Gackt: you my true friend I apologized for being an asshole in 2019 but then I understand. I wish I would had talk to RelatedGuy but never got to so this artist may rest in peace
TinyToonFan9: Since my friend Gackt is on a hiatus and this artist passed, This site has been depressing with all of those Anime and Furry floating on this site, Genshin Impact and Helluva Boss for samples, I just want my cartoon porn back :(
Decanter: @Gallows187: Not everything is about you, American. But hey, if you want to get political and partisan, it seems like your actual president went to a memorial gathering and took his mask off. Not a good look!
jubilation_t_cornpone: @Anonymous: You don't have to. Are you not aware that if you look at another pic and click on the words featured image in the left menu, the link will go away?
Anonymous95: @DARQ: On the 10th of august, presumably in a accident during a hiking trip, if you want more info:
Anonymous96: Man I'm gonna miss him so much... He asked me to write something for him as a commission, we talked a bit but never got too close. But I still followed him, I loved his She-Ra art and I loved watching him improve. He really was a clever and funny guy, who loved doing what he did, loved the franchises he drew stt from and loved watching people enjoy his content.
Gonna miss you so bad, dude. I've always thought we needed more artists like you, and now... You're gone.
Anonymous97: damn at least he died being a good artist (At least for me), meanwhile, me, i think i will die being a fucking useless garbage that didn't even completed his art career, i wish i could have died instead of him.
Anonymous101: Condolences to him, he didn't deserve to die so rest in peace.
His art kinda sucked though, why not draw anime IoIis instead of weird cartoon ones that look like actual children?
Anonymous105: @Titanium: Lmao, these soft fuckers don't belong here. Also, are you outta retirement, man? Maybe I should do too, I sometimes miss shitposting with assholes here =)
Anonymous108(105): @Anonymous: We're full of freedom of speech, of course we're going to feel, specially for one of us. Just like the time we mourned for Julius Zimmerman, despite giving him flak before. Because at the end of the day, we're all humans.
Anonymous110: The entire internet ain't what it used to be. It used to be a fun escape full of fledgling communities, with people eager to do grunt work for the sake of their internet communities, because everything was new and exciting. Now it's all kind of shit. Everybody seems to feel entitled to have things the way they want it, but few actually even know what work goes into that, and fewer are willing to fund it. If that wasn't bad enough, everyone is so addicted to smelling their own farts that they've convinced themselves they are Martin Luther King and must never do or say anything problematic and they must disassociate with anyone who would associate with anyone who would. Guilt by association association. South Park, a show that depicted police brutality honestly and had a gay character that was a good role model in 1996, is now viewed as an alt-right show by lefties because it makes fun of stuff you're not allowed to make fun of anymore. Then you have fandom antis who realized they could take their personal severe attachment issues to cartoons and legitimize them by spinning their feelings into being about the latest moral panic. We always had antis, from the Naruto fandom to now, but antis achieved mainstream success by leaching off of some of the other worst dysfunctional behavior and turning it into social justice that you have to agree with. The word "egalitarian" is virtually blacklisted, among many others, because Tumblr-era feminism didn't like the threat of an ideology based on treating people equally. Everyone uses the same 10 websites, and half of those websites are basically Facebook remixes, whereas the other half are really shitty chat applications that are less functional than IRC and spammer than MSN Messenger for only a four factor increase in RAM usage. On those websites brands pretend to be people and people pretend to be brands. The websites do exactly what you don't want them to do, like force you to show your likes publicly. The one platform that actually gave you a reasonable amount of control became a meme and died in a few years. All the forums are moving to Discord servers. All the communities are moving to Facebook and Twitter. Payment processors are becoming increasingly more puritan. Teens are becoming increasingly more puritan. The words "freedom of speech" now make people wince. Reddit and Twitter were bastions of it; now they're bastions of brand and advertiser friendly censorship. Child sex abuse has decreased significantly but the moral panic has amplified ridiculously anyways.
Used to go online to escape, and gradually, it became my home. And I've watched the place I considered home get absolutely shit-blasted with a new age of teenagers who have no interest in trying to act like adults but are still happy to play the "I'm a minor" card to try to evade trouble. These new teens believe that the root of our problems are systematic and that we need to change our subconcious language and behavior to solve the inequities of our society, yet responsibility is always held against individuals, usually individuals who themselves don't even have much power. Game of Thrones depicting rampant incest? Whatever. Someone makes Rick and Morty incest porn? Better tell them to kill themselves every day until they do.
My life is now very good and I have early Internet to thank for a lot of it. I no longer need to escape to the Internet to survive and I don't need anyone's validation to feel OK anymore. But I feel immensely bad for the new generation. This isn't going to end well. I know it, you all know it.
Anonymous113(57): people is shit, internet just did it visible and quick; just think about the amount of knowledge you needed back then to enter and how much now
Anonymous114(110): I'm not arguing against that necessarily. The end result is still a shitty internet that nobody really enjoys very much.
But if that were true, you could solve the problem by having tinier niche communities. But the thing is, in many cases I've seen those have gotten worse and less active too, as everything consolidated.
So I think it's not *just* people. I think the platforms suck too, because they're all quarterly profit driven with no soul. And I think the communities are dying because the internet is no longer new and exciting and people are too apathetic to bother anymore.
Anonymous115(105): @Titanium: Same boat, man. The comments of old anons in Drawn Sex images are a perfect cure for the blues, a shame a good chunk of them are now lost to time. But hey, glad to see the people still remain, good luck with everything, friend ✌
@Anonymous: And people say the concept of "corporate socialism" is a lie, while we're slowly turning on to that. "All be for safety of the mind, we wouldn't want you to think for yourself and become unpredictable and non-consuming!" Still, I have high hopes for the kids of today, they're growing up in such a peepee-poopoo zeitgeist they're going to embrace the concept of "absolute freedom" as a response to the strangling of consciousness the Suits are pushing. You can only squeeze a rock so hard until your hands bleed and it slips away.
Anonymous117(103): @Anonymous: Corporate socialism is just oligopoly carefully branded for acceptance from left and right. Same people behind it as always.
Anonymous118: @Anonymous: The internet was a military weapon until it got leaked by everyone. No, the REAL reason why the internet is shit right now is when in 2010, "Americans" and Brits where everywhere, that's the main source of problem, do you wonder why shit like politics almost became omnipresent? These self-absorbed locusts of pestilence dosen't know how to shut up just because how "powerful" they are. They think that their circus is universal and should be noted by ANYONE due to their military complexes beating some third-worlders. I mean why the fuck do you need to choke someone's throat just because he dosen't care about your fairy tale?
Anonymous120: @Anonymous: it would be good to have a world where R34 artists are not hidden from the world sex is only as disgusting as any other feature of the body what if laughing had to be censored?
Anonymous125: There's a special place in Heaven for those who make such high quality smut, I just know it.
Relatedguy, be sure to tell SDTguy that his creation outlived Flash itself.
Anonymous132: People still on about that dead guy? Change the featured picture already or use a better one of that guys work...I mean its pretty sad if this is as good as he got.
Anonymous134: Look I don’t even go on this site often, I’m not even into the whole horse thing, but I do know this guy passed away and the people who are making jokes of it are so immature and heartless. This guy isn’t alive, it’s not something that’s funny, it’s sad. I hope he’s in heaven and is able to rest peacefully. I didn’t know the guy but he seemed to put a smile on everyone’s face and seemed like a good man. RIP buddy.
Sago: @Anonymous: SDT is short for Super Deepthroat, a Flash game which people took and reverse engineered so they could create tons and tons of expansions and improvements to it. The creator, Konashion, disappeared from the internet long ago. His nickname was sometimes SDTguy. SDT eventually outlived Flash itself, which was stopped from working in most browsers when 2021 started. SDT is still just as good as ever, and the modding community is still healthy. We just have to play the game outside of the browser now :P
Anonymous144: @GabrielIglabriel: 4ere got wiped recently and nobody really knows why
And if anyone says it was cuz of loli im leaving this site immediately cuz theres pictures of literal infants on here.
Anonymous145: @Anonymous: If you have been witnessing the events of the last years, at the point you should be aware consistency isn't his strong point. Wiaboo is an unsalvageable mess.
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Heyo heyo! I agree w/you on saying what anon 26 said was awful, but don't be ableist towards autistic people!
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I for one prefer an unusually pretty feature (great artist, great loss) of a hottie getting licked by a horse tongue. Rather than some umpteenth gay fake of THIS rather ripe senior citizen! Heck, I'm sure AF not in a hurry to see a Donald Trump is Dead feature!!! 😲😱👻💀☠
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Shitting dick nipples
Labia on tables
Erect prolapsed Fallopian tubes
Vacuuming squirrel futa dicks
Anonymous in featured image: Horse cunnilingus? DISGUSTING!
And once again, both sides, with their pearl clutching, strawmen and all around bullshit, prove putting comment sections on this site was a terrible mistake.
I am not "pearl clutching" when I tell retards who spend their days whining about drawings to kill themselves. I truly believe they should.
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He was a skilled artist and he seemed like a nice person. What a sudden shock and a loss to the community. My condolences to all who knew him.
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@Anonymous: I like you called me a triggered zoomer and complain no one is allowed to say anything, when you’re seething and wishing over someone making a dumb comment. Glass houses.
@Titanium: Eh, that argument doesn’t really work if someone comes for vanilla or would be offended by all that. Not defending them, just Devil’s advocate.
@Anonymous: Hit the nail on the head.
@Anonymous: And let’s not forget what this is all about. We lost a good man a month ago. I imagine the world of R34 won’t be the same.
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@Violetty: That actually is a neat idea and would be fitting send off for someone who contributed directly to the content here. Don’t know if it would be possible to pull off but still something very cool.
Also, I just wanted to say I was thinking about his art and I kind of realized something I liked about it. It was on point with a lot of my kinks, sure, but there's kind of a reason it was: the emotion is always there and it's almost always positive. When he has two characters on screen, nine times out of ten they're clearly in love. I mean, look at these two. His description on other sites; "Go ahead, try convince me that those two are not in love. I can't hear you because I am listening to the most unambigious love song I've heard in a long time." And one of them's a horse. (Who talks once she gets to Centaurworld but that's a different point.)
The whole incest/pregnancy theme? For relatedguy's work, it seems like it's about emotional bonds, commitment, and being happy and supportive of each other's presence. Sure, incest means from an objective point of view it's kind of fucked-up emotional bonds lol, but when you're in the thick of the horny it's all about love, cherishing, and mutual support. That's cool in porn.
Man I'll miss him.
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I've been lurking here for over a decade, but the bitching and moaning hit a fever pitch last year. It can't be ignored any longer and lazy word filters aren't going to stop it.
THE PAIN. the pain...
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*visible confusion*
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The only thing that's asking for is getting that god awful 69/11 shitpost image featured. Do you REALLY want that?
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tell me when and how they passed on?
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Gonna miss you so bad, dude. I've always thought we needed more artists like you, and now... You're gone.
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And then there's also Panzer who is opening some SFM and sketch commissions to buy stuff for the possible 'Snowmageddon II'
Please check them out if you're interested ❤
His art kinda sucked though, why not draw anime IoIis instead of weird cartoon ones that look like actual children?
Whiskey out.
Ps: I didn’t know r34 paheal was more wholesome than pornhub/YouTube
Except jews. [u]Because MoonMan said so.[/i]
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Between Paheal and 4chan, I have near zero capacity to be shocked anymore I think. ╮(╯ _╰ )╭
@Anonymous: I truly want to know this as well. Wonder if Area (or some other artist with the witchcraft to mimic any style) could finish it for him.
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>>4495895 (Anon4)
>>2062181 (Anon1, obviously)
>>3699902 (Anon5 ff.)
...and let´s not forget a certain whiteknighter addicted to adult Gwen (Tennyson).
Paheal isn´t anymore what it used to be ten years ago. Well, at least my english skills improved a lot since those days. ^^
Used to go online to escape, and gradually, it became my home. And I've watched the place I considered home get absolutely shit-blasted with a new age of teenagers who have no interest in trying to act like adults but are still happy to play the "I'm a minor" card to try to evade trouble. These new teens believe that the root of our problems are systematic and that we need to change our subconcious language and behavior to solve the inequities of our society, yet responsibility is always held against individuals, usually individuals who themselves don't even have much power. Game of Thrones depicting rampant incest? Whatever. Someone makes Rick and Morty incest porn? Better tell them to kill themselves every day until they do.
My life is now very good and I have early Internet to thank for a lot of it. I no longer need to escape to the Internet to survive and I don't need anyone's validation to feel OK anymore. But I feel immensely bad for the new generation. This isn't going to end well. I know it, you all know it.
But if that were true, you could solve the problem by having tinier niche communities. But the thing is, in many cases I've seen those have gotten worse and less active too, as everything consolidated.
So I think it's not *just* people. I think the platforms suck too, because they're all quarterly profit driven with no soul. And I think the communities are dying because the internet is no longer new and exciting and people are too apathetic to bother anymore.
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@Anonymous: And people say the concept of "corporate socialism" is a lie, while we're slowly turning on to that. "All be for safety of the mind, we wouldn't want you to think for yourself and become unpredictable and non-consuming!" Still, I have high hopes for the kids of today, they're growing up in such a peepee-poopoo zeitgeist they're going to embrace the concept of "absolute freedom" as a response to the strangling of consciousness the Suits are pushing. You can only squeeze a rock so hard until your hands bleed and it slips away.
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Relatedguy, be sure to tell SDTguy that his creation outlived Flash itself.
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>wiiaboo gives him an honorary Friend of Paheal feature
>wiiaboo's back to mass-deleting tags
i dare him to desecrate a dead man's grave just so he can claim he's actually making this website better
start backing up this tag now
And if anyone says it was cuz of loli im leaving this site immediately cuz theres pictures of literal infants on here.
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we came here to discuss: ✔✔