Nymousano: @Anonymous: You are mentally ill. Or you´re deliberately pretending you are. Normal people wouldn´t be proud to be racist or saying it´s not okay to be different. You certainly need help, considering you´re not just trolling and LYAO about all those who respond to your comments on the same niveau. In this case, congrats for getting so much attention.
And in the worse case, you truly mean what you are writing. In this case, there´s no need to ask you to seek help, or to post
, because you just will start insulting me now as well as the others who went down on your level and posting shit like "KYS" etc. instead of continue to ignore my further postings. Well, have fun with it, for I won´t respond to it anymore. You set yourself checkmate with what you´re writing here, so my final statement is this nice litte GIF what´s called Fool´s Mate for a reason. All the best to you. :-)
Nymousano: @Anonymous: For quite a while now. I can´t really play (yet) though. I know the movements of the chess pieces, and I know about casteling and promoting a pawn, but every time I try to play online against a chess computer or a real partner, I suck BADLY! XD
However, there is an opinion to properly learn chess where I live, and as soon as corona is most widely under control, I´ll give it a try. ^^
Anonymous19(12): @Anonymous: even if it is a troll, at this point I can only conclude this is not the kind of trolling someone who doesn't need to take their meds does
Nymousano: @Anonymous: Whatever. Acc. to my researches, it could be true referring to the evangelicales. Since I´m german, there´s a lot I don´t understand when it comes to terms, phrases or common meanings in english. However, I´m not racist, and when it looked like I was, forget about what I wrote. I just want my old Paheal back, where it was fun visiting this site in 2008/2009. End of story.
samuraiidiot: I'm a Karen who is in the process of transitioning to a man named Ken. That is why I am horny enough to be on this site, but bitchy enough to bitch.
Farfegnugen: Wow, what even in the fuck is all this nonsense? Did I wander into a playground for the mentally impaired?
The how, the why, and the what the fuck can be answered by someone that gives a shit, but some of you need to move the fuck on. Not suggesting, Anon23, Anon166.
Did you just call me a nerd, Geek
Yeah, nerd
HHHRRRRR welcome to the underground
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And in the worse case, you truly mean what you are writing. In this case, there´s no need to ask you to seek help, or to post
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However, there is an opinion to properly learn chess where I live, and as soon as corona is most widely under control, I´ll give it a try. ^^
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The how, the why, and the what the fuck can be answered by someone that gives a shit, but some of you need to move the fuck on. Not suggesting, Anon23, Anon166.
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.....oh, the mental retardedness of it all.....