Friends Of Paheal: Artists
Here you can find the official list of artists that are Friends of Paheal. These special Friends of Paheal are artists that support our site for its true goal, and receive exposure in return. If you wish to become an artist Friend of Paheal, email
Artist Friends of Paheal do the following:
Additionally, many Friends of Paheal:
Artists listed are most likely accepting commissions, unless it says otherwise.
The List of Artists
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
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Any artists wanting to be listed, or to list additional information (email address, commission links, websites, etc): PLEASE EMAIL US!
Here you can find the official list of artists that are Friends of Paheal. These special Friends of Paheal are artists that support our site for its true goal, and receive exposure in return. If you wish to become an artist Friend of Paheal, email
Artist Friends of Paheal do the following:
- Have an account on, and have an artist tag (with pictures in it).
- Allow all of their pornographic NON PAYSITE EXCLUSIVE artwork to be posted. (Although if they truly detest some of their old works, administrators may allow them to have them deleted.)
- Understand that our user base contains some trolls, and don't take what those say as serious business.
- Be registered users of Paheal in good standing.
Additionally, many Friends of Paheal:
- Make art for the site once in a while - not required, but it is nice and shows they're in the spirit of things.
- Take requests or commissions from our users, and when they are paid, upload the results directly to Paheal, regardless of wherever else they might go. If you are open to requests or commissions, please provide a link to your commission info for this list.
Artists listed are most likely accepting commissions, unless it says otherwise.
The List of Artists
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 178349 - Paheal Gallery - HentaiFoundry - pixiv - tumblr - commission email: 178349artz ~at~ gmail . com
- 31inDM4sTeR - Paheal Gallery - HentaiFoundry
- 4 Minute Warning - Paheal Gallery - HentaiFoundry
A ¶
- Achthenuts - Paheal Gallery - deviantArt - FurAffinity - inkbunny - Commission - pixiv
- AKABUR - Paheal Gallery - HentaiFoundry - Blog
- aleskaart - Paheal Gallery - HentaiFoundry - tumblr - Patreon - not taking commissions for now
- Alger - Paheal Gallery
- animmoral - Paheal Gallery - for commission info, email animmoral \a/
- Annie-Mae - Paheal Gallery - deviantArt - FurAffinity - Twitter - Commission Information
- Anonymous_Kreep - Paheal Gallery - Tumblr - Source FilmMaker artist. Takes requests, no commissions
- Anso-Rez - Paheal Gallery - FurAffinity - commission info
- Appleberry - Paheal Gallery - HentaiFoundry
- AstralSeven - Paheal Gallery - Newgrounds - Twitter - Patreon - commission info
- AwesomeArtist (Currently on Hiatus) - Paheal Gallery
B ¶
- Bagwin - Paheal Gallery - HentaiFoundry - Tumblr - Ko-fi - commission info
- British Broadcasting Corporation-chan - Paheal Gallery - tumblr
- BBMBBF - Paheal Gallery - Commission Link
- Bear-Kun - Paheal Gallery - y!Gallery - Blog - Does not do commissions
- Beerman - Paheal Gallery - WWOEC
- BigBadWolf (aka Remus_Lupin) - Paheal Gallery - HentaiFoundry - Commission Link
- Blackless - Paheal Gallery - HentaiFoundry - pixiv - Tumblr - not taking commissions, but may take requests
- Blacktortoise - Paheal Gallery - HentaiFoundry - Commission info in HentaiFoundry
- BlackTurnip - Paheal Gallery - Tumblr - Commissions at blackturnip AT hotmail DOT com
- Bobawob / DickNipples - Paheal Gallery - FurAffinity - Pixiv - Tumblr - Twitter - commission/request info
- Bolt - Paheal Gallery - deviantArt - Tumblr - does not take commissions, but may take requests
- Brot - Paheal Gallery
- Bumwolf - Paheal Gallery - Official Site - Commission Link (on top right)
- ButtercupSaiyan - Paheal Gallery - HentaiFoundry - deviantArt
C ¶
- Cafin - Paheal Gallery - Twitter - requests at cafindrawdibuja ~at~ hotmail . com
- CartoonGirls - Paheal Gallery - deviantArt - commission info
- Cat Bountry - Paheal Gallery
- Ccrack - Paheal Gallery - not taking commissions, may take requests by PM or at conn_huughes ~at~ hotmail . com
- ChainMale - Paheal Gallery
- Cheeba - Paheal Gallery - HentaiFoundry - Commission Link
- Chem-Halo - Paheal Gallery - deviantArt - HentaiFoundry - FurAffinity
- ChocFutaChan / iLikeCookies2 - Paheal Gallery - deviantArt - HentaiFoundry - Pixiv - tumblr
- ChogoRi - Paheal Gallery - HentaiFoundry - Commission Link
- Chombie - Paheal Gallery - Pixiv - HentaiFoundry - FurAffinity
- -8 aka chtkghk - Paheal Gallery
- Chunk - Paheal Gallery - WWOEC - Does not take commissions
- Cinnamonroll69 - Paheal Gallery - Inkbunny
- cintadealmas - Paheal Gallery - Pixiv
- Cobra McJingleballs - Paheal Gallery - FurAffinity - Inkbunny - Commission Link
- ColdFusion - Paheal Gallery - deviantArt - Pixiv - PM for commissions
- ColourofDreams - Paheal Gallery - deviantArt - HentaiFoundry - Tumblr
- c0nnerc00n - Paheal Gallery - FurAffinity - Commission Link
- corbenfan84 - Paheal Gallery - no commissions, may take a few requests
- corey115 - Paheal Gallery
- Cornnell Clarke - Paheal Gallery - Art Site - Blogspot - Tumblr - Tumblr - Tumblr - Tumblr
- crute - Paheal Gallery - tumblr - sketch tumblr - no commissions for now, may take requests by PM
- Cuisine - Paheal Gallery - deviantArt - FurAffinity - not taking commissions, may do requests or art trades - sonikkocuisine a gmail /./ com
- Cutepet - Paheal Gallery - Main Site - deviantArt - HentaiFoundry - tumblr - Twitter - commissions currently closed
- Cutterfl - Paheal Gallery
- Cytoscourge - Paheal Gallery - HentaiFoundry - Newgrounds - Twitter - takes requests and sometimes commissions
D ¶
- Daclusia - Paheal Gallery - HentaiFoundry - tumblr - FurAffinity - commission info
- DarkDP - Paheal Gallery - HentaiFoundry - Blog - WWOEC - Livestream
- DarklordIIID - Paheal Gallery - Website - Commission Page
- Dark Yamatoman - Paheal Gallery - HentaiFoundry - deviantArt - Commission Link
- dcl - Paheal Gallery - visits about once a month, be patient with this one. ;]
- DeadPhoenX - Paheal Gallery - fc2 main gallery - deviantArt - pixiv - tumblr - Twitter - Pawoo - Patreon - commission info
- DemonkingD17 - Paheal Gallery - HentaiFoundry - deviantArt - Commission info is on deviantArt page
- DevanStar - Paheal Gallery - Inkbunny - FurAffinity - pixiv - tumblr - Picarto - Facebook (for announcing streams) - May do requests when done with commissions.
- DFroGGotten1 - Paheal Gallery - deviantArt - Pixiv - commission info - thebigfrogg a yahoo com
- DLT - Paheal Gallery - Blog - Not currently accepting commissions or requests
- Doomington - Paheal Gallery HentaiFoundry - FurAffinity - doomingtonart -at- for Commissions
- Double Nexus - Paheal Gallery - HentaiFoundry - FurAffinity
- Draken - Paheal Gallery
- Dr-Cane - Paheal Gallery - Blog - deviantArt
- DrXII - Paheal Gallery - FurAffinity
- DualDragon005 - Paheal Gallery - deviantArt - FurAffinity - HentaiFoundry - tumblr - only takes requests currently
- Duchess - Paheal Gallery - Newgrounds - for commissions and requests, contact at
- DXT91 - Paheal Gallery - HentaiFoundry - Twitter - Patreon - commission info
E ¶
- E! aka MindsEdge - Paheal Gallery - Website - deviantArt - HentaiFoundry - Tumblr - edgeofthemindseye -at-
- eilexif - Paheal Gallery - Twitter - commissions via Twitter or email eilexif -at-
- Emikochan - Paheal Gallery - HentaiFoundry - deviantArt - FurAffinity
- Enigmawing - Paheal Gallery - HentaiFoundry - deviantArt - Commission Link
- Esenkas - Paheal Gallery - deviantArt - Blog
- eucher - Paheal Gallery - deviantArt - Tumblr
- EvaNight - Paheal Gallery - HentaiFoundry
- Evilionx - Paheal Gallery - HentaiFoundry - Commissions: evilionx <at>
- Exclamation - Paheal Gallery - WHentai - Blog
- EXE - Paheal Gallery
- EXTON - Paheal Gallery - WWOEC - deviantArt - FurAffinity
F ¶
- FairyCosmo - Paheal Gallery - Inkbunny - Pixiv - official site - commission info or info <at/, also does requests sometimes
- FDMpro_DKL - Paheal Gallery - HentaiFoundry - Tumblr - Pixiv (most reliable way to contact)
- Flashlight237 - Paheal Gallery - Blogspot - deviantArt - FurAffinity - takes requests, but only does commissions for deviantArt points
- Fluffy - Paheal Gallery - WWOEC
- Flygon - Paheal Gallery - FurAffinity - Inkbunny - SoFurry - AGNPH - colorist only, takes commissions
- footfolk - Paheal Gallery - takes requests by PM or by email: footfolkart a
- Freako - Paheal Gallery - deviantArt - May take commissions and requests
- Frozenzombie - Paheal Gallery - Pixiv - HentaiFoundry - not currently taking commissions or requests
G ¶
- Gemlord - Paheal Gallery - deviantArt
- GenericDreamers - Paheal Gallery - Own Site - deviantArt - HentaiFoundry -- commissions: joseph <at>
- GingerM - Paheal Gallery - Furaffinity - ArtPiles - Sofurry
- Gnabbist - Paheal Gallery - Blogspot - Contact
- GodofChaos - Paheal Gallery - WWOEC - Official Website - Currently unavailable for commissions
H ¶
- Hagfish - Paheal Gallery - HentaiFoundry - Not accepting commissions
- Chris Hanssen - Paheal Gallery - deviantArt - HentaiFoundry - FurAffinity - Email: bloodraynelover4ever {at}
- HellaHellaStyle - Paheal Gallery - deviantArt - Commission Link
- Hellströem - Paheal Gallery - Blog
- HentaiBoy - Paheal Gallery - deviantArt - FurAffinity - Currently unavailable for commissions
- Hentai Karasu - Paheal Gallery - FurAffinity - InkBunny - Commission Link
- HentaiKid - Paheal Gallery - website
- Hologram - Paheal Gallery - hologram
- Hot Designs2 - Paheal Gallery - deviantArt
- Humbird0 - Paheal Gallery - Inkbunny - Mastodon - Website
I ¶
- iKami - Paheal Gallery - HentaiFoundry - Blog - Commission Link
- Imaajfpstnfo - Paheal Gallery
- Incognitymous - Paheal Gallery
- Intension - Paheal Gallery - Pixiv - Patreon - not taking commissions/requests
- Invader Pichu - Paheal Gallery - Site - FurAffinity - SoFurry - InkBunny - Pixiv - Eka's Portal
- Irregular Fetishes - Paheal Gallery - Website - Commission Link
- Iveechan AKA Klash - Paheal Gallery - FurAffinity - HentaiFoundry
J ¶
- Jack Schitt (colorist) - Paheal Gallery - email OneAndOnlyJackSchitt <at> - may accept commissions or requests, but permission required from original artist, put "colorization" in subject
- JGBM - Paheal Gallery - deviantArt - Not currently accepting commissions
- Jiggawhat - Paheal Gallery
- JinX_Moon - Paheal Gallery - Not taking commissions; may take requests. Mostly does live-action Disney-Nick shows.
- Joey Vegas - Paheal Gallery - HentaiFoundry - deviantArt - Commission Link
- JosiePurr - Paheal Gallery - Website - HentaiFoundry - FurAffinity - Commission Link
- Jubell - Paheal Gallery - Blog
K ¶
- Kaihlan - Paheal Gallery - HentaiFoundry
- Kandlin - Paheal Gallery - FurAffinity
- Ket Ralus - Paheal Gallery - Website - FurAffinity - Pixiv - Commissions available here
- KevinSano - Paheal Gallery - deviantArt - FurAffinity - Commission Link
- Kinky Jimmy - Paheal Gallery - HentaiFoundry - PoonNet (inter-racial non-34) - Blogspot - email ken <at> - may take commissions/requests
- Kirapac / 3pac - Paheal Gallery - InkBunny - Patreon
- KDKC - Paheal Gallery - HentaiFoundry - Commissions at KDKC AT Yahoo DOT com
- korblborp - Paheal Gallery - deviantArt
- KrimV - Paheal Gallery - Commission Link
L ¶
- Lancebreaker - Paheal Gallery
Lawgick - Paheal Gallery - WWOEC - deviantArt
- Legio Studios - Paheal Gallery - Official Site - deviantArt
- Levelord - Paheal Gallery - Not currently accepting commissions
- linnopron - Paheal Gallery - HentaiFoundry
- local-shop - Paheal Gallery - FurAffinity
- Louten / Jummy - Paheal Gallery - HentaiFoundry - Instagram - Twitter - Patreon - commission info
M ¶
- Machateo - Paheal Gallery
- MadamMoanster - Paheal Gallery - Instagram - Tumblr - finished art only Tumblr - commission info
- Madoc - Paheal Gallery - WWOEC Page
- MageKeeper - Paheal Gallery - HentaiFoundry - FurAffinity - Tumblr - no commissions but does requests.
- Mahognac -
Paheal Gallery - Twitter
- Mavruda - Paheal Gallery - website - Patreon - Picarto - deviantArt - tumblr - commission info
- MDetector5 - Paheal Gallery - Blog - FurAffinity - deviantArt
- MelyKurutta - Paheal Gallery - Facebook - commissions and requests by PM or Facebook
- Miladymorigane - Paheal Gallery - HentaiFoundry - Website - deviantArt - Commission Link
- Milk64 - Paheal Gallery - tumblr - HentaiFoundry (with commission info)
- Miranda Leigh - Paheal Gallery - FurAffinity - Blog - Personal Paysite
- Mole - Paheal Gallery - Turanga Pages profile does not do commissions, may occasionally take requests
- mrbutt2 - Paheal Gallery
- MrDeadBird - Paheal Gallery - commissions at deadbirdcorpse a
N ¶
- Narveto - Paheal Gallery - doesn't do commissions, but may take requests sent by PM
- Natsume - Paheal Gallery - HentaiFoundry - Website - Commission Link - Natsume -at-
- Nero44 - Paheal Gallery - HentaiFoundry - tumblr - commission info
- nesoun - Paheal Gallery - deviantArt - HentaiFoundry
- NinjaChipp - Paheal Gallery - HentaiFoundry
- Nirriti - Paheal Gallery - tumblr - deviantArt - FurAffinity - commission info
- NiuNiu - Paheal Gallery - deviantArt
- Noill - Paheal Gallery - HentaiFoundry
- NomDePenn - Paheal Gallery - HentaiFoundry - deviantArt - web site
- NoodleBomb - Paheal Gallery - deviantArt - Tumblr - Twitter - email for commissions
- Norasuko - Paheal Gallery - HentaiFoundry - COMMISSION INFO
O ¶
- Ogrude - Paheal Gallery - HentaiFoundry - FurAffinity
- Oni - Paheal Gallery - HentaiFoundry - Hentai United
- Oniontrain - Paheal Gallery - FurAffinity
- Otakon7 - Paheal Gallery - deviantArt - FurAffinity - Inkbunny - pixiv - tumblr - commission info - note: Speaks Spanish mainly; use clear English.
- OyOchan - Paheal Gallery - Personal Site - Commission Link - Site gallery - Homepage
P ¶
- PhillipThe2 - Paheal Gallery - Blogspot - deviantArt
- Piggypup - Paheal Gallery - deviantArt - Newgrounds - Twitter
- pkt - Paheal Gallery - Not doing commissions, but may do requests if you send him a PM
- Plus5Pencil - Paheal Gallery - Tumblr - deviantArt - FurAffinity - Y!Gallery - commission info
- PokeBerri - Paheal Gallery - FurAffinity - InkBunny - Tumblr - Commission Info
- Poppy_Whomper / D_Big_Hammer - Paheal Gallery - Tumblr - Twitter - Patreon - commission info (supplement)
- pornodrafter - Paheal Gallery - Commission Link
- precreator - Paheal Gallery
- Professor Fapsanders - Paheal Gallery - deviantArt - Not currently accepting commissions
- Purple Kecleon - Paheal Gallery - deviantArt - FurAffinity
- PurpleScarf - Paheal Gallery - deviantArt - FurAffinity
- psyk323 - Paheal Gallery - Blog - website - Commission Link
¶ R ¶
- R!P - Paheal Gallery - FurAffinity - commission info on FurAffinity
- RadLionHeart - Paheal Gallery - deviantArt - HentaiFoundry
- Radvengence - Paheal Gallery - FurAffinity - deviantArt - Inkbunny - Pixiv - Twitter - Weasyl - see FurAffinity journals for commission announcements
- Rage Grenade - Paheal Gallery - Blog
- Railgunner - Paheal Gallery - deviantArt - FurAffinity - Not currently accepting commissions
- Ranarchy - Paheal Gallery - Website - deviantArt - HentaiFoundry - Twitter - Commission Link - disgustthing <at>
- Rapps - Paheal Gallery - FurAffinity - Commission Link
- RatOfBlades - Paheal Gallery - deviantArt - FurAffinity - HentaiFoundry
- Razzek - Paheal Gallery - deviantArt - FurAffinity - WWOEC
- RelatedGuy - Paheal Gallery - official site - HentaiFoundry - Newgrounds - Pixiv - Twitter - Patreon - not taking commissions due to being dead.
- Robed - Paheal Gallery - tumblr - commission info
- Russkere - Paheal Gallery - deviantArt - Newgrounds - Pixiv - Patreon
- Roger Bacon - Paheal Gallery - deviantArt - Blog
- Rosselito - Blogspot - HentaiFoundry
- Ryoku - Paheal Gallery - Anime Artists - Hentai Artists - deviantArt - Commission Link
- Ryshili- Paheal Gallery - FurAffinity
S ¶
- S2X - Paheal Gallery - HentaiFoundry - Blog - Commission Link
- scumset - Paheal Gallery - Bluesky - Pixiv - Twitter - DM on any platform for commissions
- Shep - Paheal Gallery - deviantArt - FurAffinity - Pixiv
- Shadman - Paheal Gallery - Shadbase (Official Site, Non Porn) - Shagbase (Porn Site)
- Sixam - Paheal Gallery - Blog
- SleepyMrJ - Paheal Gallery - WWOEC - Tumblr - Twitter - Not taking commissions now. kaboommrj <at>
- Skottichan - Paheal Gallery - deviantArt - FurAffinity - HentaiFoundry - Commission Info
- Smudge Proof - Paheal Gallery - Tumblr - FurAffinity - inkbunny - SoFurry - blackgoatboi -at- Commissions open
- Som - Paheal Gallery
- SOS - Paheal Gallery - Blogspot
- Souperman - Paheal Gallery - Yahoo Group
- soushiyo - Paheal Gallery - tumblr - commission info
- sowilo - Paheal Gallery - tumblr - commission info
- SpacePirateLord - Paheal Gallery - HentaiFoundry - Newgrounds
- Sparky Fox - Paheal Gallery - InkBunny
- Spidu - Paheal Gallery - HentaiFoundry - Pixiv
- SpookyNoGood - Paheal Gallery - Tumblr - commission form
- srl - Paheal Gallery - Picarto - Pixiv - Twitter - Not taking commissions; may take requests through Private Message.
- SS - Paheal Gallery - Does not take commissions at this time.
- Steveman - Paheal Gallery - deviantArt - FurAffinity - SheezyArt
- Storefront8 - Paheal Gallery - HentaiFoundry - Blog
- SucroseFrog - Paheal Gallery - deviantArt
- Sugandya - Paheal Gallery - HentaiFoundry - deviantArt - tumblr - commission info
- SuperSmexy - Paheal Gallery - deviantArt - Tumblr
- Swampstomper - Paheal Gallery - FurAffinity
- Swebe - Paheal Gallery
T ¶
- TanoshiiJikan - Paheal Gallery - tumblr - Twitter - commission/request info here
- Tapdon - Paheal Gallery - HentaiFoundry
- teacupballerina - Paheal Gallery - deviantArt - Pixiv - tumblr - commission info
- tehwalrus - Paheal Gallery Original Work - Paheal Gallery Edits of Other Works - HentaiFoundry
- tekuho - Paheal Gallery - tekuhofree - - -
- Tenzen - Paheal Gallery - HentaiFoundry - FurAffinity - Blogspot - Commission Link - commissions -at-
- LimeCygnet - Paheal Gallery - deviantArt - Twitter - no commissions, but requests at ratchetotaku91 |a|
- Tiquitoc - Paheal Gallery - deviantArt - Blog - commission info
- theevilrentaro - Paheal Gallery - deviantArt - FurAffinity - HentaiFoundry
- The Duke - Paheal Gallery - HentaiFoundry - FurAffinity
- TheBigMansini - Paheal Gallery - HentaiFoundry - FurAffinity
- Todex - Paheal Gallery - FurAffinity - Patreon - rule34 <at>
- Tommy Simms - Paheal Gallery - deviantArt - WWOEC
- Trollie_Trollenberg AKA King-Cheetah - Paheal Gallery
- TVMA - Paheal Gallery - FurAffinity
U ¶
- utilizator - Paheal Gallery - HentaiFoundry
V ¶
- VanillaHare - Paheal Gallery - deviantArt - HentaiFoundry - commission info
- VaultMan - Paheal Gallery - deviantArt - HentaiFoundry - commission information
- Veralde - Paheal Gallery - deviantArt - HentaiFoundry - tumblr - pixiv - commission info
- Violeta - Paheal Gallery - deviantArt - LuLu - Pixiv - Tumblr
- VylfGor - Paheal Gallery - deviantArt - FurAffinity - Inkbunny - Pixiv - VK
W ¶
- Whit08Pr0n - Paheal Gallery - deviantArt - Blog - No commissions, but does take requests
- wicka - Paheal Gallery - HentaiFoundry
- Wunder - Paheal Gallery - Tumblr - commission info (also does request sometimes)
X ¶
Y ¶
- Yaoi Meow Master - Paheal Gallery - deviantArt - FurAffinity - InkBunny - commission info at both deviantArt and FurAffinity
- LadyYuki - Paheal Gallery - HentaiFoundry - FurAffinity
Z ¶
- Zealous - Paheal Gallery - deviantArt - HentaiFoundry
- zepastilha - Paheal Gallery
- Zinpachi - Paheal Gallery - deviantArt - Facebook
Any artists wanting to be listed, or to list additional information (email address, commission links, websites, etc): PLEASE EMAIL US!