Anonymous1: I've really been enjoying your work for quite a while now and have been watching you model Sabine. Your Zone model was looking good except I thought the structure of her face was looking like a little grey aliens face from X Files. Sorry to see the other half of this got deleted by some troll, was looking forward to seeing a halfway decent resolution of it.
habari: @Anonymous: I don't mind criticism, as long as it is in the spirit of improving my work.
I admit that I still lack experience modeling attractive anime-style faces, but I'll get better with practice. I still have the Zone-tan files, and I plan to do more work to fix it up later.
Sabine has me excited! I can't wait to see what kind of images I can make with her.
I also would prefer to make the images larger, but these scenes use detailed lighting effects and my computer is old. If I could raise funds for the $2,500 replacement computer I need, then I could produce high resolution images in minutes instead of hours. For the time being, I have to work with what I have.
PinkBallons: @habari: You can see her nipple in >>1578837 and part of her butthole in >>1578838.
Of course you don't know JWN926, and he doesn't know you. He simply saw an image that wasn't porn and reported it. Don't take it personally.
habari: @PinkBallons: I see a character model with clothing obscuring any view.
In my image, there is no clothing to obscure the view. The only thing that could have impeded the ability to discriminate her nipple from her skin was that her breast was in shadow on that side.
Not taking it personally, what bothers me is double standards. If my work is subject to deletion because it did not meet a standard, then everyone else's work should be treated the same way.
Anonymous3(1): I don't know if you have managed to put any money aside for the new system but you could ask your fans for donations to supplement your funds.
PinkBallons: @habari: I can't for the life of me figure out how to view the removed image in full-size on Tumblr. If it was porn by Paheal's standards you can send an email to the staff about it and get it re-uploaded.
@BlueZorua: Discussions are fun, and opinions can always be debated. This is about rules, though.
Oh, and thank you for using words.
habari: @PinkBallons: If you've been to my tumblr, then you should notice the links across the top of the page.
There are other websites where I upload my images - and most of them don't fuck with the artists the way paheal does. I'm not going to bother trying to re-upload here, its not worth my time to bother with trolls.
PinkBallons: @habari: Of course I noticed; I don't have an account on any of those sites. Just found out that Hentai-Foundry doesn't require an account though, so I used that. I can hardly see the nipple in that image so I'm not surprised it was overlooked by the admin who removed it.
Anywhoo, I'll be leaving now as it's obvious you're convinced that there's some conspiracy going on against you here. Can't help those who don't want to be helped.
Zvantastika: What people needs to understand is that paheal is not your personal playground where you can upload whatever you draw (Like DA, HF, etc). Paheal is a compilation of images dedicated to rule34, so there's guidelines and rules to every upload... again, don't take it personal.
zeldalord: @PinkBallons: two girls, naked and making out doesn't equal porn because of not showing anything, yet a cow faced-girl and half equine, basted in BBQ sauce and being cooked over a fire while eaten by pedo peeing boys (also clothed) is perfectly legal due to being a "fetish"... grats America... your fucked up
PinkBallons: @zeldalord: Nothing to do with fetishes; that's Paheal's rule 8, which is an exception for characters with less than 60 images here. Or it simply hasn't been reported as "not porn" yet.
habari: @PinkBallons: Hardly see the nipple? That side of her body falls within shadow. Someone was simply too happy with the report button. The nipple was visible, I can't help it if you guys don't want to believe me. There is no thought of conspiracy, only idiocy.
You guys are thinking that this is a Rule 8 issue, but it is actually a Rule 12 issue.
"12. Even if a part of a comic is not porn it is kept so that we have the complete comic / manga / doujin."
This is a series of images that are meant to be viewed in a specific sequence. Essentially a comic.
Zvantastika: I do not view paheal as a playground, and I follow the guidelines. HentaiFoundry is not a playground either - their standards for submission are far stricter than this site. Probably 99.9% of the stuff posted here wouldn't get through their gatekeepers because the quality is inferior.
Anyway, about the:
"This is a series of images that are meant to be viewed in a specific sequence. Essentially a comic."
A serie of images in a sequence can also be "sets", which people also upload but they do because there's porn in every image they upload and not because it's a sequence... why are you trying to dodge the bullet anyway?, I mean, you already put your tumblr as source so anybody can watch the rest of your work and there's plenty of your images in this site to know who you are by now.
habari: @Zvantastika: I have never heard of a show or comic called 'Modifyers', so if it matches the original art style of the source material then I guess it could be considered good and accurate. Otherwise I cannot explain the presence of that image. I had the toughest time trying to get my art submitted to HF in the beginning when I was still struggling with proper rigging - plus the Clone Wars art style caused me to have an uphill battle.
Dodge what bullet? The nipple is present in the image. Here's another example of an image that is skating by because of an incoherent adherence to the rules >>1579229 are you telling me that Black Widow has less than one page since that character has 544 images here?
No, my complaint is due to the high idiot ratio at this particular site. I don't care if any of my images are removed if they deserve it. In this case it was just an act of idiocy on the part of the reporting user. Idiots should not wield unquestioned power, plain and simple.
Zvantastika: @habari: "I have never heard of a show or comic called 'Modifyers'" Google is such a powerful tool, especially the image search, don't you agree?.
"it was just an act of idiocy on the part of the reporting user"
WAIT, the user?, don't you mean the mod or admin that actually agreed with the user and deleted the image anyway also shares some of the blame?, which means you're actually calling the mods and admins a bunch of idiots, isn't it?.
As for the image you link, why didn't you reported it yourself then?, I mean, it's reported now for being not porn but I can't understand your complain of lack of justice when you don't do nothing to help.
habari: @Zvantastika: I simply have better things to do with my time than to look up obscure things that don't interest me.
No, I don't mean the mod or admin. I'm sure they are so swamped with requests that I doubt they would even bother to verify anything. Without the report being filed, the deletion would never have occurred. The responsible party is clear. Stop trying to put words into my mouth to provoke ire from the admins.
I don't worry about reporting images here unless they are obvious art theft like the recent attempt by C-O-D-Y to blatantly repurpose Oni's Liara T'Soni image as an uncredited Hera Syndulla picture of his own making. That is simply evil and I will not stand for it. The other issues will work themselves out with JWN926 on the job, if he were actually impartially following the rules.
Zvantastika: @habari:
" I'm sure they are so swamped with requests that I doubt they would even bother to verify anything." No you're calling us lazy, nice, thank you :C
"I don't worry about reporting images" - "impartially following the rules"
I still don't understand how you can complain about someone following the rules when you personally don't. It's just weird.
habari: @Zvantastika: So you are saying that you are an admin of the site by using the inclusive term "us"?
Now you are attempting to call me a hypocrite? I have never reported an image here other than art theft. I couldn't care less about the examples I've pointed out other than to make it obvious how inconsistent reporters are.
You're still trying to put me into the role of a whining victim? So if a person speaks out about an obvious blunder they are suddenly a whining victim rather than a person who's work was mishandled?
No, I'm saying I don't understand what you're trying to do. If you complain about someone not following the rules when you don't do it yourself, then it's kind of redundant.
So in this case, if you are already whinning about images that shouldn't be in the site and you don't feel like reporting them, then what do you expect?, that they'll magiclly delete themselves or something?.
habari: @Zvantastika: No. A person deleted an image that did not merit deletion.
Instead of admitting their mistake, they continue to hide behind the site rules as if that makes them incapable of making a mistake.
I am pointing out other images that should also be deleted if they are logical and competent. Instead, that person is fighting the opportunity to admit their mistake by trying to twist the wording of the site rules.
The entire purpose of my continued posts is to simply showcase how wrong they are. They are doing a magnificent job of losing face, even without bending to my desire of simply admitting they made a mistake.
Zvantastika: @habari: Who is "they"? the mods?, admins?, a SINGLE USER?
Again, what's the whole point of all this?, just to prove someone wrong (when actually he, personally, didn't made anything)... that's taking it personally.
habari: @Zvantastika: My very first comment on this page was a sarcastic congrats to a person who couldn't see something that was present on the original image.
That is the person who is responsible for making the mistake. A single user. I have been trading comments with him on my newest image.
The opportunity to admit a mistake was presented and refused. That person instead chooses to resort to name calling. When someone addresses me directly I have the right to respond. My responses are targeted and factual. I have yet to receive a competent rebuttal, or an admission of mistake. Either of those would be a suitable end of discussion.
Decanter: @habari: Hi, I'm an administrator. We are busy, but not so busy that we're knowingly cutting corners doing our jobs. If an image has been wrongly deleted, the thing to do is to email us with the image and/or the message given when trying to upload it. If you have some idea what we might have missed, such as a barely visible nipple or accompanying comic pages, please include that information too. We are humans, and make mistakes, but we are conscientious humans who try to fix our mistakes.
traffik: @habari: If your image got deleted, there was a reason for it. You may not agree with the decision, but that's irrelevant. It's not up to you.
Your statements are contradictory from one comment to the next. You claim to understand the process-- a pic gets reported, it is reviewed by a mod, and then either the picture gets deleted, or the report is dismissed as unfounded. Yet you hold the reporter responsible. Well, like I said, if your pic gets deleted, there was a reason. So it's not the reporter who's to blame. And it's not the mod. It's a third party that you appear not to have even considered. It's you, for posting a picture that the mods deemed worthy of deletion.
Then-- again, after you claim to understand the difference between the person who reports the image and the person who deletes the image, there's this: "A person deleted an image that did not merit deletion. Instead of admitting their mistake, they continue to hide behind the site rules as if that makes them incapable of making a mistake." So who are you talking about there? Because it sounds like you're talking about JWN926. But JWN926 didn't delete your image.
Not for nothing, but nobody 'hides behind the rules'. The rules are what they are. As an uploader, if you uphold them, there's very rarely anything to be butthurt about. And as a reportfag, if you uphold them, there's no reason to hide behind anything. You're doing what everyone is supposed to, but what only a percentage actually do.
I haven't been following this little drama until now, but holy fucking shit, are you doing a lot of whining over this. Is this really the end of your little world? Can you not recover? Should we call a doctor?
traffik: @JWN926: Hold on a second-- habari actually has you believing that you call him a name, when as far as I can see-- unless there's yet another thread besides this and >>1579824 where this is playing out-- you never did.
On, >>1579824, you said to habari, "Right. Keep crying. 9_9." To which he responded, "When you can't respond with a competent rebuttal, resort to name calling."
There was no name calling there. Don't let him talk you into confessing something else you didn't do.
habari: @traffik: You have now entered the discussion. You do not identify yourself as a person of authority or admin privilege. You must simply desire to express your opinion in this game of words.
So I got lazy with my terminology and condensed 'person who reported my image for deletion'. That does not contradict that there is more than one individual in the deletion process. Without JWN926's action, the deletion would not have occurred, hence the party responsible for the deletion although not the admin who performed the act recommended in the report.
This third party provided a visible nipple. There is no blame to be had for lacking a nipple.
The act of hiding behind the rules refers to not accepting direct responsibility for a mistake. When a mistake is made, you admit it - you don't claim to be following rules and deny responsiblity.
There is no whining occurring here. Look at all of my text. In no case is there any emotion involved.
Regarding name calling, you just committed the same act personally. JWN926 and now traffik resort to describing someone as a whining victim and then belittling them. Will you now confess as well? I have already clarified that idiocy is by definition a foolish activity.
traffik: @habari: I don't need to justify my place in this discussion.
You say you provided a visible nipple. I don't know, maybe you did. But it seems that it was questionable enough for one person-- and then at least one other person (one in a position of authority here, since that seems to matter to you)-- to miss it.
And if 'whining' and 'victim' equal name-calling to you, then surely 'villainous' qualifies as well, so you set the tone for the discussion with that one.
Your comment to Decanter is laughable in its obvious insincerity. "I don't care enough about the deletion to bother you with trying to reinstate it." There is literally not one single person reading this who believes that. Well, maybe you, but nobody else. You don't care about the deletion that much but you'll sure as fuck carry a grudge against JWN926 over into other threads, even specifically baiting him by calling him out in your very first comment in this one.
Gee, I'd hate to see what would happen if you cared.
habari: @traffik: I questioned your participation in a discussion that had obviously been settled by a person in authority. If you do not claim authority, what is your purpose here? Are you trying to settle some kind of score?
Regarding the jest I had with Zvantastika. As I knew he was masquerading as JWN926 - I playfully used archaic terminology from the early 20th century (who uses villainous in modern language anymore?). You take that as setting the tone? Running into JWN926 again was furthest from my mind. It was quite a surprise to see him appear.
I seriously don't care about having the image reinstated. Who are you to speak for anyone other than yourself, guy?
I was not the one who brought up the subject of JWN926 into that thread, if you'll be as observant as you pretend - that was Zvantastika, carrying on what he perceived to be a gag. I simply continued the gag accordingly.
I did not bait JWN926, I sarcastically congratulated him for his poor eyesight.
This response is what happens when I care. Please refrain from continuing this pointless discussion. I do not care to hear from you again.
traffik: @habari: "I questioned your participation in a discussion that had obviously been settled by a person in authority." Decanter's comment had not yet been posted when I started to write mine. The discussion had not been 'settled' yet, nor had you yet suddenly changed attitudes like the unruly child who instantly begins behaving the moment when Dad walks into the room.
"If you do not claim authority, what is your purpose here?" One of my purposes here, self-ascribed though it may be, is to help fix things on the site that needs fixing. The staff needs people who do this for no other reason than that they care about the site. No, I'm not staff, but I've earned their recognition in ways that you don't know about, but that I would not risk incurring their ire by alluding to if they weren't true. I see JWN926's name a lot-- enough to have gathered that he's probably one of the few volunteers who try to help with site upkeep as much as I do. For that, he's earned my respect. Nobody's perfect, and it's within the realm of possibility that he made a mistake, but if he did-- hypothetically, if he did-- you could have handled it better. Yours is not the reaction of someone who has earned an apology.
You can claim that sarcastically mentioning someone by name is not an attempt at baiting them, but I doubt anyone's buying that one, either.
"This response is what happens when I care... I do not care to hear from you again." So... if a response from you equals caring, and you don't care, then I guess I can expect to hear no response from you, right?
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Perhaps you can see enough on this side?
If the report was due to an inability to see a nipple without breaking something, why are images >>1578838 and >>1578837 unreported?
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btw, secret follower of your work for a couple years now from the Shabby forum, you've really come a long way and they really are looking great =D
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Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad that you appreciate my dedication to improving my skills.
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I admit that I still lack experience modeling attractive anime-style faces, but I'll get better with practice. I still have the Zone-tan files, and I plan to do more work to fix it up later.
Sabine has me excited! I can't wait to see what kind of images I can make with her.
I also would prefer to make the images larger, but these scenes use detailed lighting effects and my computer is old. If I could raise funds for the $2,500 replacement computer I need, then I could produce high resolution images in minutes instead of hours. For the time being, I have to work with what I have.
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Of course you don't know JWN926, and he doesn't know you. He simply saw an image that wasn't porn and reported it. Don't take it personally.
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In my image, there is no clothing to obscure the view. The only thing that could have impeded the ability to discriminate her nipple from her skin was that her breast was in shadow on that side.
Not taking it personally, what bothers me is double standards. If my work is subject to deletion because it did not meet a standard, then everyone else's work should be treated the same way.
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How out of character for you!
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@BlueZorua: Discussions are fun, and opinions can always be debated. This is about rules, though.
Oh, and thank you for using words.
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There are other websites where I upload my images - and most of them don't fuck with the artists the way paheal does. I'm not going to bother trying to re-upload here, its not worth my time to bother with trolls.
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Anywhoo, I'll be leaving now as it's obvious you're convinced that there's some conspiracy going on against you here. Can't help those who don't want to be helped.
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You guys are thinking that this is a Rule 8 issue, but it is actually a Rule 12 issue.
"12. Even if a part of a comic is not porn it is kept so that we have the complete comic / manga / doujin."
This is a series of images that are meant to be viewed in a specific sequence. Essentially a comic.
Zvantastika: I do not view paheal as a playground, and I follow the guidelines. HentaiFoundry is not a playground either - their standards for submission are far stricter than this site. Probably 99.9% of the stuff posted here wouldn't get through their gatekeepers because the quality is inferior.
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Pft, HF used to have quality control, that is true, but nowdays:
Go ahead and tell me THAT THING is "good" and it's part of the 1% you're talking about.
Anyway, about the:
"This is a series of images that are meant to be viewed in a specific sequence. Essentially a comic."
A serie of images in a sequence can also be "sets", which people also upload but they do because there's porn in every image they upload and not because it's a sequence... why are you trying to dodge the bullet anyway?, I mean, you already put your tumblr as source so anybody can watch the rest of your work and there's plenty of your images in this site to know who you are by now.
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Dodge what bullet? The nipple is present in the image. Here's another example of an image that is skating by because of an incoherent adherence to the rules >>1579229 are you telling me that Black Widow has less than one page since that character has 544 images here?
No, my complaint is due to the high idiot ratio at this particular site. I don't care if any of my images are removed if they deserve it. In this case it was just an act of idiocy on the part of the reporting user. Idiots should not wield unquestioned power, plain and simple.
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"it was just an act of idiocy on the part of the reporting user"
WAIT, the user?, don't you mean the mod or admin that actually agreed with the user and deleted the image anyway also shares some of the blame?, which means you're actually calling the mods and admins a bunch of idiots, isn't it?.
As for the image you link, why didn't you reported it yourself then?, I mean, it's reported now for being not porn but I can't understand your complain of lack of justice when you don't do nothing to help.
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No, I don't mean the mod or admin. I'm sure they are so swamped with requests that I doubt they would even bother to verify anything. Without the report being filed, the deletion would never have occurred. The responsible party is clear. Stop trying to put words into my mouth to provoke ire from the admins.
I don't worry about reporting images here unless they are obvious art theft like the recent attempt by C-O-D-Y to blatantly repurpose Oni's Liara T'Soni image as an uncredited Hera Syndulla picture of his own making. That is simply evil and I will not stand for it. The other issues will work themselves out with JWN926 on the job, if he were actually impartially following the rules.
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" I'm sure they are so swamped with requests that I doubt they would even bother to verify anything." No you're calling us lazy, nice, thank you :C
"I don't worry about reporting images" - "impartially following the rules"
I still don't understand how you can complain about someone following the rules when you personally don't. It's just weird.
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Now you are attempting to call me a hypocrite? I have never reported an image here other than art theft. I couldn't care less about the examples I've pointed out other than to make it obvious how inconsistent reporters are.
You're still trying to put me into the role of a whining victim? So if a person speaks out about an obvious blunder they are suddenly a whining victim rather than a person who's work was mishandled?
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No, I'm saying I don't understand what you're trying to do. If you complain about someone not following the rules when you don't do it yourself, then it's kind of redundant.
So in this case, if you are already whinning about images that shouldn't be in the site and you don't feel like reporting them, then what do you expect?, that they'll magiclly delete themselves or something?.
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Instead of admitting their mistake, they continue to hide behind the site rules as if that makes them incapable of making a mistake.
I am pointing out other images that should also be deleted if they are logical and competent. Instead, that person is fighting the opportunity to admit their mistake by trying to twist the wording of the site rules.
The entire purpose of my continued posts is to simply showcase how wrong they are. They are doing a magnificent job of losing face, even without bending to my desire of simply admitting they made a mistake.
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Again, what's the whole point of all this?, just to prove someone wrong (when actually he, personally, didn't made anything)... that's taking it personally.
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That is the person who is responsible for making the mistake. A single user. I have been trading comments with him on my newest image.
The opportunity to admit a mistake was presented and refused. That person instead chooses to resort to name calling. When someone addresses me directly I have the right to respond. My responses are targeted and factual. I have yet to receive a competent rebuttal, or an admission of mistake. Either of those would be a suitable end of discussion.
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I will look forward to your email.
Again, you outright inferred people who see otherwise are idiots. Don't get pissy because you're getting what you already dished out.
Your statements are contradictory from one comment to the next. You claim to understand the process-- a pic gets reported, it is reviewed by a mod, and then either the picture gets deleted, or the report is dismissed as unfounded. Yet you hold the reporter responsible. Well, like I said, if your pic gets deleted, there was a reason. So it's not the reporter who's to blame. And it's not the mod. It's a third party that you appear not to have even considered. It's you, for posting a picture that the mods deemed worthy of deletion.
Then-- again, after you claim to understand the difference between the person who reports the image and the person who deletes the image, there's this: "A person deleted an image that did not merit deletion. Instead of admitting their mistake, they continue to hide behind the site rules as if that makes them incapable of making a mistake." So who are you talking about there? Because it sounds like you're talking about JWN926. But JWN926 didn't delete your image.
Not for nothing, but nobody 'hides behind the rules'. The rules are what they are. As an uploader, if you uphold them, there's very rarely anything to be butthurt about. And as a reportfag, if you uphold them, there's no reason to hide behind anything. You're doing what everyone is supposed to, but what only a percentage actually do.
I haven't been following this little drama until now, but holy fucking shit, are you doing a lot of whining over this. Is this really the end of your little world? Can you not recover? Should we call a doctor?
Man the fuck up, and move on.
On, >>1579824, you said to habari, "Right. Keep crying. 9_9." To which he responded, "When you can't respond with a competent rebuttal, resort to name calling."
There was no name calling there. Don't let him talk you into confessing something else you didn't do.
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I didn't anticipate that anyone would go to the effort of bringing your attention to this conversation.
I don't care enough about the deletion to bother you with trying to reinstate it. But I'm grateful for your conscientious offer.
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So I got lazy with my terminology and condensed 'person who reported my image for deletion'. That does not contradict that there is more than one individual in the deletion process. Without JWN926's action, the deletion would not have occurred, hence the party responsible for the deletion although not the admin who performed the act recommended in the report.
This third party provided a visible nipple. There is no blame to be had for lacking a nipple.
The act of hiding behind the rules refers to not accepting direct responsibility for a mistake. When a mistake is made, you admit it - you don't claim to be following rules and deny responsiblity.
There is no whining occurring here. Look at all of my text. In no case is there any emotion involved.
Regarding name calling, you just committed the same act personally. JWN926 and now traffik resort to describing someone as a whining victim and then belittling them. Will you now confess as well? I have already clarified that idiocy is by definition a foolish activity.
You say you provided a visible nipple. I don't know, maybe you did. But it seems that it was questionable enough for one person-- and then at least one other person (one in a position of authority here, since that seems to matter to you)-- to miss it.
And if 'whining' and 'victim' equal name-calling to you, then surely 'villainous' qualifies as well, so you set the tone for the discussion with that one.
Your comment to Decanter is laughable in its obvious insincerity. "I don't care enough about the deletion to bother you with trying to reinstate it." There is literally not one single person reading this who believes that. Well, maybe you, but nobody else. You don't care about the deletion that much but you'll sure as fuck carry a grudge against JWN926 over into other threads, even specifically baiting him by calling him out in your very first comment in this one.
Gee, I'd hate to see what would happen if you cared.
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I should put a shirt on.
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Regarding the jest I had with Zvantastika. As I knew he was masquerading as JWN926 - I playfully used archaic terminology from the early 20th century (who uses villainous in modern language anymore?). You take that as setting the tone? Running into JWN926 again was furthest from my mind. It was quite a surprise to see him appear.
I seriously don't care about having the image reinstated. Who are you to speak for anyone other than yourself, guy?
I was not the one who brought up the subject of JWN926 into that thread, if you'll be as observant as you pretend - that was Zvantastika, carrying on what he perceived to be a gag. I simply continued the gag accordingly.
I did not bait JWN926, I sarcastically congratulated him for his poor eyesight.
This response is what happens when I care. Please refrain from continuing this pointless discussion. I do not care to hear from you again.
"If you do not claim authority, what is your purpose here?" One of my purposes here, self-ascribed though it may be, is to help fix things on the site that needs fixing. The staff needs people who do this for no other reason than that they care about the site. No, I'm not staff, but I've earned their recognition in ways that you don't know about, but that I would not risk incurring their ire by alluding to if they weren't true. I see JWN926's name a lot-- enough to have gathered that he's probably one of the few volunteers who try to help with site upkeep as much as I do. For that, he's earned my respect. Nobody's perfect, and it's within the realm of possibility that he made a mistake, but if he did-- hypothetically, if he did-- you could have handled it better. Yours is not the reaction of someone who has earned an apology.
You can claim that sarcastically mentioning someone by name is not an attempt at baiting them, but I doubt anyone's buying that one, either.
"This response is what happens when I care... I do not care to hear from you again." So... if a response from you equals caring, and you don't care, then I guess I can expect to hear no response from you, right?
Nah, I'm guessing you're going to respond.
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PS Fuck you.