Anonymous1: Instead of pics that show Sombra dominating the Princesses and the Mane 6, we get pics that show him as a genderbend satyr. Fucking marvelous!
Anonymous2(1): @Roflcakes:Sigh, when will the fandom ever take Sombra seriously? The answer is never, because the fandom is still having a hissy-fit because they didn't get a second Discord and because Meghan McCarthy has no fucking idea on how to make a Sauron-esque villain!
Roflcakes: @Anonymous: It's hard to take someone written so poorly seriously, yes. The best thing Meghan did in regards to that character was confirm that he was dead.
Anonymous3(1): @Roflcakes: If the producers decide to bring Sombra back for some reason, they better keep Meghan away from him, because will mess him up again. She wasted a character with tremendous amount of potential just because she no idea on how to write him properly.
Anonymous5: Anon4: No. If Sombra acted like a random, violent drunk, who accidentally stumbled onto a set during filming, I would have loved the Crystal Empire episodes five times as much.
My only complaint are his lack of ears, and a need for better writing when it comes to most of the villains.
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If so, fucking love the (wo)man.
Can't help but remind you that everything about him shouted "crappy OC that drunk-stumbled into the show somehow" and still does
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My only complaint are his lack of ears, and a need for better writing when it comes to most of the villains.