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RogerTheRabbit: dog fucking watermarks.
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Alias34: Gotta love the classics
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Anonymous1: Hahahahahahahaha this is hilarious! Which episode is this?
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Anonymous2: @Erilsium: It looks like the very first episode Puss gets the boot.
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Anonymous3: @Erilsium: This is the episode right before the last one. The last one being where tom commits suicide. (seriously)
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Anonymous4: I can't stop laughing
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Anonymous5: Saw this on ifunny
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Anonymous6: I Seen the first episode of Tom and Jerry before.
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Anonymous7: I remember that episode! reminds me of my youth... good times, guys!
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Anonymous8: @Anonymous: Not to burst your depressing bubble or anything, but that wasn't actually the last episode, there were like 6 more after that so clearly they didn't die, it was just a dark gag that one time. The rumour that Tom and Jerry kill themselves in the last episode is pretty fucked up.
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Anonymous9: oh no
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Anonymous10: @Anonymous7 he's not talking about that episode, go search for it.