Anonymous1: So the ep is officially out now and we don't have to worry about spoiling it for others..
It wasn't amazing, but it also wasn't like most other RD episodes and it surely contributed a lot of good to her character. Once again, Merriwether employs some dark overtones in the script by making Spitfire harsh and the cadet training exceptionally tough and at times risky. Many familiar faces make a return appearance, they were great to see again.
And Pinkie was overreacting waaay too hard during the whole thing, to the point of annoying.
This was my most anticipated ep this season, and I'm glad it didn't go horribly wrong. After that sweet Scootaloo episode Rainbow is once again shown in positive light, and in addition she didn't get royally screwed like she used to be in just about every of her major appearances during S2. She did get messed with though, by that new rival.
Lightning Dust... It's hard not to hate her. You can't just shoehorn a random Mary Sue with abilities surpassing Rainbow's for no reason, worse yet let her arrogantly rub it in her face. Rainbow is the pinnacle of her kind, gifted with unnaturally high potential that she has been striving to perfect ever since introduction. Making up a character with the sole purpose of ruining that image is a serious slap in the face to those who like her.
But... in the end, it doesn't matter. Not with a wicked personality like Lightning's. And no matter how much she outdoes Rainbow at flying, there is more to the spectrum pegasus than just speed and agility, as there is still a lot only SHE can do. For one, Rainbow is the Element of friggin' Loyalty, and Lightning is just another Jane Doe.
So it doesn't matter who you are
You may be a better flyer
You may be a Princess of the Night
You may be a God of Chaos
You may be an army of shapeshifting invaders
You may be an evil tyrant with those dark crystals
I didn't like Spitfire's change of personality or Lightning Dust's out-of-fucking-nowhere-ness, but otherwise I think it was a great episode. I even liked when Pinkie was totally freaking out over nothing; mostly because I know that feel.
Roflcakes: @PinkBallons: What Pink said. Spitfire is strangely harsh (albeit obviously just to fill the "drill instructor" role), Lightning Dust is Shining Armour 2.0 and Pinkie freaking the fuck out was god damn adorable imo.
My more in depth thoughts are on >>961676 if anyone gives an ounce of fuck.
Faptacular: Kinda wished they'd used an all-new pony in Spitfire's place. Possibly an older mare, maybe a retired Wonderbolt who'd seen it all and wasn't impressed by anypony's B.S.
I mean Spitfire knows Rainbow and in Best Night Ever showed an interest in getting to know her more socially and here the past interactions (specifically that RD did save her life in Sonic Rainboom were pretty much ignored.)
Her personality shift kinda rustled me too. She reminded me of characters Lori Petty has played. (don't have a problem with that so much as that she was changed at all.)
As much as a bitch Lightning Dust was I like how she was a subtle bitch at first and as time went on and the competition rose it came out more and more.
Also liked how the peer pressure element wasn't shoved in our faces rather than it was shown that even reasonable people can make some stupid decisions when they don't entirely think through what a perceived friend is saying/doing.
I really enjoyed Pinkie's overreactions as the b-story, plus while I don't out-and-out ship PinkieDash I do find it one of the more plausible ships, specifically where Pinkie's got an unrequited love for Dash who's a bit too oblivious to realize that's how her friend feels.
Anonymous4: I think dash made an enemy in this one.
i would not be surprised if Lightning dust made a reappearance to get back at dash for getting her kicked out.
She was annoying and arrogant, but unlike Gilda, it wasn't meant to be malicious. Just like how Trixie was a huge showoff because she was an ENTERTAINER and it was her life, Dust was abiding by a will to succeed.
She wasn't purposefully a bitch, just didn't realize that her competitiveness was becoming dangerous. She wasn't all that far from Dash herself, and perhaps this reckless and impulsive character is what Rainbow could have become if her Friends hadn't helped her control those tendencies.
I kinda agree on the Spitfire thing too. Of course they will be a difference between Spitfire socializing at a Party, and Spitfire as a Commanding Officer training recruits. She couldn't give Rainbow special treatment and probably maintained the detachment on purpose. I'm sure she still respects and admires Dash, but couldn't let that interfere with her Institution.
A retired wonderbolt would have been a bit more fitting, yeah. But damn if she didn't look good in that uniform.
Lol, its always the unrequited lovers that make the most interesting ships.
ConsciousDonkey: The opening scene where RD waits for the letter reminded me of this comic, which was made in two variants - one where RD is accepted and one where she is rejected (WARNING, don't see the second one if you really like RD):
BranislavDJ: @Gomenasai:
Over analyzing episode on porn site.
hm. :|
Well,ok,the only thing I actually have problem is Pinkie Pie "humor" being forced...I mean more forced then usual.
Anonymous7(1): @Faptacular: That's the kind of PinkieDash ship I see the most often in fanon.
@Hierolocc: Lightnining is the fanon Rainbow, what many in the fandom see her as. But Rainbow herself is nothing like that.
Lightning is not just a jerk but she's also selfish. Rainbow may have been cocky at times but she cares about others, friends or otherwise. She has a distinctly righteous nature to her character and even goes out of her way to save those in trouble, as seen in MMDW.
bAv-R34: As for myself, I was somewhat alienated as to why Spitfire had a high scratchy and young voice, in contrast to her older and more calm S1 voice.
When she was doing the training gig with the cadets, I couldn't help but think of her as the drill instructor from Full Metal Jacket. And that made it better.
I don't really like Pinkie, and even if I did like her, I would have been irritated anyways because of the bullshit she just pulled. Christ, what a clingy bitch.
As for Lightning Dust and how everybody is complaining that "she just appeared out of nowhere", well yeah, that fucking happens. I myself was glad that RD encountered a pony of equal skill to herself, and I was fine with how she just happened to meet LD.
I mean, if you people are so pissy about random encounters, how do you wish it should have happened?
Rainbow Dash and her pals are waiting at the mailbox, and RD gets a letter stating "HEY DASH, WE FOUND SOMEBODY THAT IS JUST LIKE YOU IN EVERY WAY, WHY DON'T YOU COME OVER TO THE ACADEMY SO YOU TWO CAN KICK ASS AND SHIT?"
Reality does not fucking work that way.
Anonymous9(1): @bAv-R34: Say what you want, unless she lives miles from Equestria the two would have crossed each other's paths by now. And even if she does live far, the two must have attended at least one of the WB shows together if they're both such big fans of them. They'd surely meet each other several times, especially if she lives near Cloudsdale or Ponyville and trains regularly.
Shit just doesn't add up.
bAv-R34: @Gomenasai: Hey man, sometimes you can have somebody be well-known for their skill, and they just happen to run into somebody of equal caliber while attending something relevant to their skill, and up until that point, neither of which would have heard of each other.
Hell, they could be from the same place, it could happen.
Yet again, it's like 5AM right now, I have no idea as to what I am talking about right now.
Anonymous10(1): @bAv-R34: I blame Merriwether. Not even Spitfire showed any subtlest hints that she recognized RD after meeting her at the Gala and Hurricane Fluttershy, so LD and RD being familiar with each other was already too much to ask for.
Anonymous11(1): Man what a shame they ended up changing Wild Fire into a random recolored pegasus. The pink one with yellow hair, she was originally supposed to be Sybsy's character Wild Fire who already appeared one or two times in the show previously.
Why wouldn't authorities approve of her insertion now?
Faptacular: @Hierolocc: Not disagreeing that Spitfire needed to remain impartial but that in and of itself was part of the problem I had.
Given past interactions, specifically in Hurricane Fluttershy Spitfire knows Dash can put her ego aside for the greater good and really lead.
Now one could argue that automatically making her lead pony would've made people cry foul just 'cause she's a main character but putting an untested hothead in the lead position just because she is "willing to push herself" screams not only foul but dangerous (which it was) in my books. Putting her in charge basically meant no one but the instructors (who were conspicuously absent from being in the air with the recruits to keep an eye on them) could rein her in.
Anonymous13: So, how long till the pics of Lightning Dust dominating Rainbow Dash turn up, and how long does it take Goemnasai to get riled up/ragey about it?
Anonymous17: @Gomenasai:
I disagree about Dust being a mary sue. Rainbow is not at the pinnacle of pegasushood. She's good, sure, but this episode shows that the Wonderbolts are indeed a step above her already, and Lightning Dust is merely on par with Rainbow Dash. And when you get right down to it, Dash is really kinda lazy. Somepony else with similar physical/magical gifts who really pushed themselves all day, every day should be expected to surpass Dash.
Now, the rainboom thing, I think, is something else again. I have this headcanon that only certain pegasi even have the ability to pierce the sound barrier, and it's something that comes from the heart, not the body.
I guess my point is that Dash is not in any way the ultimate pegasus. She's good, but she's far from the best. And that's a good thing in my book. I wouldn't want all of the Mane Six to somehow each be the best in the world in their particular fields.
Anonymous18(17): @PinkBallons: Dude, real life drill instructors don't act like drill instructors all the time. It's their job to act like the hardest hardass that ever assed a hard. (What?) But it's all really just an act, and Spitfire is wearing that mask here.
PinkBallons: @Anonymous: Maybe so, but Spitfire is a completely different character. She praised Dash three times in the past, yet did not even recognize her. They even changed her voice, just so she would fit the role better. My question is: Why didn't they just use one of the Wonderbolts who had no lines up until now?
Also: Princess Celestia herself agreed that Rainbow Dash is the best flier in Equestria in "Sonic Rainboom." Both Dash and Dust were also constantly setting records at an academy that trains the best of the best, showing that they are, in fact, pinnacles.
Maybe Rainbow doesn't push herself 24/7, but she has enough natural ability and, more importantly, heart to make up for that, and then some. That was kind of the lesson of the episode.
It wasn't amazing, but it also wasn't like most other RD episodes and it surely contributed a lot of good to her character. Once again, Merriwether employs some dark overtones in the script by making Spitfire harsh and the cadet training exceptionally tough and at times risky. Many familiar faces make a return appearance, they were great to see again.
And Pinkie was overreacting waaay too hard during the whole thing, to the point of annoying.
This was my most anticipated ep this season, and I'm glad it didn't go horribly wrong. After that sweet Scootaloo episode Rainbow is once again shown in positive light, and in addition she didn't get royally screwed like she used to be in just about every of her major appearances during S2. She did get messed with though, by that new rival.
Lightning Dust... It's hard not to hate her. You can't just shoehorn a random Mary Sue with abilities surpassing Rainbow's for no reason, worse yet let her arrogantly rub it in her face. Rainbow is the pinnacle of her kind, gifted with unnaturally high potential that she has been striving to perfect ever since introduction. Making up a character with the sole purpose of ruining that image is a serious slap in the face to those who like her.
But... in the end, it doesn't matter. Not with a wicked personality like Lightning's.
And no matter how much she outdoes Rainbow at flying, there is more to the spectrum pegasus than just speed and agility, as there is still a lot only SHE can do. For one, Rainbow is the Element of friggin' Loyalty, and Lightning is just another Jane Doe.
So it doesn't matter who you are
You may be a better flyer
You may be a Princess of the Night
You may be a God of Chaos
You may be an army of shapeshifting invaders
You may be an evil tyrant with those dark crystals
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I didn't like Spitfire's change of personality or Lightning Dust's out-of-fucking-nowhere-ness, but otherwise I think it was a great episode. I even liked when Pinkie was totally freaking out over nothing; mostly because I know that feel.
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My more in depth thoughts are on >>961676 if anyone gives an ounce of fuck.
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I mean Spitfire knows Rainbow and in Best Night Ever showed an interest in getting to know her more socially and here the past interactions (specifically that RD did save her life in Sonic Rainboom were pretty much ignored.)
Her personality shift kinda rustled me too. She reminded me of characters Lori Petty has played. (don't have a problem with that so much as that she was changed at all.)
As much as a bitch Lightning Dust was I like how she was a subtle bitch at first and as time went on and the competition rose it came out more and more.
Also liked how the peer pressure element wasn't shoved in our faces rather than it was shown that even reasonable people can make some stupid decisions when they don't entirely think through what a perceived friend is saying/doing.
I really enjoyed Pinkie's overreactions as the b-story, plus while I don't out-and-out ship PinkieDash I do find it one of the more plausible ships, specifically where Pinkie's got an unrequited love for Dash who's a bit too oblivious to realize that's how her friend feels.
i would not be surprised if Lightning dust made a reappearance to get back at dash for getting her kicked out.
She was annoying and arrogant, but unlike Gilda, it wasn't meant to be malicious. Just like how Trixie was a huge showoff because she was an ENTERTAINER and it was her life, Dust was abiding by a will to succeed.
She wasn't purposefully a bitch, just didn't realize that her competitiveness was becoming dangerous. She wasn't all that far from Dash herself, and perhaps this reckless and impulsive character is what Rainbow could have become if her Friends hadn't helped her control those tendencies.
I kinda agree on the Spitfire thing too. Of course they will be a difference between Spitfire socializing at a Party, and Spitfire as a Commanding Officer training recruits. She couldn't give Rainbow special treatment and probably maintained the detachment on purpose. I'm sure she still respects and admires Dash, but couldn't let that interfere with her Institution.
A retired wonderbolt would have been a bit more fitting, yeah. But damn if she didn't look good in that uniform.
Lol, its always the unrequited lovers that make the most interesting ships.
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I am impressed. Well done.
A good review for a good episode.
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Over analyzing episode on porn site.
hm. :|
Well,ok,the only thing I actually have problem is Pinkie Pie "humor" being forced...I mean more forced then usual.
It would be messed up if she did, considering she is a good flyer.
Yeah, that would be pretty stupid.
@Hierolocc: Lightnining is the fanon Rainbow, what many in the fandom see her as. But Rainbow herself is nothing like that.
Lightning is not just a jerk but she's also selfish. Rainbow may have been cocky at times but she cares about others, friends or otherwise. She has a distinctly righteous nature to her character and even goes out of her way to save those in trouble, as seen in MMDW.
I think we're supposed to see that they are similar at a glance, but Dash's loyalty and consideration for others is what makes her the true superior.
i care :c .......
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When she was doing the training gig with the cadets, I couldn't help but think of her as the drill instructor from Full Metal Jacket. And that made it better.
I don't really like Pinkie, and even if I did like her, I would have been irritated anyways because of the bullshit she just pulled. Christ, what a clingy bitch.
As for Lightning Dust and how everybody is complaining that "she just appeared out of nowhere", well yeah, that fucking happens. I myself was glad that RD encountered a pony of equal skill to herself, and I was fine with how she just happened to meet LD.
I mean, if you people are so pissy about random encounters, how do you wish it should have happened?
Rainbow Dash and her pals are waiting at the mailbox, and RD gets a letter stating "HEY DASH, WE FOUND SOMEBODY THAT IS JUST LIKE YOU IN EVERY WAY, WHY DON'T YOU COME OVER TO THE ACADEMY SO YOU TWO CAN KICK ASS AND SHIT?"
Reality does not fucking work that way.
Shit just doesn't add up.
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Hell, they could be from the same place, it could happen.
Yet again, it's like 5AM right now, I have no idea as to what I am talking about right now.
Why wouldn't authorities approve of her insertion now?
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Given past interactions, specifically in Hurricane Fluttershy Spitfire knows Dash can put her ego aside for the greater good and really lead.
Now one could argue that automatically making her lead pony would've made people cry foul just 'cause she's a main character but putting an untested hothead in the lead position just because she is "willing to push herself" screams not only foul but dangerous (which it was) in my books. Putting her in charge basically meant no one but the instructors (who were conspicuously absent from being in the air with the recruits to keep an eye on them) could rein her in.
I disagree about Dust being a mary sue. Rainbow is not at the pinnacle of pegasushood. She's good, sure, but this episode shows that the Wonderbolts are indeed a step above her already, and Lightning Dust is merely on par with Rainbow Dash. And when you get right down to it, Dash is really kinda lazy. Somepony else with similar physical/magical gifts who really pushed themselves all day, every day should be expected to surpass Dash.
Now, the rainboom thing, I think, is something else again. I have this headcanon that only certain pegasi even have the ability to pierce the sound barrier, and it's something that comes from the heart, not the body.
I guess my point is that Dash is not in any way the ultimate pegasus. She's good, but she's far from the best. And that's a good thing in my book. I wouldn't want all of the Mane Six to somehow each be the best in the world in their particular fields.
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Also: Princess Celestia herself agreed that Rainbow Dash is the best flier in Equestria in "Sonic Rainboom." Both Dash and Dust were also constantly setting records at an academy that trains the best of the best, showing that they are, in fact, pinnacles.
Maybe Rainbow doesn't push herself 24/7, but she has enough natural ability and, more importantly, heart to make up for that, and then some. That was kind of the lesson of the episode.