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Anonymous1: Got it.
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Chef_Retardee: Aaah whores.
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Anonymous2: Bitches, the lot of you
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Anonymous3: That WHORE.. Fucking around dragonborn like that, how dare she..
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kibx: Hey can you make a Serana and Aela please.
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Anonymous4: Aela how dere can you get fucked by black guys! Serana ist much softer and hotter then them.
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Anonymous5: Lydia u are dead for me!
Fuckinh niggaz
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Anonymous6: ...How is the dragonborn so outraged? Wasn't this comic about him fucking every race?
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Anonymous7: Have to agree with the dragonborn here, anyone who thinks race makes you bigger or hotter is pretty void from reality.
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Nova312: Hey Lydia, FUS RO DAH!!!
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Anonymous8: @Anonymous: Maybe he's racist. lel
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Lacht: @Anonymous: What a dumbfuck comment.
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Anonymous9: @Anonymous: yes, yes it was.
Anon 7 : go back to your attractive and successful African loving hole, dumbfuck bastard.
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Anonymous10(9): P.S. this page is fucking stupid.
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Anonymous11: You seen those warriors from Hammerfell? They got curved penises. Big, curve penises.

That's for damn sure...
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zdude34: dident she say she couldent take his cock
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Anonymous12: Awesome work! 5 stars. Though its too bad that this would never actually happen in Skyrim, because Aela and Lydia aren't actually sluts, and Aela prefers Nords anyway. And I doubt that Bethesda will ever change that.
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redeye: @Anonymous: Well... They where teens back then. Maybe Aela has changed her views, but judging by this picture Lydia has not.
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Anonymous13(12): redeye my point was that in the game that never really happened, its just fanart/porn. And it doesn't make much since. LOL, wish it happened though. :p
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Anonymous14(12): @redeye: Well my point was that Aela and Lydia are not sluts. They're very proud, nordic, warriors. Aela and Lydia never even talk about sex, with anyone, much less than the act of sex itself, (in the game itself). Its only fanart that makes them act like that. Plus, Aela's mother was a companion so Aela was probably kept at Jorrvaskr, and the game never mentions Aela or Lydia leaving Skyrim at all. Plus being a companion is all about living and honoring the ancient nord way of life. So obviously, she would prefer nords (her own kind) over any other race. The only guy that Aela is even rumored to have "liked" was Skjor. And hes a nord. I'm sorry, this picture just doesn't make much sense to me. It could just be me though. But it was very well done. BTW, this is just my opinion, and I'm sorry if it offends anybody.
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Anonymous15: @Anonymous: What the fuck, dude? It's two hot ass chicks with their bare titties showing. Your views on their personality are of no significance.
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Anonymous16(12): @Anonymous: Its just fanart, its not really in-game. So I dont see how this has any real significance.
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Anonymous17(12): @Anonymous: BTW, they're not sluts, and that's a fact. This is just somebody's imagination of what they want them to be.
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Anonymous18: @anon11 Got it
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Anonymous19(12): @Anonymous: sorry, didn't mean to overdue it......
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Anonymous20(18): I laughed so fucking hard
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Anonymous21(18): Also, just askin, do you have a nordic superiority complex? Thats just how it came across to me.
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Anonymous22(18): Someone should ask if hes going to do dremora. Cuz there are females, they are just extremely rare
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Anonymous23(12): @Anonymous: LOL, I'm not a racist if thats what your asking. I was just trying to be realistic.
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Anonymous24(12): @Anonymous: Also, how on earth could you think I was racist just by saying Aela and Lydia are not sluts? Theres no need to be rude.
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Anonymous25(18): No friend, not rudeness. I asked because of the whole theyd only be with nords thing. Was just joking with you.
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Anonymous26: Aela was born with that face paint.

True story.
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lazarus: I used to be a everyday white girl, then I took aids to the mouth.
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Anonymous27: Please tell me Dovahkiin shuts Lydia up by fucking her up the ass or shoving his cock down her throat in the next page lol.
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Anonymous28: Welp, time for both of them to die
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Franky_Whiskey: Criminy, the artist goes all the way to call them Redguards once, only to have them referenced as "black guys".

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Anonymous29(9): Yeah seriously . There black guys or attractive and successful Africans.
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Anonymous30: I'm watching this comic series tumble down hill like a fat person...down a hill, and it makes me smile becuase of how retared this is even for a porn comic.
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Anonymous31: CURVED SWORDS!
Oh god, that stupid line from the game, the reason I killed more guards than spiders and everything that is considered as evil.
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Anonymous32: If that would've happened in Skyrim, then I would have killed everyone in the Whitrun hold. But still, Aela would be interested in the current harbinger and Lydia would be interested with her thane. NO ONE ELSE! >:(
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Anonymous33: i dont like this anymore :(
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Anonymous34: Yeah motherfucker attractive and successful African Lydia dungon cheadonim, fuck dashi
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Anonymous35: yes lydia is loyal to her thane
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Anonymous36: Oh yes, can't have a comic about a white guy fucking chicks, gotta have a STORM OF attractive and successful Africans.
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Anonymous37: Jesus fucking christ this just killed my boner I hate attractive and successful Africans so much but I hate women that like attractive and successful Africans even more
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Anonymous38: Aren't redguards basically some wacko mix of injuns, arabs, and sub-saharan africans? They're never mentioned as black, more red really.
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Franky_Whiskey: @Anonymous: Two "attractive and successful Africans" are a storm? Boy, you whitepowder kids are getting soft.

Besides, Redguards are only featured in two pages of the whole comic. Don't get your panties in a bunch
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Anonymous39(38): Calm down princess, whining about some random anon comments is not awesomesauce hardcore.
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Franky_Whiskey: ^ not even whining, more like poking fun at the idiot.
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Anonymous40(38): @Franky_Whiskey: You should know by now that no one cares about being meticulously accurate on the interwebs, in his mind STORM OF attractive and successful Africans might mean two. The only reason this page is so "controversial" is because it brings the "muh dik" dynamic into a fantasy game, just turns out meh.
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Anonymous41: Am I the only one that likes Aela's face in the last panel?

+the hair braid it's kinda funny/awesome.
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Anonymous42: The only reason (despite all the other attempts at rationalizing "why") it's "controversial" is because it's not catering to us white guys. Nothing more. Which starts all the ego-soothing "attractive and successful Africans" and "Muh Dik" comments from my fellow white guys who don't like it when they're not being catered too 100% of the time.

Inb4: "attractive and successful African Lover"
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Franky_Whiskey: @Anonymous: The only reason I find this pic worth debating about is because I want my fantasy game free of irl bullshit - I want my imperials, nords, redguards and khajiit instead of gringos, europeans, negros and furries.

Goddomot raceist anonymice! Go be racist to Obama's pics - leave my fantasy games alone!
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Anonymous43: Hilarious how much hate is being presented here. The entire comic is about him fucking every known race in Tamriel yet when Lydia talks about fucking redguards he gets defensive. Its really funny, cause all of a sudden the bragging Dragonborn feels defensive, i feel its a nice jab back from Lydia, and only solidifies the comic aspects of their relationship.
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Anony-Miss: Lol!
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Anonymous44: @Anonymous: Nobody in the game talks about sex, dumbass (except may one or two npcs that allude to "keeping them company", or something like that).

"So obviously, she would prefer nords (her own kind) over any other race."

I guess you've never played as a redguard, or a khajjit, or an argonian, or literally anything that isn't nord. They don't actually care about what you are if you propose.
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Anonymous45(12): @Anonymous: LOL, I've played every race multiple times. I'm just saying that its unrealistic to the story that they say yes to just anyone, rather than base their marriage options on their race, history, personality, family, and job. All I'm saying is that it makes more sense, especially for Aela, that they marry their own kind, which just happens to be a Nord. And the official Dragonborn that you see in Bethesda's trailers/demo/backrounds/licensed pictures/ and everything else, is a Nord, so officially they would never marry another race anyway.
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Antivenom: Please make more Aela porn!
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CanadaMan: "I'm TAKING about their dicks"
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Anonymous46(42): @Anonymous44(11)

Actually, if you've played other races, you'd note that there are a few instances where you inquire about "Nord or Imperial Only" access and they say that it's open to all. Nothing you said about marriage with Skyrim characters means anything either, since there are Nord NPC men and women who are married to Redguard men and women. Three couples, actually.

If you actually played Skyrim, then you'd know that.
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Anonymous47(12): @Anonymous: How many of those Nords that married other races are Companions? If you know anything about Aela, you would know that she is a pure-blooded Nord (which obviously means that noone in her family has EVER married another race, and to be more specific, they only married/fucked other Nords). And being a Companion is all about honoring the ancient Nord way of life: family, war, bravery, honor, and tradition are what the ancient Nords value most. So if she is a pure-blooded Nord and that marrying other Nords has been a tradition in her familiy since the original five hundred companions, and tradition is among the most valued aspects of her life, why would she suddenly break everything that she stands for? Now I understand they give you the option to marry her even if your not a Nord, and thats fine, but to say that she prefers Redguards over Nords, makes absolutely no sense. And this idea that she is a slut, is just plain retarded, because the idea isn't based off facts, its based off of what some strange men want her to be. Now I'm not against Nords marrying other races, I just want to be realistic about the situation. And it really doesn't matter if some random guy who doesn't play a Nord marries her anyway, because the official Dragonborn is a Nord, not a Redguard, not a Khajiit, not an Argonian, a traditional Nord.
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Anonymous48(12): @Anonymous: And seriously, if your that desperate to marry a Nord and you dont play one, what does that say about your own race's women?
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Anonymous49(12): @Anonymous: And how the hell do you think Aela would react if some porn addict walked up told her she was a slut for Redguard cock? She would beat the shit out of him, kill him, and then eat him. And if the porn addict is really, really, lucky, she'll do it in that order. Seriously, noone who goes to this website would last three seconds in a fight with her, but at least I admit it.
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Anonymous50(42): @Anonymous: It has nothing to do with desperation on my part, because YOU'RE the one trying to rationalize a fictional Nordic woman's behavior when her in-game AI doesn't hint towards anything like that. While also ignoring that your made up "tradition" of the Champions is bunk, because there is a Dunmer and an Imperial in there.

And I wouldn't marry a Redguard, because the only one you can marry is a priestess of Dibella, and she doesn't leave the temple. You also assume that I'm black. There are also no Argonians and Khajit to marry either and I don't like that. Does that mean I'm a bi-pedal lizard or cat?

And just because the character art depicts a Nord, that doesn't mean the Dragonborne was canonically a male Nord. He could even be female, because many games where you create your player's look don't used the cover character as the canon hero, so that logic doesn't hold up.

Your entire line of logic, despite your claims of "being ok with it" just reeks of "Typical and Desperate White Male Gamer Insecurity". And you're an embarrassment to the rest of us, for devoting so much energy on a fictional woman. Especially for pitting real people against said fictional woman in a hypothetical battle. Get a real freakin' girlfriend already, so you don't have to protect the pure image of the pixilated woman that you fantasize over. (INB4: "You're a Slayer of Vaginas!")
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Anonymous51(42): @Anonymous: Oh yeah, and all claims of "realism" were thrown out the window the minute there was any trace of magic and magical creatures in the world.
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Anonymous52(12): @Anonymous: LOL, i suck yo dick? First of all, they're called the Companions, not the champions, so you obviously no nothing about about them. And its completely retarded that you call me a liar, because Aela said these exact words, "My mother was a companion. And her mother. And all the women in my family, back to Hrotti Blackblade. I stayed with my father in the woods until I was old enough for my Trial. We hunted everything there was to hunt... Good training. Ma didn't live long enough to see me join, but I fight to honor her and all my Shield-Sisters through time". And your seriously going to try and pretend that the companions dont honor the ancient Nord way when their proclamation is "I am a warrior and will die as I lived—in glorious battle!" And your honestly stupid enough to believe that I dont know about Athis and Ria? Which proves that you dont know shit about me. And you know that the guild of Companions was founded by Ysgramor and his army of five hundred Nord warriors dont you? Because bretons, imperials, and redguards didn't even exist at the time. So the fact you think that the Companions are about any other culture other than Nordic, is also extremely retarded. And you think I'm an embarassment for standing up for Aela? Your an embarassment for trying to depict a woman as an interraccial slut just so you can have your little "fap session". And I dont believe for a second that anyone who goes on this website has a girlfriend, especially you. You wouldn't be on this website if you got all the sex you wanted. Seriously, grow some balls and realize that your stupid and desperate.
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Anonymous53(12): First of all, they're called the Companions, not the champions, so you obviously no nothing about the situation. And its completely retarded that you call me a liar, because Aela said these exact words, "My mother was a companion. And her mother. And all the women in my family, back to Hrotti Blackblade. I stayed with my father in the woods until I was old enough for my Trial. We hunted everything there was to hunt... Good training. Ma didn't live long enough to see me join, but I fight to honor her and all my Shield-Sisters through time". And your seriously going to try and pretend that the companions dont honor the ancient Nord way when their proclamation is "I am a warrior and will die as I lived—in glorious battle!" And your honestly stupid enough to believe that I dont know about Athis and Ria? Which proves that you dont know shit about me. And you know that the guild of Companions was founded by Ysgramor and his army of five hundred Nord warriors dont you? Because bretons, imperials, and redguards didn't even exist at the time. So the fact you think that the Companions are about any other culture other than Nordic, is also extremely retarded. And you think I'm an embarassment for standing up for Aela? Your an embarassment for trying to depict a woman as an interraccial slut just so you can have your little "fap session". And I dont believe for a second that anyone who goes on this website has a girlfriend, especially you. You wouldn't be on this website if you got all the sex you wanted. Seriously, grow some balls and realize that your stupid and desperate.
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Anonymous54(12): @Anonymous: And seiously, the Bethesda's first and official TES:V Dragonborn was a Nord, thats never going to change, no matter how much you want it to. And Bethesda's official Dragonborn is obviously way more important than some interracial-porn addict's Khajiit or Redguard dragonborn. And thats never going to change either. And again, if you play another race and your so desperate that you have to marry a Nord, like Aela, that speaks miles about you and your Dragonborn's race. And why the hell would Bethesda not put certain spouses of races in the game? Because of sick fucks like you, thats why.
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Anonymous55(42): @Anonymous: Where did I say that they were "ONLY" about them? You just made that up, because you have trouble reading. You're an idiot, because I've already outlined that there are non-Nord members in there during the game. Which is canon. Which means that the Companions have evolved in their beliefs, and doesn't say anything about historical non-Nord members. And Aela only mentioned her foremothers, nothing about her forefathers, except her own father.

Until you find me something that says "Nord Only", (my main argument) like you're pathetically trying to portray them as, then you're just flailing and failing. Your little Proud Nord Fan Club is "tainted" by non-Nords, and that scares you, despite your laughable attempt at posturing. And I'm not depicting her as anything, really I'm just pointing out that there is nothing you can possibly drum up that's canon, that refutes how this pic isn't completely unrealistic.

And where did I mention you sucking my dick? No where. That came out of the blue and just demonstrates that you're secretly a closet homo. Which is fine, just don't try to come at me, because I don't swing that way.
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Anonymous56(42): @Anonymous: "And why the hell would Bethesda not put certain spouses of races in the game? Because of sick fucks like you, thats why. "

LOL! So much for being "OK" with it (interracial), like you preciously said. I was wondering how long it would take you to stupidly rage, and undo the entire false stance you started out with, while displaying your true self.

Bethesda using a Nord didn't refute what I said earlier. Try again. This time without simply repeating yourself. Your inferiority complex is so obvious. Now you're starting to sound like some desperate Stormfront Fag, and it's hilarious. The next page in this comic makes of idiots like you. Keep it up my "Proud Nordic Warrior"!
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Anonymous57(42): *makes fun of idiots like you.
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Anonymous58(42): @Anonymous: No where also, did I say that I marry only Nord women in game. You ignored my post that debunked this (now repeated) false notion. You're just making things up now, and trying to present that as my argument, because your argument has been shown to be weak.
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Anonymous59(42): I love how the Nords are magnets for a low segment of my fellow white guys who have a poor self image and need to be a "Pure Nord" because there is a mindset that they're the purest race. Which explains why so many of these white losers fight so hard "to keep it pure"! The rest of us (the increasing majority of the world) laugh at you idiots.
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Anonymous60(38): So the majority of the world is hypocritical then? The amount of white guilt fags in the West is at critical mass, while places like China and Africa are extraordinarily racist.
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Anonymous61(42): @Anonymous: That wasn't even an actual response to what I said. And leave the Stormfag Propaganda on those message boards. Next up, "da Jewz r out to get us!"

But then again, this is the same poster, who accused this picture of promoting a "muh dik" dynamic. (Which requires the black male in thuggish urban fashion to actually SAY that, btw.) Which is originally a catch phrase for Insecure Internet White Males (the embarrassment of our race), who try to protect their notable flimsy, self esteem with handy, ego-soothing, slogans to insult interracial porn. Which they clearly don't like, but is odd because they always litter the comment sections of these types of pictures.
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JWN926: @Anonymous: Shahvee, but that bitch is butt ugly as Argonians go too.
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Anon76: Yup, not keeping this crap page.
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Anonymous62: On another note, does anyone else think Lydia looks a bit like Megara from Hercules in the last (bottom) frame?
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Anonymous63(62): Or is it just me?
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Anonymous64(12): @Anonymous: LOL you have made the most pathetic arguement humanly possible, so you dont have the right to judge anyone on their arguements. And your tantrum over the fact that you have no control over the official Dragonborn being a Nord is fucking hiliarious. Nords are the closest and purest decendents of the Nedes, they're almost identical, so if they were to breed with another race the baby would not be Nord, which has been proven by the creation of Bretons, which are half-elves, either from their parents or their ancestors. If they were to have a child with a Redguard for example, the child would obviously be Redguard, not Nord. And again, Reguards, Bretons, and Imperials didn't exist til much later. So your arguement that Aela's ancestors were anything but Nords has been proven false, many times over. And Athis only joined the Companions for "fortune and glory", so obviously he lacks many values that other Companions like Skjor, Kodlak,Vilkas, Farkas and Aela hold very dear to them. And if you talk to Ria, she will say she heard the legends of the Companions and their great deeds, and that she dreamed of the honor of one day being able to count herself among them. And I am okay with interracial, I was talking about Khajiits, which would be classified as furry, which would've gotten Bethesda fired. I know you dont like hearing this, but lets be mature, we both know that everything I've said has been true. BTW, I AM JEWISH, which shows what a lying cunt you are.
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Anonymous65(42): @Anonymous:

LOL! Starting your post with a "clever" version of "I know you are but what am I?" doesn't make your argument stronger. It's just more pointless and pathetic posturing on your part.

Your point about the companions ethnic history would only matter if the events of the playable Skyrim took place back when it formed and if the game was about their entire history up until Alduin's return. But it's not, so your entire point is bunk. Unless you can give me actual air-tight proof using something from the game, which clearly states and re-enforces your claim that the Nords would NEVER marry outside their race, if the option was on the table. No flimsy distortion of the vague word "tradition". Something cut and dry that says they're against it. I'm still waiting on that. Go.

And, yes...yes...yes..."you're Jewish". Next, you'll say you have a best friend who's Hispanic to prove you're not racist.
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Anonymous66(12): @Anonymous: Your ignorance is fucking hilarious. They wouldn't be Nords if they had a drop of blood from any other race, which at the end of the day, is all I need to prove Aela is a pure-blooded Nord, because they're are no half-breed Nords. Seriously, look it up. Its not that hard to find. And you haven't even given 1 reason why she would prfer Redguards, Khajiits, or any other race over her own kind. And your seriously going to try and make me look like the bad guy when your trying to make Aela look like a slut? That just plain retarded. And you dont have the right to call anyone racist, because you made one of the most racist comments here: That everyone who doesnt share your fetish for black cock is white and insecure? And you think I'm insecure? LOL, your the one with the huge fetish for black cock, so dont worry, there is nothing you could possibly say that would make you look more pathetic or stupid.
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Anonymous67(12): @Anonymous: LOL, thats a HUGE fetish for black cock you have, probably to make up for something very small...
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dante22: sigh Ladies and gentlemen just FAP its porn. Who cares if the guys are black, white, mexican, green, blue, etc. Just fap and you will feel better.
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Anonymous68(42): @Anonymous: I never actually said that she PREFERRED Redguards, just showing you that she's never said or even remotely hinted that she would rule out sleeping with a non-Nord, like you claimed. Which YOU STILL DIDN'T PROVE. You just tried to turn vague quotes into definite proof. Which failed. Falling back on heh "look it up!" defense isn't going to fly, because if it were that easy to prove, then you'd have said it right off the bat. But you didn't. Because you can't prove anything you've said.

So once again. Provide evidence of your claims. Stop your pathetic attempts at grandstanding and dodging the very claim you made.
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Anonymous69(12): @Anonymous: LOL, its impossible that Aela has ANY other race in her, BECAUSE SHE IS A NORD. Nords are the closest and purest decendents of the Nedes. A redguard and a Nord cant make a Nord, its just not possible. The kid would be Redguard. Just like if a Nord was to marry a Altmer, the kid would be a Breton (yes Bretons are half-elves, which is why they are very gifted at magic). And Aela's family has been around for thousands of years. Every woman in her family has been a Nord Companion since Hrotti Blaclblade in the days of Ysgramor. That is definitive, solid, proof. It doesn't get more real than that. If you read the books called "Songs of the Return", "Great Harbingers", PGE:S, you can find out a little about the Nedes and the Nords. Thats only some of them and if your nearly as smart as you think, I'm sure you can find them. Dont blame me because your too fat and stupid to do the research yourself, because thats just cheap and lazy. If you have evidence to prove otherwise, then please say so. And your pathetic excuse was that because the Companions let other races join occasionally that they are somehow not Companions anymore? Really? Just how stupid are you? And you didn't even get their name right, so you obviously know nothing about the Companions. I've proven my case that there is much more reason for Aela to marry a Nord than any other race. Because there are no reasons why she would marry another race, and it was pretty damn obvious if you were paying attention. You have failed to prove your case in every way possible. Now go fondle yourself in the dark as you dream of be ravished by large black men, like all the rest of you white trash.
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Anonymous70(12): @Anonymous: And when did I ever say you are black? Your obviously a liar who has a very sick obsession for black cock. You need help.
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Anonymous71(42): @Anonymous: Why are you talking about making children? I'm talking about recreational fucking. Once again, you've changed the argument because your original one has been shown to be worthless. Keep shifting those goalposts, brah! And you name dropping a few titles, and then trying to use the title as proof still doesn't prove anything. The burden of proof is still on you!

Where did I say anything about The Companions not being companions after the let non-Nords in? Once again, changing the argument. Or perhaps you can't read? I'm thinking that's the case, because you keep introducing new arguments.

And you said that because I didn't want to marry a Redguard, that it must be saying something about my race's women. Post number 57(41). You weren't talking about fictional women with that context. Unless you're actually stupid enough to think that fictional women will feel REAL human rejection because of what a real life player does? YOU need to learn to keep your arguments straight. You have the debate version of ADD.

I accept your white flag too. Despite you trying to prematurely claim victory. Keep up the fail, my "Debate Champion Friend." LOL!
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Anonymous72(42): was post 47(11) not post 57(41), that you accused me of being black. Watch you desperately use this mistake to attempt to hide the fact that you've been consistently flailing and failing this entire thread.
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Anonymous73(42): @Anonymous:

Going back to the whole baby making thing, this comic ISN'T EVEN ABOUT Aela having children, so that argument of yours is 100% irrelevant. You're not even debating the main theme of this picture anymore. You're a complete idiot.
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Anonymous74(12): @Anonymous: Aela never even mentions "recreational fucking" in the entire game, and she never mentions anything about redguards either, she never even has sex with any race after they're married, and this picture is impossible because she was raised in the woods of Skyrim by her father. And this picture is fan-made, so it has nothing to do with the game itself, which is not debatable. And I like how you dont even give specifics in your arguement, so your obviously just trolling. And what you call "vague quotes" is the entire life syle of the Companions, which you would know if you played the game and listened to what the characters have to say, rather than fantisize about your sick fetishes for black cock. And I gave you names of specific in-game books, and direct quotes from the characters, you know thats proof your just scared to see your sick fetishes crushed by reality, so your just ignoring the truth. Again, we all know that you have a fetish for black cock, but Aela does not. LOL, your black cock fetish probably means that your gay, so why does marrying Aela even matter to you? And you saying that my arguements are irrelevant just because you dont like them is completely pathetic. You did say the Companions were no longer the Companions when you said that they, "evolved in their beliefs" which would directly interfere with their strong belief of tradition. And you gave absolutely zero evidence to back up your claim. Because it is a fact that Athis said he joined for "fortune and glory" unlike the other Companions. And Ria said she heard the legends of the great wariiors known as the Companions and thats why she joined, which also proves my point. And I never claimed you were black, what I said was "if your that desperate to marry a Nord and you dont play one, what does that say about your own race's women?", which would mean your CHARACTERS race. We weren't talking about real marriage, you asswipe. And why would you automaticlly think that I meant black people? Thats even more proof that you are the racist one here, not me. You have done absolutely nothing to prove anything about this particular picture, or interraccial marriage, if thats what your really talking about. And you have done absolutely nothing to disprove my points. Again, you continue to fail in every way possible.
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Anonymous75(42): @Anonymous: LOL! You're a real idiot. You're the one with the cock fetish, since you've been arguing against the "reality" of a fictional character taking foreign cock. You also somehow confused a post I made with me wanting you to suck my cock. Post 51(11). What a personality projection! It's time you come out the closet already.

My "fetish" (if you're accusing me of liking interracial) isn't going to be crushed, as it has been growing in sheer numbers for almost two decades. Or are you actually stupid enough to think that interracial porn as a genre is small and isn't a freaking giant in the industry? If so, then you need to watch more porn?

My comment about "vague quotes" was that those quotes didn't IN ANY WAY refute that Aela would rule out sleeping with a non-Nord. But post it again, like it does. I need a good laugh. Why would you ask about what a fictional race would feel over a Redguard, Khajit, or Argonian marrying a Nord. That doesn't make sense, since they don't exist and don't have feelings and is just a pathetic attempt to hide the fact that you were talking about black people. Since you kept using the word "black" which the game doesn't even call Redguards.

I don't call your arguments irrelevant, because I don't like them. I call them that, because they ARE irrelevant. As you're pretty much alone in your opinion, unlike most people who have viewed this picture that don't have an issue with it. Or are you that big of an idiot where you think that there are "silent haters" on an Anon board who don't and won't speak up over something they dislike? LOL! What a dumbass!
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Anonymous76(12): @Anonymous: LOL, you actually think your some sort of conversational mastermind when the best and only point that you've said is, "NUH-UH"! And again there is absoletly no way this could've really happened, because she lived with her father in the woods until she was old enough to join the Companions, remember? And the Companions only operate in Skyrim, so she couldn't have ever gone to Hammerfell anyway. Again, shes a pure-blooded Nord, which means none of her ancestors ever had children/married with a redguard, or any other race. And again, it makes absolutely no sense that a Companion would break tradition thats been happening for over 5000 years. Like I said, part of the reason for this is because for over a thousand years, there were no Imperials, Bretons, or Redguards. If you had paid attention to the game and read the books, you would know that. And there is absolutely no evidence of the Companions ever engaging in "recreational fucking". But if you have solid evidence that they did, then please feel free to prove me wrong. And those "vague quotes" were from the Companions themselves, your OPINION means nothing in the game itself. Neither do your sick fetishes for big black cock, which still makes you extremely gay. Seriously, with a fetish that fucking HUGE, you must be compensating for something really fucking small, as in microscopic. And whether or not a character is real, certainly doesn't mean that she was made for you to abuse. Seriously, you need help, and lots of it. Dont critisize me because you to sick and stupid to be able to see reason. And if you wnt to talk about who is the minority here, we can. Because the over-whelming majority of people who play Skyrim agree that the Companions belive in tradition and are not sluts.
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Anonymous77(42): @Anonymous: Conversational Mastermind in general? Hardly. Against you? Absolutely! So let's see, more of the same posturing that is backed by your own emotion, and no facts? Not surprising. Her living in the woods means nothing, btw. If tradition is your core argument, then there wouldn't be a single non-Nord in the Companions DURING SKYRIM AT ALL. Because like you said, the other three groups didn't exist back when the Companions were Nord only. Which means that they broke tradition THEMSELVES.

Your keep refuting your own arguments. I don't even have to argue against you. LOL! I should just let you talk, because you're doing a better job at defeating yourself, than I am. I also like how you keep trying to shift your love of cocks, because you tried to proposition me earlier, on to me with the accusation of me liking black cocks. You're a joke.
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Anonymous78: Why isn't it racism when Lydia refuses to fuck the Dragonborn because of his WHITE cock?


Racism works both ways, people.
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Anonymous79(12): @Anonymous: LOL, all the lies you say about me are just a diversion so you dont have to support your own claims. So show me where it says that Aela and the rest of the Companions actually engaged in "recreational fucking". I bet you wont find a single piece of evidence to prove it. And show me where it says that Aela EVER went to Hammerfell. And where does it say that to allow other members into the Companions is breaking tradition? Unlike me, you gave absolutely zero evidence to support your claims, yet you make the ultimate hypocritical move and refuse to cite any of your information. And again, none of this matters anyway because the official Dragonborn is a Nord, not a Redguard, so it doesn't matter what some random interraccial porn freak ever does, because legally, the official Dragonborn always vetos what they do. Seriously, who the hell is honestly stupid enough to believe that some random freak's Redguard Dragonborn that 99% of Skyrim players have never even heard of is the real one, rather than Bethesda's (people who made Skyrim, you stupid cunt) officially licensed Nord Dragonborn who everyone that has ever played Skyrim knows about. And this guy would be sued for copyright laws if he tried to say that his Dragonborn is the official one. Your claims only reveal your colossal stupidity. And your silence towards the real topic only proves that I'm right, and your a pathetic little interraccial whore.
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Anonymous80(42): @Anonymous: You made the initial claim idiot, so YOU are required to prove it. That's how it works. What next? Do you want me to explain why you put your socks on before you tie your shoes? Where did I say that Aela ever went to Hammerfell? No where. And that's ANOTHER distracting strawman. You can't even keep your points straight.

Where does it say that allowing members into the companions breaks the tradition? I've already explained that, but you were too stupid to read plain English. So I'll explain it a little slower this time. Going by your own strict rule of "tradition", since there were no non-Nords back during its founding and sleeping with a non-Nord would break the tradition, the same applies to non-Nord membership. At some point they had to break tradition.

And 99% of Skyrim players don't know who the "real" Dragonborn is either. Following your example, he's jut some random, faceless, Nord placeholder. If he was supposed to BE a Nord, then we'd be given ONLY the Nordic race as what we could play as race wise. He's only a Nord in the promotional crap, because of the region of the game. You continue to be a joke with every post you make. It's like I'm debating a 5 year old.
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Anonymous81(12): @Anonymous: LOL, where did I explain the details of the Companions tradition? Stop playing games, be specific. And you still have not explained why membership and making children are the same thing. And can you actually name a member in the Companions who ever married/fucked another race? And Athis' and Ria's parents were not Companions, we know this because Athis said he joined for "fortune and glory" while Ria says she joined because she heard legends about Skjor and Kodlak. Which would imply that she was not born into the Companions. And Athis (the dunmer member) himself said that being a Companion "means signing on to the Nord ideas of how to live your life: Honor, battle, glory and all that. 'Even an elf can be born with the heart of a Nord' Skjor said when I joined." BAM!!! That alone proves everything I was saying about honor and tradition is true. Face it, you just got veto'ed. And again, nothing you can ever do will veto the official Dragonborn, who is the Symbol for Skyrim that everyone who plays Skyrim knows about. Now go wipe off your chin, I'm done with you bitch.
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Anonymous82(12): @Anonymous: LOL, where did I explain all the details of the Companions tradition? Stop playing games, be specific. And you still have not explained why membership and making children are the same thing, which is possibly the stupidest thing you have said so far. And can you actually name a member in the Companions who ever married/fucked another race? No you cant, because you lied. And Athis' and Ria's parents were not Companions, we know this because Athis said he joined for "fortune and glory" while Ria says she joined because she heard legends about Skjor and Kodlak. Which would imply that she was not born into the Companions. And Athis (the dunmer member) himself said that being a Companion "means signing on to the Nord ideas of how to live your life: Honor, battle, glory and all that. 'Even an elf can be born with the heart of a Nord' Skjor said when I joined." BAM!!! That alone proves everything I was saying about honor and tradition is true, and that you lied about the Companions breaking tradition. Face it, you just got veto'ed. And again, there is nothing you can do that will veto the official Dragonborn, who is the Symbol for Skyrim that everyone who plays Skyrim knows about. Now go wipe off your chin, I'm done with you bitch.
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Anonymous83(12): @Anonymous: And again, you fail to prove that Aela or any of the other Companions ever actually engaged in "recreational fucking". And you have failed to prove that she would rather be with another race than her own kind. And again, the official Dragonborn is a Nord and that will never change. The official Nord Dragonborn is the image of TES:V itself, and your actually stupid enough to say that some random interaccial porn freaks redguard dragonborn, who doesn't even have the legal rights to make that claim, that less than 0.001 percent of all Skyrim players even know about, is somehow more important than the official Dragonborn who is in the official trailer, all the dlc trailers, that people make figures and statues out of, that is the character in all the official art and screenshots, and was in the official demos at E3? My point is not that the player cant be another race, its that the real Dragonborn will always be a Nord. So no matter what you, this artist, or any other interraccial porn freak does in their version of Skyrim, the official Nord Dragonborn will always be the real one, because thats Bethesda's right as Skyrim's creator. LOL, if I argue like a "5 year old", then that means you argue like an unborn child. Now go clean yourself up.
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Anonymous84(42): @Anonymous: So much dismissal, so little factual evidence. And you still ignored my point (a bad habit of yours, btw) that if the Nord used was the official one, then Bethesda wouldn't have given the player the option to be any other race. As for them marrying non-Nords, there is nothing that says the current companions (the Aela and Eorlund era) wouldn't. Unless you have some super secret source of official info that you're hiding. But I HIGHLY doubt it. Don't try so hard to ignore the facts that don't help you, next time.

Your "BAM" was premature, since Athis is an elf in there "period". Which still goes against Nord tradition, using your logic. Which means their beliefs and the companions themselves have been evolving. There are no "games" being played, you just have trouble keeping up with the arguments being made. Whether they're mine or even YOUR OWN.

You're only "done with me" because you can't back up ANY of your claims, without trying to re-write what's already been established. It's just more worthless and easily noticeable posturing on your part.
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Anonymous85(12): @Anonymous: Where in the game did it say that other races were not allowed to join the Companions? Again, you have no proof of your claims, because they are nothing more than lies. The Companions never said that other races couldn't join in the ancient days, they were strictly Nord because no other race of man existed. Seriously, pre-schoolers are smart enough to figure that out. The only thing that they have EVER changed about their beliefs is their opinion on Lycanthropy. And Kodlak, Farkas, and Vilkas get cured anyway. So again your "points" have been proven to be nothing more than the sad little lies of an interraccial porn freak. And again, the purpose of my arguement is not to prove that you cant marry a Companion even if your not a Nord, it is to prove that Aela and the rest of the Companions are honorable, traditional, warriors who honor the Nord way of life, and why it makes more sense for them to be with Nords. They are NOT sluts, they are NOT liberals, they ARE WARRIORS. And again you have given absolutely zero evidence on why the official Nord Dragonborn, is not the official Nord Dragonborn. And your opinion about why Bethesda lets you play any race is completely retarded. They have let you play as any of the main races since Morrowind, so how the hell does that apply to just Skyrim? And after everything you have said I doubt you would have the same opinion of the official Dragonborn if he was a redguard, which he is not. And again your comparing Bethesda's official Dragonborn to the players, which makes absolutely zero sense to anyone with a brain. Bethesda's official Nord Dragonborn is in no way shape or form tied to the actions of any of player's Dragonborn's, regardless of race or the players sick desires. LOL, "can't back up ANY of your claims", seriously? Please tell me your not really that stupid. And are you making this up as you go, because your doing patheic job. And I do feel kind of bad battleing you with smarts, because its almost like I'm beating up a defenseless child when I argue with you. Now go back to your hole and continue fondling yourself in the dark while you think of Morgan Freeman.
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Anonymous86: loled at all dis , them anons and dat nerdrage
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Anonymous87(86): like seriously ,, im anon 83 people
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Anonymous88(42): @Anonymous:

The only "nerd rage" is from this Stormfront Fag who has an issue with his "Pure Nordic Goddess" being written in a way that he doesn't like. Because it disrupts his obvious and unhealthy White Power Fantasy. Note that there is (damn near) never an issue with any other character in any other series. Unless there's a non-white cock involved.

@Anonymous: Despite all your dodging, you still didn't and CAN'T prove that the current day companion ladies would rule taking non-Nord dick. It has nothing to do with them being warriors and not "being liberals" or "sluts" or whatever you want to falsely equate. We can do this until there are A THOUSAND comments between us, but I'll keep saying this until you supply proof of your claims. So once again. The proof is on you. No vague connections with them saying "tradition", something concrete and definite. GO!

If the official Dovakhiin was a Redguard or any other non-Nord race and it was ACTUALLY stated by Bethesda as that (which they didn't do for their Nord placeholder in that new Nord area of Skyrim), then I would accept that. But because they didn't come out and say that he/she was a Nord, then it's open to interpretation. If you don't like that, then that's your own problem, and you should take it up with the company.
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Anonymous89(86): no ofence but what ever the reason may be , takes two to tango, and you guys are arguin about porn when you should be fapin to it.

if he dosen't like it to bad for him, no need for you guys to fanboy debate till 100+ comments.
Dat simple.
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Anonymous90(42): @Anonymous: Oh, I'm just humoring him, because I find this to be a non-issue. While he is clearly arguing to "preserve the sanctity of our pure white race" in a fictional video game.
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Anonymous91(12): @Anonymous: LOL, I can automaticlly rule out them taking dick from ANYONE because no one in the ENTIRE GAME, ESPECIALLY THE COMPANIONS ever has sex with ANYONE in the game, not even when they're married. Not even to the Dragonborn. THE ONLY PROOF THAT IS REQUIRED TO RULE OUT YOUR OWN SICK DESIRE FOR BLACK COCK IS THE FACT THAT THERE IS NO SEX IN THE GAME. If you knew anything about Skyrim its that there is ABSOLUTELY ZERO SEX IN THE GAME, because thats not what Skyrim is about. Thats not what Oblivion or Morrowind is about either, because they have absolutely ZERO sex also. And Bethesda has said that they prefer not to put that sort of thing in the games. Thats also why you cant "make" kids, you have to adopt them with the Hearthfire DLC. This isn't about "taking dick" from any race, Nord or Redguard, despite your sick fetishes. Your obviously just making up shit about the Elder Scrolls to suit your own sick desire for black cock. And again, what you do with your Dragonborn character does not change the fact that the official Dragonborn created by Bethesda is a Nord and always will be. This is a fact that you will have to learn to live with, because its not going to change just because some black cock freak says so. And if your really that upset with Bethesda for not putting any sex in any of the Elder Scrolls games, why do you think that making shit up about me will change anything? Once again you fail to prove anything.
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Anonymous92(42): @Anonymous: No sex? There's are a lot of references to it in Skyrim. Do you even PLAY the game? DUMBASS! What do you think the LOVER'S WARMTH Buff is, when you sleep in your bed when you're married? Ask Olfrid, the patron of Battleborn what his clan is about. The rich Nords of Whiterun who pride themselves on being rich and having "Buxom Women to warm their beds". There's also a Nord who's married to a Redguard woman that's knocked her up. LOL! You know squat about Skyrim, and you've consistently proven that everytime you try to change the argument. Stop talking.
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Anonymous93(42): @Anonymous: Also, nothing you said has been finalized by Bethesda. Rpeating it until you're blue in the face doesn't change that, because there has been nothing officially stated by them. But never give up hope! LOL!
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Anonymous94(12): LOL, references? Thats all you've got? Obviously sex is mentioned in all three games, but we are not talking about people in the games talking about it, were are talking about THE ACT ITSELF, which is not in any of the games. And its called Lovers Comfort, not "lovers warmth" you dumb shit. Thats not the first time you completely missed the same of something. And nowhere is there any indication of sex when you SLEEP (sleep, not sex you fucktard) with your husband/wife. And werewolves cant even get Lovers Comfort anyway you moron, so even if there was an indication that you were having sex (which there isnt) that wouldn't apply to Aela, Farkas and Vilkas anyway (unless you cured Farkas or Vilkas). As for Seren and Rustleif, they never have sex in the game and they dont have a kid either, so you just lied completely. Again, you have been proven to be a lying fucktard.
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Anonymous95(42): @Anonymous: References? That's more than what you've supplied. "Lover" has always implied sex, idiot. What's my proof? How it's been used in plays and novels for more than a millennium. Me getting the name doesn't matter as much as you think, because you knew exactly what I was referring to. Also doesn't make me any less incorrect, despite how much you wish it did. Werewolves not having the buff only strengthens my point, because what human has sex with a werewolf. If it was merely laying with another person then, like you said, they would get it. So fail on your part, AGAIN!
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Anonymous96(42): *any more incorrect
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Anonymous97(42): So until you supply solid evidence that I'm wrong, you're just flailing, like you've been since this conversation started.
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Anonymous98(12): @Anonymous: LOL, the word lover typically means "someone who is in love with another", it doesn't necassarily mean sex, though I'm not saying it cant. And if you read ESRB rating for Skyrim it says that Skyrim is rated "M" for "Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Sexual Themes, Use of Alcohol". And the ESRB meaning for "sexual themes" is "References to sex or sexuality", so even the ESRB and Bethesda Softworks say that the act of sex is not actually in Skyrim, and that there are only references. If Skyrim actually had sex in the game the ESRB would have rated it "M" for "sexual content" which their definition is "Non-explicit depictions of sexual behavior, possibly including partial nudity". And if it was extremely sexual oriented they would have rated it "M" for "strong sexual content" which their definition is "Explicit and/or frequent depictions of sexual behavior, possibly including nudity". Not only is it obvious that Lovers Comfort gives you a RESTING BONUS for RESTING and NOT SEX, even the ESRB and Bethesda agree with me. Once again you have been proven a lying cunt. And just so there is no possibility that you can say it isnt true, I will give you the pages to prove it.
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Anonymous99(42): c@Anonymous: Damn. You just went "Full Throttle Retard". "Non-explicit depictions" doesn't mean that SEX DOESN'T EXIST AT ALL. By your logic there is no sex in Dragon Age and Mass Effect, despite the fact that the characters mention having it after the fade to black scene ends. But because it's not a full on porn, it's not sex to you. You're a Grade A moron.

And you're now confirmed for being a virgin. What do you think happens to you after you've been fucking for a while? You become extra relaxed afterwards, idiot. Pathetic minutemen and virgins would say exactly what you said. Way to tell on yourself, chief.
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Anonymous100(12): Wrong agian, Dragon Age Origins, Dragon Age 2, Mass Effect 2, and Mass Effect 3 are all rated "M" for "Sexual CONTENT", which the ESRB definition is "Non-explicit depictions of sexual behavior, possibly including partial nudity". While Skyrim is rated "M" for "Sexual THEMES" which the ESRB definition is only "References to sex or sexuality". The ESRB and Bethesda Softworks agree that there is absolutely zero sex in Skyrim, so obviously my point about Lovers Comfort was correct: you dont have sex when you SLEEP with you husband/wife, YOU JUST SLEEP. You tried to apply that to Dragon Age and Mass Effect, which didn't work because they DO have sex in those games which is why they are rated "M" for "Sexual Content" and not "M" for "Sexual themes". Once again I have proven you wrong and you look like a total retard. Now seriously, go clean yourself up.
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Anonymous101(12): @Anonymous: Obviously it doesnt matter if your a Nord or a Redguard, neither one of them can have sex with ANYONE in Skyrim, Morrowind, or Oblvion. So that means you probably will never have sex with any of the Companions. But not all of the DLC is out, so there might still be a chance that you will get to later on. If your looking for sexier games, try Dragon Age and Mass Effect, like you said.
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Anonymous102(42): @Anonymous: "Sexual Theme" vs. "Sexual Content" because there is no groping and physical intamacy in bed in Skyrim. Unlike in DA and ME. If it was JUST about sleeping, then the NPC's who lay in bed fully clothed would be considered part of the "Sexual Theme". Obviously it's referring to things like the buff, as that's a direct reference to sex.

You have a hard time thinking things through, and are just prone to make things up as you go along.
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Anonymous103(12): @Anonymous: WTF? How old are you, kid? Did mommy not teach you these things before she had you homeschooled? Let me make this very easy for you, since your too retarded to understand simple vocabulary. "Sexual Themes" is what Skyrim was rated with, and it means that there are only "refernces" in the game (THE ACT OF SEX IS NOT INCLUDED IN THE GAME, DUMBASS WHICH THE ESRB CONFIRMED WHEN THEY GAVE IT THAT RATING). DAO, DA2, ME2, and ME3 are all rated with "Sexual Content" which means the act of sex IS actually included in those games. And that was a very popular question that Tod Howard recieved, and every single time he said that "the game wasn't about that". Was that easy enough for you, you stupid little cunt?
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Anonymous104(42): @Anonymous: Sorry my retarded friend. Skyrim only received that label, because there is nothing leading into the act, animation wise. Try harder. And just because a game "isn't about that" all that means is that it's not the main focal point. What that DOES mean, and what you WISH it DIDN'T MEAN is that "it's still a part of the game, albeit a small one". Maybe you should work on your reading comprehension before you respond to me again. Because you keep demonstrating just how flat out stupid you are.

Or at least disprove my point that there is nothing about the Companions that clearly and blatantly states that they rule out sleeping with non-Nords. Don't worry, I didn't let you escape that argument.
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Anonymous105(12): @Anonymous: LOL, bitch please. Where did you get the evidence to support the claim that "Skyrim only received that label, because there is nothing leading into the act", which we both know is a lie you just now made up. Do you honestly think that you somehow know more about Skyrim then ESRB and Bethesda? You are probably the dumbest interraccial porn freak I have ever met. All you just did was prove my point. Your not intrested in facts, your to busy craving your black cock. In that entire coment you just made, there wasn't a singel fact. We both know that your just playing games right now, so unless you have significant evidence to support your claim that Skyrim actually has sex in it (which occcording to the ESRB and Bethesda Softworks, it doesn't) then you have already lost this battle.
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Anonymous106(12): @Anonymous: And stop being so vague about you "points". If you really do have a point then be specific, stop being a coward about it. Its so obvious that you just think with your dick and not your brain. Whether you like it or not, the fact that Skyrim is rated "M" for "sexual themes" is PROOF THAT THE ACT OF SEX IS NOT IN SKYRIM. Which you would know if you had read the ESRB definition for "sexual themes". That is solid proof that what I say is true and its also proof that you dont know shit about Skyrim.
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Anonymous107(12): @Anonymous: And Occording to the ESRB the definition of "sexual content", which is "Non-explicit depictions of sexual behavior, possibly including partial nudity", if Skyrim had ANY ACTS of sex at all, it would have been rated "M" for "Sexual Content", even if it didn't have the animations. A perfect example of this is Fallout New Vegas, because there are no animations for sex and the screen goes black when you engage in the act of sex with Red Lucy, Sarah, or any other partner, and that game got the rating "M" for "Sexual Content" and NOT "M" for "sexual themes". And again, "sexual content" means that there is sex in the game, so your claim that "its because there's no animations" has been proven to be nothing more than a pile of horse shit. Now go think of some better lies while you fondle yourself in the dark.
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Anonymous108: TL;DR:
This didn't happen in the game

Now, black to the action if you please.
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Anonymous109(42): @Anonymous: For someone who's railing against black cock, why is it that you're THE ONLY ONE mentioning it over and over? Trying to paint me as the one lusting for it, while YOU keep bringing it up is quite telling. On top of you wanting to suck mine earlier, you seem to have a strange fixation on fellatio and penises. In addition to being the dumbest and most pathetically insecure white guy who rages over fictional characters, on the internet.

Posturing and talking with conviction doesn't count as you being right, I'm afraid. Which is the only way you've BEEN right this entire time. I'm sure that everyone reading this has noticed that because you couldn't provide WITH ONE SINGLE SHRED OF CONCRETE EVIDENCE (outside of desperately trying to make vague connections with unrelated quotes) that Aela wouldn't do what was done in this pic, you kept dodging and changing the subject. So for the fiftieth time, provide evidence of your claims, or continue to be a blatantly butt-hurt white guy who tries to hide behind realism (in fiction) in a pathetic attempt to hide how insecure he feels from seeing a non-white penis in his "Proud, Racially Pure, White, Nordic, Fantasy, Fap Material".
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Anonymous110(42): @Anonymous: Just to drive the point home that you're insecure over seeing non-white dick in her. On one of the other Aela pics, done by this artist, there isn't a single comment lambasting her over getting into a naked and naked pillow fight with Babette. And I know you saw it. If you were so concerned over realism over the character, then you'd be against THAT too. But "no", you're only "concerned" about upholding the fictional character's integrity when it comes to taking non-Nord dick. Not when she's acting like a bimbo/ditzy teenage girl. You're completely full of crap.

And don't try to quickly add an comment NOW, as if you said something all along, because it shows how long ago comments were posted.
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Anonymous111(42): *naked and erotic pillow fight with Babette.
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Anonymous112: @Anonymous: Whoa, I want to see that one...
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Anonymous113(12): @Anonymous: LOL, first of all, your extremely racist to think that anyone who doesn't have the exact same opinion as you is white, which I am not, and I seriously doubt that the pigment in my skin is going to change because some freak who hungers for black dick says so. The reason I admire the Companions is because they are great warriors, just like many of my ancestors. And I've already proven that the act of sex is not in Skyrim and that the Companions are not a sluts. Face it, you have been proven wrong on every subject you've brought up, because you failed to provide ANY evidence of your claims and you are the one who shifted the topic from the Companions and Marriage to "recreational fucking". Dont think for a second that your going to get me to back down on this subject. And I doubt you would have the same opinion of women being turned into interraccial sluts if one of those women was your mother. And stop acting like you know me, because you dont know shit about me, which is poven over and over when you call me white. And you just proved that everything I said was true when you changed the subject from "recreational fucking" to me. And again my arguement is not about "Aela taking Nord dick" because its so fucking obvious that she doesn't take dick from anybody, Redguard or Nord. Its about being realistic to the characters, and showing that they dont belong to any man, or woman for that matter. And again you ignore the truth, unless Bethesda says it happened, it didn't happen. The guy who made this art could get sued for copyright laws if he tried to pass this as the real thing. And we both know how unrealistic this scenario is, so stop playing games. Its impossible that Aela ever left Skyrim, and its out of character that she would ever have sex with ANYONE other than her shield bothers (or sisters). That's another point that I didn't bring up: you cant marry Aela (or any of the other Companions) if you are the Harbinger, which is even more proof that your wrong. And what you call "vague quotes" are the entire foundation of what the Companions and stand for. They never mention ANYTHING about Redguards or sex. Which is proof itself, that what you say is complete horse shit. THAT IS A FACT. And your claim that realism "doesn't maen shit", is wrongly placed, because we are not talking about dragons, talking dogs, werewolves, or the supposed existence of your brain, what we are talking about is a group of people(the Companions, Aela is particular) who value honor, tradition, and battle, which are all very real. And if you know anything about Nords, its that Bethesda based them off of Celtics/Vikings which are also very real, and lack any of the qualites that you claim they have. So, if you want to go back to the topic of Aela, the only one she ever fell in love with (not counting the Dragonborn of course and thats if they both chose to) was Skjor (a NORD you dumb-shit), and he dies, which is the only reason that anyone can marry her. And as for this artist, I can see why you like him, hes got some real problems, just like you. And you have still failed to provide ANY evidence that disproves Bethesda's official Dragonborn being anything but Nord.
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Anonymous114(42): @Anonymous: Long winded, overly emotional, wall of texts aren't a valid substitute for concrete evidence. Sorry to tell you. Aela has never said that she doesn't take dick either, so YOUR OWN argument works against you. You're ascribing traits that you WISH she had, my fellow insecure white comrade. LOL! Someone's real life mother and a fictional woman are two totally different extremes. That's not even a realistic comparison! Stop posting while you're emotional, it just looks bad.

And your so-called concern about your "White Nordic Goddess'" image was rendered bunk, due to my second to last post. You've been shown to be a hypocrite and there's nothing you can do to change it.
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Anonymous115(12): LOL, why are you off topic again? What really looks bad is that your so determined to make a FICTIONAL CHARACTER look like a slut just to suit your own sick fetishes when there is absolutely ZERO evidence to back up your claims. Try again.
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Anonymous116(12): lol
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Anonymous117(42): @Anonymous: My claims are backed by the fact that there is nothing stated which rules it out. You are arguing that it has already been ruled out. I don't have to argue my point, because it's already been made by the game itself, while YOU desperately scramble to make vague connections, by twisting quotes into pretzels. Stiiiiiill waiting on that evidence, btw.
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Anonymous118(42): And it's not being "off-topic" as that's the very reason you were commenting on this pic. Your "Bigoted White Male Inferiority Complex" surfaced, and you wanted to fix that. So you drummed up faux concerns over realism in fiction, by attaching phoney non-canonical ideals to a character that you fap to, in order to preserve the image of her that you've carved in your own mind. It was obvious and you're an embarrassment to the rest of us.
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Anonymous119(12): @Anonymous: LOL, nothing you said was backed up with fact. Your thinking with your dick again. I have already given you all the evidence you need, I'm sorry if your too retarded to put the facts together. Your lies will not help you.
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Anonymous120(12): @Anonymous: And your the white guy here, remember?
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Anonymous121(12): @Anonymous: LOL, your obviously aware that you are in need of some serious help, which is why you have continued to lie about and cover-up about whats actually going on here. Your obviously insecure enough about your fetish that you have to go on a PORN SITE and lie about characters to make yourself look not as sick. Seriously, you need help.
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Anonymous122(86): why can't you guys just stop.. seriously
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Anonymous123(42): @Anonymous: Once again, you've demonstrated that you can't read. Re-read post 113(41) over and over, until it sinks in. Also, if you simply don't LIKE what I'm saying, that's fine. Simply say that. Claiming that I'm lying, just because you can't disprove anything that I've said is just being dishonest on your part. And your evidence didn't prove what you thought it proved. In general, what you did supply could be considered evidence, in the sense that it was in fact a response. But other than that, it didn't refute anything I said. So swing and a miss.
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Anonymous124(12): @Anonymous: I'm sorry it got out of control. I admit, this conversation is pretty stupid. But I just didn't think that his picture made much sense. I guess I'll just drop the subject.
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Anonymous125(12): @Anonymous: If you want to believe that this is a realistic scenario, and that Aela is a whore, thats your choice. Its obvious that I cant change your mind. But your not going to convince me otherwise without providing evidence. Obviously we are bothering people and I think that both of us can agree that this isn't going anywhere, so its probably best if we just drop the subject.
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Anonymous126(42): @Anonymous: That's fine by me.

Next time don't try to misconstrue non-related quotes in order to make a point and pass that off as "evidence". And don't post when your insecurities get the best of you from seeing a non-white cock. Incoming "U Liek Blak Pen0rz!" Or some other parroted nonsense.
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Anonymous127(12): @Anonymous: LOL, seeing as how none of that actually happened, thats fine by me.
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Anonymous128(42): @Anonymous: ROFL! Whatever you say, dude.
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Ears: @Lacht: And yet correct.
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Anonymous129: I hate attractive and successful Africans
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mynameis305: @Ears: And life Hate's you :)
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Anonymous130: God, Aela just outright terrifies me in this picture, regardless of how hot she is. Does not look like that'd be comfortable with those teeth. ._.
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Anonymous131: The comment section has to fucking go. It's always full of butt hurt
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Anonymous132: But this butthurt is so wonderful. Such wonderful music.
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All mer and men (elves and humans) are derived from the Ehlnofey, the ancient race most closely linked to the Aedra. So the purest race in that extent, after the Elhnofey evolved into the different mer/man races we know would be the Altmer first, tied with the Chimer/Dunmer and Bosmer, THEN the Yokudans (AKA Redguards), then the Atmorans (Nords, Imperials and Bretons).

So if we are going to argue which race is superior, one has to bow to the High Elves; if we argue about which MAN race is superior, Redguards are, as they are more linked (pure) to their Aedric origins, then the Nords.

About the beast races and orcs... AFAIK Orcs are a rather new race, just before the Dunmer. The Khajiit and Argonians are rumored to be even more ancient than the Ehlnofey, the precursors of man and mer. They might even be direct creations of Lorkhan himself, thus placing them even above the Altmer in racial purity.

So there. Go claim your mongrel nord blood is superior, white boy - the ancient elves, Yokudans and beasts of Nirn are right back laughing at you. Enjoy your Thalmor cock!
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Franky_Whiskey: @Anonymous: Paheal is not paheal if it wasn't for the comments section, dude. You new to the site?
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Anonymous133(12): @Franky_Whiskey: You think redguards are superior to Nords? How so? Nords have better weapons, guilds, armor, warriors, and women. The High Elves aren't even as good as Nords at smithing. The new dlc type of weapons called "Nordic" does the same amount of damage as Elven, weighs less than Elven, and is worth more than Elven. Elven weapons are now inferior to Nordic weapons. And Most redguards just use plain steel or iron which is obviously inferior in every way possible. They do use a scimitar that does the same amount of damage as Nordic and Elven, but its only worth 5 gold, which is pretty damn pathetic. And notice how the scimitar is the only weapon that redguards have that is unique to their culture. Its fucking sad. It really shows how bad their society is at smithing and fighting. Nords are by far the best warriors and smiths in all of Tamriel. Orcish metal isn't even worthy of as being used as toilet paper in Tamriel. If you look up the starting stats in Oblivion and Morrowind, you will see that the Nords have much better starting stats for being warriors than redguards or orcs do. Though High Elves are, by far, the best magic users in all of Tamriel. I dont think anyone disagrees with that. There is no type of magic a Nord can do that a High Elf cant do better. I do agree that High Elves are the superior race of Mer, and maybe even all of Tamriel. But to say that redguards are better than nords in any way shape or form is just fucking retarded. You obviously just dont like admiting that white people are better than blacks in this situation, which would make most intelligent people ask, "Are you racist?". But Nords also had the advantage of being the first race to ever wield The Voice, which was also another devastating advantage for their warriors. The first Dragonborn (Miraak) was also a Nord. So was Tiber Septim. As for the women of each race, redguard women and High elf women are just plain ugly. And Nordic women are also much tougher than reguard or altmer women. Nords are also the most blessed race of Talos (god of humanity) and Kynareth (god of earth, wind, and sky). Redguards obviously dont stand a chance against the will of the divines. There is nothing a redguard can do, that a Nord cant do twenty times better. And you wouldn't have series like LOTR or TES if it wasn't for white people. Hell, you wouldn't even have electricity or the internet either. So show some respect you fucking troll.
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JWN926: @Franky_Whiskey: How does that figure with Argonians? Don't they change depending on how much Hist they take in?
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JWN926: @Anonymous: ...I might have read that if you had bothered to seperate it out more.
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Anonymous134(12): @JWN926: sorry
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Anonymous135(42): @JWN926: It was just a lot of "BAAAW'ing", flimsy racist white ego repairing, and White Supremacist posturing. You're better off not having lowered yourself in reading it.
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Anonymous136(12): @Anonymous: Saying that there is no sex in Skyrim isn't racist at all, its a fact thats been proven. My point wasn't to say that Aela would specificly say that she wouldn't marry a redguard. Because thats not true. We both know that every marryable character in Skyrim will marry any race. All I said was it makes more sense that she marries another Nord, because thats common sense, and there is plenty of evidence to support that, whether you pretend the evidence exists or not. If you want me to say that I dont like black people then you should just give up now. Black people are just as important as white people. Maybe even more, because at one point in time, everyone was black. And half of my family is black. I love them and owe them more than you will ever realize. But we are talking about a fictional game here, and your trying to compare it to porn. Specificly the porn that you like. Coincidence? No its not. Bethesda is a 90% white organization. Over half of them are southerners. Lets be realistic, white and southern is not a combination that is usually in favor of porn. Bethesda has stated that they dont approve of sex in their videogames multiple times. The reason that New vegas has sex in it is because they lost a TON of rights for the game to another company. I'm sorry if I offended you, it wasn't right for me to call you those things. I think that we can both agree that there is no point in insulting each other any further. Lets stop bothering each other, you look at your stuff, I look at mine, and we get out of each-others hair.
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Anonymous137: Something this poorly drawn doesn't deserve this much attention.
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Anonymous138(42): @Anonymous: That's not even a response to what I typed. Less blind tangents, more accuracy in your posts. But I'm glad that you're trying to get out of my hair now, my adorable Nazi Friend.
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Anonymous139(12): Dude, your fucking demented. You need help.
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Anonymous140(12): @Anonymous: Your comment proves that your nothing more than a troll. LOL, your probably just some fat freak who still lives with his mother. Again, you need help. Every comment you make is an epic fail. Now go wipe your chin off, bitch.
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Anonymous141(42): @Anonymous: Sorry that you don't like being called out when you make inaccurate posts. Rage harder.
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Anonymous142(12): @Anonymous: LOL, again you completely fail.
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Anonymous143(42): @Anonymous: LOL! Watching you flop about after your entire long-winded post was shot down, is funny. Now keep saying "I fail" until it makes you feel better. LOL!
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Anonymous144(12): @Anonymous: LOL, shot down? Your obviously not well. Keep trying though. I'm sure you couldn't do any worse.
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Anonymous145(42): @Anonymous: Aaaaaand more of the same. Yeah, you have nothing left.
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Anonymous146(12): @Anonymous: LOL, classic. So you just admited that your a fat freak who lives with his mother. LOL, thats fucking hilarious. Your probably a virgin too. Didn't mommy teach you about the birds and bees before she ran off with Rush Limbaugh?
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Anonymous147(42): @Anonymous: I already said that it was inaccurate. Now you're just flailing even more.
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Anonymous148(12): @Anonymous: LOL, I'm flailing? Look in the mirror you dumb shit. So tell me, what pile of excrement did you pluck that third-grade level response from?
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Anonymous149(42): @Anonymous: Such delicious irony.
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Anonymous150(12): @Anonymous: LOL, such "vague quotes"
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Franky_Whiskey: @Anonymous: >better weapons guild halls etc...

Weren't we talking "race and genetics"? What does all of that fancy-pants smithing bitch has to do with superior genes? Also, Nords ain't white, they are NOOOOORDS! And Redguards REEEDGUUUUARDS! Besides, if we take craftsmanship AND racial identity, sorry, but if trained with Light Armour, Glass Armour is teh best, and it's made by High Elves. Or Daedric, made by Mehrunes Dagon's demon "attractive and successful Africans".

On combat ability, Nords are only second to orcs in strenght, and just as dumb. In contrast, the Redguard is not as strong, but makes up with superior weapon mastery, the best agility of the men races and above-average intelligence. You want a fortress to be taken like bad? Send a battalion of Nordic berserkers leaded by a Redguard commander.

Besides, they are the only ones who didn't took shit from those Thalmor faggots back. While the Imperial wusses were signing the White-Gold concordat and Ulfric Stormcukold made a sissy fit because he wants to be high king so bad, these motherfuckers were so badass that they seceded Hammerfell from the Empire rather than be raped by the Dominion. Keep in mind that their land took the worst of the war, only second to Cyrodiil, and despite this they are still defending their land at any cost.

So yeah, don't compare a wealthy, Dominion-untouched and Empire-supported territory to one that was war-ravaged and left to fend for itself. Perhaps you need to learn more lore and play othe TES games?

Meh, who cares, I always play as Khajiit anyways, yiff yiff
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Franky_Whiskey: At first I was like:
>>@Anonymous:You obviously just dont like admiting that white people are better than blacks...

But then:
>> @Anonymous: Black people are just as important as white people. Maybe even more, because at one point in time, everyone was black. And half of my family is black. I love them and owe them more than you will ever realize.

Mah best frend is black and mah family is blak. I r not razist, guize
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Anonymous151(12): @Franky_Whiskey: You made some good points. Glass armor is way better then like 99% of all nord armors, but the best light armor is actually dragonscale which was originally made by the Nords. But I think a redguard could probably wield it way better than the typical Nord. And the redguards were able to keep their homeland, with the constant help of the Empire. Obviously either side would have fallen to the Dominion if they were on their own. But Nords have superior smithing, a resistance to cold damage, and some even wield The Voice. Though, there is a new DLC character called the Ebony Warrior who is a redguard and he is probably one of the three toughest enemies in the game. Redguards are superior at light armor and one-handed, by far. And they have better Stamina too, But Nords are superior at two-handed and heavy armor. And the first comment you mentioned, I was talking about Nords and Redguards in Skyrim specificlly, not real black or white people. The second comment I was addressing the fact that in real life, black people are just as important as anyone else. And that half of my family is black, so it would be pretty stupid of me to insult real black people. But I'm not, its just a game. I'm sorry if I miscommunicated. BTW, I play a khajiit too. I think they're probably the best beast race.
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Anonymous152(42): (How do you do bold text on here?)
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JWN926: Use [ brackets.
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Thumper: @Anonymous34: this site uses a lot of BBCode that regular forums use. Here is a bunch of BBCode examples and their uses.
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Anonymous153(42): @JWN926: @Anonymous34: Oh, I see. Thanks.
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Franky_Whiskey: @Anonymous: Ahzirr Traajijazeri. Good show, good show indeed.
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Anonymous154: Never ceases to amuse me the rage of the butthurt whitey. sometimes black cock goes in white woman, accept it and be free of your permavirgin misery.
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Anonymous155: I get on to see Lydia's fine ass, and I see nerdy racist jackasses discussing the dumbest of shits. Shut the fuck up and watch your precious white girls get fucked by black dicks. 400 years of oppression revenged by one cumload. Bask in it.
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Anonymous156(155): I mean avenged, lol.
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Anonymous157: @Anonymous: I laugh at the self-esteem issues the artist has to have to come up with this carnival of bullshit. He must have a white boss, or have grown up in a majority white neighborhood, where most of the girls turned him down on a regular basis. Enjoy living in a white mans world, boy. Oh, and keep looking up images of our women on the net, unless you're a millionaire, or take up with a 400-pounder, you'll never be getting anything more than pictures, anyway, lol.
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Anonymous158: This picture really emphasizes the artist's love of big cocks in his ass.
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Anonymous159(42): @Anonymous: LOL! Gotta love blatant personality projections! Kudos to you!
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Anonymous160(12): @Anonymous: LOL Dude, its not real, this doesn't even happen in the game, its just a drawing. Grow up.
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Anonymous161(155): @Anonymous:

White mans world with a black president, lol. Right. BTW the artist is white you jackass.
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Anonymous162(155): @Anonymous: I'm aware, guy. I'm not bitching about it. I like it.
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Anonymous163(155): @Anonymous:
Look around, dumbass. Plenty of hot white woman are banging black, mexican, and asian guys. Maybe not in your redneck of the woods, but the rest of the world has moved on from your ignorant point of view.
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Anonymous164: Ya know, why concern yourself with real day to day drama bullshit when you can just come on to this site, with some popcorn and soda - like a movie - and watch as the "movie" unfolds and how the plot thickens and leads away from the main objective or.... topic... either way, i fucking love this site, better then any movie out there to date haha XD keep on debatin' boys, my moneys on the side that rages the most =P
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Anonymous165: Us white guys have big dicks and were smart black guys are dumb and have a small penis and all anons after me are gay.
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Anonymous166: Moose and all Mooses after me are gay.
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Anonymous167: This attractive and successful African fetishist is trolling you people hardcore.
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Anonymous168(12): @Anonymous: White women date/marry/fuck white men more than any other race. Its common sense. There is no need to be derogatory to white people over porn. Grow up.
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Anonymous169(155): @Anonymous:

You're telling me to grow up? Did you read these comments? My post was a response to all the racist shit I just read off of this page. I don't care who your women fuck. Why should white men?
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Anonymous170: Once you go black, you never go back :3
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Franky_Whiskey: Is this shit about Black/White again? For fuck's sake, you heathens, IT'S A FUCKING COUPLE OF REDGUARDS BANGING TWO NORDS! As far as you all know, this is as wrong as an Ashlander Dunmer banging an Altmer while having a threesome with a Khajiit wearing a mask of Almalexia (which is pretty fucking nuts if you follow the lore).

Boethia is pleassed. Eltonbrand.
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Vicarious_Reality: Holy mother of odin, why all the anonymous
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Anonymous171: fuck all attractive and successful Africans!!!
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Anonymous172(42): @Anonymous: I think that's her plan.
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Lacht: ^Holy fuck.
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Anonymous173: look at these fucking idiots argue over attractive and successful Africans
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Lacht: They aren't attractive and successful Africans, they're Redguards you fucking idiots.
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Anonymous174: Nearly 200 comments arguing about the merits of race superiority over a porn comic about a game set in a fictional universe with no real/modern human "races" in them.

And people say that autism is a bad thing...
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Anonymous175: As an Autistic person I would like to say that I was very mildly offended by your comment, because despite the fact that I can't make direct eye contact for more than a second, or eat apples without peeling all the skin off, I still feel inclined to believe that I am leagues better than crazy internet people who discuss so vehemently the matter of racial superiority amongst fictional beings. But in the grand scheme of things, it's not a big deal, we should all get along through our already established and shared love of pornography.
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Anonymous176: Glad I play as a Redguard. ;)
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Inquisitor_Talis: Oh and btw, i think weve forgot whats important, namely that BRETONS ARE THE MASTER RACE!
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Anonymous177: attractive and successful African FUCKHIN TOWELHEADS SHOOD BURN!
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Anonymous178: The fuck are you idiots arguing about racial superiority? It just goes to show severe mental handicap affects ALL races. Now shut the fuck up and do what you should be doing. Which is fapping. Dumb cunts.
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Anonymous179: All Dat racism.
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Franky_Whiskey: @Inquisitor_Talis: You mean Above average magic prowess with all Mer handicaps and no favorable human attributes? What a joke.

Khajiit is superior race (if Suthay-raht master race): Decent strength, superb agility and speed, night vision and great sneak skills. Perfect dungeon plunderers, just a notch above balanced Orcs.
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Inquisitor_Talis: @Franky_Whiskey: Bull, Bretons are the 'jack of all trades' race, more importantly they can be a MASTER of all.

You can make a Breton which is both a tank and an arch mage. They are wholey human with a lingering of arcana in their makeup from some Altmer ancestors, besides Bretons get 50% reduced damage from magic, whilst all cyriidlic's get is emperors tounge! Lamest of all the powers!

A Breton at level 30 will be able to command a much larger invetory of abilities, melee, spells, archery, stealth and anywhere inbetween.

Also if you were to take things in reality, Bretons would be much more socialy mobile and much less cospicious than your khajit. Btw arent they forbidden from entering a city/hold?
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Franky_Whiskey: @Inquisitor_Talis: Let's check their traits and abilities, according to the UESP:

+10 Conjuration
+5 Alchemy, Alteration, Illusion, Restoration, Speech
#Magic Resistance ability: Breton blood grants a 25% resistance to magic, constant
#Dragonskin greater power: Absorb 50% of the magicka from hostile spells for 60 seconds, once per day

*Between Agent of Mara, Magic Resistance, and The Lord Stone it's possible for a Breton to passively have the maximum effective Magic Resistance of 85%, while this would leave any other race 15% short.*


+10 Sneak
+5 Alchemy, Archery, Lockpicking, One-handed, Pickpocket
#Claws ability: Khajiit claws do 12 points of damage in addition to their base damage value of 10 points for unarmed combat.
#Eye of Night lesser power: Improved night vision for 60 seconds, multiple times per day.

*The Khajiit Claws racial bonus to unarmed damage stacks with other sources of damage increase, such as perks like Fists of Steel and equipment like the Gloves of the Pugilist.

*They can't be married. You can still be a desert walker and marry other sub-race, tho!

Also, mages or magical type persons aren't very welcomed in Skyrim as well, Breton boy. C'mon in, to our yurt; feel free to peruse our wares while we reminisce of the warm sands soiled by filthy Thalmor zeal and trickery!
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Inquisitor_Talis: @Franky_Whiskey: lol, and what nice wares you do have, in that pup-tent of ours. Also Bretons arent just the secondmost magical they are also the most Anti-magical of the races, take that you nord bastards!
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Inquisitor_Talis: @Franky_Whiskey: lol, and what nice wares you do have, in that pup-tent of yours.
Also Bretons arent just the second most magical they are also the most Anti-magical of the races, take that you nord bastards! Your khajit's alright, but what you quoted is one of the reasons i love 'em!
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Inquisitor_Talis: @Anonymous: why, more arent you?
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Inquisitor_Talis: @Anonymous: why, more so arent you? Just sayin'
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Anonymous180: this is a preview of the new DLC, available next summer...
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Franky_Whiskey: @Inquisitor_Talis: Anon fag wasn't me. And hey, cool if you dig Bretons. I personally tend to distaste magic unless it's Restoration and the always-versatile Alchemy skill.

Been playing Khajiit since I god me hands on Morrowind nine years ago, blazed thru Oblivion with another desert walker, and hey, the Th'um's sound better having a son of "somewhere else" delivering kick ass.

My own opinion, of course

@Anonymous: Takes one to know one, you knobgobbler.
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skindancer: I'm not into this interracial bullshit, but this picture is gold. I mean, is there any other picture on this site that generated such a shitstorm? Lol xD
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Anonymous181: Eww attractive and successful Africans
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Anonymous182: @Anonymous:

Shut the fuck up bigoted shit.

Page w/ Black people:
attractive and successful African
attractive and successful African
attractive and successful African attractive and successful African

Page w/o black people:
Meh it sucked
Shut up Anon 2

Just shut up and enjoy the pic. If you don't like it, leave.
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Anonymous183(182): Also, it's not real, just an artwork. So don't get your fucking panties in a bunch if you see an illustration with white girls fucking black guys.
It happens. Get over it.
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Anonymous184: I like anon11
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Anonymous185: Actually, I find the last panel to be one of the hottest scenes in the entire series; not because of the black guys (although it isn't a problem for me), but because we've got both lydia and aela topless and going down on a couple of guys.
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Anonymous186: hopw roewur ne
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Hitmonleeroy: For all the open and closeted racist comments... this pic sure has a lot of 'likes'. I bet some of the people who said they hated it actually 'voted up' for it xD
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Rat: @Hitmonleeroy: A lot of attractive and successful Africans must really like skyrim.

Makes sense, that game fucking sucks.
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Inquisitor_Talis: @Rat: Shut up, attractive and successful African! :-P
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Anonymous188: what the fuck happened to this page :/
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Inquisitor_Talis: @Anonymous: Jesus did, my child, he parted the heavens and broughteth porn! But sinister force of chaos arose for hell to drive saideth porn back beyond the veil. So a mighty battle was rage upon the Earth, between the forces of light and dark, the almighty Dildo's on one side and the darstedly Douches on the other.

They battle for many a week before the Douches line broke, and the tip of the Dildos rammed it home, driving deep into the dark gaping hole of the abyss, securing porn for all the free peoples of the world. This day was marked with a holiday, a day of rememberance and masterbation, Fappmas.
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91210: @Rat: or maybe You just suck at that game lol.
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Siegen_von_Heilen: SHUT THE HELL UP
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Anonymous189: a WHITE FAGGOT made this !!!
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Anonymous190: 190 yay
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Anonymous191: After dust has settled, we all can agree, attractive and successful Africans suck.
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Anonymous192: "After dust has settled, we all can agree, I suck attractive and successful African dick." Fixed it for you, faggot.
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Anonymous193: fucking amazing
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Anonymous194: The lot of you are shadist. What is wrong with you people?
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Anonymous195: cucks...cucks everywhere
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Crimson-Snow: How and why would such shit have so many comments , let alone comments taking said shit seriously and arguing about said shit?
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Anonymous199: Why the hell is there so many comics
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Anonymous200(199): No.200
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Anonymous201: @Anonymous: you explained it better than I ever could. Props to you
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Anonymous202: @Anonymous: You're already destroying your beloved "White Race" by wanting to fuck Black Women. LMAO What do you think is going to happen, she's miraculously going to give birth to White children? No, the Black genes are dominant.

Whether a Black chick fucks a White dude or a Black dude fucks a White chick. The result will end up being what you despise, a Black person.

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