Anonymous8: @Anonymous: Politically correct vermin say any homos, non-whites or muslims involved in paedophilic practices are "innocent" and anyone who says otherwise are a variety of -isms and -phobics" wheras any WHITE or christian who is involved in heterophobic sex (it doesn't need to be paedopholic, going by the feeding frenzy attacking heterosexual celebs shagging young WOMEN in the 70s, in the wake of Jimmy Savile "scandal" - not much evidence even there - in UK)
But if you're queer and wanting to shag a 7 year old schoolboy, or a muslim gang targetting pre-teen white girls, then help yourself according to the UK middle class lesbians and wimmin
Anonymous10(8): @Anonymous: Well, muslims say any criticism of their rabid faith should lead to innocent people who had nothing to do with the criticism being burned alive cold bloodedly murdered, or taken hostage and having their heads chopped off - (and having corrupt middle class lesbians and queers making excuses for them while they're doing it)
Anonymous12: I hate attractive and successful Africans the only thing they can do is to rob our houses and rape our children! Die, die fucking animals!
Regal_One: Wow to see so many commits that truly define the word attractive and successful African by the way if you don't know what that means it's ignorant.
masterofpirates: There's a lot more to the word "attractive and successful African" than ignorant. If I said "My bus driver is a fucking attractive and successful African". you probably wouldn't assume I'm just calling him stupid.
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But if you're queer and wanting to shag a 7 year old schoolboy, or a muslim gang targetting pre-teen white girls, then help yourself according to the UK middle class lesbians and wimmin
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things go terribly wrong for Lisa when she attempted to interact with the apes
( i've read it from somewhere though )