Tbone111: Man, I was on a roll today, but that's it for now, I've got actual work to do lol. I'm going to make the rest of this set in comic format to finish it up faster. Just 2 to 3 more pictures to go.
On a different note, does anyone here listen to Anime soundtracks or instrumentals? I'm trying to find some peaceful and soothing orchestral songs to listen to while I work. I was wondering if anyone could tell me if they knew of any tracks like that?
Anonymous2: Oh yeah, switched to anal, now we're talkin'!:D
You're really on a roll today, these are so awesome!> Definitely worth waiting! And there'll be 3 more pictures to go?:D You mean for this Azuma/Lisanna/Mirajane series?:)
Anyways, Great job, and keep it up man!:D More FT and MORE anal pease^.^!
Anonymous4: Twist - Awesome again Tbone, I wish these FT Pics will never end, you've certainly raised the bar.
If you literally want some music to make a playlist find some stuff on youtube then type in google "youtube to mp3 converter" and you can make mp3s of a playlist of whatever your tastes to work to.
FairyFan: I like that you improve from picture to picture, it was good at the start too, but i didnt really liked the faces and nipples (mirajane only), but on the last 3 picture its fantastic! everything is correct! the best is the boob size, i hate when its too big or too small, its just perfect!
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On a different note, does anyone here listen to Anime soundtracks or instrumentals? I'm trying to find some peaceful and soothing orchestral songs to listen to while I work. I was wondering if anyone could tell me if they knew of any tracks like that?
You're really on a roll today, these are so awesome!> Definitely worth waiting! And there'll be 3 more pictures to go?:D You mean for this Azuma/Lisanna/Mirajane series?:)
Anyways, Great job, and keep it up man!:D More FT and MORE anal pease^.^!
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@Tbone111: Actually, I would recommend you this anime's composer, Yasuharu Takanashi, he makes THE_best anime soundtracks out there for sure.
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If you literally want some music to make a playlist find some stuff on youtube then type in google "youtube to mp3 converter" and you can make mp3s of a playlist of whatever your tastes to work to.
Here's hoping for Azuma/Erza. Keep it up.
As for music, you can try some Saint Seiya OST songs, like Captivity or Soldier Dream instrumental version.