Anonymous2(1): Dude you are one heck of an artist for being able to draw such amazing and exact things!
( unlike FULL CIRCLE) or other guys.
Hope to see more in the future.
Oh you know what maybe you could draw that river mermaid from the episode "the witch's garden"
Mole: Actually at this time there are only 4 pics of Alpha Hug Wolf girl, and there does seem to be demand for more as seen on my pic of her >>870767 .
Anonymous6: Bubblegum Princess has...(Are Ya Ready?)..."A Bun in the Oven!" Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, haaaaa, ha, ah, ha, ha, haaaaaaaaaaaaa! I'm sorry, I kill Me!
- Reply
( unlike FULL CIRCLE) or other guys.
Hope to see more in the future.
Oh you know what maybe you could draw that river mermaid from the episode "the witch's garden"
- Reply
How about when the male version of marsalene (idk how to spell it) fucks cake the cat when she showed her ass and started singing