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Anonymous1: "The fate of an entire empire rests on US showing these ponies a good time!"
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Anonymous2: This and the other knight picture reminds me of the story, " One Tight Knight."^ what he/she just said was in it a lot.
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RogerTheRabbit: @Anonymous: The Unites States needs to show ponies a good time for their empire to survive?
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Anonymous3(1): @RogerTheRabbit: It's not like they'd decline, eh?
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Anonymous4: Hot damn!
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Okay_with_this: I dare say that this would gather more attention than a jousting match
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Anonymous5: @Okay_with_this: Eeyup!

Wow this so awesome!!!
The armor is really badass!
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Legovlas: Dat grope.
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G_Goobington_the_2nd: "Shouldn't we be on the lookout for criminal scum"
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Nightweaver20xx: "You said you'd go easy on me this time, Rainbow."
"I am, Fluttershy, I am."
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Anonymous6: Is this from the new episodes or why is Fluttershy in armor so popular all of a sudden?
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Anonymous7: And saved.
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dugong_operation: Beautiful art.
I like how RD's wings look more ragged than Fluttershy's.
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Faptacular: @Anonymous: Season 3 opening two-parter. 'Shy and Dash put on a jousting exhibition to entertain the crystal ponies.
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BleakDepression: Mhmm.
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Anonymous8(6): @Faptacular: I see, thanks.

Well I still hope I will some day find the time to watch the actual show instead of just the porn :D
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Anonymous9: I wish there was a FlutterDash tag on this site :/
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JWN926: We don't tag by content.

Also just search for Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy...
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EnGeR: fucking hot
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The_Slenderman: RD: Quick! The crystal ponies are getting bored of watching us joust, we need a new distraction!
*shy kisses dash*
Shy: I'm so sorry, I just-
*dash grabs shy and removes armor, all the crystal ponies orgasm at once*
The end
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Anonymous10: Hot, but someone needs to do a pony version of this...
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Anonymous11: Angry Lesbian ponypony sex
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alienraper: Um, wow.
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Anonymous12: Please make more of this
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Vicarious_Reality: @The_Slenderman: That escalated quickly
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Mainstreamer: Yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes, YEEEEEEEEEEES!!!
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Anon_X_: 2nd favorite RainbowShy pic.
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Anonymous13: Still one of my favorite rainbow dash and fluttershy pictures

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