Anonymous1: It'll be nice when this slut actually gets buffed up into a state where she's not the worst champion in the game. Then she might be good for something other than porn.
Puruuni: @Anonymous: A caster that has to get close to land her skillshots is just not worth it. Annie gets away because it's hard to miss with those AoE's after flash but syndra is just meh, also her mana costs are pretty ridiculous even after they made them a bit cheaper already
Anonymous5: they're buffing her alot in the next patch ( also riot nerfed mostly all champs in the championship), maybe it will take a whole season to bring her and other champions in competitive games.
Anonymous8: @Puruuni: Err.. no. There was a hotfix a week before the championship started that had the base stuff for the tournament. This was much past the Diana patch, oh, and there's no "tournament client" They play on a LAN essentially using the base client.
Anonymous10: @Anonymous: If you were actually watching the championship the build on the client showed "Build" whereas the live client at the time showed Build" 148 was the Kha'Zix patch and 144 was the Diana patch.
Your second sentence is completely wrong. There are several differences between the client used in tournaments and the live client besides the version.
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At least she has a nice pair of tits.
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This picture is pretty close since she has a naught face. :3
Your second sentence is completely wrong. There are several differences between the client used in tournaments and the live client besides the version.