Anonymous7: Anon3 is right, there's nothing wrong with the tape in original. This is more like an alt version than a fix.
Also, I don't know why it was reported, but in case the reporter thought it's not porn rule 8 applies to Photo Finish.
Anonymous12: @6: Applejack, no contest. Pinkie, Derpy, or especialy Fluttershy would be like destroying something innocent and beautiful, Rarity (and the men, of course) aren't my type, I DESPISE Photo Finish (well, not her personally, but everything she stands for), Gilda would take too long to turn on... etc. etc. Pinkie & Berry Punch are tied for 2nd, though ^_^ said 'fuck,' so I still get to watch Lyra & BonBon, right?
Anonymous15(12): @11: ...taken during daytime? Or maybe she was the photographer/painter! This kind of classy cheese/beefcake, with a sprinkle of trolling, seems like something she might pull.
Anonymous18: I can't help but find it a bit funny how Pinkie Pie is basically streaking instead of just standing there and modeling like everyone else. Also, out of everyone, Rarity seems to have the biggest melons.
Anonymous22(21): oh, NOW i she who it is? it's gilda! THE EAGLE OR SOMETHING! ONE OF THE bad guy's, AND former FRIEND OF rainbow dash! BUT still, why did she punch the camera, and why is she the MOST embaresed?
The least you could do is give everyone gigantic cocks or something.
- Reply
What the fuck, man.
Also, I don't know why it was reported, but in case the reporter thought it's not porn rule 8 applies to Photo Finish.
Original is 9001 times better!...
- Reply said 'fuck,' so I still get to watch Lyra & BonBon, right?
Everybody's feelin' fine cause it's PARTY TIME!
*nosebleed* BINGO~!