Anonymous12: @Anonymous: I don't think it's a shop. Look at the paint on the ground at the entrance, these people new what they were getting into... and out of...
Anonymous17: @Candycock: During an event called "2012 Fremont Solstice Parade" in Seattle, lesbian/atheist vlogger BionicDance decided to participate in the parade by fully body painting herself in Rainbow Dash's colors (cause she's a huge fan of RD).
You can check out her channel here:
Anonymous24: I'm concerned. More than usual. This is almost as bad as those horse looking suits you would expect from extreme furries... This is just a tad much. Pull it back a bit, girl.
Anonymous27(26): Public nudity is a felony, fucktards. Also, there's a well-known thing used on the Internet called, "photoship." If anyone is responding to this like it's real, then you're a certified retard.
Knockers: ^ In many places, depending on the circumstances, it's not. Especially when involving bodypaint, which this is and is NOT a Photoship. See the ground covered with paper/plastic? See the many paint splotches on the paper/plastic? See the places on her body that have less paint on them (as well as the nipples being the same blue as the rest of her, wouldn't a Photoshoper make them darker?)?
Roflcakes: @Gomenasai: Franky_Whiskey recently told me he doesn't like the idea of deleting lower quality dupes if the difference in quality isn't immediately discernible and if the inferior version has comments worth saving, so maybe that's why it didn't get deleted. I can't say I really disagree with that either.
Roflcakes: @Gomenasai: Well I don't know dude... Shit is whack and we've just gotta deal with it. But yeah, some more consistency would be nice (not that I'm complaining or anything).
Franky_Whiskey: Well, shit. Can't make everyone happy. Either gonna bitch because of the quality, or because an epic image got deleted to make room for a slightly larger pic.
I gotta learn to give less of a fuck day by day, hah.
Anonymous37(33): @Franky_Whiskey: >epic In what way is this epic? Long comment list doesn't make it so. Aside from Kraw literally nobody would complain about this kind of pic getting replaced.
To hell with this administration favoritism.
Krawczyk: Shogunate eh. Ima have to get me a war fan and a nice big Oni mask.
Also we're constantly spammed with mails about pics with long comment threads getting deleted. It's an internet thang, you kiddies these days with your tweetas and your constant deleting of your own comments to hide your own failings wouldn't understand preserving things for posterity and oldfags' dismay that web.archive doesn't actually save EVERYTHING like it's supposed to.
Like two years after drawn-sex went DNP we still get attractive and successful Africans asking when it'll come back, and that's only the main one!
Anonymous40: Alright! Im gonna clear up ALL the confusion around here. as Anon17 said:
"During an event called "2012 Fremont Solstice Parade" in Seattle, lesbian/atheist vlogger BionicDance decided to participate in the parade by fully body painting herself in Rainbow Dash's colors (cause she's a huge fan of RD)."
This specifc image was taken at the Old Ballard Library, in Seattle, where they were hosting the Painting Party that year. Due to the fact the camera is pointed towards the entrance, you cant see behind the photographer, where there were roughly 700 other people getting painted. All the people behind here arriving were probably going to get painted too. Everything that happened on that day was legal, and encouraged by the community. If you guys want to see the Image Gallery where this specific image comes from, go to: (REQUIRES FLICKR ACCOUNT TO SEE ALL IMAGES)
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>woman body
>apparently the photo is legit
Dude. What.
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HOLD UP attractive and successful Africans
But...same creepy smile.
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Gigglesnort/WTF seems to be the most appropriate though.
You can check out her channel here:
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*This world is going insane*
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@PinkBallons: Seems like that's the ONLY consistent thing in moderation here these days. And it's not even for a good reason.
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I gotta learn to give less of a fuck day by day, hah.
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In what way is this epic? Long comment list doesn't make it so. Aside from Kraw literally nobody would complain about this kind of pic getting replaced.
To hell with this administration favoritism.
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Also we're constantly spammed with mails about pics with long comment threads getting deleted. It's an internet thang, you kiddies these days with your tweetas and your constant deleting of your own comments to hide your own failings wouldn't understand preserving things for posterity and oldfags' dismay that web.archive doesn't actually save EVERYTHING like it's supposed to.
Like two years after drawn-sex went DNP we still get attractive and successful Africans asking when it'll come back, and that's only the main one!
I want to see HER painted up
"During an event called "2012 Fremont Solstice Parade" in Seattle, lesbian/atheist vlogger BionicDance decided to participate in the parade by fully body painting herself in Rainbow Dash's colors (cause she's a huge fan of RD)."
This specifc image was taken at the Old Ballard Library, in Seattle, where they were hosting the Painting Party that year. Due to the fact the camera is pointed towards the entrance, you cant see behind the photographer, where there were roughly 700 other people getting painted. All the people behind here arriving were probably going to get painted too. Everything that happened on that day was legal, and encouraged by the community. If you guys want to see the Image Gallery where this specific image comes from, go to: (REQUIRES FLICKR ACCOUNT TO SEE ALL IMAGES)