Anonymous10: Oh..fuck this is hot.
@BleedinSkull: Some really strongminded people love being broken down and subbed. Don't make pissy crappy judgements, especially about someone who does not exist.
Anonymous12: I dunno if he's reading this, but Smitty? At this point, you've pretty much lost any and all right to claim that this relationship is healthy, or even consenting. You've moved past implied psychological abuse, and have gone straight for *drugging her*. If something you describe as an aphrodisiac is having a result this strong, it qualifies as a date-rape drug.
You fucking scumbag.
I realize Doxy drew this, but it's hosted on the pet-dash tumblr, so I feel entirely justified in assuming that it's Smitty's idea.
And guys? Gomen ain't the only one who hates this cancer.
Anonymous13(6): @Anonymous: He who stands with me shall be my brother.
To be fair, doxy was the one who started it, with this pic >>906824. Smitty just picked up the idea and visual syle, then brought whole new levels of retardation to it.
Anonymous14(12): @Anonymous: Some do. A hell of a lot more don't. Also, drugs. Right there in the picture. Hard to argue she's consenting when she's *fucking drugged.*
@Gomenasai: Technically, a guy called darf started it with a really horrible fanfic. It had some pretty hideously abusive overtones (do you *know* what a horrific process it is to embed behavioral triggers into someone?) so I'm not surprised they've continued in the cancer that spread out from it.
Anonymous15(6): @Anonymous: Right, right. Fanfic is one thing, another is when people continuously produce fanart for it, gradually adding their own twists and sinking to even lower lows than it originally was. Soon it will be as bad as Cupcakes.
Anonymous16(9): @Anonymous: Aphrodesiac isn't a mind altering date rape drug it's. "An aphrodisiac is a substance that increases sexual desire." Get your shit straight you retard.
Anonymous18(12): @Anonymous: If it's strong enough that it's affecting her behavior then it's a mind-altering substance, which is what a drug *is*. Be careful where you wave that "retard" brush around lest it splash on you.
Anonymous19(9): @Anonymous: Aphrodisiacs include chocolate, wine, spanish fly (uretheral irritant). the list goes on. None of them alter the mind they all just usually heat the body or cause some sort of mild erotic effect you boner.
Anonymous20(12): @Anonymous: Yes, real aphrodisiacs act that way. A real-life aphrodisiac would also have negligible effects on behavior, and thus would not be worth mentioning at the very beginning there. This is clearly not a real-life aphrodisiac, it's more of the garbage mind-control shit that this tumblr depends on.
Anonymous21: @Hierolocc: Incorrect, there is indeed a collar, its just barely visible.@Gomenasai: I will admit...that made me chuckle.@Anonymous: By any chance, have you read any hentai comics that involved mind-break or aphrodisiacs before and liked them? Because if you have, shut up and GTFO. Otherwise I have no complaints to say about it.@Gomenasai: Kindly refrain from using the term "retardation" please. That actually angered me more right now than your constant hatred of these two guys art. >:(@Gomenasai: Really? Really? First off, its going to be bad like anything, it'd be bad like Sweet Apple Massacre. Secondly, only to you will it be like this. Far more people seem to enjoy the art more than anything.@Anonymous: Please refrain from using that word. Please? :(@Anonymous: Excepting the instance where the anoyn master used it in pancakes, I do not recall the tumblr using mind control in any other instant. Unless of course you think RD has to be mind controled to even like the BSDM roleplaying and such their doing, in which case I don't have much else to say here.
Sigh, why can't people just stick to the art they like and ignore the art they don't? I don't go around hating on the guro or scat art, why do people need to hate on this? Are you guys just bored, or that easily bothered/infuriated?
SmittyG: Well, at least she wasn't considered OOC here, instead she was drug raped :/
If i draw Dash resisting being bottom, Anon and her fighting it out for top with Anon winning and rutting her senseless as he pins her down.
Is this considered in character or rape?
I mean, thats her personality right? Always up for a challenge and a scrap?
Faptacular: @Anonymous: There's an old quote, I have no idea who originally said it and I'm probably not getting it word for word here but:
"Evil wins when good men do nothing."
Calling this evil may be over dramatizing it but I certainly find it immoral and it sickens me. Expressing our distaste for what we consider to be utter garbage is basically the only thing we can do.
We are not trolling a whole fandom here just because we don't like the source material. We are taking issue with something that has taken root within a fandom we have real affection for.
Anonymous22(6): @grumblepluck: Rape would be better as long as she is more or less close to her canon self. Not to say Rainbow abuse is appreciated but it would be better than the way things are now.
Why did it have to be Rainbow in the first place? She is the worst choice for this scenario out of the mane six.
Anonymous23: @anon16
Roleplaying? You dont know every picture of this tumblr, right? Its not a roleplay, he always treats her like shit! Not only "in bed"....
Anonymous24: @grumblepluck: I don't get why people are angry about this. I mean, yes, raindow dash's personality is a bit shifted from the original. But that does not deserve such hate from some people.@Gomenasai: I get why you are upset about this picture, but please,, it is just a drawing. Everyone's taste cannot be the same.
Anonymous25: For all the people complaining, it is a real fetish that a lot of people have. Being dominated can be incredibly arousing no matter how much you say to the contrary. So if you don't like it, click that magical button in the top left hand corner and clop to something else. And also, it's a fucking cartoon character! So stop this moral discussion about rape, once again domination can be a fetish and if you guys would have been following the blog you would know that the safe word is banana.
Anonymous26(21): @Anonymous: I have been looking at the every picture of the tumblr. And the only one that i can really even consider to be abusive in any form is the one where she gets left out in the rain (and technically, that's her choice, as she could have used the safe word, and or chosen to go ahead and go inside. Her resisting and staying outside was actually in-character for her) Otherwise, she seems perfectly fine with this.
Something tells me that for at least half of these people, if it were any of the other mane six, or a random OC or BG pony, they wouldn't give a damn which in a sense is quite sad, what with all the moral arguments being thrown around.@Gomenasai: This. Is. Pony. Porn. Nothing. Is. In. Freaking. Canon. Get. The. Fuck. Over. It.
I have a sudden urge to go hunt down the pictures of Twilight with a collar, or the ones where it looks like she's not all too happy to be being screwed, and see how much outrage there is there. Heck, I should just look up all the tentacle rape images and bask in all the hate and rage I'm sure there is there.
Lapp: @Anonymous: Tentacle rape is nothing like it, bruv... It's virtually a really active manner of masturbation.
Anyways, if you have a difficult time tolerating his opinion, you're as much a target of your own sentiment as him. Yes, he admittedly says it maybe the slightest bit too often (No offense Gomen. D: ), but his comments are just words. He doesn't act to impose them or anything of the like. The argument "you don't have to open the image" fails on the hypocrisy that you don't have to read his comments. :(
Anonymous27(21): @Lapp: I have stated on another of these that all too often, I get caught up in the hate and end up being a hypocryte. But then again, we're all hypocrytes to one extent or another.
As to the tentacle rape thing, tell that to all the fictional characters in hentai comics who don't enjoy the experience in said comics. It's still forced sex on an unwilling participant, so if one is to classify this as rape and get upset at it, one should do the same to tentacle rape images.
I shall in the future attempt to ignore the hater comments in these pictures, though I don't know if I shall succeed or not.
Lapp: @Anonymous: It's cool man, I just feel that arguing this to death is more pain than its worth for either side, but I guess I can't decide that for everyone who keeps it up.
Anonymous28(21): @Lapp: I suppose what bugs me the most is that they could just ignore the pics, and yet still a few of them seem to stick around and be negative about the pics.
That and the fact that its PORN of all things to get so serious over. I knew ponies were serious business, but I didn't know Porn was serious business as well (making Pony Porn suber duber important business :p)
Anonymous29(6): @Anonymous: There's enough instances with subtle abuse and mistreatment trying to pass themselves off as funny and cute. That's why rape would be preferred, it wouldn't hide itself under the pretense of false cutesy. It would be honest and to the point, not to mention more believable for Rainbow's character.
But Anon blew it when he ignored the safe word. That's where the comic should have logically stopped, if the author didn't want to force it to keep going by making Rainbow forgive him for no reason, even knowing she can't rely on him after that.
And submissive Twilight works just fine, it suits her well. You won't see much complaints about that, if any.
@Anonymous: I already ignore a lot as it is, this is a special case for too damn many reasons.
And this being porn doesn't make it less significant than other genres of fan content.
CrotchboobAddict: @Anonymous: Well, she don't look like a horse, even the canon design don't really look anything like real horses. I only hear that argument from trolls, soo..
moximoore: You guys do know that there is a community of people out there (Men & Woman) who enjoy the Pet-Play/RP/BD-SM stuff I've seen in these pics right?
If your not into it (I'm not in spades) then that's fine dandy. But don't go judging others or saying they're fetishes are immoral and disgusting just because you don't like them.
Anonymous35: yeah, fags like the butthurt anons you see in the posts above reported his blog because they were jealous of his artistic abilities. tis a shame to see a good blog killed because some shit heads wished they could be as popular as he was
GnomeNaziGomenasaiIf he really drew it FOR gomen, then gomen owns him already ;)
Nice pics though...
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you can barely see it in the top left
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Hehe, this made me laugh cause its so true xD
I really disklike human x pony.
@BleedinSkull: Some really strongminded people love being broken down and subbed. Don't make pissy crappy judgements, especially about someone who does not exist.
You fucking scumbag.
I realize Doxy drew this, but it's hosted on the pet-dash tumblr, so I feel entirely justified in assuming that it's Smitty's idea.
And guys? Gomen ain't the only one who hates this cancer.
To be fair, doxy was the one who started it, with this pic >>906824. Smitty just picked up the idea and visual syle, then brought whole new levels of retardation to it.
@Gomenasai: Technically, a guy called darf started it with a really horrible fanfic. It had some pretty hideously abusive overtones (do you *know* what a horrific process it is to embed behavioral triggers into someone?) so I'm not surprised they've continued in the cancer that spread out from it.
Sigh, why can't people just stick to the art they like and ignore the art they don't? I don't go around hating on the guro or scat art, why do people need to hate on this? Are you guys just bored, or that easily bothered/infuriated?
Chill a pill and take it.
If i draw Dash resisting being bottom, Anon and her fighting it out for top with Anon winning and rutting her senseless as he pins her down.
Is this considered in character or rape?
I mean, thats her personality right? Always up for a challenge and a scrap?
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"Evil wins when good men do nothing."
Calling this evil may be over dramatizing it but I certainly find it immoral and it sickens me. Expressing our distaste for what we consider to be utter garbage is basically the only thing we can do.
We are not trolling a whole fandom here just because we don't like the source material. We are taking issue with something that has taken root within a fandom we have real affection for.
Why did it have to be Rainbow in the first place? She is the worst choice for this scenario out of the mane six.
Roleplaying? You dont know every picture of this tumblr, right? Its not a roleplay, he always treats her like shit! Not only "in bed"....
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Something tells me that for at least half of these people, if it were any of the other mane six, or a random OC or BG pony, they wouldn't give a damn which in a sense is quite sad, what with all the moral arguments being thrown around.@Gomenasai: This. Is. Pony. Porn. Nothing. Is. In. Freaking. Canon. Get. The. Fuck. Over. It.
I have a sudden urge to go hunt down the pictures of Twilight with a collar, or the ones where it looks like she's not all too happy to be being screwed, and see how much outrage there is there. Heck, I should just look up all the tentacle rape images and bask in all the hate and rage I'm sure there is there.
Anyways, if you have a difficult time tolerating his opinion, you're as much a target of your own sentiment as him. Yes, he admittedly says it maybe the slightest bit too often (No offense Gomen. D: ), but his comments are just words. He doesn't act to impose them or anything of the like. The argument "you don't have to open the image" fails on the hypocrisy that you don't have to read his comments. :(
As to the tentacle rape thing, tell that to all the fictional characters in hentai comics who don't enjoy the experience in said comics. It's still forced sex on an unwilling participant, so if one is to classify this as rape and get upset at it, one should do the same to tentacle rape images.
I shall in the future attempt to ignore the hater comments in these pictures, though I don't know if I shall succeed or not.
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That and the fact that its PORN of all things to get so serious over. I knew ponies were serious business, but I didn't know Porn was serious business as well (making Pony Porn suber duber important business :p)
But Anon blew it when he ignored the safe word. That's where the comic should have logically stopped, if the author didn't want to force it to keep going by making Rainbow forgive him for no reason, even knowing she can't rely on him after that.
And submissive Twilight works just fine, it suits her well. You won't see much complaints about that, if any.
@Anonymous: I already ignore a lot as it is, this is a special case for too damn many reasons.
And this being porn doesn't make it less significant than other genres of fan content.
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Fuck off tumblrfag.
But that is a pretty cute butt =3
If your not into it (I'm not in spades) then that's fine dandy. But don't go judging others or saying they're fetishes are immoral and disgusting just because you don't like them.
As if you fetishes are above everyone else.
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