Anonymous3(1): Even if she was in character there is no way to justify so much abuse towards her. And if she was in character she wouldn't put up with any abuse in the first place.
When will people stop grasping at straws to find non-existing reasons to defend this pile of crap?
Roflcakes: @AnonV3: None of our posts were even remotely close to that. Next time, wait until the thread actually devolves into mindless rage before posting that shit.
Anonymous5: @Gomenasai: Oh just get the fuck over it and go fap to stuff you like.
Yeah, the guy has the right to draw that if he wants, just as you have the right to complain as much as you want. But since I'm sure everyone and their mother knows your opinion of this by now, why not just save yourself some time, energy, and quite possibly stress, and just ignore the images and fap to the things that you like.
Its really easy to pretend this doesn't exist you know. Its called Ignoring it.
Also, since we have no idea how Rainbow Dash is in regards to sex, any sexuality or fetishes of Rainbow Dash are subject to nothing more than HEAD CANON and since everyones head-canon diverges to one extent or another, just accept that this artist has this viewpoint and move on.
Oatmeal: @Anonymous: I'm going to have to agree. This one even bypasses the story. You only hate it because you know who made it. Don't even start bullshit about the collar. I'm pretty I've seen you like pics with RD being dominated, wearing a collar, or in full bondage gear.
Anonymous7(1): @Anonymous: It's not about what I like and what I don't. It's about what's right and what's wrong, the matters that aren't just my personal opinion.
You know about the Luna beheading set, right? That one received a mostly negative response, as it should have. But guess what, I liked it. Every single pic, especially the neckhole fuck one. And you didn't see me go defending it and making up reasons to justify it. I openly admit that it's fucked up and inappropriate, and so should do those who like this pet dash. Don't say the Luna example is different only because it's gore. The idea of slave Rainbow may not be as grotesque but with everything she's forced to constantly go through it's chipping away at her to much the same effect.
So why is the slave Rainbow trend met with so much love and approval despite all the abuse the pegasus gets? Why is it suddenly okay to hurt Rainbow but not Fluttershy or Luna? Rainbow is the single most abused character in the fandom (as if Cupcakes alone wasn't enough) and absolute majority encourages this. That's what gets me the most, the very fact that this many people hate Rainbow so much that they like to see her charisma, dignity and pride reduced to a talking cabbage and rubbed into dirt with forced humiliating. All the while saying that's how it SHOULD be.
And I won't ever accept it from anyone because it popularizes and expands this atrocious notion. Ignoring it would mean giving up and admitting it's okay. It's not.
Rainbow is NOT my waifu, and I don't furiously fap to her and only her. But I like her enough and it's genuinely frustrating to see this much bias generated specifically against her.
The way I think certain characters are vastly overrated and overloved doesn't help either, but that's merely subjective. Probably.
Anonymous9: "The idea of slave Rainbow may not be as grotesque but with everything she's forced to constantly go through it's chipping away at her to much the same effect."
there is so much wrong with this sentence it's hilarious
Anonymous10(1): @Oatmeal: That she is. So? She is the kind of character people pay $500-1000 for custom plushes of. If you're implying cartoons are no big deal tell that to people who went apeshit over Derpy, claiming she is "offensive". Or to Hasbro, who listened and went out of their way to "correct" her. So apparently cartoon characters are serious business, and if they normally aren't there are always exceptions.
Anonymous12(5): @Gomenasai:
Rather than writing an indepth response, I'm going to say this.
Its not guro. She's not actually getting hurt. Its all CELESTIA DAMNED FRAKKING ROLE PLAY and in the universe of these pictures, she likes doing this.
If the idea was that Rainbow had actually been enslaved then yes, this would rankle me and bother me. But the point your missing is that she's not an actual slave, its just a roleplay thing she does with her lover, and in this series of drawings she likes it.
Again though, there's an easy way to solve this. Its called ignore the art. I ignore all the guro and scat art out there, I'm sure if you try hard enough you can ignore the pet-rainbow dash art.
@Everyone whose having a shit-fit on the other end of the spectrum: It's the attitude behind the picture that makes it so bad. The subtle abuse and outright mind-fuckery that goes on in that tumblr is what makes me cry foul.
Lapp: While I think that it might be possible for Gomen to be the tiniest bit more polite, people getting pissed at him need to realize how little sense it makes to say "Stop expressing your opinion because it conflicts with my opinion."
But Gomen, it might not be the best approach to constantly vindicate Smitty and pet dash...wouldn't you have a much more pleasant day if you didn't have to deal with it every day? I agree with you and so do others, but thinking negatively over something even so insignificant will only naturally put you in a worse mood. D;
skunkwolfe: Just curious, but am I the only one who can keep canon and fanon separate in my head and just think of the fan works as alternate realities? O_o
Lapp: @skunkwolfe: Not really, most of my favourite characters are changes in ways I really detest in fanon.
But what, to my knowledge, Gomen is trying to express is that canon and fanon are not actually two separate domains, and that Smitty should have simply made an OC to abuse rather than take a character that he likes.
PinkBallons: @Lapp: Even a character like Pet Fluttershy would be better, at least then it wouldn't be so nonsensical. Fluttershy would be willing to put up with this shit, I mean look at her relationship with Angel.
Anonymous13(1): If you're asking what's the problem with this, it's literally everything.
- OoC behavior
- Tiny size
- Cheezy kаwаi uguu anime style
- The human owner*
- *Who ALSO happens to be a huge jerk
- The abuse
- Making Rainbow enjoy said abuse by changing her personality without giving any logical reason
- Human's complete disregard for the partner and absolutely trustless BDSM treatment
- Dodging legit questions and inability to explain reasons behind this relationship
- Using specifically Rainbow for this
- The general idea based on the MLD and Slave Rainbow concept which I and some other people hated long before this.
Faptacular knows what's up, behind the pretty cutesy of this all hide bizarre fantasies of harming a pony for personal amusement.
@Lapp: I'm not just expressing opinion, I'm pointing out how wrong this whole mess is. I know there are others who don't like it, so that means there are objective reasons for that and we're onto something here. If people are going to like this they shouldn't act like they're right and superior while the dislikers are some kind of biased heretics. We may be in the minority but that doesn't make us wrong.
I appreciate your concern Lapp, I really do. But it's bad enough as it is to see all the BS Rainbow gets in fan works even outside of this comic, and especially how much it's enjoyed by the fandom. It feels like I'm the only voice of reason out there and everything is against me.
Anonymous14: WTF is democracy doing in my porn?????!!!!!????? WTF are you idiots claiming rape is bad when tis be a damn picture drawn by a person, like really. Not trying to sink boats with the "its your opinion not the whole worlds opinion" torpedo but honestly, its a pron site dedicated to porn. You want fancy non-violent shit with nice rainbows and flowers with the ponies, go to Danbooru, tis got everything you could need haha XP seriously guys, porn site, not a debating site for people who dislike bad treatment of non-real characters that don't exist, and im sure the last time i checked MLP was a cartoon and this is the artists drawing. Pretty sure he does not care as to what you think because if he likes it, so what. We's all gots our own fets. And so there goes the Torpedo from the USS Anonymous. And btw, WE GOTS SUM BUTTHURTS HERE HAHAHA XD
Anonymous16(14): Wow, my dick got hard all the comments are just read.... Is that OK ? XP and btw Dash doesn't even exist, its a fucking picture. Stop being so butthurt and go back to being forever alone with your stuffed ponies trying to imagine they are real hahaha XP and btw BUTTHURTS ON DECK, LIKE ANON 8 SAID!!!!!
Faptacular: @skunkwolfe: I don't associate fanon and canon together at all personally. Same thing with the porn, but I've always been able to compartmentalize everything in my head so there's no overlap. That's also why OoC-ness doesn't overly bother me.
There are things that no matter what will always get my hackles up though, mental/physical abuse being the top of that list.
Anonymous19(1): @Anonymous: The reasons may not be legitimate individually, but all rolled up together they are.
If I had just 2 or 3 issues with this I wouldn't complain.
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Finally something about pet Dash I find appealing for once.
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When will people stop grasping at straws to find non-existing reasons to defend this pile of crap?
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Yeah, the guy has the right to draw that if he wants, just as you have the right to complain as much as you want. But since I'm sure everyone and their mother knows your opinion of this by now, why not just save yourself some time, energy, and quite possibly stress, and just ignore the images and fap to the things that you like.
Its really easy to pretend this doesn't exist you know. Its called Ignoring it.
Also, since we have no idea how Rainbow Dash is in regards to sex, any sexuality or fetishes of Rainbow Dash are subject to nothing more than HEAD CANON and since everyones head-canon diverges to one extent or another, just accept that this artist has this viewpoint and move on.
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You know about the Luna beheading set, right? That one received a mostly negative response, as it should have. But guess what, I liked it. Every single pic, especially the neckhole fuck one. And you didn't see me go defending it and making up reasons to justify it. I openly admit that it's fucked up and inappropriate, and so should do those who like this pet dash. Don't say the Luna example is different only because it's gore. The idea of slave Rainbow may not be as grotesque but with everything she's forced to constantly go through it's chipping away at her to much the same effect.
So why is the slave Rainbow trend met with so much love and approval despite all the abuse the pegasus gets? Why is it suddenly okay to hurt Rainbow but not Fluttershy or Luna? Rainbow is the single most abused character in the fandom (as if Cupcakes alone wasn't enough) and absolute majority encourages this. That's what gets me the most, the very fact that this many people hate Rainbow so much that they like to see her charisma, dignity and pride reduced to a talking cabbage and rubbed into dirt with forced humiliating. All the while saying that's how it SHOULD be.
And I won't ever accept it from anyone because it popularizes and expands this atrocious notion. Ignoring it would mean giving up and admitting it's okay. It's not.
Rainbow is NOT my waifu, and I don't furiously fap to her and only her. But I like her enough and it's genuinely frustrating to see this much bias generated specifically against her.
The way I think certain characters are vastly overrated and overloved doesn't help either, but that's merely subjective. Probably.
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2) The artist is a gal, not guy. Famous for voicing Derpy in some fan videos.
there is so much wrong with this sentence it's hilarious
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Rather than writing an indepth response, I'm going to say this.
Its not guro. She's not actually getting hurt. Its all CELESTIA DAMNED FRAKKING ROLE PLAY and in the universe of these pictures, she likes doing this.
If the idea was that Rainbow had actually been enslaved then yes, this would rankle me and bother me. But the point your missing is that she's not an actual slave, its just a roleplay thing she does with her lover, and in this series of drawings she likes it.
Again though, there's an easy way to solve this. Its called ignore the art. I ignore all the guro and scat art out there, I'm sure if you try hard enough you can ignore the pet-rainbow dash art.
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@Everyone whose having a shit-fit on the other end of the spectrum: It's the attitude behind the picture that makes it so bad. The subtle abuse and outright mind-fuckery that goes on in that tumblr is what makes me cry foul.
But Gomen, it might not be the best approach to constantly vindicate Smitty and pet dash...wouldn't you have a much more pleasant day if you didn't have to deal with it every day? I agree with you and so do others, but thinking negatively over something even so insignificant will only naturally put you in a worse mood. D;
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But what, to my knowledge, Gomen is trying to express is that canon and fanon are not actually two separate domains, and that Smitty should have simply made an OC to abuse rather than take a character that he likes.
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- OoC behavior
- Tiny size
- Cheezy kаwаi uguu anime style
- The human owner*
- *Who ALSO happens to be a huge jerk
- The abuse
- Making Rainbow enjoy said abuse by changing her personality without giving any logical reason
- Human's complete disregard for the partner and absolutely trustless BDSM treatment
- Dodging legit questions and inability to explain reasons behind this relationship
- Using specifically Rainbow for this
- The general idea based on the MLD and Slave Rainbow concept which I and some other people hated long before this.
Faptacular knows what's up, behind the pretty cutesy of this all hide bizarre fantasies of harming a pony for personal amusement.
@Lapp: I'm not just expressing opinion, I'm pointing out how wrong this whole mess is. I know there are others who don't like it, so that means there are objective reasons for that and we're onto something here. If people are going to like this they shouldn't act like they're right and superior while the dislikers are some kind of biased heretics. We may be in the minority but that doesn't make us wrong.
I appreciate your concern Lapp, I really do. But it's bad enough as it is to see all the BS Rainbow gets in fan works even outside of this comic, and especially how much it's enjoyed by the fandom. It feels like I'm the only voice of reason out there and everything is against me.
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Dont mean to take the focus of your points, just want to say welcome to what G1-3 fans get 24/7.
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There are things that no matter what will always get my hackles up though, mental/physical abuse being the top of that list.
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If I had just 2 or 3 issues with this I wouldn't complain.
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