Anonymous4: I hate it when people claim that Celestia and Luna re deities. They're not. Nowhere it has been stated
that they are. They're mortal beings.
Anonymous5: @Anonymous: They're implied to be. Like when instead of "For God's sake" they say "For Celestia's sake" (mainly to avoid any mentions of religious terms in a show for kids), or even the fact that living for 3-4 thousands years is no feat a normal pony can even come close to. They're heavily ingrained in Equestrian lore as divine figures and saviors from superpowered threats such as Discord, commonly appearing as statues, stained glass compositions and other instances of culture and art throughout generations. They're given so much respect they're practically worshiped. They're simple, physical and mortal gods, but gods nevertheless. Think of them like the Emperor of WH40k, with exception that they didn't create a cult around them.
deathstriker: @Gomenasai: Hasnt Spike onced shouted: "For Pete's sake" in the Applelooza episode, where the girls did not let him get some sleep and ended sleeping with the tree after all?
Anonymous6(5): @deathstriker: Maybe, but Celestia replacing God is mentioned quite often. I recall one time in the beginning of The Last Roundup when Rainbow is talking to Derpy.
Anonymous8: Nah, RD Beads and a Luna Strap-on are just good sense. Every Sun-Controlling Immortal Reverse-Vampire Deity should have them. But a Fluttershy banana? That's just craaaazy.
Anonymous12: @Gomenasai: Sorry, but if Spike really did say," For Pete's sake," isn't that phrase referring to Saint Peter, who is supposed to be one of the twelve apostles of Jesus? So they bring in Christianity in some way, which, unless they're trying to say Celestia and Luna are the Christian gods and Christianity is really polytheistic, they aren't immortal.
that they are. They're mortal beings.
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