Anonymous16: @TheDane They're not shrinking. Tannis can only take half of the skag's cock, Lilith can take it up to the knot, and the knot is inside Moxxi.
Anonymous21: I just remembered: in borderlands two, tannis ACTUALLY comes onto you. The quote, as far as I can remember, goes like this: "...And in my bed- standing offer-..." How many of you would take that offer IRL?
Anonymous26: There should be animations of this as well, the pictures are worthy, but there should also be animations/videos of this, they should especially add these videos to porn platforms
Anonymous27: @Anonymous: would be sexy to fap to... those anus and buttholes deflorated by the knots, then semen filling their rectum.... love to see Moxxi like that, and that Doctor is juste perfect for anal with doggy-style dicks
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Answer: Not in this fucking picture.
Reason: Artist most-likely did not want to draw anymore.
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