PinkBallons: @Lapp: Why is SA even an issue here? He's completely under Chrysalis' control, he would never do anything she didn't want him to do; he's basically an extension of her at this point.
Lapp: @PinkBallons: Well, I don't particularly care for either Cadance or Shining, but don't have anything against them either. I only want to defenestrate Shining out of context... I mean, Chrysalis alone would probably be my favourite. :P
PinkBallons: What I'm saying is I find it odd that you aren't okay with Chrysalis being with others. You gave me the impression that you didn't mind who she's with as long as she's...Well, maybe not happy, but content, at least.
Lapp: @PinkBallons: I know, I'm being facetious; I don't always have to be serious. :<
Honestly, I'm unhealthily nonchalant in general. If I were to always be so objective, I'd be even more miserable. I've gotten to the point where I can spout objective, analytical nonsense but not "think about it", i.e. Never really consciously register any of it. It's why traces of schizophrenia (which I do exhibit, just to be honest) are sequestered solely to my subconscious, and don't cloud my conscious thoughts to any notable agree. I actively feed and force the schism between my mind and reality wider, so I can't really help the manifestations of schizophrenia (which I'd rather not go into) but can distinguish them from what "is".
To go back on topic and answer your question, yes, I do realize that, but don't like thinking about it. Realistically, I'd be as much an appetizer for Chrysalis as the next guy, but don't like that to actively enter my aware mind. 's why it's a fantasy. :P
Faptacular: For some reason this just seems like a naughty sitcom setup. She's the bad neighbor that occasionally breaks into their house to fuck with them, literally. But since they're fully aware that she'd actually die if she didn't do this they let her get away with it. (Plus some sick part of them actually likes it.)
PinkBallons: @Lapp: Lol sorry, I'm terrible at detecting when someone is joking via text. I have the habit of assuming everyone is serious unless it's completely in-your-face obvious, as I usually am.
Lapp: @PinkBallons: Nah, I need to learn to change that already...I get in trouble because of it often, it's just impossible to read subtle sarcasm in short passages of text, and if it weren't a force of habit, I'd try to avoid doing it more. :<
Get the fuck out, SA.
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And I'll use that distraction as a chance to throw Shining Armour from a balcony.
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Honestly, I'm unhealthily nonchalant in general. If I were to always be so objective, I'd be even more miserable. I've gotten to the point where I can spout objective, analytical nonsense but not "think about it", i.e. Never really consciously register any of it. It's why traces of schizophrenia (which I do exhibit, just to be honest) are sequestered solely to my subconscious, and don't cloud my conscious thoughts to any notable agree. I actively feed and force the schism between my mind and reality wider, so I can't really help the manifestations of schizophrenia (which I'd rather not go into) but can distinguish them from what "is".
To go back on topic and answer your question, yes, I do realize that, but don't like thinking about it. Realistically, I'd be as much an appetizer for Chrysalis as the next guy, but don't like that to actively enter my aware mind. 's why it's a fantasy. :P
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You mean they battled... AT MARIO PARTY!
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