kotsey: panties made tighter, slightly smaller, and aren't granny panties.
hair shaped up a bit
nose shading altered to make it seem more dimensional.
This is why ninja is my favorite artist profiled here. that and he does simulated charcoal oil painting, which is pretty freaking cool compared to all the line-art stuff other people do (at least it looks like that to me).
@Anonymous: Sorry, I just personally find that to be a lot sexier :P she'd probably be wearing a bra, too, but then she'd get deleted like my Lux upload (which I might reupload topless I guess, if I get around to doing it)
@kotsey: Thanks, your comments make me all warm and fuzzy inside xD
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hair shaped up a bit
nose shading altered to make it seem more dimensional.
This is why ninja is my favorite artist profiled here. that and he does simulated charcoal oil painting, which is pretty freaking cool compared to all the line-art stuff other people do (at least it looks like that to me).
fanboy mode eternally on.
@Anonymous: Sorry, I just personally find that to be a lot sexier :P she'd probably be wearing a bra, too, but then she'd get deleted like my Lux upload (which I might reupload topless I guess, if I get around to doing it)
@kotsey: Thanks, your comments make me all warm and fuzzy inside xD
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