Comixfan: Considering how comical the first piece was, this one took me by surprise. Still, incredible work and very, very hot. Par for the course with you at this point but, still. She has such a hot profile in the second panel.
Comixfan: @kyle724: He has glands in his mouth that can "spit" both an acidic and adhesive substance. But I'd be willing to bet his regular saliva is about normal, minus being a bit more...mucus. Blagh.
Anonymous6(5): @O Rly: Don't jinx it man. We don't know what happened to Master G4, and if this was his work (which it totally isnt guys) he's obviously using a different name because he doesn't want the attention.
Comixfan: @O Rly: What he's trying to say is comparing a *new* artist to a former well known artist who likely had to go away for important reasons can often invite unwanted attention. Sunset doesn't need added pressure by being associated to a name that doesn't belong to him.
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