DivideByZero: Even in the anal bits? Do they have little stickynotes between each nutsack to keep them separated?
I wonder if people make ball cozies. Like, little socks you pull on over your balls so they don't touch other balls.
Anonymous11: @DivideByZero:
The secret is balls don't really touch that often during anal, so to be honest all that gay porn out there is false advertising!
DivideByZero: Ah, thank you for the insight, MrKWalmsley. Not having balls myself, I never had the chance to gather any personal data on the matter. Hey, what about with the ladies? Are we straight as long as our ovaries don't touch?
Anonymous12: @DivideByZero:
The rules for females are a little different. It's only hardcore lesbianism if the nipple touches the clit. The more you know!
- Reply
Trust me, as the maker of this peice, I can assure you no balls are touching!
I wonder if people make ball cozies. Like, little socks you pull on over your balls so they don't touch other balls.
The secret is balls don't really touch that often during anal, so to be honest all that gay porn out there is false advertising!
The rules for females are a little different. It's only hardcore lesbianism if the nipple touches the clit. The more you know!