Anonymous6(1): Very erotic, fantastic work. It also makes a change from all these shitty talentless Mass Effect G-Mods people keep uploading here. This picture shows a level of class and skill that i prefer to associate with Rule 34. I would love to see this artist draw Tali, if at all possible.
JeffMoreau: Cruise17: or maybe it's a trap and thus we must kill it with fire. Oh, and thus its opinion doesn't matter.
Personally I want to kill something with fire.
Anonymous12: This is my favourite piece of JackxMiranda. The way Miri's got her O face on, and her back arching. It's great. And no, Anon 7, gtfo. Girl on girl is vag on vag. Leave it be. and @Anon11, I agree!
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Personally I want to kill something with fire.