Thumper: @Anonymous: Yes, Anon8, there is a girl who does this while looking at a picture of you; She exists as certainly as fapping and self-love and masturbation exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy. Alas! how dreary would be the world if there were no girl who does this while looking at a picture of you! It would be as dreary as if there were no, say, Rule34 at all!. There would be no rapings of your childhood then, no cartoon porn, no release to make tolerable this existence. The eternal light with which Rule34 fills the internet would be extinguished...
Anonymous9: Im sure there are girls who do this while thinking about all of us Im sure we all have one we probably just dont know it. Wish I knew who mine was so I could fuck her god I hope she is a hot one. Can you imagine if the girl you liked liked you too but you never told one another how you felt hence never got togther.
"ARNOLD!... you make my girlhood tremble, my senses all go wacky" Lol.
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