Lapp: @Maskarade: I'm curious, man. What's your view on strictly heterosexual women?
The "unenlightened" ones? I kid, I really would like to hear your opinion.
Maskarade: @Lapp: Well.. I have wrote a long ass post on another picture. It kinda says why I like lesbian art so much. And don't like males. It's here >>881740 almost at the bottom. But when it comes to straight women. I only know straight women, no lesbians. And I don't think being lesbian is the right answer... Now I am getting back at the other comment... I'll just post it here so get ready to read:
Have I really made you believe that I hate the authors of straight art? That I don't know my opinions are unusual? I know that being straight is a very common thing. And males can be romantic and sweet. I don't hate myself for being a male. But it has made me into a guy that dosen't bang every hot chick he sees. That I want to treat girls in a proper way. And you are hating me for that? Hating me for having others opinions than you. Yes.. I am almost disgusted by straight art. Even if its spontaneous and sweet. And when it comes to MLP my opinions are even stronger. Beacuse the mane six and other background ponies are somewhat real to me. Not that I actually believe that they are real. But when you read a sad story about a fictional character you kinda get feelings for that character. If you read My Little Dashie and at the end of that story the guy banged Dashie. Wouldn't that ruin the story for you? But if it's were something cute, it wouldn't be that bad. And in my mind lesbian ponies are really the cutest thing imaginable. Everyone throws their opinion on the comments. Just beacuse mine is stupid to you, you want me to fuck off and die? How do you imagne me in real life? I will tell you the truth. I am 18 year old boy. I am quite skinny and have long black hair. I have dyed it black. It covers half of my eye. I am quite gothic. I go in black clothes and sometimes wear black eye-liner. I have been drumming for over 3 years now. I have a girlfriend and we get along well. And yes, I am a brony. And I would love to tell you that I hate pony porn. But who am I fooling... But since the characters are so cute, I want them to have "Cute sex" and that can only in my mind be achieved by 2 female ponies. I am the quite kinda guy, so when people found out I was a brony was hard. But I deal with it. I don't hide my beliefs. That may be why some people hate me. And I will not even begin to explain the problems I have had with depression and the problems I have had with my parents. Now you have a somewhat picture of me. I'm not some fat guy that goes around on the internet and troll people. And I have never been harsh on other people without it being joking. Or at least I try not be. Haters gonna hate, I know. But I am just another random guy on the internet...
Lapp: @Maskarade: 1. For better or worse, I'm coming to understand your point on men. Except (well, actually, I haven't seen you say this explicitly) that I don't believe that men have the inborn characteristics of thuggishness, close-mindedness and all. Sure, a lot, probably even most, men fit that description. But perhaps I just don't want to have to classify myself as anything close to them.
Simultaneously, I loathe chivalry and gender-favouritism. By a very large margin I prefer women and the characteristics that often accompany them. I'm even more likely to give them the benefit of the doubt, but in all due respect, fuck the idea of outright treating someone better because of an inborn trait. I'm just as open-minded to someone of any gender, race, or sexual affiliation, or as close as it will ever be humanly possible to be.
In a relationship, I look for an equal; not to be dominant or subservient to someone. And I would go to any lengths to give them the ability to rely on me. It's not even that I expect that in return, and I don't think I'll ever feel the ability to truly and sincerely rely or trust another person. I don't expect sympathy or pity, that's simply who I am.
2. You sound remarkably similar to myself, as far as basic looks Tall, scrawny as hell, messy black hair (although natural). Though, I dress in a somewhat hipster-fashion, even if I'm not much of a hipster. I listen to extremely obscure music, but I don't look to feel any better for it. And if someone I listen to is discovered, I'm glad they can get the pay and benefits they deserve, even if their music suffers in my taste. Afterall, it's only my tastes.
3. Part of me would like to meet you irl just for the sake of having an interested, open-minded conversation. :s
Lapp: @Maskarade: 1. For better or worse, I'm coming to understand your point on men. Except (well, actually, I haven't seen you say this explicitly) that I don't believe that men have the inborn characteristics of thuggishness, close-mindedness and all. Sure, a lot, probably even most, men fit that description. But perhaps I just don't want to have to classify myself as anything close to them.
Simultaneously, I loathe chivalry and gender-favouritism. By a very large margin I prefer women and the characteristics that often accompany them. I'm even more likely to give them the benefit of the doubt, but in all due respect, fuck the idea of outright treating someone better because of an inborn trait. I'm just as open-minded to someone of any gender, race, or sexual affiliation, or as close as it will ever be humanly possible to be.
In a relationship, I look for an equal; not to be dominant or subservient to someone. And I would go to any lengths to give them the ability to rely on me. It's not even that I expect that in return, and I don't think I'll ever feel the ability to truly and sincerely rely or trust another person. I don't expect sympathy or pity, that's simply who I am.
2. You sound remarkably similar to myself, as far as basic looks Tall, scrawny as hell, messy black hair (although natural). Though, I dress in a somewhat hipster-fashion, even if I'm not much of a hipster. I listen to extremely obscure music, but I don't look to feel any better for it. And if someone I listen to is discovered, I'm glad they can get the pay and benefits they deserve, even if their music suffers in my taste. Afterall, it's only my tastes.
3. Part of me would like to meet you irl just for the sake of having an interesting, open-minded conversation. :s
PinkBallons: @Maskarade: I gotta ask (And feel free to not answer if you don't want to), did something traumatic happen at some point in your life to make you have such distaste for M/F, or was it more over a long period of time? I mean, I've known a lot of guys that are complete assholes, the stereotypical jocks who think they are so much better than everyone else and are content with making the lives of everyone around them a living hell unless they're a part of his group; but I've known just as many stereotypical bitchy girls as well. Granted, I do tend to assume girls are nicer than guys, but that's probably due to how I was raised (Mostly in a house filled with 6 Mormon girls), and that assumption hasn't been backed up by experience over time. When I think of "cute sex," it has nothing to do with who is involved, but by what is going on. The only exception I can think of is if a ridiculous looking OC is making love to a canon character, which is never cute.
Lapp: Anon7, I'm just shy and depressed. But it's kinda funny because when depression goes beyond the suicidal level, you're actually at very little to no risk of suicide. I.e. Suicide by far incorporates too large an amount of work for me to bother, no matter the fact that I think about it incredibly often and would like nothing better than sleeping away the rest of my life.
Well, I'm arguably schizophrenic, but that's also generally ignorable since it's strictly sequestered to my I get occasional very large-scale hallucinations, but have the ability recognize them as such. Fun times on paheal, yuh?
Maskarade: Lapp: I don't get along better with females than males. I've known a'lot of bitchy girls troughout. The ones that just dress slutty for attention. And that is a reason why (If we take MLP) I wouldn't mind TOO much if Rarity was straight. Beacuse she is kinda that type (Not saying she's a bitch) But example Fluttershy. When I read fics or see art with her being with a male I just.. No.
Pinkballons: No. I haven't been raped or anything. I have been bullied by guys in my early school years. But that has nothing to do with this. Even when I was young (13 or something) The only porn I enjoyed was lesbian born. Not thinking too much about it, I just went with it. But after watching MLP with these innocent cute characters my feelings towards lesbians have been more than doubled. When you look at Rainbow Dash, she, by the fandom, have always been a lesbian. And that was of course fine by me. But Soarin.. That pony. I can't stand that pony. The worst pairing would be Soarin X Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy X Bigmac.
Feel free to ask further, or hate comments. And I AM NOT A TROLL!... I swear u.u
PinkBallons: @Maskarade: Guess I'm just going to have to accept that I won't be getting a definite reason for it. I apologize for the questioning, things like this fascinate me is all. Had the same thing going with Sintime. I'll put this down as your fetish and leave it at that.
Maskarade: @PinkBallons: That would be fine. I really am trying to explain it as clear as possible. I don't mind people asking questions. I wouldn't call it a fetish though. It's not the lesbian porn that does it.. Just the general feeling with a female liking another female.
Maskarade: @Anonymous: Ugh.. Do I really make that impression? If you read my long post you will see I don't hate the authors of the pics I don't like. I don't mind people with different opinions. I'm all by myself here, and you got all of R34 with you. So why should I try and fight? I am not forcing anyone to hear my opinions or to make them believe what I believe. I have never insulted other people, without them insulting me first. Or I try not to..
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The "unenlightened" ones? I kid, I really would like to hear your opinion.
Have I really made you believe that I hate the authors of straight art? That I don't know my opinions are unusual? I know that being straight is a very common thing. And males can be romantic and sweet. I don't hate myself for being a male. But it has made me into a guy that dosen't bang every hot chick he sees. That I want to treat girls in a proper way. And you are hating me for that? Hating me for having others opinions than you. Yes.. I am almost disgusted by straight art. Even if its spontaneous and sweet. And when it comes to MLP my opinions are even stronger. Beacuse the mane six and other background ponies are somewhat real to me. Not that I actually believe that they are real. But when you read a sad story about a fictional character you kinda get feelings for that character. If you read My Little Dashie and at the end of that story the guy banged Dashie. Wouldn't that ruin the story for you? But if it's were something cute, it wouldn't be that bad. And in my mind lesbian ponies are really the cutest thing imaginable. Everyone throws their opinion on the comments. Just beacuse mine is stupid to you, you want me to fuck off and die? How do you imagne me in real life? I will tell you the truth. I am 18 year old boy. I am quite skinny and have long black hair. I have dyed it black. It covers half of my eye. I am quite gothic. I go in black clothes and sometimes wear black eye-liner. I have been drumming for over 3 years now. I have a girlfriend and we get along well. And yes, I am a brony. And I would love to tell you that I hate pony porn. But who am I fooling... But since the characters are so cute, I want them to have "Cute sex" and that can only in my mind be achieved by 2 female ponies. I am the quite kinda guy, so when people found out I was a brony was hard. But I deal with it. I don't hide my beliefs. That may be why some people hate me. And I will not even begin to explain the problems I have had with depression and the problems I have had with my parents. Now you have a somewhat picture of me. I'm not some fat guy that goes around on the internet and troll people. And I have never been harsh on other people without it being joking. Or at least I try not be. Haters gonna hate, I know. But I am just another random guy on the internet...
Simultaneously, I loathe chivalry and gender-favouritism. By a very large margin I prefer women and the characteristics that often accompany them. I'm even more likely to give them the benefit of the doubt, but in all due respect, fuck the idea of outright treating someone better because of an inborn trait. I'm just as open-minded to someone of any gender, race, or sexual affiliation, or as close as it will ever be humanly possible to be.
In a relationship, I look for an equal; not to be dominant or subservient to someone. And I would go to any lengths to give them the ability to rely on me. It's not even that I expect that in return, and I don't think I'll ever feel the ability to truly and sincerely rely or trust another person. I don't expect sympathy or pity, that's simply who I am.
2. You sound remarkably similar to myself, as far as basic looks Tall, scrawny as hell, messy black hair (although natural). Though, I dress in a somewhat hipster-fashion, even if I'm not much of a hipster. I listen to extremely obscure music, but I don't look to feel any better for it. And if someone I listen to is discovered, I'm glad they can get the pay and benefits they deserve, even if their music suffers in my taste. Afterall, it's only my tastes.
3. Part of me would like to meet you irl just for the sake of having an interested, open-minded conversation. :s
Simultaneously, I loathe chivalry and gender-favouritism. By a very large margin I prefer women and the characteristics that often accompany them. I'm even more likely to give them the benefit of the doubt, but in all due respect, fuck the idea of outright treating someone better because of an inborn trait. I'm just as open-minded to someone of any gender, race, or sexual affiliation, or as close as it will ever be humanly possible to be.
In a relationship, I look for an equal; not to be dominant or subservient to someone. And I would go to any lengths to give them the ability to rely on me. It's not even that I expect that in return, and I don't think I'll ever feel the ability to truly and sincerely rely or trust another person. I don't expect sympathy or pity, that's simply who I am.
2. You sound remarkably similar to myself, as far as basic looks Tall, scrawny as hell, messy black hair (although natural). Though, I dress in a somewhat hipster-fashion, even if I'm not much of a hipster. I listen to extremely obscure music, but I don't look to feel any better for it. And if someone I listen to is discovered, I'm glad they can get the pay and benefits they deserve, even if their music suffers in my taste. Afterall, it's only my tastes.
3. Part of me would like to meet you irl just for the sake of having an interesting, open-minded conversation. :s
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Well, I'm arguably schizophrenic, but that's also generally ignorable since it's strictly sequestered to my I get occasional very large-scale hallucinations, but have the ability recognize them as such. Fun times on paheal, yuh?
Pinkballons: No. I haven't been raped or anything. I have been bullied by guys in my early school years. But that has nothing to do with this. Even when I was young (13 or something) The only porn I enjoyed was lesbian born. Not thinking too much about it, I just went with it. But after watching MLP with these innocent cute characters my feelings towards lesbians have been more than doubled. When you look at Rainbow Dash, she, by the fandom, have always been a lesbian. And that was of course fine by me. But Soarin.. That pony. I can't stand that pony. The worst pairing would be Soarin X Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy X Bigmac.
Feel free to ask further, or hate comments. And I AM NOT A TROLL!... I swear u.u
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I am okay with Lesbian, but it is occationally hard to fap to since there's no dick to replace your own with.
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