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TagsAka6, League_of_Legends, Orianna, featured_image
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Anonymous1: Wow that oddly looks like it feels good.
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RapeRapeRape: cool drawing style
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Anonymous2: I know how to make the dicking stop.
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pyritey: LOL i love this art style. Idgaf if it's completed this style wins above all.
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Anonymous3: reminds me of an hentai... except she doesnt need to insert her arm into her own ass in order to jerk him off
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Anonymous4: lol its a onahole.
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spotchi: Strangely hot.
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kotsey: you'd have to be a psychotic prophit like malz to have the courage to shove your dick in that menace of gears and blades.
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Anonymous5: Malzahar is not psychotic! He's the Prophet of the Void! Show some respect!
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spotchi: I don't think it's Malz. I think it's supposed to just be a generic Summoner.
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ibonihskrad: Definitely seems to be a generic summoner. Also, he seems very hesitant and it looks like he's rethinking this decision.
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Anonymous6: Has no one even noticed that those blades are cuttin g the summoner up? The most noticeable cut is on his hand.
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spotchi: ^ I think the whole thing is Ori is forcing him to fuck her. (I don't know why anyone would have to be forced.)
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Navitas: Fuck it, Anon2 won.
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Anonymous7(6): To be fair, I wouldn't want to stick my dick in clockwork, that's asking for trouble.
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Same artist. mmmmmh I'd fuck that
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Inudono: realy nice artist and all, buuuut..... erh... remove the sex stuff and shit XD just doesnt fit her...
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Anonymous9: I... would not mind Orianna.
The exact opposite actually <3
Except maybe the eyes.. Actually no, still wouldnt mind
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Anonymous10: What I see going on is Orianna has a built-in fleshlight and the summoner is just enjoying her "accessory". Those things have a hole at both ends for cleaning and rainage and would be mounted outside any clockwork. Dude should be fine, aside from the social stigma.
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WickerMan: Dear lord, that looks like it feels good...
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papa_goriot: I want to be fucked that way
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Anonymous11: @Anonymous: Your comment makes me wish there was porn of Rattletrap fucking Orianna. I know much of both fanbases hate each other but there's some great porn to be had from mixing Heroes with Champions.
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Anonymous12(11): @Anonymous: For clarification, the reason Anon7's comment made me think of that is because Rattletrap's other name is Clockwerk and reading "clockwork" made me want to see the two machines go at it.
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Hanssen69: This is really awesome. This really shows you how the dick is positioned when you have sex. Can this be a walking Fleshlight? Nice view of his dick in her.
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Decanter: Featured!

Aka6 does good work, and just passed 1000 pics on Paheal. If you like what you see, check out the gallery and/or their HentaiFoundry.

Also, if you're American, we need to talk about your stupid government, yet again. They're still trying to kill net neutrality, which in turn threatens businesses like ours that can't afford to bribe telecom companies or government officials. When I say "threatens", by the way, I don't mean we'll have to make the ads shittier or ask for donations - I mean we might be blocked outright in more places, or have to shut down entirely. Please sign this, and if at all possible, please call your Congressmen now or on the 12th asking them to oppose efforts to remove the current net neutrality protections.
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Franky_Whiskey: As always, we're being lured away from the question of infrastructure and upkeeping. As such, we're doomed to keep having shit internet.
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TrashPirate: @Decanter: Government trying to fuck over the internet... again.

Like clockwork!
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Anonymous13: @Decanter but you love bending over backwards for for Donald Trump so you should love everything the government does while he is in charge.
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Anonymous14: @Decanter: Not being an American, there's nothing I can do except sit back and watch you fuck up the world for everyone. As usual.
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Anonymous15: @Anonymous: what? lmao
why bring that up? nobody ever claimed he was a god that is always right or never makes a mistake
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Anonymous16: My Ori is the featured image?! <3 <3 <3
What kind of gift is this? That someone would choose the robo waifu to represent our fapnation?
Whoever picked Ori deserves a raise! They've earned their promotion! They should basically just be moved up to the head position!
This is fap-fucking-tastical!
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tom641: @Anonymous: if you mean Decanter then true, if you mean Trump then I'm pretty sure Trump said that about Trump.
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Alduin: Robosexual
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Goldmasterk: lol
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Anonymous17: All these non-Americans giving a shit about what happens in the US shows how much of an influence the US has on the world. Whether we like it or not, they fucking control us. They enact a law, and it fucks over someone in Japan. Some Americans default on their home loans, and it sends the world economy down the drain. We sat by and let them take control of the world. And if they decide they don’t like is, then we’re all fucked.
Should let them continue to self-destruct. The American Empire has had its day in the sun, and it’s time to move on.
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Anonymous18: the only reason trump seems popular is because non americans like him, knowing he will drive the country to ruin. and the americans bought it.
someone else will take their place though, and youll be begging for them to come back
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Anonymous19: haha- u lost souless piggies. if there is no redeeming social value in this site then see death. u fap 2 this cartoon image--the artist cannot even draw Malzahar's blue eye openings- but u fap
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SpunkMaster69: This... this could be a revolution in sexnology.
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Urbane_Guerrilla: @Anonymous: I am becoming killing tired of that sentiment. And you have been listening to way too many damnfool antiliberty, anti-wealth communists, who are thieves. They are *not* your friends, nor looking out for your interests.
We could always try crucifying George Soros along with one other thief upon some small terrain elevation, I suppose. Pour décourager les autres.
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Urbane_Guerrilla: @Anonymous: I suppose you mean, in view of events (employment, stock market, consumer confidence all well up), that he'll surely get around to that driving to ruin just -- any week now. As the Communists (and rump Communists, who are real butts) predict.
And lightly pass over the fact their predictions didn't come to pass this time either.
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Urbane_Guerrilla: My overall point is the Obama Administration was an aberration, and an anti-American aberration at that. It quite deflated my fap-rod to contemplate that which was and is Obama.
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Urbane_Guerrilla: @tom641: While I'm on it, anybody who takes a Trumptweet as a policy indicator -- and not look instead at what he actually *does,* tweet or no -- deserves to. And I wish him the joy of it, and hope that he will soon improve enough to tell mental masturbation from scalp massage...
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Aveira: I mean... If it's there, then it's there. I'd take the opportunity if I was offered to it.
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tom641: @Urbane_Guerrilla: true, it takes a lot of talent to inherit daddy's money, lose the popular vote but technically win, and get nothing done once elected.

Oh and golf.
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Anonymous20: @Anonymous: is hard to not give a fuck when they spam EVERYWHERE about net neutrality every fucking site has pop-ups and banners
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Anonymous21(18): @Urbane_Guerrilla: all i see is how much you love sucking corporate penis
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Anonymous22(14): @Anonymous: It's not Malzahar you fucknut- it's a Summoner. The pic predates the Institute of War being retconned out of canon.
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Anonymous23: Tricked you tricked you!
Now I'm gonna prick you!
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Franky_Whiskey: @tom641: The thing about the popular vote is that it highlighted two things. One of them is that out of 321 million Americans, about 220 of them didn't vote at all. It also highlighted that the so called "popular vote victory" was something akin to either a 1 or 2% advantage, 51~ million votes vs. 50~ million. It is indeed fortunate to have the electoral college to dispute over these close margins instead of letting a meager 1 million chumps dictate the fate of the other 320 million. My, those founding fathers really did thought of an event the popular vote could be swayed by stupidity, feelings, and "muh pussy", lolz.

Wanna bitch? Next time wise up and check on who's representing you. Stop drinking the lefty kool aid and pay attention, because shit's gonna get interesting in the next 3 years. In the meantime, how about you worry about those 220 million people that didn't vote? They can't all be in them "backwards redneck woods" areas CNN frantically foams at the mouth about when they write their incest rapefics.
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Anonymous24: Why the fuck are you arguing politics on a fucking cartoon porn site?
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Anonymous25(18): amazing how the "redpilled" group on the internet suddenly did a complete 180 just out of marketing and peer pressure. bet you never thought youd be supporting israel
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Anonymous26: @Urbane_Guerrilla: yes, I suppose Trump IS a regression to the mean.

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betterthannothing: terrible feature
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Anonymous27: Jesus, can you all stfu about politics? There's a reason the saying goes, don't talk religion, politics, or money. We're all tired of it.
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Farfegnugen: @Franky_Whiskey: Fuck, that's right. Year one of four. Fuck...
@Anonymous: First day on the site? This isn't new.
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Decanter: This isn't really time for the endless Trump vs Obama poop-flinging. Net neutrality should never have been a partisan issue, and its repeal won't strike a blow for either side, only for a few telecom giants.
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Anonymous28: Get back to 4chan, you worthless shites
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Farfegnugen: @Anonymous: Too bad clown shoes, net neutrality is the talk of the day. If you don't like; look at the image of the man fucking a robot, jerk it, and then fuck off.
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Anonymous29: Wow I haven't seen this in so long
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Anonymous30: "who died this time"
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Anonymous31(18): @Anonymous: the internet
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Anonymous32: So happy To see Orianna get featured! Would be happy just to see league girl, but the fact that the feature is not some disgusting shit but the cute robo girl orianna seems like Christmas gift in of it's self.
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qba728: Wtf u talking about.
Nobody gives a fck about America, unless America
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Franky_Whiskey: @Anonymous: Can't Meme®

Go fuck yourself.

@Decanter: Agreed. Although my main concern in this issue is that there's almost no talk about the infrastructure that supports the internet in America, we're just focusing on the ethical side of it. I personally want, and this is make believe for the most part, that telecom giants wpuld reach a compromise on establishing the internet a neutral zone, and regarding infrastructure, mark clear and cut bpundaries who's going to pay for what, for who, and where.

Because the way things are going, Americans are going to lose the net neutrality issue eventually, either by succumbing to the government infrastructure, AKA ARPANet 3.0, or live in an anarcho-capitalist nightmare feud of only Amazon and Google offering internet. And those two companies are pretty well known to play foul.

Right now, in my opinion, the talk should be directed in how to maintain our current communications infrastructure and how to improve it. The ethics of the internet are already cut and dried: First world countries allow the internet to remain neutral. All of this is a lure to distract us from this main issue and we're biting it.
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Anonymous33: Net Neutrality has been nothing but a platform for censorship by big tech companies like Facebook and Twitter. They have been censoring innocent people for criticizing muslims while they dont ban anti semitism. Let the policy die!
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Decanter: @Anonymous: OK dude, lay it out for us. How does net neutrality enable censorship? As opposed to, you know, preventing censorship by keeping providers from throttling or blocking sites as they please.
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Urbane_Guerrilla: @Anonymous: While you, OTOMouth, confine your attentions to the anti-American, anti-money, anti-worth Left. Whose philosophical structure is only mouldy, murderous ideas suited to death-cults. You yourself will never ever possess the courage to check out Jamie Glazov's United In Hate: the Left's Romance With Tyranny and Terror on Amazon. I can bear the sneerings of so despicable, so living-dead, a person as yourself.
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Urbane_Guerrilla: @tom641: Tom, you're lying to yourself. But you can't lie to me, for I am carefully better informed than you are.
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Urbane_Guerrilla: @Farfegnugen: You've not convinced me you've actually got anything awful, even moderately awful, to worry about. Try jotting a list of all the civil or human rights you have lost this last twelvemonth, and a list of those you expect (preferably on evidence) to lose the next. Interesting result, yes?
Unlike his immediate predecessor, whom I voted against twice, that personally flawed Trump (and he hasn't gotten my vote, not yet) is *indeed* pro-American. That and being a capitalist cover a multitude of sins. Being an anticapitalist à outrance condemns you to sin against all mankind, and never to be capable of anything but. This is why Communism -- and Socialism -- fell.
Now, what Decanter believes to be "the main issue" remains opaque. Something like whatsername's nose from The Eye Of Argon, if it is to be believed.
@Anonymous: Come to think of it, are you employed? Are you in any wise working? Corporate is what humans do, you know. Antihumans try to fuck it up. Guess which of us isn't an antihuman...?
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TheDoctorIsIn1001: How did this actually get featured? It’s a really old image!
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R34_Fangirl: I really love that image! It's well drawn.
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Farfegnugen: @Urbane_Guerrilla: Don't know where that came from "Year one of four. Fuck." It's fine being Pro-American, but Trump is what most people call a PR nightmare. We got three more years of him, and I'm not too happy about it. Am I'm afraid this guy got the codes to the nukes and might use that over a Twitter feud, no.
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Anonymous34(33): @Decanter: Read this
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Rexxard: so what happened? the pop-ups say 0 days left
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Anonymous35: aaand they are talking about politics again
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Anonymous36(26): @Franky_Whiskey: guy you've got a blind, hugely irrational spot. Weirdly enough, at least you can reason, unlike @Urbane_Guerrilla.
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Farfegnugen: @Rexxard: Maybe if you read the pop up, you would have found out what had zero days left.
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Rexxard: "The FCC is about to vote on its plan to kill net neutrality. We have just days to stop censorship, throttling, and extra fees online. Congress needs to hear from Internet users like you right now." im wondering if they won or lost since it says 0 days left
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Anonymous39(33): Net Neutrality is Repealed. Let this be a lesson to you communist fucks. This will be the last time you get Free internet with the cost of our Taxpayer's DIME!!!
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tom641: To be honest the vote for repeal passing isn't super surprising, this was the perfect administration for it, but hopefully congress will block it, especially since midterms are next year and it's pretty obvious most of both sides of the political spectrum want NN to stick around.
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Anonymous40: F for the retarded amerifats
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Decanter: To be clear, the "0 days left" is to stop the FCC vote, because it happened today. This doesn't mean the fight is over; rather, now Americans keep petitioning their Congressmen, but rather than asking for them to stop the vote, they ask them to overrule it (as provisioned under the Congressional Review Act, same procedure used to summarily reverse some of the Obama administration's final acts).

@Anonymous: Aha, sneaky. Most of this is just "X said this, Y said that" but there's a claim here with very tricky wording:
The FCC and Breitbart News’s Allum Bokhari explained that under net neutrality, content providers such as Facebook, Google, and Twitter serve as a greater threat of internet censorship compared to ISPs.

This is true! It's just very misleading and doesn't say what you think it does. Content providers do a bigger share of the censorship under net neutrality because under net neutrality ISPs aren't allowed to censor. Without net neutrality, both content providers and ISPs are allowed to censor. More entities doing censorship is not better.

What's more, it was always at least possible to switch content providers, if not always easy. They had a freer market. For ISPs that's not the case.

@Anonymous: Net Neutrality doesn't give anyone free internet, either, taxpayer's dime or not.
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Anonymous41: @Decanter: I would be more worried about corporate censorship than government one, at least in the near future.
Government bureaucracy moves at snail speeds compared to the flash speed of Hollywood lawyers when you even dare watch Star Wars trailers unauthorized.
Double trouble for a website like this, which deals with both things corporate and governments hate, porn and copyrights.
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Anonymous42: lol, now for some reason people's comments are just getting flat out removed from this thread. Lol, what a joke.
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TheBigMansini: Wanna stop corporations from doing stuff like killing net neutrality? Vote for a government that's not run by corporations (Establishment Democrats and Republicans are virtually one in the same).

Vote Green and vote to get corporate money out of politics.
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Anonymous43: I wanna be a robot.
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Farfegnugen: @Anonymous: The government isn't the one that's going to block sites, just Comcast, AT&T, Time Warner, etc. Let's say you have Comcast. They can charge you $20 to look at or, but MSN, NSNBC, and are free to full view. Hell, AT&T can have you get DirecTV if you want to watch YouTube, Netflix, or Hulu uncapped.
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Decanter: @Anonymous: We can and do worry about more than one thing at once. I'd rather have one front to worry about than two.

@Anonymous: Your comments got removed for samefagging, which is as unallowed here as it always has been. Maybe don't push your luck bitching about it.
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Anonymous44: Oh my god we're going to....go back to the way things were 3 years ago. What a horrifying concept.
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Decanter: @Anonymous: Nope. They were enforcing net neutrality before, then there was a brief period when a court said they didn't have authority to do that unless they reclassified internet as a utility (which it is), then they did that when implementing the current rules. The USA has never really been without it until now.
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Takumi: So with NN dead, how much you want to bet porn sites like this are going to be targeted hard because of it? I really don't want want to see Paheal get censored or blocked, but this is the reality now.

Press F for your favorite porn sites, dudes. Enjoy these last few moments of free fapping.
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Anonymous45: look at the. /candy/ - ould be clean and leeeegul, provided you fags keep it that way....
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Farfegnugen: @Takumi: I doubt that's going to happen.
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RocketDog: anon48: Hahahahaha an anon is calling someone a "fag!!!"X'D How ironic is that?!
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Anonymous46: i m Anon 48 the website 1 nudist page D
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Anonymous47: when you can't shit out a Star Wars feature, it's time to quit the page, kids.
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Gallows187: it gave me a bad gateway when I tried to log in, but I'm "anon 50" in case you wanted to boo hoo about your shitty skills as an admin
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Gallows187: the irony that you want to stop censorship, and will delete posts you don't like while you're talking about it isn't lost on me.
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Anonymous48: @Gallows187: lmao you think the site errors are censorship, fukken paranoid luser. and star wars is tired samey shit, you think the site needs more of that?? go live up to ur name
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Anonymous49: guys shut the fuck up and just wank to the picture
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Gallows187: Anon 51, you're sad enough that I normally wouldn't even reply to your horrible attempt at English. But, nonetheless, you're right about one thing. I Should live up to my name and hang you. Since, you know, a gallows doesn't kill itself, you stupid fuck. it kills other people.
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Urbane_Guerrilla: @Anonymous: Oh, I reason. You, however, need to prove to me that you reason. My reasoning will probably show yours to be false.
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Urbane_Guerrilla: @Anonymous: It is a little odd... maybe it's that Daisy Ridley is less revealingly costumed this time??
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Anonymous50(17): Lul at the people thinking they could petition their congressmen or whatever they are into doing the will of the people.
American government is corrupt and rotten to the core, you think they care about ‘the people’? HA! They’re a bunch of paid-off soulless subhumans that look out for the members of their Boys’ Club, and nobody else. Doesn’t matter who you vote for, they’ll just pick whichever candidate will work with them best, and they’ll discredit anyone that goes against them and force them out of the running.
The US political system is too far gone, and you let it get that way. It’s only going to get worse. And your only glimmer of hope is when these old cunts that have held their office for decades finally start dying off.
But then again, they could very well have traded their soul for eternal life. So who fucking knows. Enjoy the hell you’ve created, it will be the downfall of your nation.

“When Fascism comes to the USA it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a bible.”
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Franky_Whiskey: @Anonymous: Leave it to the Floridians to make even bigger fools of themselves than it is expected to be possible.

What else can be expected of coke slinging cubanos living in a swamp designed to house retirees? Place is going to be a fucking tar pit in 50 years at this rate.

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