Anonymous5: Fucking his sister hard. In due course his mom will be in Lisa's position, her dress down and her tits out and groped, her panties on her floor, her stockings laddered, and her womb filled with her sons cum. Unknown to her, Lisa is 4 months pregnant with Barts baby....
Anonymous6(5): Fucking his sister hard. In due course his mom will be in Lisa's position, her dress down and her tits out and groped, her panties on her floor, her stockings laddered, and her womb filled with her sons cum. Unknown to her, Lisa at 12, is 4 months pregnant with Barts baby....
Rule34rulesmylife: I LOVE THIS PIC! Bart and LIsa are so into each other. Physically and emotionally. This is like best-case-scenario incest. I seriously want to make a poser of this image and hang it on my wall (but I won't).
Rule34rulesmylife: What can I say? If its not abusive, I'm all for it. If I had a sister that loved me and thought that I was fuckable, I can't imagine that being anything but amazing, wonderful, and awesome! Like this pic. (No thank you to pregnancy, however.)
Anonymous12(5): @RogerTheRabbit: She doesn't need to be "hot" - decent body on her, good tis and willing. I wouldn't have said no. I can boast Ive seen both my sisters nude, and they never knew. I'd have fucked them all day and all night given the chance (a fair wack older than me they were)
Anonymous16: - With so much practice "loven" each other every chance they get. The two little rabbits, Bart & Lisa, now regularly explode into a mutual cum that blends their orgasmic minds together into "one sexual being" for a few glorious seconds.
- When it aches sooo good to shiver & quake in each others arms, dying in heavenly bliss making another life, who can say; "it's a bad thing."
~ We should all be so lucky. (that's why we envy them) ~ ♡♡♡ ~
Anonymous17(16): - Lisa: [in post cum recovey - heavily breathing] "If we keep this up we"re both going to die from a simultaneous heart attack!"
- Bart): [numb, experiencing the bliss] "I know sis. ____, But what a way to go!!!"
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For god's sake it isn't right behavior, but it happens..
- When it aches sooo good to shiver & quake in each others arms, dying in heavenly bliss making another life, who can say; "it's a bad thing."
~ We should all be so lucky. (that's why we envy them) ~ ♡♡♡ ~
- Bart): [numb, experiencing the bliss] "I know sis. ____, But what a way to go!!!"