cabbiethefirst: @LunarisDream: he's distributed some explicit pictures however in order to do so he must claim that they've been photoshopped by some random on the internet lolol
The original two posts, I uploaded it right after Photoshopping them.
If you want more proof, note the white square to the right of Ezreal (Well, his/her left). The reason is that I first worked on 850346 because it was easier to photoshop out the Annie than photoshop out the bikini. I then whited out the rest of the square.
When I decided to do a full shot, I just pasted it onto the large image and forgot about the background. Why would the guy who clearly has the nude shot have a mistake like that?
And lastly, I stole the nipples from another piece of art. I can't draw at all,
arandompuppy: @Serenad3:
I may be wrong but I think you misunderstood. I think Cabbie was trying to say that when Cheng wants to distribute explicit pics he claims they are randomly photoshopped out of country so he does not get in trouble for doing so. I don't think he was referencing this material simply answering Lunaris about Cheng's dealings.
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Cheng is an awesome artist, but fucking censor laws prevent him from realizing his full potential.
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I'm sad you think I'm just a guy reposting something Cheng did without any editing and claiming it's mine.
The original two posts, I uploaded it right after Photoshopping them.
If you want more proof, note the white square to the right of Ezreal (Well, his/her left). The reason is that I first worked on 850346 because it was easier to photoshop out the Annie than photoshop out the bikini. I then whited out the rest of the square.
When I decided to do a full shot, I just pasted it onto the large image and forgot about the background. Why would the guy who clearly has the nude shot have a mistake like that?
And lastly, I stole the nipples from another piece of art. I can't draw at all,
Look at the left nipple (Ezreal's right) I rotated it 45 degrees clockwise and removed the shine.
Comparison shot
I love your coloring work, but fuck off.
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I may be wrong but I think you misunderstood. I think Cabbie was trying to say that when Cheng wants to distribute explicit pics he claims they are randomly photoshopped out of country so he does not get in trouble for doing so. I don't think he was referencing this material simply answering Lunaris about Cheng's dealings.
Either way, it is a very well done job Serenad.
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