iBaraguy: Hey guys I found the artist of this in pixiv http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=21249974
Ummm I found more gay art of castanic cuz I was searching the "Castanic" with japanese letters as "キャスタニック" if you want to see more you can search in pixiv as "キャスタニック" (means castanic in japanese) The mostly art it's straight or girly gay to me but if you want to see it, it's okay :)
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Ummm I found more gay art of castanic cuz I was searching the "Castanic" with japanese letters as "キャスタニック" if you want to see more you can search in pixiv as "キャスタニック" (means castanic in japanese) The mostly art it's straight or girly gay to me but if you want to see it, it's okay :)
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