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Wantabitch: YESSSSS!!!
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Lapp: NO.
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Anonymous1: A giant twilight plushie with what I can only assume is one of those creepy-ass Bad Dragon oneholes in it?

Not sure if want...
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toongrowner: Well I'm also have a crush on ponys, but that fans can go this far. Oo
Kinda a bit creepy... is there a rarity version of it? X3
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Roflcakes: Urge to become the kind of human scum that actually buys this stuff and fucks it on a daily basis rising...
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Anonymous2: Sweet jesus, if people made such a big deal out of the Lyra Plushie, i bet that this is going to be 10 times worse.

>no anus

do not want
you know, some people actually prefer anal
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JWN926: Way too far...
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Anonymous3(2): @toongrowner: i hope so
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x0IGAMERI0x: That guy needs to get layed badly
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CaptainAwesome: @x0IGAMERI0x: What the fuck do you think he bought that thing for? Decoration?
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Maskarade: Seriously... This is creepy as hell. I could just see him buying pony toys while laughing and getting a boner and rub his penis on his Pinkie Pie bed. Then spent millions on this creepy toy. It's a cartoon show for little girl's bro. Adult fan art is fine. This is TOO MUCH!
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Anonymous4(2): i would pay money to see someone who works on the show reacting to this
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Anonymous5(2): @Maskarade: "I could just see him buying pony toys while laughing and getting a boner and rub his penis on his Pinkie Pie bed"

dude, actually that's way creepier
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bosu: the pinkie pie bed sheets make this the most frightening thing ive seen in a while
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Anonymous6: WOW I need this now!
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Anonymous7(2): @Anonymous: indeed anon,
how is this worse than fetishes like, bondage, masoquism, roleplaying crazy sex toys and other fucked up stuff?.

people just make a big deal out of this because MLP is a show for little girls, like if just for that it makes it worse, or that little girls are going to get exposed to this, when they run almost the same risk of accidentally getting exposed to other fucked up stuff that is not related to MLP
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Anonymous8: What in the hell is that?
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Maskarade: @Anonymous: I know I know.. But this is creepy as hell! Worse than scat and idk diaper fetish. And the Pinkie bed.. Oh the innocent Pinkie bed.
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Maskarade: @Anonymous: Fuck the Plushie doll. Look at the size of this thing! The plushie Lyra doll just looked like a toy. Were you stick your hands in it and hit little girls or something. This has been made for humping a... Pony teddy thing.
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Anonymous9(2): @Maskarade: you find it creepy, i find it amusing
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Masterdragon: i was kinda wondering if that was a big doll or a costume?
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Anonymous10(2): FEATURE!
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Anonymous11(2): how big is it?, and please, provide the source
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Lord_Adam_Trollingsworth: Oh....
Oh my god....
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KitsuneInari78: There's no source... No body knows where it came from.
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JaiLeiNeysa: The insert is the Bad Dragon Mare pussy!
For that realistic feel ;)
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Anonymous12(2): @KitsuneInari78: where did you find it?
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KitsuneInari78: On derpibooru
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JaiLeiNeysa: I'm curious if she was modeled after the plush unicorn from target and toys r us... kinda has a similar shape to her
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Kyrien: I am in no way a brony, but hey, I fap to MLP r34, so this is relevant to my interests.
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Anonymous13: Get a life man (weird zoophilie conduct detected)plz go to the psychologist.
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Kyrien: ^Denial isn't cool kids
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TheLoot: Huh... that's a thing.
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Anonymous14: A challenger appears!
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Final-Boss-of-the-Internet: Forever Alone
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blueblueblue: Someone should cut open this thing, wear it as a suit, and go take a photo with Tara Strong at the next convention she goes to.
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Anonymous15: Aw, someone is missing his waifu, cute in way, I wonder if he hugs it and cry at nights.. sometime I wish they were real but I wouldn't make a fuck plushie, I'm content with just cloppin'
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Anonymous16: OH FUCK NO.
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G_Goobington_the_2nd: Humans are the only species on earth that manufacture sex dolls based on cartoon horses.

I'd have to see it from a different angle, but the hips seem off. Even if it was well made, I wouldn't want it. Sure, you can stick your dick into it, but she won't scream your name, nor will you feel her body shudder against yours as you climax together. Nor will she wrap her hooves around you as you draw each other closer, nor will you feel her heartbeat slow from a rapid pulse down to a more normal tempo. Nor will she whisper into your ear as you lie together. Nor will she make pancakes the next morning.
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GAYPENIS: You know what this calls for? EARRAPE!
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TentacleNoodles: OMG its even actual pony-size... my god... xD
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G_Goobington_the_2nd: @Anonymous:
>not browsing by favourite tags
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JWN926: @Anonymous: When are you dipshits going to learn you can just use '-my_little_pony'? 9_9
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JWN926: Also, I'd love to hear what anon003 even tried reporting this for...
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Anonymous17: Isn't this a suit?
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Anonymous18(2): @Anonymous: *she said that around $300
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JWN926: @Gomenasai: Eh... considering the amount of space that cock sleeve takes up, probably not.
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Anonymous19: Ok.. This is more.logical than the lyra. Its somepony we all love.. But.. Id have to say that its not that original... Now that the lyra one is a meme and all, your.burning off her flame..its like derpys voice, at first we didnt expect it but it grew in us amd we had our cake. When it was changed we didnt hate it. We just.. Wernt used to it as much as the first one. So yea... Its the princeapality. Dont bite off an original if it has all the fame.
Its respectable that this creator tried.
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G_Goobington_the_2nd: @Anonymous: >Implying this is meant to be some expression of originality, and not just something to put your dick in.
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Anonymous20(19): ^ persicly
( i dont care how you spell it)
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Legovlas: @Anonymous: Not sure if derpy voice change is good example. That second voice was terrible and she sounded like some stupid frigid bitch.
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Chalk: Its never too far when its rule34('d). Ha!
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Anonymous21: OH FUCK NOT THIS SHIT AGAIN!!!! Wasnt the Lyra plushie bad enough?
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JWN926: Look at the picture. There's your answer right there.
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Anonymous22(17): Speaking of Lyra plushie, what happened with the author? A while ago he said he was going to make more character plushes like that, and so far nothing.
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Anonymous23: i let me made a special Twilight Sparkle.
i hope she will looks like the skitz after all.
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Anonymous24: eheh it actually got posted, i only uploaded it to my FB account. No Gomenasai this is 4ft tall plushie i was worked on for a pony meetup i later modified. And more anon21 you wanted a source my Diviantart name is Lunapetal
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Anonymous25: Shes WAY too fat
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Anonymous26: Hahaaa I know the guy who made this.
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Anonymous27: I'm in that weird part of life again... so much want...
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Anonymous28: 8Ω¿→Ω♠ÆbJb═╚↕-
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Anonymous29: why.jpg
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Nightweaver20xx: Oh dear.

How. How would you even explain this when your parents find it in your room.

You know what, fuck it. Internet, you stay classy.
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pieguyman: Not sure if gusta...
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Anonymous30: I want this featured just for the shit storm.
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Pandement: Im ok with this !
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NikoBellic: I love it, better if Pinkie Pie
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Anonymous31: I don't even have a reaction to this. Good or bad. I just prefer to stop thinking about it.
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Unknownamous: Wow. Twelve hours and so many comments. I'd say this is almost a feature already, might as well make it official.

Also, @Anonymous: you are entirely correct. "Let he without fetishes cast the first stone," and all that. Which disqualifies nearly everyone here.
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Anonymous32: Haha! Make this a meme, NAU!!!
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Unknownamous: However, it saddens me that these exist for the simple reason that non-bronies already classify bronies as pedophiles and zoophiles. This will not make it easier to welcome new members to the herd.
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Anonymous33: Plushie revolution!
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Anonymous34: IT'S NOT REAL!

*bangs head against wall*

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Krawczyk: @Anonymous: Just mail it to Tara, she responds to damn near everything.

@G_Goobington_the_2nd: I dunno, dolphins get up to some weird shit man. Someone needs to crossbreed a dolphin and a monkey, and just give it a room full of power tools and sewing machines. It'll be interesting, whatever it is!

@Gomenasai: Hoppip is going to do Rainbow Dash next. She hates Trixie so apparently Seth is out of luck.
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Faptacular: I find love-dolls in general to be creepy as fuck. Replicas of real porn star's naughty bits even weirder.

So love-doll of a cartoon character who based solely on personality would have me ready to buy an engagement ring...

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Anonymous35: Now THAT is taking things a little bit too far.
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Windracer: O lawd this is awesome,
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bAv-R34: ._.


@Krawczyk: Oh shit! Grab the popcorn!
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W300: The Lyra one became such a star, you knew that it was going to happen again.
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thebigbadskelzor: I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
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Anonymous36: ...I wonder if the guy's also put in one of those "push here to hear a voice clip" things for when he slaps her flank. :3
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mehwhocares: Where's the Rainbow Dash version?
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ass_fan: ass isn't ass enough for me to care
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leonardox: dude, that cutie mark is out of place, too big, the thing is that if it was a bit more accurate to the show, I'd want one as Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, or Lyra.
(Yes I have all those colours...)
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Anonymous37: I just lost faith in humanity
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Anonymous38: People here clop to pony hentai but then freak out when there's a sex doll. Stop pretending you're above everybody else and admit that you might be interested in buying something like this. I would if I had the cash!
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Anonymous39: I never thought I would say this...

PLEASE! Stop fucking making fuck plushies of My Little Ponies!
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gordon: @Anonymous: oh shit we got a badass overhere
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Anonymous40: It's 3:00 and all i can do is stare at this monstrosity of fabric and plastic through my computer screen with a look as if i just saw someone jump backwards into his asshole. Why, how, where, who. All questions that run through my mind as i gaze in a sort of impressed disgust at some ones finest work, dare i say, masterpiece. And as i type this knowing someone will eventually make a snide, and maybe clever response, i cannot even bring myself to acknowledge it, being to preoccupied by how artfully crafted Soon, ill get up from my chair and go to sleep. Yes, dear friends, THIS image has made me quit the internet for tonight. But even though i am confounded and proud of my fellow man and brony, though taken aback and beckoned, i will be back to stare into this incomprehensible and somewhat doleful image, thinking evermore that someone, somewhere has this in there possessions.

TL;DR: wat.
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monsparkle: The strangest thing keeps running through my head: There's actually a mare masturbater-thing for sale?

The plush is interesting, but would be too clunky and hard to handle during sex with it.
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Anonymous41: Sigh.
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Anonymous42: ...seriously, now the Brony fandom has gone a bit too far...

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Anonymous43: awesome all we need now is a fake flesh version. gotta be male tho with vibrators implanted in the anus.
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Anonymous44: seems like its in the little girl's room ._.
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GamerGyu: Didn't think I'd see the day but, SHIT... There it is!
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Tiquitoc: This is really weird...
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Anonymous45: There is a easy explanation for all of this. Furfaggotry got to it. Hopefully this person has enough space in his closet to hide all of his pony crap when guests visit. Then again, I'm probably giving him too much credit by implying that anybody would visit. Sorry Bronies, your fandom is doomed just like the furry fandom.
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Anonymous46: I think the part that's even worse than picture is the people in the comments trying to rationalize this as okay... It's not... It's very disturbing.
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UnholyD: To all those who still continue to write hateful comments on here:
Nobody told you to look at it so it's your own stupid ass' fault. When you're done sucking on your own dick, tell us just how that makes you any different than anyone else on this site.
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Anonymous47: And I thought the Lyra plushie was going too far.
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Anonymous48: I thought of this idea a few months ago, but I thought of somehow putting a fleshlight inside the plushie. Now that would be fucking amazing.
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Anonymous49: Shut up and take my money
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moximoore: I'm not one to talk, but I gotta say, the level of Forever Alone in this image is catastrophic. O_O

But to each there own, if the person who has this thing is happy and content (And not in a tall building sniping people of the street for lulz) it's all good.
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Anonymous50: You are all lonelt faggets x dey
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Anonymous51: That's some freak in a suit
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Anonymous52(51): anon67, there's nothing wrong with being pedo.
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Anonymous53: Anon70, tell that to Penn State :p
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Anonymous54: I'm not even a brony and I kind of want this.
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Anonymous55: What I want to know is were to get those sheets! I NEED THEM
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Friendlyspy: sweet jesus thats it i am done goodbye people
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Anonymous56: hmmm i like the concept but it could be better...i'd still buy it though
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Anonymous57: i would fuck that daily :d
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BHDragn4207: I don't know... It'd be a close draw between my mare and this. Nevermind, I'll take both!
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YotsubaGroup: Ponyniggers are always good for a laugh.
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Anonymous59: Someone tell me where i can get one of these
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zamasu: I want 2 how much they cost
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Anonymous61: I want one of those lol where can I find the plushy and the insertable?

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