bAv-R34: ^Applejack gets hit by some poison joke, and gets the shit abused out of her by Applebloom and Big Mac. Basically, she gets trapped in a small cage for three days in the hot sun, then gets shoved into Big Mac's ass. One of her legs breaks on the way in, and for some reason Spike comes to the farm. Applebloom sucks Spike's dick (probably the only decent part) while Spike jacks off Big Mac (???) and then Applebloom catches all of Big Mac's jizz in a bucket. Spike leaves with a bucket of apples (clean and regular, that's why he went to the farm) and then Big Mac shits out Applejack into the jizz bucket, and Applebloom sticks her under the surface and she almost drowns. Then she pulls her out and throws her onto a cutting board, and chops her up into tiny bits for some reason. Then after Applejack dies, Applebloom decides to make an omlette out of her bits and the bucket of jizz. It obviously fails, and she decides to just feed it to Winona.
I have no idea why the hell I remembered that so vividly if I just skimmed through the whole thing. It didn't rustle my jimmies or anything (I hate Applejack) but I was just weirded out slightly.
PinkBallons: @bAv-R34: Sounds boring. If it's not believable what's the point? Now Cupcakes...That fic made me scared of Pinkie for a couple weeks. And she's my favorite.
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I have no idea why the hell I remembered that so vividly if I just skimmed through the whole thing. It didn't rustle my jimmies or anything (I hate Applejack) but I was just weirded out slightly.
I bet Sintime would just love to read this one.
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