Anonymous11: So... you know enough about My Little Pony; -My Little Pony-, a series for little girls about singing little pastel horses and the "power of friendship", and its fandom to know about the whole black Twilight thing.
Please explain to me the logic through which you are a fan of MLP and still a racist fucktard. I mean, unless it's the obvious answer: "Severe untreated autism"...
mebs: @Faptacular: "...I miss the days when total bastards were drug out into the street and taken care of on the spot. "
You mean the days of the not-so-distant past when black people were enslaved en masse? The days when black people were generally thought to be inferior to whitey in every way? Are those the days you miss?
Perhaps not being able to punch whoever you please was an acceptable price to pay for that. Some might think not being able to punch whoever you please a reward in and of itself, but that's just crazy talk.
Anonymous18: YOU ARE ALL IDIOTS. This is not Megasweet's work. Megasweet does NOT color his work unless he wants to, and this picture was never colored by him. When he DOES color Twilight, he ALWAYS colors her WHITE. Look at his deviantart if you don't believe me.
Anonymous26(12): LMAO at all these white guilt motherfuckers going out of their way to defend attractive and successful Africans. The funniest part is the ones pretending to be black to do so. We all know this to be fact... not one person who posted in this thread is actually black. attractive and successful Africans don't use computers. The most they do is check Facebook on their phones.
Anonymous27: Let's Check. Racism? Check. Relentless arguing? Check. Ponies? Check. Get some video game references up in this bitch and we'll have the whole internet on one page.
DarkShimoto: I'm glad "Racism" isn't an issue on this site :) and that "attractive and successful African" can be thrown around as freely as anyone chooses to, I'll have to join in on the fun by uploading a pic of some cracker ass honky, with a wall street journal, tight ass neckerchief, and a small ass dick, getting his girl stole by someone with a better package (attractive and successful African) XD
Anonymous31(18): @Anonymous: Yes, dipshit, they did. Look in previous pictures with recolores and you'll realize that. I was talking about ALL these pictures, not just this one smartass.
DarkShimoto: @Anonymous: Ofc not, I just don't see enough slur on behalf of anyone else, if people are gonna be ignorant, they could at least be equally ignorant, you're not offended are you? Because I really don't care otherwise.
DarkShimoto: @Anonymous: Well unfortunately for you mr. smile :P I have my terminology down to the key, ignorant has multiple meanings, one of them meaning "Unsophisticated" being "Not highly developed" because a large handful of these people are to simpleminded, to at least make their statements congenial.
Anonymous39: @Blackguard: Yeah, arrogant undeserving parasites scheming anyway they can to get more free stuff with as little effort as possible. To quote a 10 year old nigglet sow: "If theys stupid enuff to give you monee, take it.. jes take it!!"
Anonymous40: Listen her non racist people,no matter how many times you convince these KLANSFOLKS and Racist nazi german fuckers theyll still say the same damn things so I suggest yall fap to whatever you like to fap to and forget them.Dont waste your time with these low life losers with their segregated minds and their john wayne movies and shit.And yes Im black and im proud to be one so kiss my ebony hot chocolate ass!
Anonymous41: Anonymous 12 your obviously a retarded neckbeard racist with no life... I pity idiots like you. Anonymous 21 if you consider slendy a hero your life must be sad. As for Anonymous 39 attractive and successful Africans (dysfunctional morons) like you are parasites. Black people are awesome, deal with it. So many racist neckbeards twisting their baby penises because a fictional character is made black. You racists are pathetic. Utterly pathetic and your lives must be pitiful.
Anonymous48: I remember hating this image when I first saw it, but now 10 years later, I love this image because time made me hate black people more than ever.
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id be more worried about taco nite
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Please explain to me the logic through which you are a fan of MLP and still a racist fucktard. I mean, unless it's the obvious answer: "Severe untreated autism"...
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Now it works like this: "I'm gonna do "X" and no one can do shit to me because then they'll get punished! *Evil laughter*
What some call "civilized society" others see as the age of the untouchable sonovabitch.
And people wonder why I miss the days when total bastards were drug out into the street and taken care of on the spot.
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You mean the days of the not-so-distant past when black people were enslaved en masse? The days when black people were generally thought to be inferior to whitey in every way? Are those the days you miss?
Perhaps not being able to punch whoever you please was an acceptable price to pay for that. Some might think not being able to punch whoever you please a reward in and of itself, but that's just crazy talk.
i beg of you to do this with every other niggerlight image
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