zigmas: Why any other Bobby-related picture (from e-hentai) I try to upload, gets me an error of "banned due to TK"???
1. How come other pics aren't?
2. How come it's tk?
Or don't I get something???
The_Bashar: When an image gets deleted from the system for whatever reason, the system automatically remembers what that image was and prevents it from being uploaded again.
If I had take a guess, I'd say it got deleted for being toddlercon?
Danielakiiki: @zigmas: 1.5. Do not post toddlerkon (drawn images of toddlers) that violate DeviantArt's definition of pornography. We consider any character that appears under 5 years old to be a toddler. Non-human, extremely stylized, and "chibi" drawings are exempt.
1. How come other pics aren't?
2. How come it's tk?
Or don't I get something???
If I had take a guess, I'd say it got deleted for being toddlercon?
This very one for example.