jubilation_t_cornpone: Featured! (My first one.) The Diamond Jubilee starts today. If the previous pic wasn't on long enough, we can return to it after.
g_rasputin: When I see features like these, I always have to wonder if the people in them are aware that they exist. I mean, I highly doubt the Queen knows specifically of this picture, but I wonder if it's ever crossed her mind that somewhere out there, people are drawing these sort of pictures of her.
jubilation_t_cornpone: @g_rasputin: I don't know about the Queen, but an awful lot of younger celebrities know about these pics. Sandra Bullock said "I don't care, as long as they give me big tits".
Senator_Palpatine: I recall a pic of QE2 getting out of the Royal Car inj the late 70's/early 80's flashing stocking tops and suspender. Obviously never saw light of day in British papers, but was seen years later on net. Probably still available somewehere on Celeb sites. Also there was a pic of Margaret Thatcher early years as Tory leader getting out of a tank and flashing her knickers (white)
Senator_Palpatine: Anon17, what the fuck are you dribbling about ?
Personally, i think the royal family are parasites, but so are the middle class politically correct vermin, and the uninvited islamic tidal wave flooding Europe and America from Middle East and Africa. And you rant about her ?
Dog turd for a brain.
Anonymous23: Odd. Same arseholes who would drivvel support for some of the worst scum on the planet, and make excuses for terrorists (as long as they are THEIR religion) attack this 86 year old woman because their religous bigot parents have brainwashed them.
Showing being a bigootted arsehole is as common in the west as is in Pakistan....
Anonymous24(22): Implying britain has achieved anything since the empire collapsed.
Implying America isn't superior in every way.
I'm not even joking, we're smarter, taller, stronger, have bigger dicks, are funnier and pretty much own the world.
Anonymous27: Superior to what? America is the name of two continents, butt i guess that you are talking about the country without a name: United Stades of Amerrrrca. I agree - you have some of the smartiest people in the world. The internet is full of examples... Taller? Maybe if you measure your waistlines and everyone was lying down. Stronger? - Yes, your B.O. knocks everyone. Have bigger dicks? No contest there - you have Rush Limbaugh, "Dabbja" Bush and all other fucktards. So that one is a big yes. Funnier? Like Letterman perhaps? ( The funniest people in the world is, and will always be: The British.) Own the world? True. Most of you inbred rednecks think that the world is your hometown, and you stole that from the native americans - "Injuns" in your manner of speaking. B.T.W. The vikings discovered Amerrrca, took one look and decided that it was worthless.
So tell your brother-cousins and your sister-wife that you are right, and they will believe you.
AnOniMouse: Well done A27!
My reply to him is thus:
Only because of slave labour by your prison population because you have crime and poverety rates through the roof.
Anonymous28(27): Thank you AnOniMouse. I salute you. Anon29 - 31. Who said I was british? I said that they have the funniest people in the world, not that I am british. But you just proved my point: Amerrrcans can not accept that the world is larger than what their father-brothers have told them. To Anon.32: I would rather be a spaz then a chicken-raping inbred redneck. I would also rather have a british girl of normal size than a tub of lard from the land of cousin-brother-grandpappies.
Anonymous31: arse yes... Look at anonymous 24, bringing to light the typical american narcissism of the USA. well done sir, because you are clearly insecure about all these things. You're stupid, short, weak, have a tiny dick, have no sense of humour and have no power whatsoever. Congratulations, you are only speaking the ENGLISH language, but hey, I'm not going to get into an argument of your inferiority complex, just laugh at it, as well as your puniness
Anonymous34(33): @Anonymous: british are more in bred than anyone, thats why youre all pasty close-minded assburgers, and lol what? the queen is your idea of ''normal size''? all i see it a ''tub of lard" who is more inbred than your mom-sis, btw the world's fattest man in english, i suck yo dick bolks?
Anonymous35(33): btw your land is so great, too bad it's only a tiny, rainy island never mind the land bridge thats the only thing connecting them to europe, otherwise nobody likes the uk cus the uk likes nobody, how is that for nationalistic intolerance, as you complain of the US, except that you probably have never left your crap country, you're only judging on what you've seen on tv and the internet.
Anonymous37: @ Anon 24:
Average IQ: UK 100, US 98
Average height: UK 5'9", US 5'9"
Average weight: UK 176lbs, US 191lbs
Average penis size: UK 5.5", US 5.1"
And when we laugh, we're laughing at you, not with you.
Anonymous39(33): the uK is all white people so you're only saying whites are superior, not british. It is a smaller country with less diversity so of course there will be some dilution
Anonymous41(33): @Anonymous: Umm, no? How is it less racist when you have no other races in your country, and you just said white people are superior with your facts.
Anonymous43(31): @Anonymous: 28 replying. Americans, calm it, you think you are all that because you intervened at the last minute in WW2?? You only did that for your won benefit and then we've been paying you off millions for a bullshit attempt of help. Americans are more closed minded that the british, seeing as 70% of you don't have passports, and most of you don't leave america (all down to narcissism). FYI, lived in america for several years, moved back because of racism, your politics, intolerance, your healthcare, your rednecks, your view on society, your self contradiction, your hate and many other reasons. And you call yourselves a republic. the Fattest man alive is actually mexican, from america, as well as your national demographic of obesity standing far higher than any other place on earth. Not to mention that america has the highest incest in the world. Also, your schooling system is hell, as look at your general IQ, yes you have a few great minds, but the vast majority of you are completely stupid, in its most literal sense. You see, try not to argue with someone with a level of education higher than 2 years of nursery then bailing (such is yourself). Our weather is not actually shitty all year round, because, believe it or not, we have something called seasons. Talk of weather? the United Kingdom has one of the least natural disaster rates in the world, and the best response team. How did you respond to Katrina mate?? Nice catch there eh?? I wouldnt call america a nation per se, more of an infant, grovelling deeper only trying to snag of the brilliance of others, when in fact, all you are is a simple-minded, unoriginal and repulsive land mass.
Anonymous45(33): so fucking dumb, you inbred english asspies can argue over the internet and have all your pasty spazzes to support you, but dont be fooled that doesnt mean you won, in the end as much as you'd hate to admit, america wins, always. That;s why it's has so many kind of people, because everyone wanted to go there. it doesn't matter how much you hate the US, they are aparently all over your media like you're obsessed with them... making fun of them only makes you seem like a jealous child. fact is you ungrateful idiots benefit so much from the US get over it.and that's not being nationalism, because It's just defending, like you do all the time for yourself and somehow its ok, because every1 is sorry for you, 2nd best.
DonkeyPunch: anon41 UK is not all white people, you try living in London like I do, on my street alone we got a Somali community, Polish, Vietnamese dudes.
Of course other areas such as rural Dorset are more all-whte, like you see on midsomer murders for example.
Anonymous47(31): In the UK, there are plenty of what you call "minorities". You choose not to see them, but it is most definitely there. You say the UK is racist?! You call those of different ethnicities "minorities", implying some levels of derogatory behaviour! Actually, the UK has a 10% multi-culture, more than the US! Source:
http://www.British Broadcasting Corporation.co.uk/news/uk-15164970
So just leave it. You're arguing on a porn web site. God people
Anonymous48(31): I'm american, and y'know what, I can actually recognise that the UK us freakin awesome. More so than our nation, for tonnes of reasons. Not by much but its true. Anyway peace people!
Anonymous49(27): I tip my hat to you Anon.31 Well put. An I thank Anon.32 an Anon.33. And an input to Anon.31. I guess you refer to WW2. Did you know that ENGLISH is one the germanic languages? Several mixed in fact. And that U.S.A voted between speaking german and english. English won by one vote. And to the rest of the brother-cousins who insist on badmouthing G.B. I AM NOT BRITISH. I am mostly Hyper-Borean, with dutch, russian, german and a few drops, of what should be called Mayan, blood. I have lived in all the Scandinavian countries, G.B., Ireland, Peru, Brazil, Thailand, Japan and, sadly, U.S.A. (Only for 6 months, thank god.)I have vacationed in Korea, China, Turkey, Greece, Spain, Germany, France, Portugal, South-Africa, Russia, The Baltic states and Israel So Anon. 37, where have you been? Your home-town and uncle-daddys second family in Utah, perhaps? I´ve seen the world. Have you?
Anonymous50(33): @Anonymous: Derogatory behavior, how? Minority only means they make up a small (minor) portion of the population, which is true. If you decided to take those connotations from it, then maybe it's you who's racist. More than the US, in what way? Higher percentage, or more people?
Anonymous52(33): @Anonymous: Btw I have been to England, France, Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Italy, Canada,Belgium and I might be forgetting some I speak spanish german and english, I have friends and family in Europe, what now?
Anonymous53(31): this is Anon 31, 45 and 49 (Yes I'm all one person). 51, I am aware of this as I took history and geography A level (along with AS further maths and maths). Point being, do you really expect these americans to listen to what you are saying?? We should give up as their narcissism is clearly clouding their judgement. They always have, always will feeble-mindedly grasp onto the false economy that somehow they are the greatest thing that has ever come to light, when they have only been independent 200 years or so. They, much like their nation, are young (probably teenagers) spewing trash about what their dads have told them. Pathetic really. So let them live out their silly little lives in peace, as they will never accept the truth.
Anonymous55(31): @Anonymous: Traveled the world for 5 years between 6th form and university, GCSE french, spanish, german, double english. A* in all of them. Then went onto take french and spanish A level. As all across the board. "What now?"
Anonymous56(33): btw you arent making americans look that good (you are americcan so stop the self hate and sucking up to those smelly basterds who hate you for where you're from.)
Anonymous57(33): @Anonymous: I dont understand what your trying to say but do you actually speak the language or just study them, because I study etymology too but I havent even been to college and still I learned as much as you, and from people who actually speak it and on my own, lol.
Anonymous58(31): @Anonymous: To pass a GCSE and A level, you need to be able to speak the language fluently, so of corse I can. Big deal, I also speak latin, didn't take a GCSE in it, but all the same, I can name many, many word origins. I have now studied 2 years in 6th form (which is like college) and 5 years in university. You have learnt nowhere near as much as me. Good day sir.
Anonymous61(37): @59: for a self-proclaimed and self-taught linguist, I counted 6 errors of grammar and syntax in your 1 sentence post. I think you should sue your teacher...
Anonymous62(31): @Anonymous: 24 and have no faulty gene that is observable. I mean in no way to damage your integrity or insult you, simply to point out the ill-informed nature of many others on this thread.
DonkeyPunch: GCSEs don't count for much these days, they've been dumbed down and almost anyone can pass one. If you're academically gifted you'd be better off doing an international baccalaureate thing if you want a grade that counts for something.
Anonymous66(33): @Anonymous: Is that all you know, and what have you done with that knowledge? surely there is a wide variety of prestiguos employment for you
Anonymous68(31): @Anonymous: I am aware of those, however, we are currently posting on a porn site online. I choose to use slightly more informal language in these occasions. So please, put down your thesaurus and go to bed. Oh, and not to mention the lack of the word "error" after syntax: a mistake a " self-proclaimed and self-taught linguist", if thats what you call yourself. However, I am none of those, therefore I assumed you were referring to yourself.
Anonymous69(37): @ 65, man's saying he can walk the walk. Can't even talk the talk! Literally :p Saying you're a gifted and experienced linguist in a post riddled with errors is kind of funny, got to admit!
Anonymous75(27): Most "Amerrrcans" have family in Europe. But our ancestors kicked out yous ancetors, because they had an uptight version of Christianity. (And you kept it alive)
Anonymous77(33): @Anonymous: europe =/= UK... some people's ancestors came to the US more recently because it was better than their country at the time (WW2)
Anonymous78(33): Not even ''most'', it seems you british and self-hating suck-up americans (who are just as stupid, if not moreso than the ones they're so opposed to) don't understand just how diverse the US really is. You might want to actually see it for yourself before making such judgements.
Anonymous79: @Anonymous: Hi I go to South Korea, Djibouti, Kenya, Luxemburg, Laos, Ethiopia, Mexico, Brazil, United Kingdom, Canada, South Korea, Japan, Japan, Korea, America, Netherlands, Antractica 27 times. I learn 71 languages in two years but only speak 1 regularly. I can't get a job, desire to live like an attractive and successful African, intend on sharing my water bottle with five other hippies, flunked computer science and any other course but mastered courses like 13th century art and dead European language 101, and have six worthless degrees. I am the 99%.
Anonymous80: @Senator_Palpatine: What do you think of Middle-class NOT politically vermin?
Zee_RED_Spy: Zee zis iz why everypony zhould just bow zear headz to zee beloved princess Luna. Alzo zee reazon Briten haz had little to no natural dezasters iz becauze zee land mazz iz zo zmall zat zay move on to zee rest ov Europe
champofgalacticretards: @Anonymous: you failed this history. U.S. did not win Vietnam War, they were withdrawn so North Vietnameses won.
@Anonymous: I am 1005 American however, it is not just Christianity issues, they offered criminals to live in New World for their freedom. Some of my ancestors are murdering drunkens. Georgia and Australia were ones of colonies where criminals came from.
Anonymous84(27): NOOO! Usa have ever war they´ve been in. Everything else is a lie. We kicked the vietnameeses asses, the afganistani asses, the commie asses in wwII, and we alwys save the world. we saved everyone from Saddam in Iran and we kicked ass in libya and killed kaddafie
Anonymous85: Well ya see,Britin is full of snaggletooth bitches that cry when der tea n' crumpets ah disturbesd by Americas Massive Dick Pound Manuveurs. It should also be noted that the attractive and successful Africans down south in Islam are gonna be hung by da U.S. Army by next September, cause what they did on 9/11 was simply unforgivable. So all you Nazi love'n, snaggletooth tea sippin' Ruskie attractive and successful Africans can go fug yerselfs.
Damn Communists.
@Senator_Palpatine: darn toot'n
The 'civilised' world has apparently become so civil and passive they will just take their anal reamings and do nothing about it. Your governments are your ENEMIES, destroy them or face the consequences. They are the ones who write the laws that protect and coddle and encourage the importation of these rejects who couldn't hack it in their own societies, so they're ejected to foul-up ours!
@Anonymous: I believe the US makes it so hard to 'see the world' as you say, because they don't want the inmates to escape. It's like a gigantic prison between the coasts, and anyone who escapes is allowed to because they have 'played the system' long enough to become indoctrinated to it. The people who NEED to escape and see how much greater all other nations are, never can, or else this will upset the electoral process and a truly progressive candidate might win and expel the legions of lobbyists the corporate interests and eco-geeks have spent decades sliding into office beneath their noses. 9/11 was the greatest excuse the US has ever had to sever all ties with all enlightened nations, ever. You can bet this has made a 1984 Dystopia 60% more likely in their future. Without experiencing anything more and with their frightened jittery cat hatred of anything from the Coasts, and anything from Germany, the 'real amurricans' can only vote one way, to the party that promises to 'protect them' from these sinister outside forces. And thus they no longer worry about being poor, or being taxed to the point of death, but of these nebulous intangible 'others' who might take what nonexistent freedoms they have away.
@Anonymous: Ironically the US has never been better than their home countries since the time you mentioned, with the exception of the russian satelites, which became better once communism died.
also lol @ americans who imply Germany WOULDN'T be a better alternative than French. I thought you attractive and successful Africans hated the French, so why not just give the French to us? And the only reason why it isn't a better alternative NOW is BECAUSE OF YOUR FUCKING INTERFERENCE
Germany held under control of the Red Army until pushing them off with a revolt would be far and away a healthier Germany than the one you infuckted with your shitstained prudish natures and pussified guilt symptoms. There is absolutely NOTHING to be guilted about. Going overboard in the self-defense of your nation is still fucking self-defense. If you're attacked by one mexican from a gang of mexicans and wind up mopping them all up, you know what the more intelligent parts of your nation rule that? STILL SELF DEFENSE. While mistakes were made there is nothing at all that requires constant bombardment with guilt-propaganda and reparation requests. It's just another goddamn American Shell Game, that's all you've been good for since the 20s, is moving other peoples' money around for your own base interests no matter the harm visited upon their nations and cultures.
Anonymous87(85): Anon85 here, but yew can call me CarpetBomberofNiggers.
You see, Europe is a big pile o shit. Aint nothing gone chamnge that shit. Secondly, Africa is full of negroids that are deviod of lifem and intelligence. America is the only place that you can sit down and enjoy some goof ol fashion cola while beatin your children.
Lapp: I'm sure lots of Americans hate the majority of the rest of their nation, and would hope that the same can be said for the English.
I'm Argentine-born and lived about 80% of my life there, and can comfortably say I hate the larger part of people there.
First and foremost, I'm a citizen of the Internet
All hail faggotry and douchebaggery, as these are the values I hold most dear.
Anonymous93: We need to just eliminate every anonymous comment on Rule 34. I have to wonder why the hell it is even still possible to comment without an account. Look how much spam and garbage come from the anons. When you have a name, you have a reputation to maintain, so people behave. Eliminate the faceless douchebaggery. Make it so all commenters can be held accountable for what they say.
Krawczyk: @Lapp:
We should take over New Hampshire and turn it into the Great Internet State.
Hell, they don't even follow the 'national federally mandated seatbelt' laws.
They fukken rebels yo. Seems like they'd be receptive to becoming capital of the Wikileakeal empire.
Anonymous103(33): @HornyLion: I am the anon vs. the Smelly Brit/self-loathing US side of the argument and I would have an account but they keep fucking deleting them and banning me for no reason.
Anonymous104(33): @Krawczyk: so what are you trying to say that Immigration has ruined the US since ww2 and communist places should become more like the US
Anonymous105(33): @Krawczyk: babalab Im guessing youre one of those brits who never leaves their basement let alone their country, funny I took you for an american, but what are you saying, there is no imprisonment, dont believe everything you see on tv, I have never experience any of the difficulty you mention
Anonymous106(33): and that you wonder why a lot of americans never leave the country is because they got everything they ever need right there, so whats wrong with that? and yes the majority of them are dumbass, but You europeans don't make your countrys seem all that appealing.
Anonymous115(23): Got nowt against Queen E II and the rest of the fucking Royal parasites. Well, yes I have. But nothing compared to the loathing I have for the middle class politically correct, we have to blame for the muslim tidal wave drowning our countries in Europe.
Anonymous117(23): @Anonymous: TRUE. Like the cartoons writers of Simpsons/Family/Futurama's obsession with British teeth.
If ALL of the bastards COMBINED have met a dozens Brits I'll be amazed.
Using Yank self-love.
Anonymous118(23): @Lord_Cthulu: No-one weeps and warbles their national anthem like the Yanks (much to the hilarity of we Europeans) So when the French, Germans, Brits, Italians, Swedes, Danes actually say they are happy being European....the yanks start sneering.
Its called hypocrisy. The French refused to drop everything and support the American invasion of Iraq so they could steal their oil. So it was "Surrender Momkeys" The Brits DID drop everything. The Yanks said thank you by mocking them (The teeth crap)
Nice people - just watch your back.
Anonymous119(23): @Anonymous: You are fucking joking.
Thanks to the politically correct, some areas of London/Manchester/Yorkshire/Midlands are like Africa or Pakistan. No whites tolerated. Birmingham does NOT have a white or christian majority any longer. The muslims dictate. The middle class lesbian bastards who are 90 responsible for the parasites being here make sure they don't get too close to THEIR dwellings.
Anonymous120(23): @Anonymous: Actually slightly true.
But Europe, mainly Italy and France, has far better grub, and something called "culture" that Americans think is what you get when you don't clean your nails every year.
Anonymous122(23): @Anonymous: You yourself are prime proof that Yanks AREN'T smarter.
You're so fucking dumb you made a film about how an AMERICAN crew got the enigma code machine from a Nazi sub. (U571)
Only the Yanks weren't anywhere near - it was ROYAL NAVY crew. But you lot never let truth get in the way with your movies.
Next - Julius Caesar, the conqueror from Baltimore ! Alexander the Great was from New Jersey !! (wankers)
Senator_Palpatine: @Anonymous: Virtually every one you mentioned WERE middle class you dope. Washington Jefferson and Moses were both landed gentry.
Jesus wept. Are they that daft over there ?
Krawczyk: @Anonymous:
How in the fuck did you even get that out of my posts?
Did you not notice how half my youtube links are Accordians&Beer or far right German parties? attractive and successful African, I's authentic and bonnyfide, as George Clooney's character Ulysses McGill might say. Fully and wholeheartedly committed to the banishment and exile of modernist German filth like the so-called 'Christian democrats' (of which they are neither) as 'thanks' for the terrible and draconian laws they push through regarding everything from sexuality to violence in a misguided attempt to enforce and americanised Constitution and appear more like their american 'saviors' and a return to the legacy of the Kaisers. I see them as nothing but treacherous sycophants, and were it not considered a 'war crime' by modern day sissies I would back any group that promised to put them to The Question and execute their leadership in public and televised as a warning to all who might undermine freedom and our culture. Hey, these Inquisitorial robes are not just for show, it's just that they have a nationalistic bent, not a religious one. Anyway thanks for proving my point about how retarded your people really are. ;Þ
Hell I hate the limeys even worse than I hate you.
Someone should stick a planetary repulsor on England and fire the entire land mass into Washington DC, and Ireland can become the new 'head' of the United Kingdom because they have the best internets of the remaining countries. As an added bonus the force of the blow will probably knock California clean off, so we won't need to watch any more horrible movies unless they say Uwe Boll in the director's credits. The only good people England produces are people that actually hate their own society, which is pretty much any pulp fiction writer of renown not named Kipling or Doyle.
Darn toot'n, unfortunately we're not yet at the point where everyone can build their domes under the sea. :{
Care to come up for a visit? Just don't bring that asshole Namor with you! Nearly started a war between all the -stans last time when he used a turban as a washcloth and the Uzbekistani minister followed suit.
Also bring your awesome card game too. We can totally make a tournament out of this shit, fuck that Yugi-Oh nonsense, I got a Yuggoth!
champofgalacticretards: wow...Rule 34 Fighter video game! Krawcyk VS Lord Cthulu and his army of Anonymous 1-120s; Cculber007 VS jubilation_t_cornpone; HAMBURGERS VS all of hamburger restaurants in the world and Queen Elizabeth II; Senator_Palpatine VS all American citizens in the United States of America; and DonkeyPunch VS Donkey Kong! I know one won - Krawcyk!
anon_0: @jubilation_t_cornpone: I agree with you jubilation she probabely would get a servant to do the slap, (lazy old bag, lol) your probabely right about the other thing as well..
Anonymous124(23): @Anonymous: Sadly, yes. And hundreds of arropgant UNelected middle class queers and lesbians dictate policy to let those worthless parasitical bastards flood into the country (Black christians less so - at least they make an effort. The black muslims are a fucking CANCER wherever they invite themselves. Yankland they invite themselves into, too - and it's the same middle class queers and dykes there helping them get in, too.
Anonymous125: Lmao you Brits are so delusional it's pathetic. When you are seen constantly making fun of Americans and Muslims or whatever else it's "funny" because lolol British humor is superior in every way, english is the best, no ones allowed to have any opinion otherwise But then Brits get so upset and butthurt if anyone makes fun of their wondrous kingdom, the best land mass in the world right, solely because you live there, and no one else is allowed to have that opinion of their own country, otherwise they are ignorant/ racist or whatever. and seriously, you Brits are trying to play the victim? Bawww we have bad teeth, it's not like Americans are all fat idiots all over your media right? Of course not, actual, individual, Americans love you, it's so sad since they don't get the same respect in return. Also funny how the most hated Americans are most obviously of British descent.
Anonymous126(23): @Krawczyk: Christalmighty you're a thick Polish cunt aren't you ? A disgrace to the heroes that fought with the Brits in Battle of Britain.
Anonymous127(23): @Anonymous: You yanks have to be told WHEN to laugh thick shit. "Canned laughter" originated in the US - for good reason.
You yanks are so fucking hypocritical its staggering. You sneer at others, but rant when it's done back to you.
Congrats, by the way.
Most moronic post of the 200 or so.
One day your IQ may reach double figures. High for yanks !
Meanwhile, rant against terrorists....then contribute to Irish terrorists. That sums you lot up.
Anonymous132(125): Once again you are comparing real life to tv, and when was the last time you've seen an actual American let alone "sneering" at you? All I ever see is pathetic suck ups.
Anonymous133(23): Can I just say that as a Brit, I couldn't care less about this - and the snapping at each other is probably less about QEII than Brits getting tired and pissed off with our arrogant friends from the other side of the pond.
Seems the French and Germans had you people nailed on. We were wrong, they were right.
Anonymous134(23): @Anonymous:
Think that applies a thousand times more to Americans than Brits or Europeans. Can Americans name capitals, leaders, or currencies ?
Can they hell. Most europeans can.
If it isn't in America, you haven't a clue.
If Hollywood doesn't tell you THEIR version, you'd never know. And thats always a pile of invented crap.
Anonymous137(125): No one cares enough about your shit country, but apparently you're all over Americans I thought you hate them? The why the fuvk do you talk so much about them. It only makes you look like a jealous little child.
Rapps: I can't believe you people are actually arguing over which country is better.
It's like children arguing about whether their dad can beat up someone else's dad, jeez grow up. We're all different, no one is superior to anyone else.
Aaharon: You know what I really like about that last comment? The fact that you had to clarify that you were talking about me. Good idea though, a lot of people would think you were refrencing yourself.
Aaharon: Im sorry, did you not understand it? Well thats okay faggot Ill just spell it out for you: Your previous post made you look like a gay retard. Get it?
Aaharon: I dont think you do. Who the fuck is aaharon? Did you seriously think id put my real name on here? What kind of name do you think that is anyway?
Meta_Kirby: Funny...each Feature image has a "theme". Note, a couple images have a few people talking normally, most have people bickering over petty squabbles. This one, is a little diffrent. Instead of going on some long ass rant, i will instead say this; Everyone is equal, and no one race has advantages over another. Mind you, the Slaves were a rather...sketchy part of "Amerrrcan" history, but im talking present time. If you boys (maybe women) want to argue over the internet, fine by me. However, these arguements tend not to end, until the feature dissapears, or until an Anon/User unwillingly submits (PC/Mac crash, Hacked etc.) You guys are just wasting time. Everyone is just trying to prove their worthiness over another race; which is also called Racism. Go ahead, reply angrily to this message, but know this. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and I just layed mine down.
Anonymous154: WTF is it with americans and this teeth fetish shit? Don't understand this obsession. We do have good private dental care here in the UK you know. Plenty of us have normal healthy teeth these days.
Anonymous156: And it is humans like these commenters (U.S. British or otherwise) that make me embarrassed to call myself human. I for one can't wait for the robot or zombie revolution/apocalypse.
Anonymous157: The only old whore who could be more repugnant than this is Barbara Bush. Those rich nepotistic old fags sure have some gargoyles for wives.
Lapp: I support Vermin Supreme as the future dictator of the Wikileakeal Empire, a nation dedicated to the Internet
Our Zombie-powered turbines will be ad unmatched as the efficiency of our pony-identification system
All in favor say Yolo.
jubilation_t_cornpone: @DonkeyPunch: That's why it's strange that Disney girls are always so hot to marry princes. Phillip shows that princes can also be broken-down geezers.
Osmium: @jubilation_t_cornpone: Judging by how you featured this ~ a day ago and the sheer volume of flame and eyebleach orders, I'd say it was a startling success for your first feature. I tip my hat to you good sir, you do this site proud!
Osmium: @Krawczyk: woops missed you in the last post! Well, sounds like you're one of the precious few here with a decent head on his shoulders as usual Krawc! America with a fresh start from that corruption on both coasts might have a shot at bein a much nicer place lol. I'm American myself (and live in New York at that! :P), but i try my best to keep an open mind and an open ear to the rest of the world. Unfortunately, as the anons above have shown, both America and the various European countries (oh and i think i spotted an Australian or two!) have no lack of bigots and fools.
Seriously all, I don't think I've ever seen so many fellow Americans acting like racist fools in one place for the hell of it - for shame! And don't you sit there giggling Europeans/Australians from above! It might surprise you to find out that the word "Yank" doesn't actually help you further your side of the discussion or even make you sound cool for that matter. The way you guys have been talking really just drops you in with all racist and sexist bigots from my own country that have been posting here.
God I love the internet, but sometimes you guys just shame the human race... tsktsk!
Well, at least there's the occasional good dude like our friend Krawc here to breathe a bit of life back into my faith in the intelligence of people now and then and I suppose that can keep me goin' for at least a while :D
PinkBallons: @creamyneko: Oh thank God, someone mentioned Titanium. I thought me might actually get through a feature without someone bitching about him for once.
Senator_Palpatine: Fuck me, that was a pile of shite, Anon162 man.
Your point was what ? Cut down on the frigging drugs. Hope to God you're not a Brit like me.
All the moronic crap has been coming from the Yanks so far. Don't spoil it. Its been a laff.
Anonymous165(23): ...or a bundle of sticks, or a miserable old woman. These yanks, the world begins and ends at USA borders. They have no knowledge of the world. Sad and laughable.
PinkBallons: @Anonymous: Yes, because someone who honestly believes they grasp the scope of knowledge of the people of an entire country is much less laughable.
Anonymous166(23): @Anonymous: Nice one, mate. There is a stench of religious bigotry coming from some Yanks here. The wanker with the Polish name being one. But must admit, from a fan of Family Guy and that kind of thing - the crap attacks on Brits over teeth has got me seething, and has changed my views on Americans. Spiteful and moronic, it originated with ONE Simpsons episode and has just got ridiculous. Its from a CARTOON for God's sake.
Yet Americans have taken it seriously, and sadly types like Hugh Laurie, Stephen Fry, Helen Mirren, Ricky Gervais etc have played along with it. (While rolling their eyes, no doubt)
We Brits have got a lot of crap from other Europeans in our defence of the US, and meanwhile the sneering attacks on us have been gathering momentum. It is causing a growing bad feeling.
The Canadians DID warn us, though.....
Anonymous168(23): Been hilarious mind. Reading all this. The er...less than witty American digs, and the Brits winding up the Yanks, then getting wound up themselves.
Most brainless piece of shit in the entire thing though was the fucking moron who (in his ranting bigotry - for thats as clear as day what it is) claimed "Everyone hates those of British decent IN US" "Those of British Decent done nothing"
I mean - theres been some brainless shit put up here, but that leap years in the lead for stupidity so profound. The religious bigotry is so profound (although the arsehole studiously avoided "protestant" that what the bigot meant) But thats who made America, not those that came later, to take advantage. The Jews - now THERES a claim to have made America great. No whining and claiming they did what they DIDN'T (like the catholic ranter) the Jews DID contribute massively.
Thats my 2 cents worth....or 2 pence or whatever.
Anonymous175(172): @Anonymous: Taken it seriously? Lol you brits are the ones getting upset over it. As if you don't tire of saying all americans are fat and stupid? It's called stereotypes, you need to learn to laugh at your self, or else you're gonna have a bad time. It didn't originate from a cartoon es much as reality. Stereotypes exist for a reason... but you needn't take offense unless it applies to you.
Anonymous176(172): Btw that Polish fuck is British, or a pathetic self-hating american suck up who wishes he wasn't, which is just as stupid if not more so.
Anonymous177: On the general subject of royalty: like most amerifags, I don't understand why people worship them so much. Back in centuries past, they actually DID something. But the royals of today? What are they good for? Especially considering the incredible expense of maintaining them.
Don't get me wrong, there is equally mindless worship of celebrities here. But most of them had some sort of talent to BECOME celebrities (music, sports, acting, etc). Royalty is like Paris Hilton: inherited everything and hasn't done much of anything since. Everybody knows Paris, but few respect her. Most laugh at her.
As a side note, I was thinking about aristocrats in general and heraldry. It occurred to me that a coat of arms is basically a cutie mark for grown men, just not worn on the ass. LOL
Flamewing_Heart: I honestly dunno what I'm lawling more about, the comments to the actual picture; or the obvious e-dick comparison that was going to take place eventually. Not gonna take sides to this cause honestly every country has their good and bad values and trying to to take in account this and comparing who's country is better is like little children comparing scabs and scars. Yes it may make you look cooler but you sure was stupid enough to admit what you did to get it now didn't you? ;) Just a little food for thought.. Now please go back to fapping... But not to this o.x
anon_0: @Anonymous: Just like to say that I second what you said about royalty anon 175, there not really good for anything these days, there just parasites if anything (I think someone else said that earlier as well, and they was right) Im dont like them myself either personally..
Anonymous179: I know there is a rule on underage, but shouldn't there be a rule for overage stuff? Honestly, I don't care if she is the Queen of England. This stuff is going too far. Switching to the booru...
Anonymous181(23): @Anonymous: Hearing a yank say the Royals being "worshipped" theres actually as much (probably more) criticism from Brits as affection. You want mindless worship for someone who does NOTHING ? The Pope is about the top of the tree, in "praise for nothing" department, but it's tradition. Same with royalty. And there was royalty before there was popes.
And Yanks INVENTED the "celebrity fame" thing anyway. How many people are on front pages and have NO TALENT, NO ABILITY whatsoever ?
In comparison Old Queenie is fabulously talented (and she just an 86 year old woman - who doesn't deserve the spite, and moronic hate from your more bigotted American bretheren anymore than she deserves the worship you say she gets. Its fondness, not worship. The Pope gets ridiculous "worship" - Infallible my arse)
Senator_Palpatine: @Anonymous: He's less British than you mate. Could be a catholic bigot, I suppose. Noticed theres a lot of that here (and the odd retaliation too. The Pope comments above are bang on) Odd how the twerp is being shot at by both sides. Hasn't a clue what he's mouthing off about.
Senator_Palpatine: @Anonymous: One of the best posts here. Brilliant ! We get the same shit in UK - the ones who DID do it, didn't because it inconviently proves them wrong. Also - the turds get JOBS out of the shit, and the young right-on shitbags are even worse than the older "suits" they profess to hate.
(Rant over !) ;-)
Anonymous183(23): Given the choice between shagging QE2 or the fanatic who makes Abu Hamza seem like agnostic - Cherie "Burn the Protestants" Blair, I think I'd choose QE2 every time. I'd prefer Dolly Parton and her tits though.
champofgalacticretards: USA! USA! UK! UK! Shut up, this is Rule 34, not fucking American Revoluntion and War of 1812! The wars are over, USA and UK are longtime allies. We have President of USA, British Prime Minister and Queen that are enough! USA and UK share same dreams - junk food, music, porn, and hating the politics! I am both USA and UK so I am proud to be American man with British grandmother and late American grandfather!
If you don't listen then I hope you go to hell for your igroance! We are human beings live in countries so there is no need for which is better or discrimination. Do not forget that some of Americans came to USA since 1400 from England.
Anonymous186(177): @Anonymous: I agree about the pope. He's not only worthless, he's detrimental to global society, especially his interference with birth control and condom distribution.
I agree that there are "no talent, no ability" celebrities in the US. That why I said MOST celebrities did something to be celebrities. I mentioned Paris Hilton, didn't I? But the queen still did nothing other than being born.
Spite? Moronic hate? I don't really care about the queen one way or the other. All I said was that I don't understand the worship. If you people want to do it, AND ARE WILLING TO PAY SO MUCH FOR IT, knock yourselves out.
Anonymous187(177): Along those lines, the "no talent, no ability" celebrities generally don't cost us much. We pay for the ones who HAVE talent by going to movies and football games and concerts, but we get something out of it.
champofgalacticretards: @Anonymous: @Anonymous: I am not anonymous and I have better common senses. all anons do is complaing like a baby over the issues about which is better USA or UK. you called me an idiot so you have to see your face in the mirror?
Anonymous194(189): I don't have a face. I am anonymous, remember? O:
Don't forget: everytime you point your finger at somebody, there are 3 pointing back at you.
champofgalacticretards: @Anonymous: faceless? LOL I am not pointing my finger at somebody, I am pointing my fact book to every anons that what anon 193 said. UK and USA are friends, get over or go to back to nut house.
champofgalacticretards: @Anonymous: Yeah, let's get so off topic.
Anons ---> losers = idiots
Cculber007 ---> Great One
losers = idiots / Great One = Great One
jubilation_t_cornpone: Looks like the comments have devolved even from the USA/UK wars. Ah, well, it was a good run, I'm satisfied with the response from my first feature.
Anonymous198(79): Rammstein said it best in "We're all living in America"
Face it Euro's and Canada. You're living in America. You have the option of eating American food, you can wear American clothes, your cinemas show American movies, your TV's broadcast American shows, your radios play American music. All foreign food here is Americanized, the only foreign thing about clothing in America is that it's made in foreign sweat shops. Very rarely do foreign films succeed or even gain a following in America, and if they do they're only those artistic movies. Monty Python is the only non American tv show I know here in America that has a following.
You know who our president is and how our govt works. You know our countries issues, you know where our military is. You know everything about our country and if you try talking to an American about any other country, we can't tell you shit. Even Canada and Mexico, the countries we trade with the most, we couldn't tell you much about either country. Why, well one because yes, we are ignorant, but second because we don't have to. The rest of the world could stop or go to war or whatever, radical governmental change, and unless the leader is straight talking shit to America, it won't affect us. Deal with it, you're not as important as you think we are.
Look I know I'm sounding like a typical ignorant American who's sounding butthurt, but I mean, I can afford to be, because in the long run, your country doesn't matter to me. It doesn't have to. Now I know that sounds terrible, and it probably is, but if you don't like it stop caring about America so much. Your hatred and constant bickering about us only proves how much we affect your life.
Anonymous199(23): Anmon196. You're quite right.
You DO sound like an obnoxious self-centred self-righteous arsehole of a yank.
What you omit is the Romans went the same way as yourselves. THEY got so obsessed with themselves, they ended up easy meat for the barbarians. You lot are taking a tenth of the time the Romans did in self-destruction. When the Romans NEEDED friends, they were nowhere to be seen. They'd alienated everyone.
And your pompous pile of shite is a fine example.
The rest of the world don't ask you to be considerate towards them. Just stop being so fucking repugnant and contemptuous. You've made - if not enemies, then people who have stopped being "friends" (which is the first step) out of actual friends.
Anonymous200(23): @jubilation_t_cornpone: Nothing wrong with airing stuff.
And we've been enabled to take a sneak peak at the navel-gazing stupidity of Americans.
Anonymous201(23): @Cculber007: Hardly. Is THAT your REAL name ? NO. So therefore you are Anon too.
Pot calling kettle attractive and successful African.
Anonymous204(23): @Cculber007: Mate, the Americans are doing a first class job for the past 10 years or so to alienate ALL their "friends" Odd that something as spitefully, moronically stupid as the British "teeth" thing could anger so many people....of their "friends" too - which says it ALL about Americans.
Senator_Palpatine: Can I just say the pic that started all this, and the window into the American mindset was SUPERB ?
The American mindset on the other hand was even more ugly than I'd ever thought.
Anonymous205: I lol'd at all the freaking idiots here arguing over the internet and as it always happens, trying to put their best effort to convince random people...
Anonymous206: ok no country is better. Both are very important to the economy and provide alot of natural resources. the only difference is the US is cockier and it seems like they dont know their own issues (ie some said US is stronger but they lead in obesity.) Some may say cockyness is a good thing, but pisses me of. Idk whos more inbred but who gives a shit. BTW im Canadian so im not bias to either country
champofgalacticretards: @Anonymous: Anons ---> Losers = Idiots = Cowards
Cculber007 --> Great One
@Anonymous: You are not very good detective cuz jubilation_t_cornpone or other admins can prove that I never use user named anon in this site and they know Cculber007 is real name. attractive and successful African? I was right about one word I called. I am 100% white man. Your IQ is below the average for failing as a detective.
@Anonymous: over 390 years ago this country you called America WAS colonies under British and other countries so....
The economics of the United States has its roots of European colonization in the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries including England
some English words we still use from "U.K."
some of Americans are related to or originally from "U.K."
Prime Minsiter Winston Churchill is half American and half British loved USA and UK so much.
@Anonymous: Americans were rooted from Britishs so they made fun of teeth, rednecks, dumbies, freckles, fat, sex, and food like hearing people made fun of deaf people so they treated us like retarded people. Some of Americans like me never never do anything like alienate our friends from U.K. You do not know if some of U.K. did alienate some Americans? For me, I love U.K. - food, girls, Sherlock Holmes, British Broadcasting Corporation, movies, and museums. I love USA - movies, TV, food, girls, comics, and CSI. I love Japan, China, France, and others.
PinkBallons: @Cculber007: I vote we just get all the countries together and have us an orgy. It's become obvious that the real problem here is sexual repression.
DonkeyPunch: @RogerTheRabbit yeah I was there too. Shame the bloody weather wasn't that good.
BTW I don't think Rolf Harris will be showing his face for a while, he's still butthurt.
ChaoticTentacles: Guess what I hate anons... Guess why? And I'm looking at this British ad american thing going on and wondering why the fuck does it matter?
PinkBallons: @Senator_Palpatine: Does it matter? There's nothing in a name. The main problem I have with Anons is that they can't contribute to the site in any way besides posting comments.
deathstriker: @Senator_Palpatine: "Anon" is something more than a concealed identity and the inabillity to be held acountable for whatever you done/said.
champofgalacticretards: USA and UK rule, end of the discussion. Like PinkBallons says, "I vote we just get all the countries together and have us an orgy. It's become obvious that the real problem here is sexual repression." For Anons, they have no common senses and no education.
champofgalacticretards: @Anonymous: You talk about PinkBallons' comment? I am both British and American, I find no different between US and UK but I found how much idiotic human beings I find in anons who said which country is best. Americans won't win American Revoluntion without French and Spanish helps and British asked Americans to help for their protection from Germany before US joined the war. You do not like both countries, then call it "United States of Britirica" we are Britisricans now. happy?
PinkBallons: @Anonymous: I fix tags, report images that break rules, inform artists/uploaders if they're breaking a rule and where to find the rules when they do so. What do you do for this website. as a member of the faceless legion?
PinkBallons: @Anonymous: I acknowledge that Anons have their place, and it lies in posting amusing comments. But those same people could do so much more if they just took, what, a minute? To make an account.
Krawczyk: @Anonymous:
Actually my whole family is on the Germans' side of things, and have been since Bismarck!
THAT'S why I'm fanatically against the UK and US, well that and I also believe them to be prime number stupid, basically, there's an eternity of bad blood there, and don't think my kids're getting away without knowing the truth of the Imperialists' nature either!
@Anonymous: And that's why the rest of us will simply continue attempting to blow your asses up until you stop shoving those puritanical/corporatist fuckshit policies down our throats. VIVA LA REVOLUCION
Lets hear it for 911 more 9/11s! One day both Corporatism and Communism shall be slain for good and we shall finally advance as a species, just as we had during the slaying of the church's dreadful governmental influence! The demise of America is but the next step towards a truly better world!
PinkBallons: @Krawczyk: Pretty sure there are better ways to go about it than blowing us up. That just leads to you getting blown up as well, and where are we then?
wtfbomb: 227 anons W.T.F !!! and how many people commited suicide when they saw this pic xD am only kidding but this pic is terrible awful discusting of a 86 year old hag who could draw this shit and jack off with it its completely wrong
Krawczyk: I wouldn't care, I am committed! The muslims can't monopolize all the fanaticism in the world, there has to be some life for the fighters of justice and righteousness too! I don't care if I'm blown up, only if I don't blow up enough of the opposition for the kaiser to get through! Then I shall move on to Valhalla a saaaad panda.
jubilation_t_cornpone: @Healthy_Fuck: Important? Who ever said comment sections are important? Sure, individual comments are important to the person who made them, but that's as far as it goes.
champofgalacticretards: @Anonymous: Yes, jokes, arguments, trolls, insults, make funs, and etc that are what anons and users do flame war and keep away from seeing the image of Queen Elizabeth showed the tits unless she is young woman in 1960s.
Anonymous234(233): Wow, how did this become an America vs Europe troll thread? It's a computer generated picture of the Queen naked! And I must say, it's very high quality and realistic. Kudos to Scarface for his Maya skillz. This is really pro work.
champofgalacticretards: @PinkBallons: I am familiar with Equestria. if you want to live in Equestria, you can go to New York -
Anonymous236(23): Anon237 - the most sensible of all comments. Well said, sir.
95% of the rest of you are responsible for a pile of shite as they say over here.
Excellent art of Queenie, and the Brit haters (I can just guess what types THEY are - contributions to Real IRA while weeping about Arab terrorism.
Not just them of course....
Anonymous237(23): Whoops ! Missed the rest - the Brit haters can go and fuck themsleves. And heres me argued with Frenchies and Germans (and Muslims) on the subject of Americans....maybe they were right all along.
Senator_Palpatine: @Cculber007: Well said matey. But the goaders are of both, and as the above said, you can just GUESS who's behind the negatives against UK types in particular. (Not just them though) as for the anti-Yank, it tends to be in retaliation. The current spiteful digs against Brits in general on American TV has at first baffled, then enraged many Brits. (Im talking about the moronic "British teeth" crap) as some comedian once said over here - it's the price you pay for being their unquestioning ally....
Anonymous239(23): @Cculber007: Ban those you can't answer.....very fascist of you. Krawcyk would make me think "Ah ! Just winding people up" But no - theres an underlying ugliness there too. If he's "Admin" then theres something SERIOUSLY wrong...
Krawczyk: Pfft, I didn't say I was completely German, just that we would (my family extending back 17 generations) support them, or at least true Germans, (most certainly not the majority parties of today) in all endeavors large and small. I gave roughly $40k a year in small random scatters to the DVU for a decade. Interesting you use the word fascist because that, I believe, is the ideal, in fact only SANE and workable form of government the modern era has produced. This isn't some flash in the pan 'edgy kewlness omg history channel rox' thing I mean I get down and dirty an actually campaign for them, and will until I'm in my grave, and hell even past it. None of my personal investments are in my name, but on behalf of the party's, that way they are funded long past my own expiration date until an outside force invades and dismantles with greater force, which means never since everyone but the ruskies are afraid to use tried and true medieval-era tactics to change a government. And I have it in writing if something DOES happen it switches over to the NPD. And if something happens to them it will go back to my uncle's family to put into whatever nationalist party they are currently backing.
Also they do not call them mullahs but cardinals where I am from. And for the record they are mostly a hardline pre-Vatican II strain. They only give a crap about sexual escapades if you're breaking vows somehow (ie you're married/bethrothed and still doing it). Hell, one of the brothels has been on the church's donation roster since the 1300s! They would likely not care about a majority of the site since it's now roughly 80% vanilla animu junk, you see more extreme shit wandering around Amsterdam! It is a necessary evil to prevent further evils of a more extreme nature! (But I do think they would raise a stink about the Jesus stuff if only because they are quite rigid and humourless being non-Reformist. My own views on the subject are more in line with the Romans. If I were pope I would name a bunch of random saints in one year to try and slide Caligula through.)
I may follow pagan beliefs sets personally, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate the good works the Church actually does. And I don't mean charity! No no, I loathe the average 'give money to a country you've never been to' charity. When the country is 100% stabilized and completely 'fixed' of all financial, employment, and public works problems, THEN is when you can start sending away shit to people you'll never encounter. One of the strangest and most disgusting parts of globalism to me is that 'urge' to alleviate the guilt one feels by seeing a poor man in one's own neighborhood by sending the money half a world away to those who might not even deserve it! No I mean the old world church, and its direct sponsorship of the arts and music and culture! Nothing I have seen from the internet age comes close to my adoration for Vanitas, but Cyberpunk is pretty close. If only it had been Odinist in nature and not Christian, maybe they would have sponsored the sciences to a similar level as well, and brought back all that ancient roman knowledge centuries ahead of time! But then, when it comes to my own I guess we share the same folly of believing they would have only done what is right and not become corrupt in the least.
And visiting? I'm like the prison warden or sum shit! I am in charge of such mundane yet necessary things as locking up all the pictures that have fully complete tags when I find them. I am equally as bad IRL as I can't stand having the slightest thing out of place, or knowing that people are not properly sorting their materials for the weekly recycling collection. That's a paddlin' AND MORE if I catch'em, til they know better! I run straight to the agency in charge and rat those bastards out, I even take pictures with my digital camera. Only thing holdin' me back from achieving complete lockdown is all the weirdass coding errors and randomly losing modding options from backroom tinkering!
@PinkBallons: It's rare, but they can find sources too! Just that it's SOP to delete the comment once it's locked in because that'd be redundant. ;Þ
Funnily enough we've actually run so much out of space a few times that useless-comment-deletion practices (aka all those BRAAAT mofos) does make a difference.
wheee so fun to ramble in even-tangentially-related-to-political features.
I wonder if the queen would enjoy buttin' heads with me. Old World monarchist vs New World. "Mingle with the masses" vs "But but...they're so diiiiiirty and they don't understand fashion at all!" (of course nowadays even the rich don't understand it! Blagh!)
Anonymous243(33): @Cculber007: Krawcyzk is not and admin probably just some drunk that has it in with the creators, he is breaking plenty of rules all the time.
champofgalacticretards: @Anonymous: I am not an admin. it is a rule against to be pretending as an admin; however, Krawczyk is 100% real admin as jubilation_t_cornpone and other admins. If you check staff list, you can see him on the list.
he became an admin over 3 years ago. I can answer because it is not making any senses for banning an admin. Have you read the rules?
Do not call me a facist, Adolf Hilter was a facist who murdered disabled people including deaf people! Are you a facist? He did not kill only Jewish people, he killed Russian prisoners, disabled people, and others. Alexander Graham s a facist to deaf world too.
champofgalacticretards: @Senator_Palpatine: Yankee word was from English settlers in Colonial America. British people and American people are same in genes. I am aware of American media vs. British media but both people are same. I am both Bristish and American.
Senator_Palpatine: The word "Yank" is not even insulting. The original settlers in New York, being Dutch, wanted their own version of the rotund, patriotic British image "John Bull" So they created their own. "Jan Kies"
I'm sure you can work the rest out !
#Oh and will someone shut that arsehole Krakatoa Krazdick Krazee or whatever.
Christalfuckingmighty what a bore.
Senator_Palpatine: ....a taste of intellectual, cultured, real ale drinking Brit. Thats me. Just happen to like Lois, Francine Smith in the nude, thats all....
Senator_Palpatine: ....I'd have been quite happy to have screwed the arse off the Queen or her sister as they were 50 years or so ago. Not bad tits, legs OK nice arse. Attracted a Greek beach hunk in Phil the Greek, didn't she ? "You wanna see my kebab, pretty English lady ?"
Learner: Ok. I've finally read this entire page of comments. (I am an American, and proud of it.)
Disclaimer: Read the entire segment before you go making a post about it.
This is what I have to say:
1. Your latest comments are not likely to be read after a viewer gets settled in to the entire "flame war". Eventually, a person will get pissed way up there in the 50-150 post zone, skip down to the bottom, post an angry response, and 'BAM!' the same issues will return as heated as ever.
2. Family Guy. In case you havn't noticed... the show makes fun of EVERYONE! This includes ourselves. (The south?) Describe the characters in the family. In short, they're a dysfunctional family. Peter truly is a fat tub of lard (but a funny one at that). Problem is, there are going to be people out there who like to see things in tunnel vision, make some sort of connection saying, "This guy is fat, but he's also American" (sort of... barely) and stereotypes are reinforced. The media and other sources of information, especially during our school years, can certainly be a cause for why this is thought of to be true. This can not be helped. There are going to be all kinds of people out there, and some of them are going to be absolutely terrible (trolls are an example, they try to bring out the worst in us). It's important that we all keep our wits about us, and not loose our cool. Remember the saying, "Don't feed the fire, it'll only get bigger." The saying "Don't feed the trolls", also works here.
3. In general, no matter how far along this argument goes, no matter how many "You stink", "Shut up", "F*** off" comments get made, know this. It's an argument. On the INTERNET. Due to the lack of an identity, a single person could get away with making fun of both the USA and the UK, just to get you people to rage. And besides? What do you technically get out of winning? Quite often, a 'win' is when a group on one side of an argument gets pissed off so much from finding so much resistance from the other side(s), that the group simply quits from the argument. This could mean that the words you have spoken have found no gain in the eyes and ears of the opposition. In short, it may end up as wasted time. This is not guaranteed, and sometimes, those who support the other side may think back on your words and possibly see the logic behind your argument.
There may be some people who simply lock on only to our words being pointless, and ask "Hey? Isn't posting a comment asinine if you already said no one's gonna read it?" No, don't go saying this. I said in all of my sentences about this that this can happen. I hold tight on the chance that it passes through.
4. In the end, we are all human, and we all live on the same planet. If you're going to insult someone. Insult him (or her) as an individual. If I say "You're an ass" (and I won't) then I'd be calling you an ass. Not the person standing next to you, not the guy behind you.
5. Personally, I'd like to live in Rapture (yes, from Bioshock). Just not in the state of conditions it was found in when the game started. I love the idea behind it. Where your hard work and brilliance is the only reason for any and all merits you shall recieve. Anyone else agree?
6. Now, if you respond, I'll read it and thoughtfully reply. If it's a "Fuck you", I can care less since I've given none of you any reason for hostilities towards me.
7. GOD THIS IS A TERRIBLE PICTURE! This might be one of the few pics where I'm sitting here WITH my pants on.
champofgalacticretards: @Senator_Palpatine: I rather to have Disney Princesses runs UK and USA. Yeah Dutch colonies invented Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, etc and New York was named after their Duke of York. PA was German colony, Florida was Spanish colony, list goes on. all I say UK and USA are same, teeth, insults, jokes, fish and chips/fries, and sex.
Learner: @Cculber007: I'll take it. You are only trying to calm down this entire flame war from what I've read.
Also, it feels wierd when shows talk about Florida in a bad light. I actually don't see what the heck they're talking about. Florida is a pretty swell place.
champofgalacticretards: Ariel rules Holland, Jasmine rules Middle East, Mulan rules China, Pocahontas and Tiana rules USA, Snow White, Rapunzel and Aurora rules Germany, and Cinderella and Belle rules France
Mycrunchycookie, a female artist and user rules UK.
PinkBallons: @Anonymous: My name is a reference to the pic that inspired me to make an account on this website, >>610629. I am aware of the proper spelling of the word "balloons."
PinkBallons: @Cculber007: I wouldn't call it my favorite image, the breasts are way too big for me. It just made me laugh, then the comments made me laugh harder. So I started thinking: Hey, this seems like a fun place to hang out. And I was right.
champofgalacticretards: @Learner: That was not me, it was admins. I try to prove that we are no diferent from USA and UK. Well, if admins want to declare world war III, let them do but they never win anyway
CrakTheRaven: Besides the fact this has somewhat melted into my brain, the Hank Hill picture helped cleansed it away with Propane. I still use charcoal.
CreamyThang_: @Anonymous: Lulz back at you, ya retarded fag. Who's the one getting angry online? I'd rather be unfunny than to look like some rage-ridden bloody tampon. ;-) Now go fuck yourself and get that sand outta your cooch.
FurryPaladin: I am American and possibly British but i have no side to this Brits vs. Americans flamewar thing but i agree with Cculber007 the US and the UK are the same.
@Cculber007: For England Cculber007 LOL
@Learner: Spoken like a true hero and for that i salute you good sir
Anonymous263: Why did you turn down the glorious opportunity to fuck my ass, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated at the bottom of my Special Education class and even then it was just to get rid of me, and I’ve been involved in numerous orgies with Al-Quaeda, and I have had over 300 cases of herpes and my already-small dick has nearly disintegrated. I am trained in gorilla humping and I’m the featured dancer in the Faggot Follies chorus line. You are the focus of my life and I want nothing more than your dick in my ass. I will blow you with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with rejecting my obsession over your dick? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of big-titted topless dancers across the USA so you better prepare for the show, maggot. The orgasm that electrifies the wondrous thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I want you to fuck my ass in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just the warmup. Not only am I extensively trained in ballet, but I have access to dozens of dresses in pastel colors and wear them in beauty pageants and I would love to kiss your gorgeous ass, you little shit (that's my pet name for you to show my adoration; do you like it my love?). If only you could have known what fanatical love your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I want you to cum all over me so I can drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
Anonymous264: <p>Not all NFL fans are dedicated to a team however, some just admire the game for it technical rules, terms and strategies and get benefit game after game regardless of who is facing who on the field.</p>
houston texans merchandise stores
Anonymous266: Finally. I found it. After hours of searching, I’ve found porn of Queen Elizabeth. I don’t care about those fake ones, the posers pretending to be a ‘queen.’ All I wanted was this, and I found it. My life is complete now, I shall now.. evaporate. Goodbye, everyone!
Anonymous267: I've been wanking to this since this pic got released. No joke man I love her and Britain I wank to this whenever I'm lonely. This will be the last time I pleasure me self to this pic. Thanks and God save the Queen and Britain
Anonymous268(267): I love this image, got a huge thing for her irl lost track of the amount of cum I have shot because of her first granny I ever wanked over! Oh Elizabeth xx
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But not surprised this is rule 34.
She probably doesn't give a damn. I bet she's got a 14 inch diamond encrusted dildo under her pillow.
and great pic by the way, but personally I would rather go out with ET, rather than her.. 0_o
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It's either child porn or granny porn.
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Personally, i think the royal family are parasites, but so are the middle class politically correct vermin, and the uninvited islamic tidal wave flooding Europe and America from Middle East and Africa. And you rant about her ?
Dog turd for a brain.
Showing being a bigootted arsehole is as common in the west as is in Pakistan....
Implying America isn't superior in every way.
I'm not even joking, we're smarter, taller, stronger, have bigger dicks, are funnier and pretty much own the world.
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So tell your brother-cousins and your sister-wife that you are right, and they will believe you.
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My reply to him is thus:
Only because of slave labour by your prison population because you have crime and poverety rates through the roof.
And I am half American.
But yep, yours is sharper.
(Exepting Tom Lehrer, all hail)
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Average IQ: UK 100, US 98
Average height: UK 5'9", US 5'9"
Average weight: UK 176lbs, US 191lbs
Average penis size: UK 5.5", US 5.1"
And when we laugh, we're laughing at you, not with you.
Hamburgers want queen's pussy so he has to order hamburgers from these in UK. British fishes and chips are very good food.
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Of course other areas such as rural Dorset are more all-whte, like you see on midsomer murders for example.
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Also, LOL at culture war.
http://www.British Broadcasting Corporation.co.uk/news/uk-15164970
So just leave it. You're arguing on a porn web site. God people
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@Anonymous: I am 1005 American however, it is not just Christianity issues, they offered criminals to live in New World for their freedom. Some of my ancestors are murdering drunkens. Georgia and Australia were ones of colonies where criminals came from.
Damn Communists.
What the hell were we supposed to do...
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@Senator_Palpatine: darn toot'n
The 'civilised' world has apparently become so civil and passive they will just take their anal reamings and do nothing about it. Your governments are your ENEMIES, destroy them or face the consequences. They are the ones who write the laws that protect and coddle and encourage the importation of these rejects who couldn't hack it in their own societies, so they're ejected to foul-up ours!
@Anonymous: I believe the US makes it so hard to 'see the world' as you say, because they don't want the inmates to escape. It's like a gigantic prison between the coasts, and anyone who escapes is allowed to because they have 'played the system' long enough to become indoctrinated to it. The people who NEED to escape and see how much greater all other nations are, never can, or else this will upset the electoral process and a truly progressive candidate might win and expel the legions of lobbyists the corporate interests and eco-geeks have spent decades sliding into office beneath their noses. 9/11 was the greatest excuse the US has ever had to sever all ties with all enlightened nations, ever. You can bet this has made a 1984 Dystopia 60% more likely in their future. Without experiencing anything more and with their frightened jittery cat hatred of anything from the Coasts, and anything from Germany, the 'real amurricans' can only vote one way, to the party that promises to 'protect them' from these sinister outside forces. And thus they no longer worry about being poor, or being taxed to the point of death, but of these nebulous intangible 'others' who might take what nonexistent freedoms they have away.
@Anonymous: Ironically the US has never been better than their home countries since the time you mentioned, with the exception of the russian satelites, which became better once communism died.
also lol @ americans who imply Germany WOULDN'T be a better alternative than French. I thought you attractive and successful Africans hated the French, so why not just give the French to us? And the only reason why it isn't a better alternative NOW is BECAUSE OF YOUR FUCKING INTERFERENCE
Germany held under control of the Red Army until pushing them off with a revolt would be far and away a healthier Germany than the one you infuckted with your shitstained prudish natures and pussified guilt symptoms. There is absolutely NOTHING to be guilted about. Going overboard in the self-defense of your nation is still fucking self-defense. If you're attacked by one mexican from a gang of mexicans and wind up mopping them all up, you know what the more intelligent parts of your nation rule that? STILL SELF DEFENSE. While mistakes were made there is nothing at all that requires constant bombardment with guilt-propaganda and reparation requests. It's just another goddamn American Shell Game, that's all you've been good for since the 20s, is moving other peoples' money around for your own base interests no matter the harm visited upon their nations and cultures.
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God damn, you guys bring debate into everything. It's somewhere between entertaining and very informative.
You see, Europe is a big pile o shit. Aint nothing gone chamnge that shit. Secondly, Africa is full of negroids that are deviod of lifem and intelligence. America is the only place that you can sit down and enjoy some goof ol fashion cola while beatin your children.
I'm Argentine-born and lived about 80% of my life there, and can comfortably say I hate the larger part of people there.
First and foremost, I'm a citizen of the Internet
All hail faggotry and douchebaggery, as these are the values I hold most dear.
CarpetBomberofNiggers appreciates your support to America.
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I got a reputation to maintain buster, as the CarpetBomberofNiggers.
Ya porch munkeh.
Also, I'm catholic (raised not currently) Irish-American so technically I should hate the British more than anybody here, but I don't.
and ironically enough I agree with @HornyLion
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We should take over New Hampshire and turn it into the Great Internet State.
Hell, they don't even follow the 'national federally mandated seatbelt' laws.
They fukken rebels yo. Seems like they'd be receptive to becoming capital of the Wikileakeal empire.
Someone help me.
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Even if I am one myself.
If ALL of the bastards COMBINED have met a dozens Brits I'll be amazed.
Using Yank self-love.
Its called hypocrisy. The French refused to drop everything and support the American invasion of Iraq so they could steal their oil. So it was "Surrender Momkeys" The Brits DID drop everything. The Yanks said thank you by mocking them (The teeth crap)
Nice people - just watch your back.
Thanks to the politically correct, some areas of London/Manchester/Yorkshire/Midlands are like Africa or Pakistan. No whites tolerated. Birmingham does NOT have a white or christian majority any longer. The muslims dictate. The middle class lesbian bastards who are 90 responsible for the parasites being here make sure they don't get too close to THEIR dwellings.
But Europe, mainly Italy and France, has far better grub, and something called "culture" that Americans think is what you get when you don't clean your nails every year.
You're so fucking dumb you made a film about how an AMERICAN crew got the enigma code machine from a Nazi sub. (U571)
Only the Yanks weren't anywhere near - it was ROYAL NAVY crew. But you lot never let truth get in the way with your movies.
Next - Julius Caesar, the conqueror from Baltimore ! Alexander the Great was from New Jersey !! (wankers)
Jesus wept. Are they that daft over there ?
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How in the fuck did you even get that out of my posts?
Did you not notice how half my youtube links are Accordians&Beer or far right German parties? attractive and successful African, I's authentic and bonnyfide, as George Clooney's character Ulysses McGill might say. Fully and wholeheartedly committed to the banishment and exile of modernist German filth like the so-called 'Christian democrats' (of which they are neither) as 'thanks' for the terrible and draconian laws they push through regarding everything from sexuality to violence in a misguided attempt to enforce and americanised Constitution and appear more like their american 'saviors' and a return to the legacy of the Kaisers. I see them as nothing but treacherous sycophants, and were it not considered a 'war crime' by modern day sissies I would back any group that promised to put them to The Question and execute their leadership in public and televised as a warning to all who might undermine freedom and our culture. Hey, these Inquisitorial robes are not just for show, it's just that they have a nationalistic bent, not a religious one. Anyway thanks for proving my point about how retarded your people really are. ;Þ
Hell I hate the limeys even worse than I hate you.
Someone should stick a planetary repulsor on England and fire the entire land mass into Washington DC, and Ireland can become the new 'head' of the United Kingdom because they have the best internets of the remaining countries. As an added bonus the force of the blow will probably knock California clean off, so we won't need to watch any more horrible movies unless they say Uwe Boll in the director's credits. The only good people England produces are people that actually hate their own society, which is pretty much any pulp fiction writer of renown not named Kipling or Doyle.
Darn toot'n, unfortunately we're not yet at the point where everyone can build their domes under the sea. :{
Care to come up for a visit? Just don't bring that asshole Namor with you! Nearly started a war between all the -stans last time when he used a turban as a washcloth and the Uzbekistani minister followed suit.
Also bring your awesome card game too. We can totally make a tournament out of this shit, fuck that Yugi-Oh nonsense, I got a Yuggoth!
You yanks are so fucking hypocritical its staggering. You sneer at others, but rant when it's done back to you.
Congrats, by the way.
Most moronic post of the 200 or so.
One day your IQ may reach double figures. High for yanks !
Meanwhile, rant against terrorists....then contribute to Irish terrorists. That sums you lot up.
Seems the French and Germans had you people nailed on. We were wrong, they were right.
Think that applies a thousand times more to Americans than Brits or Europeans. Can Americans name capitals, leaders, or currencies ?
Can they hell. Most europeans can.
If it isn't in America, you haven't a clue.
If Hollywood doesn't tell you THEIR version, you'd never know. And thats always a pile of invented crap.
Honestly, on a site dedicated to turning anything and everything into porn, you'd think people would be a bit less closed minded.
oh u
It's like children arguing about whether their dad can beat up someone else's dad, jeez grow up. We're all different, no one is superior to anyone else.
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Watch someone get really pissed.
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so if we insult someone we insult a part of ourselves and vise versa
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Our Zombie-powered turbines will be ad unmatched as the efficiency of our pony-identification system
All in favor say Yolo.
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... I think my THING went from hard to soft so fast I'll never get a boner again! D:
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I said middle class XD Sorry if ya got the wrong vibe little bro lol.
Seriously all, I don't think I've ever seen so many fellow Americans acting like racist fools in one place for the hell of it - for shame! And don't you sit there giggling Europeans/Australians from above! It might surprise you to find out that the word "Yank" doesn't actually help you further your side of the discussion or even make you sound cool for that matter. The way you guys have been talking really just drops you in with all racist and sexist bigots from my own country that have been posting here.
God I love the internet, but sometimes you guys just shame the human race... tsktsk!
Well, at least there's the occasional good dude like our friend Krawc here to breathe a bit of life back into my faith in the intelligence of people now and then and I suppose that can keep me goin' for at least a while :D
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>mfw americans call motorized rollinghams "cars"
>mfw americans call Merry fizzlebombs "Fireworks"
>mfw americans call genocide 'Thanksgiving'
>mfwn americans call wunderbahboxes a "PC"
>mfw americans call meat water "gravy"
>mfw americans call electro-rope "power cables"
>mfw americans call beef wellington ensemble with lettuce a burger
>mfw americans call fart tornados "bar mitzvahs"
>mfw americunts call Whimsy Flimsy Mark and Scribblers "pens"
>mfw americans call twisting plankhandles "Doorknobs"
>mfw americans call french toast "pussy bread"
>mfw americans call breaddystacks "sandwiches"
>mfw americans called their hoighty toighty tippy typers "keyboards"
>mfw americans call nutty-gum and fruit spleggings "peanut butter and jelly"
>mfw americans call an upsy stairsy the "escalator"
>mfwn americans call tossin' the thimble in the tipper "Archiving the Thread"
>mfw americans call Montezuma's Revenge "Water"
>mfw americans call cold on the cob "popsicles"
>mfw Americans call a pip pip gollywock a "screwdriver"
>mfw americans call rolling black rubbers 'tires'
>mfw americans refered to peepee friction pleasure as 'sex'
>mfw americans call flimsy light refracting information slices "CDs"
>mfw when an american calls a Winchester bumbag a "briefcase"
>mfw americans call bobby buggies "police cars"
>mfw americunts call Whimsy Flimsy Mark and Scribblers "pens"
>mfw americans called their hoighty toighty tippy typers "keyboards"
>mfw americans call forcey fun time "rape"
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Your point was what ? Cut down on the frigging drugs. Hope to God you're not a Brit like me.
All the moronic crap has been coming from the Yanks so far. Don't spoil it. Its been a laff.
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Yet Americans have taken it seriously, and sadly types like Hugh Laurie, Stephen Fry, Helen Mirren, Ricky Gervais etc have played along with it. (While rolling their eyes, no doubt)
We Brits have got a lot of crap from other Europeans in our defence of the US, and meanwhile the sneering attacks on us have been gathering momentum. It is causing a growing bad feeling.
The Canadians DID warn us, though.....
Most brainless piece of shit in the entire thing though was the fucking moron who (in his ranting bigotry - for thats as clear as day what it is) claimed "Everyone hates those of British decent IN US" "Those of British Decent done nothing"
I mean - theres been some brainless shit put up here, but that leap years in the lead for stupidity so profound. The religious bigotry is so profound (although the arsehole studiously avoided "protestant" that what the bigot meant) But thats who made America, not those that came later, to take advantage. The Jews - now THERES a claim to have made America great. No whining and claiming they did what they DIDN'T (like the catholic ranter) the Jews DID contribute massively.
Thats my 2 cents worth....or 2 pence or whatever.
I'll definitely have nightmares tonight lol X_X
Don't get me wrong, there is equally mindless worship of celebrities here. But most of them had some sort of talent to BECOME celebrities (music, sports, acting, etc). Royalty is like Paris Hilton: inherited everything and hasn't done much of anything since. Everybody knows Paris, but few respect her. Most laugh at her.
As a side note, I was thinking about aristocrats in general and heraldry. It occurred to me that a coat of arms is basically a cutie mark for grown men, just not worn on the ass. LOL
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and thats coming from someone who's british (me)
And Yanks INVENTED the "celebrity fame" thing anyway. How many people are on front pages and have NO TALENT, NO ABILITY whatsoever ?
In comparison Old Queenie is fabulously talented (and she just an 86 year old woman - who doesn't deserve the spite, and moronic hate from your more bigotted American bretheren anymore than she deserves the worship you say she gets. Its fondness, not worship. The Pope gets ridiculous "worship" - Infallible my arse)
(Rant over !) ;-)
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If you don't listen then I hope you go to hell for your igroance! We are human beings live in countries so there is no need for which is better or discrimination. Do not forget that some of Americans came to USA since 1400 from England.
>still having a queen
I agree that there are "no talent, no ability" celebrities in the US. That why I said MOST celebrities did something to be celebrities. I mentioned Paris Hilton, didn't I? But the queen still did nothing other than being born.
Spite? Moronic hate? I don't really care about the queen one way or the other. All I said was that I don't understand the worship. If you people want to do it, AND ARE WILLING TO PAY SO MUCH FOR IT, knock yourselves out.
Great job insulting youself!
Anons ---> losers
Cculber007 ---> idiot
losers = idiots / idiots = losers
Therefore Cculber007 = Anonymous!
Don't forget: everytime you point your finger at somebody, there are 3 pointing back at you.
Anons ---> losers = idiots
Cculber007 ---> Great One
losers = idiots / Great One = Great One
Therefore Cculber007 = Better user!
Anons --> Great One
Loser and Idiot / Great one = Great one
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Face it Euro's and Canada. You're living in America. You have the option of eating American food, you can wear American clothes, your cinemas show American movies, your TV's broadcast American shows, your radios play American music. All foreign food here is Americanized, the only foreign thing about clothing in America is that it's made in foreign sweat shops. Very rarely do foreign films succeed or even gain a following in America, and if they do they're only those artistic movies. Monty Python is the only non American tv show I know here in America that has a following.
You know who our president is and how our govt works. You know our countries issues, you know where our military is. You know everything about our country and if you try talking to an American about any other country, we can't tell you shit. Even Canada and Mexico, the countries we trade with the most, we couldn't tell you much about either country. Why, well one because yes, we are ignorant, but second because we don't have to. The rest of the world could stop or go to war or whatever, radical governmental change, and unless the leader is straight talking shit to America, it won't affect us. Deal with it, you're not as important as you think we are.
Look I know I'm sounding like a typical ignorant American who's sounding butthurt, but I mean, I can afford to be, because in the long run, your country doesn't matter to me. It doesn't have to. Now I know that sounds terrible, and it probably is, but if you don't like it stop caring about America so much. Your hatred and constant bickering about us only proves how much we affect your life.
>in after MUH CULTURE
You DO sound like an obnoxious self-centred self-righteous arsehole of a yank.
What you omit is the Romans went the same way as yourselves. THEY got so obsessed with themselves, they ended up easy meat for the barbarians. You lot are taking a tenth of the time the Romans did in self-destruction. When the Romans NEEDED friends, they were nowhere to be seen. They'd alienated everyone.
And your pompous pile of shite is a fine example.
The rest of the world don't ask you to be considerate towards them. Just stop being so fucking repugnant and contemptuous. You've made - if not enemies, then people who have stopped being "friends" (which is the first step) out of actual friends.
And we've been enabled to take a sneak peak at the navel-gazing stupidity of Americans.
Pot calling kettle attractive and successful African.
Not a great deal of IQ there. Must be American....
The American mindset on the other hand was even more ugly than I'd ever thought.
Beautiful internet.
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Cculber007 --> Great One
@Anonymous: You are not very good detective cuz jubilation_t_cornpone or other admins can prove that I never use user named anon in this site and they know Cculber007 is real name. attractive and successful African? I was right about one word I called. I am 100% white man. Your IQ is below the average for failing as a detective.
@Anonymous: over 390 years ago this country you called America WAS colonies under British and other countries so....
The economics of the United States has its roots of European colonization in the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries including England
some English words we still use from "U.K."
some of Americans are related to or originally from "U.K."
Prime Minsiter Winston Churchill is half American and half British loved USA and UK so much.
@Anonymous: Americans were rooted from Britishs so they made fun of teeth, rednecks, dumbies, freckles, fat, sex, and food like hearing people made fun of deaf people so they treated us like retarded people. Some of Americans like me never never do anything like alienate our friends from U.K. You do not know if some of U.K. did alienate some Americans? For me, I love U.K. - food, girls, Sherlock Holmes, British Broadcasting Corporation, movies, and museums. I love USA - movies, TV, food, girls, comics, and CSI. I love Japan, China, France, and others.
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Sincerely, the Illuminati.
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BTW I don't think Rolf Harris will be showing his face for a while, he's still butthurt.
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You have a username? Kudos to you. You are tagged as anon? Kudos to you.
North American? Kudos to you. British? Kudos to you.
Now, let's fap/shlick together in peace!
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Which is to say, barely offensive at all.
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I cannot unsee.
I am blind.
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Actually my whole family is on the Germans' side of things, and have been since Bismarck!
THAT'S why I'm fanatically against the UK and US, well that and I also believe them to be prime number stupid, basically, there's an eternity of bad blood there, and don't think my kids're getting away without knowing the truth of the Imperialists' nature either!
@Anonymous: And that's why the rest of us will simply continue attempting to blow your asses up until you stop shoving those puritanical/corporatist fuckshit policies down our throats. VIVA LA REVOLUCION
Lets hear it for 911 more 9/11s! One day both Corporatism and Communism shall be slain for good and we shall finally advance as a species, just as we had during the slaying of the church's dreadful governmental influence! The demise of America is but the next step towards a truly better world!
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Germans built Bismarck
Britishs sank Bismarck
Americans found Bismarck
Cool story bro.
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I couldn't care less about your little argument.
everyone was gay
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@Anonymous: because you don't know what a porn means. porn means everything including senior citizens.
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@Anonymous: for your information, PinkBallons is legal adult and he speaks like a real adult. you speak like a kid, maybe you should be banned????
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Also @BoomHower, win.
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95% of the rest of you are responsible for a pile of shite as they say over here.
Excellent art of Queenie, and the Brit haters (I can just guess what types THEY are - contributions to Real IRA while weeping about Arab terrorism.
Not just them of course....
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And A237 is probably right.
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Also they do not call them mullahs but cardinals where I am from. And for the record they are mostly a hardline pre-Vatican II strain. They only give a crap about sexual escapades if you're breaking vows somehow (ie you're married/bethrothed and still doing it). Hell, one of the brothels has been on the church's donation roster since the 1300s! They would likely not care about a majority of the site since it's now roughly 80% vanilla animu junk, you see more extreme shit wandering around Amsterdam! It is a necessary evil to prevent further evils of a more extreme nature! (But I do think they would raise a stink about the Jesus stuff if only because they are quite rigid and humourless being non-Reformist. My own views on the subject are more in line with the Romans. If I were pope I would name a bunch of random saints in one year to try and slide Caligula through.)
I may follow pagan beliefs sets personally, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate the good works the Church actually does. And I don't mean charity! No no, I loathe the average 'give money to a country you've never been to' charity. When the country is 100% stabilized and completely 'fixed' of all financial, employment, and public works problems, THEN is when you can start sending away shit to people you'll never encounter. One of the strangest and most disgusting parts of globalism to me is that 'urge' to alleviate the guilt one feels by seeing a poor man in one's own neighborhood by sending the money half a world away to those who might not even deserve it! No I mean the old world church, and its direct sponsorship of the arts and music and culture! Nothing I have seen from the internet age comes close to my adoration for Vanitas, but Cyberpunk is pretty close. If only it had been Odinist in nature and not Christian, maybe they would have sponsored the sciences to a similar level as well, and brought back all that ancient roman knowledge centuries ahead of time! But then, when it comes to my own I guess we share the same folly of believing they would have only done what is right and not become corrupt in the least.
And visiting? I'm like the prison warden or sum shit! I am in charge of such mundane yet necessary things as locking up all the pictures that have fully complete tags when I find them. I am equally as bad IRL as I can't stand having the slightest thing out of place, or knowing that people are not properly sorting their materials for the weekly recycling collection. That's a paddlin' AND MORE if I catch'em, til they know better! I run straight to the agency in charge and rat those bastards out, I even take pictures with my digital camera. Only thing holdin' me back from achieving complete lockdown is all the weirdass coding errors and randomly losing modding options from backroom tinkering!
@PinkBallons: It's rare, but they can find sources too! Just that it's SOP to delete the comment once it's locked in because that'd be redundant. ;Þ
Funnily enough we've actually run so much out of space a few times that useless-comment-deletion practices (aka all those BRAAAT mofos) does make a difference.
wheee so fun to ramble in even-tangentially-related-to-political features.
I wonder if the queen would enjoy buttin' heads with me. Old World monarchist vs New World. "Mingle with the masses" vs "But but...they're so diiiiiirty and they don't understand fashion at all!" (of course nowadays even the rich don't understand it! Blagh!)
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he became an admin over 3 years ago. I can answer because it is not making any senses for banning an admin. Have you read the rules?
Do not call me a facist, Adolf Hilter was a facist who murdered disabled people including deaf people! Are you a facist? He did not kill only Jewish people, he killed Russian prisoners, disabled people, and others. Alexander Graham s a facist to deaf world too.
@Anonymous: Yeah it is called Anonymous Planet.
I'm sure you can work the rest out !
#Oh and will someone shut that arsehole Krakatoa Krazdick Krazee or whatever.
Christalfuckingmighty what a bore.
Disclaimer: Read the entire segment before you go making a post about it.
This is what I have to say:
1. Your latest comments are not likely to be read after a viewer gets settled in to the entire "flame war". Eventually, a person will get pissed way up there in the 50-150 post zone, skip down to the bottom, post an angry response, and 'BAM!' the same issues will return as heated as ever.
2. Family Guy. In case you havn't noticed... the show makes fun of EVERYONE! This includes ourselves. (The south?) Describe the characters in the family. In short, they're a dysfunctional family. Peter truly is a fat tub of lard (but a funny one at that). Problem is, there are going to be people out there who like to see things in tunnel vision, make some sort of connection saying, "This guy is fat, but he's also American" (sort of... barely) and stereotypes are reinforced. The media and other sources of information, especially during our school years, can certainly be a cause for why this is thought of to be true. This can not be helped. There are going to be all kinds of people out there, and some of them are going to be absolutely terrible (trolls are an example, they try to bring out the worst in us). It's important that we all keep our wits about us, and not loose our cool. Remember the saying, "Don't feed the fire, it'll only get bigger." The saying "Don't feed the trolls", also works here.
3. In general, no matter how far along this argument goes, no matter how many "You stink", "Shut up", "F*** off" comments get made, know this. It's an argument. On the INTERNET. Due to the lack of an identity, a single person could get away with making fun of both the USA and the UK, just to get you people to rage. And besides? What do you technically get out of winning? Quite often, a 'win' is when a group on one side of an argument gets pissed off so much from finding so much resistance from the other side(s), that the group simply quits from the argument. This could mean that the words you have spoken have found no gain in the eyes and ears of the opposition. In short, it may end up as wasted time. This is not guaranteed, and sometimes, those who support the other side may think back on your words and possibly see the logic behind your argument.
There may be some people who simply lock on only to our words being pointless, and ask "Hey? Isn't posting a comment asinine if you already said no one's gonna read it?" No, don't go saying this. I said in all of my sentences about this that this can happen. I hold tight on the chance that it passes through.
4. In the end, we are all human, and we all live on the same planet. If you're going to insult someone. Insult him (or her) as an individual. If I say "You're an ass" (and I won't) then I'd be calling you an ass. Not the person standing next to you, not the guy behind you.
5. Personally, I'd like to live in Rapture (yes, from Bioshock). Just not in the state of conditions it was found in when the game started. I love the idea behind it. Where your hard work and brilliance is the only reason for any and all merits you shall recieve. Anyone else agree?
6. Now, if you respond, I'll read it and thoughtfully reply. If it's a "Fuck you", I can care less since I've given none of you any reason for hostilities towards me.
7. GOD THIS IS A TERRIBLE PICTURE! This might be one of the few pics where I'm sitting here WITH my pants on.
You hate Krawczyk because he is bored?
God Bless USA and UK.
End of a discussion. Take it because I am an American, Southern, and Confederate man!
Also, it feels wierd when shows talk about Florida in a bad light. I actually don't see what the heck they're talking about. Florida is a pretty swell place.
Mycrunchycookie, a female artist and user rules UK.
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Flip her over and play with her beaver.
(Canadians will get it)
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Since #32 still doesn't seem to have figured it out yet, who do you think is messing with the news and posting all the antipony/cispa stuff? ;33c
now lets all get back to listening to more awesome folk music from old country! :D
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@Cculber007: For England Cculber007 LOL
@Learner: Spoken like a true hero and for that i salute you good sir
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▒▒▓▒▒▒▒▒▓ Homer is watching you all.
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