x0IGAMERI0x: I wished this happened in that ep where she got jumped that would of made the story so interesting is the people of republic city found out that Amon and his men raped the Avatar XD
punkbone: this shit a again and yes im hating this again you people should be very shamed for liking this crap hope your genitals's fall off your body's or fail when you try to use reproductive organ's and i can't believe i have to say this a again rape is bad whether it is fictionally or not what so hard to understand about that. do not get me wrong their is a fin line between ok porn and gone over the line into miss up porn and you took it to far you need to dial it way way way back between ok porn, miss up porn and stop right about their. and i know avery one gone to hate what i said. so save all your hate comment's because i do not care what you have to say how im wrong. but i know that im right and i know your are thinking if you do not like it do not look at it or comment on it or something like that. and to those people who say that f u all because it is hard to not look at it because it on the website screaming to me saying this is very wrong or miss up you choose into those future drawer stop it with this crap and i know this wont stop you from drawing rape porn but im hoping it will. if not you will be hearing from me again and again and again in tell this stop. probably will not. and it sicking me to the deepest part of me soul.
Anony-Miss: This is just amazing! Kudos to the artist. And to @punkbone: I've told you this already hun, if you don't like it, just avoid it. If you have such a problem with fictional rape and forced sex, quit clicking on pics containing that. Just food for though sweetie.
Anonymous10: @punkbone: I know that feel, bro. But I just skip over the mean stuff to find the nuggets of mutually joyful sex that can be found here and there.
punkbone: no im not lost korrascat: and no im not a noob and anonymous9: i know how you do that by looking at your self in the mirror and Anony-Miss im aloud to voice my opinion on any thing i like to and another thing Anony-Miss if i see something i do not like im aloude to comment on it and if you do not like what i have to say you can ignore me then can't you and im mean no offense Anony-Miss. DragonShade44 no offense i do not care for gay people,dickgirls because i do not look at that kind of porn so that why i do not comment on those kind of image's unless they pop up and piss me off and i try to stay a way from that kind of porn because im not gay or interested dickgirls no offense to you and your sexual choice's,to each their own DragonShade44. To x0IGAMERI0x: thanks for not hating me and making lol and to Anonymous11 thanks for not hating me and help me look at the brighter side of joyful porn and to Anony-Miss i know you mean well but im what im and i can not change that so except me for being me. (this is keyboard warrior sign out)for Know in tell next time!!!
Anonymous19: @punkbone what if someone illustrates consensual sex between korra and a rule63 naga? Is that ok porn? Or has that gone over the line to miss up porn?
Anonymous20: @punkbone: punkbone has obviously gotten raped in the anus at several occasions. It is my theory that due to several dick sucking and anus pounding hours that punkbone has awakened his inner keyboard warrior nerd rage. This grants a -30 IQ which leaves punkbone with a total. IQ of 50, which is the bare minimum required for the ability to speak which would explain why punkbone's sentences makes little to no sense a
Ratraccoon: Rape? What rape Punkbone? I doubt Korra would be giving that that guy a handjob if she was getting raped. Looks more to me like she's freaking out because she just realized she forgot to make that other guy wear a condom.
RedBaron: @punkbone You, sir, are clearly unfamiliar with the internet. Also, if you don't comment on gay/dickgirl pics because you don't look at it, I suggest you apply the same principle to other pics you don't look at and wish to complain about. Or all pics, really. I doubt your positive feedback is much more enlightening.
uglymofo87: Does anyone see how her hand is holding a dick, seemingly without being forced? To me, that says voluntary involvement, and thus, not rape. Just an observation.
Anonymous26: @punkbone: Who comes on a rule 34 porn board and bitches about rape? Seriously, go the fuck home you big baby. Welcome to the internet, where half of the porn and 90% of animated porn involves rape or force of some freaking kind because it is fantasy material for lots of people. Just put a new tampon in and surf around deviantart or something.
Anonymous27: People who find real rape are FUCKED UP and there is no argument. People who find fictional rape hot are not so much. I cannot like a rape story or photo if I find out it's real. It upsets me as that person is seriously suffering in the worst way possible. A picture like this which is drawn and very much not real I can find extremely hot, which I do. The concept is hot, but not the real pain and suffering it inflicts in the world. There is no recovery and after math in fiction. There's no therapy actually needed or doctors seen. Learn to know the difference because if you literally jack off to the thought of raping women in the real world I cannot honestly say you will ever be a decent person. Leave it to horny men and possibly ignorant women to have no understanding of how much this damages real women despite the faggot that's making a fool of themselves arguing this point.
- A women who was molested and still enjoys strictly fictional rape.
Anonymous33: @punkbone is not wrong, and in actuality everyone here is bitching about this persons comment more than that person, also y'all are pieces of shit
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"I have the power to take away a person's ability to fap. Forever!"
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Some people find rape hot. Stop bitching about fictional rape and be useful, like bitching to your government about real rape or something.
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A) Wall of text and bad grammar make it hard to take you seriously.
B) Flipping your shit rather than calm disapproval reduces your credibility.
C) ?????
D) Profit.
Thank you for your time.
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Pic is fucking aces btw.
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- A women who was molested and still enjoys strictly fictional rape.
GANG RAPE: Enjoyed by 9 out of 10 people.