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Faptacular: God-tier levels of dumb-shit fail.
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Anonymous1: This is either a genius satire on JoJo's frequent lesbian themes or trying too hard to be funny.
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Knockers: Well, this was completely pointless.
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champofgalacticretards: I like it!
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Anonymous2: I don't get it
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Maskarade: This my friends. Is my anger. When I first saw this pic I found it very hot. "Ah yes. This is gonna be swee.. Wait. Is that a guy in underwear?! Why would I fap to that?!" I can't fap to dicks! I don't how you people can. You can fap to a man and a woman fucking. Why oh WHY, do you need dicks to make it hot? You people go like "Oh Kim Possible, you're so hot. Ron should totally nail you!" That sounds so gay D:
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PrincessMolestia: @Maskarade: Obviously, you have some issues with male genitalia, and are a homophobic. Get over yourself.
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lolmanster: Dude, dude, just chill out.
First: I know that fell bro.
Second: You can't really see his face in the original so I just changed his hair to black in gimp and used POWER OF IMAGINATION.
Third: It kind of looks like you have problems, but again- I know what you feel and I was actually doing the same thing with other pics(but I didn't post them)
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lolmanster: And actually, I think that I agree with your opinion. I mean, would YOU like to fuck a hot girl, or see other guy do it? Of course you have to remeber that it's still just a picture.
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Anonymous3: Someone certainly has some pent up homoerotic feelings.
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bAv-R34: This post is full of cancer.

@Maskarade: Yup. cancer.
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Anonymous4: @Maskarade:
Wait wait wait- you see a guy in underwear, and that makes you immediately think of his dick, and because of that you can't masturbate? Despite the fact that there isn't actually any dick shown?
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Anonymous5: @Maskarade: You're just trolling, right?
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Anonymous6: @Maskarade: If you're a lesbian, fair enough, but if you're just some butthurt homophobe then for the love of Celestia GTFO
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Anonymous7: Even if lesbian, same issue as straight.
I, however, welcome our penis overlords!
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jubilation_t_cornpone: "edited pic full of pointing whining" is not a valid reason for reporting an image
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Maskarade: Relax. But when I see a male I don't exactly get sexual aroused. I love this image and the Author. But I was just annoyed this one little thing ruin'd it for me. So I edited so I wouldn't have to think about him. But of course the big black human shaped thing didn't make me think of him less. It's kinda for fun, but I'm still serious. I don't like dicks in anyway. Even he's just standing way in the bagground looking.
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Anonymous8: This has to be a troll post. Has to.
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Anonymous9: I'm bisexual, and to me this is like stealing the cherry from the top of my ice cream. Technically you're still leaving me with a tasty dessert, but FUCK YOU GIVE ME BACK MY CHERRY.
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Anonymous10: Someone give mask those gayburn pics
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Anonymous11: ^This.

Maskarade needs to be cleansed.
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Anonymous12: Not sure if this is a troll post or a really retarded post.
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PrincessMolestia: @Maskarade: You.. you're serious? Hold on, laughing too hard. I can understand being straight, but to be this level of homophobic to not even want to see a male in a picture of lesbian type activities is just beyond retarded.
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Maskarade: I'm sorry D:
I just better like it this way. Is there something wrong with that? :c
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nonamer69: Well, You can just not mind the guy or the dick, or you can imagine that that's your dick
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Anonymous13: lol molestia in the window
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nonamer69: You could have kept Surprise's and Blossomforth's hands
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Anonymous14: This is evidently trolling, if you edited the picture because you didn't want to see or think about soarin. Why would you plaster his name all over the fucking image? It almost sounds like a gay man in denial.
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Ereth: butthurt

butthurt everywhere
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DeathXP: Is it not just possible for you to ignore the ONE guy in this image full of chicks? I also agree with anon14.
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bAv-R34: Maskarade just reminded me of Chris-Chan. Goddammit.
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Anonymous15: I don't know what you guys are on about. The only pony I see in this picture is Fluttershy. Sweet, beautiful, kind, Fluttershy. arse...
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Grindorz: what an idiot. editing out soarin to make this all lesbian? lets hope the future humanised earth & unicorn parties don't end up edited like this abomination.
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Osprey: @Maskarade: There's a difference between changing a picture you like for yourself and keeping it to yourself, and changing it to suit your specific tastes thinking you are in-the-right.
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Anonymous16: To the person who made this: Out, now. We need none of your faggotry here. You probably spend all day on 9gag and fapping in your basment. Please go eat a dick and die. get the fuck out.
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Anonymous17: OP ohuel.
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Anonymous18(6): @Maskarade: If you're so homophobic, why were you even looking at soarin anyway?
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Anonymous19: How do you manage to breathe on your own?
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Maskarade: Lol. You guys are way to serious. You're telling me to go die? Just beacuse I have edited a pic? Anon18. Beaucse I dodn't see him at first, but when I saw him I got disapointed. And you don't like this pic why are you commenting on this? To let me know you hate it? Like you do on scat pictures? People are different. And apperently some of you want to kill those people. Have I offended you by telling you I'm homophobic? I am trying to be friendly here. No reason to call me a faggot.
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Faptacular: ^I feel more pity than offended. Especially considering no matter what the right-wingers tell you homophobia is becoming almost as reviled as racism.

As it should be.
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bAv-R34: @Maskarade: Paheal is serious fucking business, son.
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Maskarade: Pity now? My life is awright. And Rule 34, dosen't have much to do with my life. So people hating my picture.. I don't give a darn. You can hating if you really want to waste your time with that. Have fun.
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Anonymous20(6): ^Homophobes are bad people
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Anonymous21(6): Your edit is bad and you should feel bad
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Maskarade: Anon21. My edit is bad? Well no shit. Did you think I thought it was expertly made? Cuz I don't. And why should I feel bad? Beacuse I'm homophobic or beacuse I edited a pic? Either way I'm feeling okay with it.
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Anonymous22(6): ^More Like your edit is a waste of effort, why bother editing him out? if you're so homophobic then i give you three options:
1 Ignore Soarin
2 Find another Image to Fap to
3 Vent your sexual frustation out on something else, like fapping, or even get laid, not that you sound like a very sociable person tbh
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Anonymous23: I find this picture rather amusing, if only because of how blatantly obvious it's being about the edit.
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TDF: Maskarade, i'm with you bro. I absolutely hate guys and dicks in porn too, and would rather see lesbians. And lesbians should stay lesbians too. Now while i would have edited the guy a bit more cleanly out, this still works for me!

And no, i'm not a homophobe, on the contrary, it's just that as a heterosexuel man myself i just don't want to look at a dick, or a guy for that matter, while fapping. If you want to do that, fine by me, fap to a dick for all i care, i would rather see some pussy
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Maskarade: Anon23.
1. I simply can't
2. I have done that. But this pic is just so great if not for Soarin
3. I have gotten laid. I have a GF. But that dosen't mean I don't have fantazies.
But I don't have fantazies about a guy nailing some chicks. I can barely make it if I think about it if I am the guy getting some. But lesbians just works so much better. I real life, could you fap to your friend fucking a bot chick? If no, could you fap to 2 hot chicks making out? You could? Then you on some level know where I'm going at. If I took my time I'm sure I could edit Soarin out smoother. But I really don't have the time to do that. And thank you TDF for understanding me.
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Anonymous24(6): ^
1 wynaut?
2 fair enough
3 pics or it didnt happen
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Anonymous25(6): Sounds like somebody isn't happen 'bout being born a boy
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Anonymous26: why can't i hold all this autism
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Anonymous27: Some one Photo shop Super sayin Goku in their!
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Anonymous28: @Maskarade: Same here.
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hate seeing another dude's junk when you want to fap it to bitches

lol modern liberals

also anon21's dislike makes more sense. I've been in that weird position before. Those hikkimori nip otakus who've never been around chicks don't know what it's like. Too much estrogen in the air and you hop in the hot tub and feel like 'one of the girls' so those saucy hot springs ain' so saucy when it goes over a 6 to 1 ratio!

There IS I think a hidden 'badass quotient' involved too. I've noticed most straight guys don't care if they admire or respect the dude doing the ballslappin' in some fashion, so long as they don't draw the pic from that "behind the guy's hairy ass" porn angle. They don't seem to notice or mind if Gats/Guts is in a picture, or Kamina, or Rance, or Conan, or Evan Stone, or James Brown, or Shaft, or Samuel L Jackson, or Neil Armstrong. It's almost like they're becoming said badass for the duration of the fap session. "Aawww yeah I would totally ream dat ho raw like that! Slap dat ho, ain' no talkin' bout lovey dovey shit while we fucking! Daaa~aaamn bitch, tryin' to ruin the mood?"
But some milquetoast like Soarin or some douchebag like Naruto? Maaaaan are they ever PISSED to see them! something about those kinds of dudes is decidedly anti-hetero. Retreats like a fuckin' turtle!
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Anonymous29: @Maskarade umm... it's called bisexual expirementation, duh HOW COME NOBODY ELSE THOUGHT OF THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M THE FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Anonymous30: Thanks for the laughs man that picture and those edits are so silly but they go so well.
And it kinda looks like Fluttershy isn't into girls but they really don't give a shit. Yep cartoon rape's fun.
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AnOniMouse: @Krawczyk:

Totally agree. As much as i love Joseco, THERE'S TOO MANY OF THEM! RETREEAAAT!
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Anonymous31: flutter likes that girl touch
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Anonymous32: That is SHIT they are not lesbian!!!
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Knockers: @Krawczyk: "herp dee derp libs libs libs"

If one man in a sea of women makes you so unbelievably uncomfortable or afraid that you have to attempt to erase all evidence of his existence, then you're the one with the problem, not us.
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Anonymous33: what is the name of this show or whatever is it just a random drawing?
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Anonymous34: Maskarade is more comfortable with a Porkyman dick than a human dick. Yah, keep dreaming, homophobic boy. Keeep dreaming...
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Maskarade: @Anonymous: Yes they are! D>

@Anonymous: Am I more comfortable with a Porkyman dick?
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Anonymous35(34): @Maskarade: obviously. You posted two pictures of Porkyman with dicks. Also, what do you when you have to take a piss? Shit yourself in sheer terror?
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Maskarade: @Anonymous: 2.. I posted 2? Lemme check...

Oh yeah! Well.. The one with flyleaf I couldn't edit out the penis, then it wouldn't be born. And the other I was just confused with the second penis. So I just removed it. And no.. I am not scared of my own penis.
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Vicarious_Reality: Serious problems
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Anonymous36(34): @Maskarade: wait till some homo rapist drags you off the street.
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Anonymous37(34): @Maskarade: buuuuut...there's no dick showing, dumbfuck.
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Anonymous38: I believe Mask is in denial folks
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Anonymous40(39): Anon TWELVE
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lazarus: I like pie.
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Anonymous41: im guessing thats gilda passed out in the corner?
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Grindcore: I've seen some bad edits in my time, and that is the shittist, crapest, crappiest, shittiest edit I've ever seen.
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Anonymous42: Who really faps to these picture John makes? There's so much interesting shit goin on it really is just to look at it in a pretty sence, not suppose to be hot...
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Anonymous43: I love how happy rainbowdash is to be fingering spitfire
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Anonymous44: Why is pinky pie's hair yellow. Can't fap anymore
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Anonymous45: @Anonymous: That's Surprise, the "Other Pinkie", in a sense.
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Anonymous46: Those who edit an image, especially with this kind of quality, definitely need to find something else to fap to. "Mask doesn't like dick?" Le gasp!
Dude, if you don't like something like this, then why the fuck are you wasting your time with it. Not only do you think you're in the right to edit it so that it fits your criteria, but you left it merely as an eye-sore now. I mean, the big black blob really takes the attention away from what this piece was about. Which was the hot lesbian action.
Don't waste your time fucking around with other people's work and just look for the things that match your "fantasies" and do whatever the hell it is exactly you enjoy doing with yourself whenever your "girlfriend" isn't around to help you with herself.
Silver-lining, I find your lack of logic to simply avoid stuff with dick in it disturbing.
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Anonymous47: @Faptacular: Wow there, hippie-boy, don't pin this on right-wingers. If homophobia was all good with the left, then why hasn't King Obama pushed for more gay rights? This isn't a political matter, you halfwit, it's a matter of how anti social and retarded the poster is.
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Anonymous48: Well, could you at least post the original source link, please?
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Anonymous49: @Maskarade: Well, I'm not trying to be a homophobic, but I'm tired of seeing gays AND lesbians. I just want to see some heterosexual sex, like this one: ››1208978.

Also, I'm tired of seeing images like this: ››1285630. (In case you're wondering, I'm a male.)
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Anonymous50(49): @Maskarade: Also, when it comes to sex, there will always be a cock. Be it a dildo or an actual male! So the joke is on you!
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Anonymous51: Maskarade must really fucking loathe all non-lesbian sex... I think you're lying to us. You CAN'T be male.
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Anonymous52: @Faptacular: You're just in denial. You dumb prick.
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Maskarade: Dear lord, I'm tired.
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Anonymous53: Editing another person's art? Not trying to be an asshole here, but that is pretty low to do that and then re-upload it....
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Anonymous54: You are a fucking retard.
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Anonymous55: jeeee this is the fucking worst

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