Anonymous3: No Anon2, I think it just implies that whites will spout racist crap, and will still somehow manage to be surprised when there are consequences for it. This time it's a violent one.
Anonymous5(2): Anon3 is absolutely right. Clearly whites are racists and deserve to get raped and beaten up. Just like in this comic. After all, that's the only fair comeback when someone insults you verbally.
viewer7: @Anonymous: He makes a fair point. It is implied by the comic that rape is justified when the victim is a racist, but at the same time I doubt we should take a porn comic too seriously.
Also, I can't tell if Anon12 was being sarcastic or is just retarded.
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Just kill everybody!
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Also, I can't tell if Anon12 was being sarcastic or is just retarded.