halftooth: A panal that I drew yesterday. This is on page 61 and as I expected, the doujin will end approximately at around 100 pages. Guess what? There is one unexpected female champion appearing in this doujin (in action) that are not shown on the casting page.
@Anonymous: a site called e-hentai, you can google it. go there and click on galleries then search for: league_of_legends or kimmundo when it's released
mr8: Hmmm, a certain blue girl... 4 possible options here, evelynn, lulu, poppy or tristana, unless your referring to dress, in which case Sona may be a possibility.
Anonymous13(10): Panal ?? is that referring to pan dryad's anal? Soraka would be pretty awesome too...still i hope its not the yordles, either Evelynn or Soraka no one else works for me !
pyritey: Also this is sort of an off topic request halftooth, would you mind doing a r34 of Krystal from Starfox in your art style? That image has been stuck in my head for weeks. I would love to see how that turns out...
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Keep up the awesome work!
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@Anonymous: a site called e-hentai, you can google it. go there and click on galleries then search for: league_of_legends or kimmundo when it's released
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sorry :r
surprise spoiler here
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not very nice to do that to somebody who isn't a native english speaker.
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