Anonymous1: well i hope everyone's happy. now ya got aeolus into this my little pony crap. that's like going back in time and getting jesus hooked on crack! lol
MikeOShay: @Anonymous: Actually, pony porn a few months ago is what turned me onto Aeolus' work in the first place. Also, Jesus probably was on crack, or at least whatever strong drugs they had back then. Times were boring before TV.
glassfragment: Regardless whether you like MLP or not, at least this is done in a human-style anyone can enjoy. Although to be nitpicky, the artist forgot TS's cutiemark.
stucktowall: Commissioner here. I'd like to do something similar to this with Andrei/Idelcil/whatever, but he seems closed for commissions for a while.
Anonymous7: Aeolus, man, I cannot thank you enough for this! If you do a Jurassic Park lex/tim pic, I'd love you forever bro! Now excuse me *fapfapfap*
Anonymous10(7): @aeolus06: Yo Aeolus, this is Anon. 5. If you ever get the chance, maybe you could do a wincest pic of lex and tim from Jurassic Park. BTW you're mah fav. pr0n artist! You've given me many a good fap!
Anonymous12: @aeolus06 You did forget the cutie mark but with the quality of your art no one will really complain.I hope to see much more fantastic jobs from you.
Anonymous13(1): why does nobody ever commission mother/son pics? i can't be the only one on the net that worships this mans epic milf art like it's the 2nd comming!
Gygaxlgargus: Freaking sweet! Though, to be honest, I never picture Twilight being so... tan. She strikes me like she'd be super pale on account of staying inside and reading all day and perhaps asian? I dunno.
That being said! I appreciate your artwork and hope to see more! I can't draw this well either.
Anonymous17: Totally agree with glassfragment, I enjoy MLP but don't enjoy the regular furry or beastiality stuff. The humanization ones though I enjoy.
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That being said! I appreciate your artwork and hope to see more! I can't draw this well either.
... with sex!
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Wayne Spike