pyritey: You could easily download the images and make your own posters :) I know places like Office Depot and Walmart offer poster services.
Also I would have loved that Elsword image he did IF it didnt come with the package knowwhatimean?
pyritey: @cabbie
Lmao you have a point there. Maybe you can stick them in some kind of folder or something, even leave it on a flash drive if they will allow it and just pick them up later. Just tell them it's adult oriented material first. Assuming they will even accept something like this, first of all.
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selling period already ended :E
sorry :\
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Also I would have loved that Elsword image he did IF it didnt come with the package knowwhatimean?
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also, I would find it really weird to walk into walmart or something similar and request them to print something like this.
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Lmao you have a point there. Maybe you can stick them in some kind of folder or something, even leave it on a flash drive if they will allow it and just pick them up later. Just tell them it's adult oriented material first. Assuming they will even accept something like this, first of all.
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