Anonymous5: maybe someone doesn't know what chris chan looks like? I assume pickles are related to him, though i still don't get why he's associated with pony porn.
bloodandshiteverywhere: @javascripter: So what you're saying is,if real characters from the show were merely cosplaying as the columbine shooters/cho seung hui,the pic would abide by the site's rules? The ponified version of Chris-Chan is allowed. I don't get it.
Anonymous12: Bronie love haters be hatin love
Bronie hating lovers be loving hate
The hate love bronies of loving the hate be hating the love for the lovers who love the hating in the loving haters
But if you think about it the other way
Bronies and bronie haters shouldn't be complaining of free porn even if the bronies be loving the love to hard and even if the bronie haters hate the love. Why don't we let Hattie hate and the opposite meme for that love?
Anonymous13(12): Even if Peter Griffin trolls us in the end or the Grammer Nazis cums and tryies two autoe co-wreak every thing or we get Rick rolled.
We should just watch what we are here for and fuck all else, even if there's a fire within a fire. Just put a smile on your face every once in a while. : )
bloodandshiteverywhere: 9/11 was funny as fuck. All those americunts screaming as they fell from 100 story windows. AHHHHHH!!!! AHHHH! THE BUILDINGS COMING DOWN! Classic. The planes were all VROOMM VROOM! Best practical joke ever. W was all "they hate us for our freedoms" Then Obama was all "Imma take away your feedomz." So he signed the NDAA. I'm so wasted right now. I regret nothing and I apologize for nothing. People who die in shootings have only themselves to blame for voting for "gun free zones" and gun restrictions.
I drew it for the lulz.
Anonymous16: i have no idea were u where going with that bloodandshiteverywhere but yea... sure... defintely when Usama got shot by a walrus who was wearing sunglasses... yup.
Ohlook: @bloodandshiteverywhere: >Drawing a picture for teh 'lulz' >being the only person who finds it funny
>trying to sound like a badass on a porn site
>2012 this
we get it, your all hardcorez n shit because you can draw porn to show hate for people you dont like and mock those who died in shootings for some shitty joke.
Anonymous26(23): I dont even know what the fuck that is anonymous25 so fuck you for thinking it.
The picture itself didnt even bother me, even when I found out it was based on some shooting that happened. What annoyed me when bloodandshiteverywhere opened his man child mouth to spout his lack of sympathy and bullshit about gun regulations and somehow being anti gun means you deserve to die. Hell, im pro gun but even I think this guy is little fucker.
Anonymous29: I'm a Brony and I fucking laughed my ass off to this because3 it's not like they are humans, their fucking horses, who gives a shit about them.
Anonymous30: @Anonymous: So given the chance, you'd slaughter a bunch of horses without hesitating? You should consider joining Peta, you'd probably get that kind of opportunity there.
Anonymous33: Rainbow Dash is crying in pain! YAY YAY YAY!!! And a lot of other ponies (and Spike) are getting destroyed. This is a WIN. It's pictures like this that make me appreciate the Internet a little more.
Oh God, I would love to kill the mane six. What I wouldn't give for that opportunity.
Anonymous41: question: why every time that a school massacre happend everyone blames the shooters, but nobody blames the bullys, the abusive teachers and the school whores?
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1 why is there blood flow to an appendage like a horn?
2 why is peter griffin there?
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will it get deleted? HELL NO
ffs paheal
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Bronie hating lovers be loving hate
The hate love bronies of loving the hate be hating the love for the lovers who love the hating in the loving haters
But if you think about it the other way
Bronies and bronie haters shouldn't be complaining of free porn even if the bronies be loving the love to hard and even if the bronie haters hate the love. Why don't we let Hattie hate and the opposite meme for that love?
We should just watch what we are here for and fuck all else, even if there's a fire within a fire. Just put a smile on your face every once in a while. : )
I drew it for the lulz.
Double pun.
Well if I did actually like puns I think that would be a good one :P is hell where bad shit happens
>trying to sound like a badass on a porn site
>2012 this
we get it, your all hardcorez n shit because you can draw porn to show hate for people you dont like and mock those who died in shootings for some shitty joke.
anything else?
also claiming everyone who gets shot is some anti-gun person because its obviously wrong for people to have beliefs different than yours.
The picture itself didnt even bother me, even when I found out it was based on some shooting that happened. What annoyed me when bloodandshiteverywhere opened his man child mouth to spout his lack of sympathy and bullshit about gun regulations and somehow being anti gun means you deserve to die. Hell, im pro gun but even I think this guy is little fucker.
“And this, my fellow scientists; is the only known specimen of a brony, who shows any degree of intellectual honesty.”
Oh God, I would love to kill the mane six. What I wouldn't give for that opportunity.
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