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deathstriker: Fara Phoenix is on the background, tagged.
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Fara_Phoenix: Hm, I see why that revolution failed.
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Sintime: that's a low blow fara
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Fara_Phoenix: ^Hey, Peppy with a sword and Slippy with guns. That can't end well.
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Sintime: Well maybe they took some type of special training beforehand?
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Fara_Phoenix: Occam's Razor says "no".
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Sintime: It's a fictional image with fictional characters, anything can apply here, not just what you think, or want to believe.
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Fara_Phoenix: That argument completely missed its target, as the only thing that applies here is either Word of God, or logic as far as it is valid. Occam's Razor is.
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Sintime: Applying your logic to this picture and wanting to belive in ficts your pre-determined personal viewpoint, makes you miss your target.

It's a real historical event being represented by fictional characters, in which the weapons they are carrying were available to any infantry, and commonly used. They are infantry men in this picture using weapons and in the place of the other humans who are in this picture. I don't know why fiction and reality is so hard to distinguish for people on this site.
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Anonymous1: ah, how i've missed these 2 arguing
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Fara_Phoenix: Your description of that picture has not helped you one inch, my point still stands.
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Sintime: I think it does, you're trying to apply what you want to believe, to fictional representation of a historical event. Anything them being able to use the firearms and weapons does apply here, however, believing in your own opinions does not.
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Sintime: And why do you want to argue so much, I thought we were pass this.
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Fara_Phoenix: As for the first, I never doubted their ability to use them. I merely doubted the efficiency.

As for the second, ask yourself. You've started this by questioning my statement's validity.
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Sintime: You took an aggressive standpoint when I said that it's fictional, and tried to imply, that despite this being fictional, they cannot know how to use the weapons or be "efficient" with them due to your reasoning.
This entire picture is out context in regards to the actual world of starfox, you can't use that reasoning to apply here.
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ChaoticTentacles: It's fictional and the pic doesn't give us enough info, to know what's going on, could have failed, could have succeeded. You make of it what you want to make of it.
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Fara_Phoenix: Sintime, I only judge based on what is established and known. There is no point in giving in to unpredictability.

As for CT, well, that is the independent opinion I was looking for.
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Sintime: Ok, At which point where the StarFox Crew in the French Revolution? That's a simple enough question I think.
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Sintime: Also, you judge based off what you want to think, or what you want to believe is true.
And establishing an educated guess, isn't too difficult either. It's a fictional artwork, with fictional characters, the artist can give them qualities or a background of whatever they choose.
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Fara_Phoenix: As for your first question, it is not relevant, being too specific and therefore not allowing for accurate judgement.

As for your statement, don't you do the same? Don't answer, that one was rhethorical.

Also I do find it highly fascinating how you keep arguing while accusing me of doing the same. How's about you listen to yourself, and then the people like CT up above, fake?
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Sintime: Since the question was too hard for you to answer: No the Star fox crew were never in the French revolution, it's very revelant, as that's the picture up above, I don't see how much more specific it can get.
Using your previous logic I bet you would think a character is a 'whore' because artist(s) have drawn her with a lot of other characters, which is canonly unaccurate but you seem to believe in that fiction when it suits the viewpoint of what you want to believe. There's your double standard falling apart. I'm telling you you're being insipid in stating a character wouldn't be good with a weapon, despite otherwise on a fictional enactment an artist designed, while making idle statements that another character is a whore because you want to believe that.
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Fara_Phoenix: Mark this, my friend,
And spare my lungs; who would the right maintain,
And hath a tongue wherewith his point to gain,
Will gain it in the end.
But come, of gossip I am weary quite;
Because I've no resource, thou'rt in the right.

-J.W. von Goethe, Faust I, A street (II)
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Sintime: I don't want to argue, but you were pushing me into a corner ...
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Fara_Phoenix: By stating you're in the right, aha. Interesting, very interesting.
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Sintime: The point that we had to argue makes none of us right, also this was our first argument on pahheal for quite some time.
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Miles-Tails-Prower: @Anonymous: Who haven't missed that.
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Fara_Phoenix: Sintime, blame yourself.
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Sintime: It's not all my fault either ...
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Fara_Phoenix: Hm...false. I'll go with false.
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Sintime: So you're in agreement with me then?
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Anonymous2: ^awww, I've been reading Fara's and sintimes comments for a while and, I read between the lines, sintime likes Fara...
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Anonymous3(2): ^is me: but sad thing is, I like Fara. P.S. I'm Weed from an old wolf tv show, look up weed on here, I'm the blue wolf.
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Anonymous4(2): stating that Fara has a veiwpoint of starfox historical backround, and sintime has a universal implied perspective, Fara technically won the argument, in retrospect, sin time uses worldly thoughts, while Fara is giving a more historical, reality of the star fox universe, so Fara.... good fight girl, you've won. P.S. I'm the anons 2 and 3.
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Sintime: All my thoughts are a universal perspective ... there isn't a right or wrong answer and any perspective single perspective is shallow, saying that though it is amusing when people can't understand that.
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Sintime: That doesn't mean anyone lost or won an argument either.
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Sintime: Tell someone that and they will think it's crazy--no that means I just can see more than you can at the moment and a better debater than you currently are.
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Anonymous6(5): ah fuck
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Fara_Phoenix: Anon, don't bother. Sintime won't ever come to senses, or abandon his insane troll logic.

Nice one, though.
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Sintime: ^Insane = being stuck so desperately on 1 idea and believing whatever you think is true, because you believe it to be so.
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Fara_Phoenix: My, my, for an universal perspective this is a pretty narrow definition.
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Anonymous7(5): @Sintime: dear god it is so funny watching shitstains like you rage over the internet
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Sintime: It's a narrow definition because you are a narrow person... or so that's how you present yourself.
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Anonymous8: These characters are portraying as real people in a real event. Therefore the outcome of this war would be the same as the real event.

None of the character's are canon in this picture, so it's pretty stupid to say they wouldn't know how to use the weapons, or whatever else. :/
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Anonymous9: ^They are canon, in the same sense that history doesn't have canon.

So any assumptions would be stupid, pick whichever you prefer.
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Sintime: Assuming it's not based off a historical event would be a the only stupid assumption.
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Anonymous10(9): And in what historical event was Star Fox involved, wise guy?
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Franky_Whiskey: Anon9 and 10 are Fara_Phoenix.
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Anonymous11: Not surprised, I guess Sintime probably posts anon as well...probably with a proxy though.
Fara's too stupid for standard procedure.
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Fara_Phoenix: ...should I bother dignifying anyone with a response?
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Anonymous12: Sintime, what I meant by your universal perspective, is that you have a 1 trait mind, you form an idea in your head, leave it there, then bring it back up every time you feel threatened or cornered in a situation, also you attack with the same thoughts, you and Fara are in a chess game with the comments battle, and your always leaving your king open, for the queen "Fara" so chess speaking, your in check for every fight, then run to mommy throwing a fit about losing to a much more intelligent opponent, Fara. I wish you good luck in the... Ile de Etable de porc de la isla de la Avarcia. french to spanish. I THINK SINTIME NEEDS A TRANSLATER OVER HERE!
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Anonymous13(12): ^ I forgot to say: love the myserious Weed. Anon 2-4
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Anonymous14(12): @Sintime: and thats comming from the universal perspective guy that looks like a anime version of Lucifer.... and how low, stealing what I said...: Weed
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Anonymous15(12): @Fara_Phoenix: don't, its not worth your breath, or typing.: Weed
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Anonymous16(12): Ohhh I hope those are wheelock pistols Slipy is using, if there flintlock pistols, hes gonna blow his F****** Hands off!
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Fara_Phoenix: ^I doubt censoring one's statements on a porn site makes sense, heh.
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Sintime: Franky@ I already knew those Anons were Fara Phoenix.
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Sintime: Anon12 That's one of the most frail obversations I've heard someone say, you're completely clueless, if I really wanted to argue with someone I wouldn't lose. If there was a "chess" game, I've walked away from the board seeing as there is no challenge and a waste of my time to bother with the opponent. Debating or arguing with anyone is pretty simple, it's the small things you do inbetween that matter.
You really have no idea.
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Anonymous17: "My, my, what boasting." - Rarity

You really are an overconfident little prick, ain't ya.
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Fara_Phoenix: ^Technically it's "My, my, my, what boasting!", but I won't say a word for diplomatic reasons.
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Sintime: It's not being overconfident or boastful...
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Fara_Phoenix: ^Strictly speaking you are. At least the presentation of your opinion could use being a good deal more modest.
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Sintime: There's really no way to be more direct and put simply in a way in which the Anon might understand.
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champofgalacticretards: I have seen this patinting before. it was called Liberty Leading the People about 1830.
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Fara_Phoenix: Not Delacroix...Ouch.

And, Sintime, stop being so arrogant.
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Sintime: You're one to talk of arrogance, you know I can back up what I'm saying, so I don't see how you of all people can call someone else arrogant.
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Fara_Phoenix: Well, the inability to back up one's claims =! arrogance.
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Sintime: It's pretty hard to back up anything when whenever something adverse comes a certain persons way, they put their hands over their ears and scream as loud as possible and pretend it isn't there. So to speak.
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Fara_Phoenix: Well, you should know.
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Sintime: Yes I should ... during the delightful time I've spent conversating with you, at least we agree on something this time.
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Fara_Phoenix: Ah, that is precisely what I'd thought, there I'd noticed this strategy of yours for the first time.
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Franky_Whiskey: 12-16 is Fara too.

Sheet, attractive and successful African! Don't anonfag on a discussion
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Fara_Phoenix: ^I call bullshit on that, and demand a more thorough investigation!
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Fara_Phoenix: As in, no seriously. Unless I've been tripping hard there's no way I'da been that stupid.
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Franky_Whiskey: ^ Loggin out of the ship and changing flags doesn't make a pirate any less than one. ARRR!
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Fara_Phoenix: So you suspect me to be 12 to 16, but can't prove a thing?

Well, then let me assure you I've not been this one. If you keep insisting, however, I cannot help but frown at your paranoia.
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Sintime: Rofl Franky, but yeah Fara, what is this 'strategy' of mines? You've always been such a bitch to me, even when I go out of my way to try to be nice to you.
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Fara_Phoenix: Well, your definition of "being nice" is "being an asshole by what you believe to be stealth".
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Sintime: No, that's entirely untrue-whenever I actually tried to be legitimate with you, you'r paranoia makes you believe that to be the case.
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Fara_Phoenix: That's your answer for everything! - Rainbow Dash
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Sintime: arse being able to express yourself in your own thoughts opinions and words and resorting to having to do so indirectly through childish means ... quite classic.
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Sintime: That's simply like Ladylike! - Rarity
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Sintime: *not*
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Fara_Phoenix: Got a problem with that?
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Sintime: Yeah, it's a bit crude and unoriginal.
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Fara_Phoenix: Is it? Well, deal with it.
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Sintime: I really miss the Old Fara Phoenix, what have you done with him/her?
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Franky_Whiskey: @Fara_Phoenix: Hey, no need to frown; I know what I'm doing, I'm a doctor!
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Fara_Phoenix: Sintime, I simply realized you for the dickhead you are.

Franky, yes, but you're not that kind of doctor.
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Franky_Whiskey: Am I smelling some old fires kindling here? The aroma of forgotten, forbidden, conflicting love?

I'm no position to judge nor anything but hey, c'mon guize. Give each other a biiiig hug and a soft, tender kiss as to seal a heart pact to never fight again. You do know you want it.

You do know you both want it...I know.

So gopher it!
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Fara_Phoenix: ^I'd rather screw that whale IRL. Or the ten-foot-toenailed, barrelbellied, vampirically pale owner of the GAF.

...eek...maybe not.
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Franky_Whiskey: Meh well, fair enough.

That ABBA song,"One of us"; quite an inspiration, I have to say. Ponder on it.
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Fara_Phoenix: <insert inaudible grumbling noise here>
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Sintime: Franky Whiskey is right, don't you remember the first images where we met Fara? Good times right?


and how could you forget this


Lets not forget this >>691872


And finally >>721379

Everything is pretty much meaningless to me without you ...
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Fara_Phoenix: Don't you get me nostalgic.
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Franky_Whiskey: Those were good times, I'll tell you h'wat.
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ChaoticTentacles: I feel so fucking forgotten in this argument
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ChaoticTentacles: Seriously I couldn't comment for a month and this happens seriously I hate being left out of arguments, and I personally think this argument went a little of course.
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Sintime: Who the hell are you ^
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Sintime: ?
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champofgalacticretards: @Sintime: who you talk to? God?
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Fara_Phoenix: ^I believe he's talking to the guy directly above him, since he should already sufficiently know everyone else.
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ChaoticTentacles: @Sintime: Go to the top, about 16 comments down
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Sintime: Again, who the hell are you? Everyone else on this comment thread are users that I've known for a while, you're just some random guy lol.
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Fara_Phoenix: ^So what? He's made a valid point back then, you should remember him.
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Franky_Whiskey: Man, I sure need a light...

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Sintime: Don't let this thread die!
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Sintime: Also he in no way made any valid point, There's something called the SOURCE you should try looking at it some time.
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Fara_Phoenix: Even your precious source is just an opinion.
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Sintime: Yeah, the stated artist creation, and depiction of this picture is definitely an opinion
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Franky_Whiskey: ...can both of you suck my dick?

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Anonymous18(5): Stop wasting you're lives on a porn site, nobody gives a shit about what you butthurt faggots think about a fictional character
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Sintime: @Franky, Fara said she would fill in for both of us.
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ChaoticTentacles: I'm a random fucking new guy, I thought that was obvious and yes I'm severly random, it's in my name. And anon 18 please go to hell
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Franky_Whiskey: @Sintime: I said both. Don't worry, I'll wash it thoroughly!

I just hope both of you attractive and successful Africans brush your teeth...
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Fara_Phoenix: ^As long as you're not that motherfucking whale.
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Sintime: Why does it have to be both?
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Franky_Whiskey: ^ Because feels good, man
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Fara_Phoenix: ^That frog really is Slippy. I won't blow Slippy.
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Sintime: Ok, as well as you don't mind me trying out this new fatality move I've been thinking of.
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Fara_Phoenix: ^Enjoy landing on the floor with...complications.
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Sintime: @Fara that was at Franky, not at you.
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Fara_Phoenix: ^I know. I'm just predicting anatomy limitations will prevent you from completing whatever you come up with in terms of martial "arts".
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Sintime: I don't see what using teeth has to do with martial arts ...
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Fara_Phoenix: Ah, then prepare to have them punched out. That's fairly easy, trust me.
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Franky_Whiskey: You use teeth, Sintime, and you'll get a 10mm round on that noggin of yours. It ain't the first time I got my Johnson bit, and it ain't gonna be the last somebody's brain ends up on plastered on the wall of a dirty back alley for doing so.

So go ahead. Be kinky!
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Fara_Phoenix: ^Allow me to get my martial arts and self-defense classes out, then pull a Krystal on you.
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Franky_Whiskey: No thanks. You people ain't gonna put up anyway.

I'll let you two lovebirds to your own devices, I'm off to do something more productive, like killing foxes or shitting on garden gnomes.
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Fara_Phoenix: Very productive, indeed. Just as productive (and worthwhile) as me calling up the GAF and telling him to stop commissioning, requesting and social-engineering all that Fara porn.
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Franky_Whiskey: ^ That would be sooooo cash
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Fara_Phoenix: That would be as likely as Sintime picking up the GAF's role.
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Franky_Whiskey: I really don't know what "GAF" stands for, but I'm still going to kill woodland creatures and shit on tacky lawn ornaments.
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Fara_Phoenix: GAF? Generic Arctic Fox. The guy in these:
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Sintime: I would pick up the Gaf's role.
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Fara_Phoenix: ^Get a 'sona first.
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Sintime: -_-
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Anonymous19(5): what are you faggots even arguing about?
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Fara_Phoenix: ^Insert Medic quote here.
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Fara_Phoenix: Also, Sintime, why the typed face?
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Sintime: Because you said get a sona.
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Fara_Phoenix: What's wrong with that?
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Sintime: You seen a robot cat around anywhere? :D
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Fara_Phoenix: Nope.
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Sintime: Again -_-
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Fara_Phoenix: Now what's it this time? :D
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Sintime: You know you've seen it.
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Fara_Phoenix: Uh-huh.
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Ponyfagcancer: A month on one argument?
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Sintime: Read your pm box Fara.
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Fara_Phoenix: *sigh* Again...
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Anonymous20(12): Fara, read no more of this convorsation, ignore these idiots above, and enjoy yourself...:Weed
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Fara_Phoenix: Ohai, you again.
Been wondering where you'd been.
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Sintime: I've been wondering where you've been.
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Anonymous21(5): Peppy with a sword and Slippy with guns. That can't end well.
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Fara_Phoenix: ^Yo, dawg, I herd you liek copypasta.
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Anonymous22(5): has sinny boy really been banned?
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Anonymous23(5): @Fara_Phoenix: No, they aren't very skilled with those weapons in the actual starfox games, which is what the characters are from.
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Sintime: @Anonymous: I don't come to the site for a few days and people think I'm banned?
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Fara_Phoenix: ^No, you're being a jerkass on the site for a few months and people think you're banned.
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Franky_Whiskey: So no make-up kiss between you too? Let bygones be bygones. I know both of you want it.
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tendrilhead: all, arguments, insults, sheer hatred and other forms of rage aside I do have an actual question for you Sinny. why did you pic Yubel as your avatar icon?
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deathstriker: I also want that.
Come on guys, make love not war. :P
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Sintime: @Fara_Phoenix: Says the person who was trolling with alternate accounts? You're lucky you weren't perma banned.
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Anonymous24: @Sintime: And your evidence of that is?
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Sintime: But between you and me Fara, I would really be devastated if you left the site/were actually banned.
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Sintime: @Anonymous: The people that matter, or who have been on the site for a while remember it, you look for it.
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Anonymous25(24): @Sintime: Fara and sintime sitting in a tree
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Fara_Phoenix: ^This.
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Sintime: @Fara_Phoenix: At least try.
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Anonymous26(5): FARA I THINK I LOVE YOU
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Anonymous27(5): @Sintime: you're assuming that fara has been samefagging just because multiple people appear to share an opinion, and you don't agree with that opinion? wow.
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Fara_Phoenix: ^Exactly what I've been trying to tell him on multiple occasions, and now of course you and I are identical.
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Sintime: @Fara_Phoenix: You seem to have bad memory so I need to refresh it >>669699 "notanotherdamnedlizard" haha
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Anonymous28(5): I'm with fara on this one.
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Fara_Phoenix: Oh Sintime, you so mad...friend.
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Ponyfagcancer: @Sintime: I don't see any one other than You samefagging in that thread.
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Anonymous29: Suck my ponytits ya'll
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Sintime: Here's Fara_Phoenix's general same fagging general rp antics >>573345

Here's the Admin Warrior finally laying the smackdown on Fara and banning the multiple accounts >>671167

The only reason Fara even stopped was because of that, Fara still heavily same fags on other sites.
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Sintime: @Fara_Phoenix: I'm not mad friend*kiss*
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Fara_Phoenix: 'course you are, else you wouldn't bitch like that.
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Sintime: @Fara_Phoenix: You've provided me with so much entertainment I could never get angry with you, I've only taken a lighthearted approach towards you, and with things you've done and commented about, how could I do anything else?
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Fara_Phoenix: Here's one thing you could do: Wait for the rest of Paheal to grow as tired of you as I have.
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Sintime: @Fara_Phoenix: How can you grow tired of me when you really haven't gotten to know me? I'm just really playing tough after all.
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Fara_Phoenix: Then I must assume you're not able to drop this behaviour, as such I can consider myself familiar with you for all intents and purposes.
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Sintime: @Fara_Phoenix: Familar with me? You've only seen one particular side of me, if you weren't so desperate fight with me, maybe things would turn out better for you.
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Fara_Phoenix: ^Oi, me, desperate to fight with you? Try looking in a mirror, lad.
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Sintime: @Fara_Phoenix: I've only been trying to be friends with you, you're the one who's hostile to every attempt.
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Fara_Phoenix: 'course, and the second time I've forgiven you you've come back one week later with one of the most shamefully libellous remarks I've ever seen.
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Sintime: @Fara_Phoenix: What was that remark? I really don't remember, I'm sorry whatever it was.
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Fara_Phoenix: Sure you are.
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Sintime: @Sintime: That's exactly the problem with you.
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Franky_Whiskey: I so can smell the yiff lingering here. Go suck each others dicks, attractive and successful Africans. And be bottoms this time, Sintime.

Just this time. For the greater good.
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Sintime: @Franky_Whiskey: Almost spit up my drink when I read that.
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Franky_Whiskey: A good plan, ain't it?
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Fara_Phoenix: I'd rather sleep with my horse.
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Franky_Whiskey: ^ yeah, everybody says that before backing down
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Fara_Phoenix: ^Mr Hands. Your argument is invalid.
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Ponyfagcancer: Nothing wrong with a little horseXhuman sex.
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Anonymous30: ^ True dat, would god given them such big, juicy sexy flanks if he didn't want to see human/horse shipping?
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Sintime: @Ponyfagcancer: Someone into beastality would think that.
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Sintime: Even the normal furry is above thinking that.
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Ponyfagcancer: @Sintime: Implying there is such as thing as a 'normal' furry.
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Sintime: @Ponyfagcancer: Implying wanting to fuck a horse is "normal"
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Ponyfagcancer: Did i say that?
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Sintime: @Ponyfagcancer: Nothing wrong with a little horseXhuman sex
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Ponyfagcancer: Did i say it was normal? or that I, personally was considering it?
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Sintime: @Sintime: Implying "nothing wrong" means you're trying to normalize the mentality of beastality.
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Ponyfagcancer: why did you just respond to yourself with a hypocritical statement like that?
Did you forget to log out and samefag?
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Fara_Phoenix: ^What wouldn't I give to see the look on Sinny's face right now.
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Sintime: In other words you have no actual defense ...
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Ponyfagcancer: I'm not the one changing the subject every response
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Sintime: You're attempting to, because you're backing down and afraid to back up your own statements, are you related to Fara Phoenix?
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Ponyfagcancer: go on then, resume the argument, if you see the need to.
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Fara_Phoenix: Well, Sintime, attempting to back up whether or not bestiality is acceptable and to which extent...that's absolutely pointless and a matter of personal taste.
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Sintime: @Fara_Phoenix: The point has nothing to do with that, the point was him trying to normalize it and then not backing up what he was implying.
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Ponyfagcancer: /facepalm
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Fara_Phoenix: I'd rather sleep with my horse.
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Fara_Phoenix: See, Sintime? He wasn't trying to normalize shit - only referring to my statements. As for the implications - implications back up themselves. If A implies B, then the justification for B's existence is A.
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Sintime: @Fara_Phoenix: It's amusing how you both trip over you own words and make up things to backtrack, just like you massive samefagging here and on other sites.

Now, he's trying to say: "No wait!, I was only discussing what Fara Phoenix was speaking of", which in all matters ... still implies he stating and normalizing having sex with a horse.
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Fara_Phoenix: ^No, he is not, which any normal, able-minded person would be able to see.
Of course you are unable to admit to mistakes, therefore you keep on trying.
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Sintime: @Fara_Phoenix: And you'll have me believe you don't samefag because you say you don't, or whatever which, because you pretend all the dumb things you've done don't exist.
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Sintime: @Fara_Phoenix: I wonder how you're going to explain being reported on FA for abusing sock puppet accounts.
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Fara_Phoenix: ^Oi, are we resorting to threats now? What am I to read that as, if not you begging for me to be your friend again.
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Sintime: @Fara_Phoenix: Because with your primitive mindset, people like you only listen to threats.
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Fara_Phoenix: Guess what - you ain't listening to anything.
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Sintime: @Sintime: If I wasn't listening to you, I wouldn't be replying, you however avoid the topics I bring up and therefore create your own as some sort of weak derail.
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Ponyfagcancer: And you're just in denial about making mistakes, as i said earlier, i was not considering sex with a horse, and i am not making shit up either, i was making a joke to try and lighten the atmosphere in here
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Sintime: @Ponyfagcancer: Of course you were, of course you were someone named "Ponyfagcancer" definitely does not want to fuck horses.
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Ponyfagcancer: Real horses owned by Fara phoenix =/= Cartoon Ponies
And i don't want to fuck them either, tbh
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Sintime: @Ponyfagcancer: Until someone spray paints them, and throws a wig over and adds some 'retardo mark' right?
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Anonymous31: @Sintime:
>Because with your primitive mindset

Look who's calling the kettle black.
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Anonymous32(31): @Sintime:

>Of course you were, of course you were someone named "Ponyfagcancer" definitely does not want to fuck horses.

With that logic then it must mean that someone named Sintime must sin all the time, every time, and is going to hell in the same room with Hitler, Saddam Hussein, and Woody Allen(when he dies).
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Sintime: @Anonymous: Anonfagging, how original ... Hell doesn't exist btw.
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Anonymous33(31): @Sintime: Are you implying that I'm either Ponyfagcancer or Fara_Phoenix? Good lord, you really are stupid!
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Ponyfagcancer: I'm not anonfagging, check the IP if you must, and btw, those horses would still need to be taught how to speak, be 'cartoonised', and be scaled down to pony standards;p
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Sintime: @Anonymous: No I'm implying you wont log into your account to comment.
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Divine_Abyss: @anon2: clearly this is just foreplay for them.
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Anonymous34(31): @Anonymous: Okay, not stupid. Delusional is the right word.
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Anonymous35(31): @Sintime:
>Implying I even have an account.

Nice try, namefag.
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CrotchboobAddict: What's going on here, this thread is getting bumped with retarded comments like constantly
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Anonymous36(31): @Anonymous: But just for fun, I want to see you tell me who you think I am.
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Sintime: @Anonymous: I can't tell you who you are, you have to decide your own destiny.
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Ponyfagcancer: ^dis attractive and successful African speaks like he has a motherfucking God complex
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Sintime: @Ponyfagcancer: *Oblivious to generic movie quotes*
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Ponyfagcancer: Movie quote? idk what movie that's from, but i didn't mean to quote it.
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Krawczyk: Thread now officially 20% funnier. When you see it...
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Anonymous37: You know they banged after that... Lol
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Fara_Phoenix: I'm having a laughing fit right now.

Thanks, guys, you really cheer me up. Sintime, good going! Ha.
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Sintime: @Fara_Phoenix: The only thing this thread is missing is your samefagging rp, which I kind of miss.
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Fara_Phoenix: Now what we have here, ladies and germs, is a clear sign that Sintime's caught umaditis.
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Sintime: @Fara_Phoenix: The only one mad is you, you really need to brush up on your skills, you're really lacking, like I said, I miss the old Fara Phoenix.
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Fara_Phoenix: ^Oi, that was a very well-backed-up statement, absolutely convincing, incredibly logical and in no way resembling "NO U".
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Franky_Whiskey: @Krawczyk: *nods*

Anger sex is best sex. Don't forget to flip the mattress once you're done beasting it, guys!
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Fara_Phoenix: ^Even better when we're being dogpiled by everyone else.
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Franky_Whiskey: ^ That's kinky. I wonder who goes on the bottom.
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Fara_Phoenix: That's yet left to decide - and, I believe, the reason Sintime's trying so hard to be the tough guy.
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Ponyfagcancer: *Eats popcorn*
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Anonymous38: @Ponyfagcancer: would you like some butthurter to go with it?
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Ponyfagcancer: ^If I wanted my comeback I would have wiped it off your mom's chin
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Franky_Whiskey: ^ uuuuh, somebody's getting edgy.

Good for you!
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Sintime: @Franky_Whiskey: Well, it's Gomenasai except he forgot to Annonfag this time.
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Sintime: @Fara_Phoenix: If you were dogpiled, I would leave you forever.
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Fara_Phoenix: ^That's just what a friend would do, isn't it?

Also, heads up, Sintime's seeing anons EVERYWHERE!
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Ponyfagcancer: ^Couple of furries bitching about Starfox characters use of weapons, Sintime raging about a bestiality joke, and the occasional insult / mom joke.
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Fara_Phoenix: ^And tons of supposed same-, name- and anonfagging.
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Sintime: @Fara_Phoenix: No, on another thought I would just dip you into one of those pools from LOK games and clean you up.
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Sintime: @Fara_Phoenix: We both know it wasn't a joke, you do want to fuck horses wearing-wigs after-all
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Ponyfagcancer: Clearly.
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Sintime: @Ponyfagcancer: [i]Cleary.[i/]
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Ponyfagcancer: Clearly?
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Fara_Phoenix: That's one sign this thread's dying.
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Sintime: @Fara_Phoenix: It can't die as long as I love shines brightly.
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Sintime: *our love*
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Fara_Phoenix: ^So you are a thread, eh?
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Sintime: @Fara_Phoenix: Everyone is a thread.
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Fara_Phoenix: Initializing: Atomic Facepalm.
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Sintime: @Fara_Phoenix: Initializing: Atomic Puppyface.
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Fara_Phoenix: That doesn't make your failure any less- ah, fuck it.
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Sintime: @Fara_Phoenix: <3
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Fara_Phoenix: You're not worth the ATP I use up while typing this.
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Anonymous39: Krystal is fugly. Fara is best pony.

Love the Weed.
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Sintime: @Fara_Phoenix I'm not sure of what you're talking about but ... you know it, I know it, and everyone else knows it-you may pretend not to love me me, but you do.
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Fara_Phoenix: Even love can die, and you're definitely not worth the trouble.
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Sintime: @Fara_Phoenix:
Love Cannot Die.
Love is Eternal.
Love is the Universe.

And the only trouble that there is, is because you keep pushing for there to be trouble.
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PinkBallons: @Sintime: Here Sinneh, have some informations:
Also: I have read many conversations between Fara and you, and never once has he/she been the provoker. Your problem is that you can't let anything go, so you let the argument escalate until your "enemy" gives up when they realize that they've been arguing with some random person on the internet for way too long. It simply isn't worth the effort.
P.S.: You don't seem to understand what a friend is, or how to make one in a way that can even remotely be considered healthy.
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Ponyfagcancer: @PinkBallons: The guy spends hours every day making Guro and MS paint pics in an effort to 'troll' people, i'd hardly say he's healthy at all. I think he even commissions them.
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Fara_Phoenix: anyone gonna find out Sintime's RL dox and send him to Funny Farm? Or should we just continue amusing ourselves here, like we always do?
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Sintime: @Fara_Phoenix: You're confused, between me and you we both know, along with others the things you've done and are still doing.
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Fara_Phoenix: ^Read PinkBallons' post, and remember the fact "NO U" never was a good answer.
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Sintime: @Fara_Phoenix: Again, trying to play ignorant, you don't seem to be reading at all, or you have a serious case of amnesia.
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Fara_Phoenix: But of course.
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Sintime: @Fara_Phoenix: Of course, when you're pushed against a corner, you only defense is to play ignorant.
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Fara_Phoenix: You are entirely correct.
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Sintime: @Fara_Phoenix: I know, Thank you. However as well you try to derail from the main issue I have with you, which you want to avoid.
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Ponyfagcancer: ^Once again changing the subject
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PinkBallons: I stumbled across this, I believe it explains the reasoning behind most of Sinneh's actions (at least on this site):
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Fara_Phoenix: Not only here...this explains it perfectly.
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Sintime: @Fara_Phoenix: This explain why you lie about everything, and have a multiple personality disorder
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Fara_Phoenix: Since that's precisely what the article is about, yes.
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Sintime: @Fara_Phoenix: This isn't about some random article, it's about and has always been between me and you.
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Sintime: @Fara_Phoenix: Also while you're here I had a questions about something since I'm so inquisitive about the nature of these comments and your inspiration for doing so >>515937 (though you'll probably pretend this doesn't exist)
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PinkBallons: ^ I'm going to go ahead and say Fara did it for funsies. She/he/they seemed to be having fun with it, what other reason is needed?
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ChaoticTentacles: Can you guys start an argument on a different picture already, you probably passed the limit people would care to read too at 30 posts or more ago
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PinkBallons: @ChaoticTentacles: That seems to be how Sintime wants it. He's pretty obsessed with Fara and would like to keep it between them. It's cute, really.
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ChaoticTentacles: Still some people want to see the argument and I know NO ONE with an attention span long enough to read this from the start to finish. Also I'd rather them argue over a pic, and sin has gladly given us too many pics too argue about.
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Fara_Phoenix: I, myself, am tired of this. Trust me.
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Sintime: @Fara_Phoenix: Not as tired as I am, you were the one who bashed Krystal.
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Fara_Phoenix: PinkBallons, you were right.
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Sintime: @Fara_Phoenix: You don't seem to realize how nice I've been with you and you spit in my face.
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ChaoticTentacles: I've found both of your arguments pretty accurate, this just started because you were both stating your version of the pic, still I think it's time to sto.... Nvm keep going on another pic... I'm just annoyed with ponyfagcancer.
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Fara_Phoenix: Sintime, there ain't much to realize but the fact that you've been a dick.
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Sintime: @Fara_Phoenix: I've been execptionally lenient with you, you've never seen me be a 'dick', anything I've done is reponse to your attitude and actions, you can't even directly apologize to someone.
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Fara_Phoenix: Oh, oh...if you want to be lenient, just don't respond at all!
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ChaoticTentacles: Hard to believe all this started from a pic like this.
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Sintime: @ChaoticTentacles: Go back over a year and look at the comment section on the Krystal pictures, also check out FA and sofurry.
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Fara_Phoenix: Actually, fuck FA/SoFurry. He's obviously so obsessed with me he followed me there.
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ChaoticTentacles: I'd rather you guys just argue over the pic itself and not just argueing over each others faults and just fighting each other.
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Sintime: @Fara_Phoenix: No, every furry knows of your fail there and you're hated for the same shit you pull with the samefagging.
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Sintime: That and making throw away accounts pretending to be your own mate.
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Ponyfagcancer: I see why that revolution failed.
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Fara_Phoenix: Sure, Sintime, that's why I have so much support.
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Sintime: @Fara_Phoenix: So much support? Please look and verify that again, I would check the 'quality' of your support, it's essentially 0. Also didn't you take a vacation from this site because you got targetted by a "dysfunctional community"?
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Fara_Phoenix: Oi, I'd verify my statements before posting them if I were you.
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Sintime: @Fara_Phoenix: I did verify it, and I saw no one.
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Fara_Phoenix: Course that's easy with that biased perspective of yourse.
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Sintime: @Fara_Phoenix: Not biased, maybe I know something you do not?
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Anonymous40: Aye Could You Just Quit It and Let This Near Porn Pass By.
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Miles-Tails-Prower: @Anonymous: Hell no! This argument must go on. :3
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Sintime: @Miles-Tails-Prower: rofl
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PinkBallons: @Sintime: Wow, Sintime claiming to know more than someone else? That's a shocker.
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Franky_Whiskey: Man, this shit is reaching legendary proportions, Rome and Juliet style. Go to her, Sintime.

Ignore the wounding words and let your heart bleed itself to death for the love it yearns. Play the music of despair, let each stroke motivate your stride for the ultimate prize; don't let your walk fade or your hopeful breath cease. In the end, all the prize you might get is a "no", but better to have tried and died than to survive and regret.
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Sintime: @Franky_Whiskey: Franky Whiskey you never cease to amaze me.
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Fara_Phoenix: ^Truth be told, he almost got a raised eyebrow out of me this time.
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Anonymous41(24): HOLY SHIT! TL;DR you pathetic fucks!
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Anonymous42: the sadest part in all this? fara won this fight long ago
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thedarkwolf2021: @Sintime: lol thnx sin evrytime im feelin down i come here and watch you get pwnd by evryone.The best part is as iv read through your posts i find that you consider your self "deep" and "interesting" when in fact your just another troll combine that with the fact that everyone youve fought with beat you and you get a true failure in every meaning of the word
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Sintime: @thedarkwolf2021: @Sintime:
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Sintime: @Sintime: "Don't let this thread die."
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Sintime: I wasn't fighting with anyone from the start to begin with, the point of this was to well ... cause a lot of comments?
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champofgalacticretards: @Sintime: did not fight. It was Fara_Phoenix. She is jealous that Krystal stole her spotlight.
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Sintime: @Cculber007: Except Krystal's spotlight was never stolen.
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Sintime: I mean Fara Phoenix the character, didn't have much recognition to begin with.
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champofgalacticretards: @Sintime: that is why Fara_Phoenix is pissed
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Franky_Whiskey: C'mon, Sintime, time to stop. You know what you have to do.
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ChaoticTentacles: Can I just kill sin or fara, it seriously seems like the only way to end this. And it really pisses me off how sin's pics make no sense but his comments do.
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Franky_Whiskey: ^ You can't kill neither of them. Believe me...

...I've tried
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The_Elder_Troll: @Franky_Whiskey: Bro that is a double negative, therefore you said you have not only said it is possible, you said you have done it.
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Sintime: @Franky_Whiskey: Why would you try to kill me? I thought we had something special ... even Fara was starting to agree with me on this.
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ChaoticTentacles: When fara agrees with sintime it means either 1.end of the world... Or 2.must be true
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ChaoticTentacles: Or 3.this a very heavy illusion of my currently delusional mind since I got druck at a bar after already gotten somewhat drunk on the numbing gas my doctor gave me before and after a small operation AND NO... I have no fucking idea how I got home. My bets are on número 3
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Franky_Whiskey: @Sintime: It was way before we developed this special bond, Sinny boy. I tried to kill her as well too, so don't take it personal, just business!

Now you two are my favorite people around here. Sorta :3

@The_Elder_Troll: Los intente matar, pero falle. Y me rendi en ese momento. Hope that clears shit up.
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Franky_Whiskey: @ChaoticTentacles: They were never enemies to begin with. The illusion here was their animosity for each other.
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Fara_Phoenix: Awwww shit. Are we mythical now, or what.
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ChaoticTentacles: Well your name has a mythical creature in it...
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Fara_Phoenix: Um...yeah, probably.
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Sintime: Mythical?
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PinkBallons: @Sintime: "mythical: without foundation in fact; imaginary; fictitious."
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Sintime: @Franky_Whiskey: I'm glad you weren't able to kill Fara Phoenix.
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Anonymous43(12): -blows sintime into little pieces- OH LOOKS LIKE THEIR GOING TO HAVE TO PIECE YOU BACK TOGETHER! IN HELL!!! :Demoman.
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Anonymous44(12): oh geese, I'm anon 43... where do I start... ok I'd like to thank my mother, first of all, annnnnnnnd oh my brother, oh and of course Rule 34, for making this comment possible, thank you
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Anonymous45(12): its 42 again, forgot to say:love the myserious sign painter, Weed.
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Franky_Whiskey: ^ anon 42-44 is anon 12. And a pothead retardo.
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Anonymous46(12): and franky whiskers is a whisky pothead weed DUI from the confederation...:weed
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Anonymous47(12): FARA IF YOU READ THIS I MISSED YOU AND sad to say but truthfully sintime, I HAVEN'T GOTTEN OUT OF THIS FIGHT YET GIRL, AND MIGHT I ADD, IF ANYONE WAS ALOUD TO HAVE THE HONORED PRIVLEDGE OF TAKING YOUR HAND IN MARRIAGE, THEY ARE THE LUCKIEST MAN INDEED and better treat you like a queen, or else I'm commin over to throw voodoo dolls of Sintime at them, the worst thing I can think of. HAVE A G'DAY MATE, HOPE YOUR HEALTHY AND LOVELY...:Weed
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weed: Finally an account... ok, so lets recap, Fara is a genius, sintimes a faggot, and frakny is sintime. did I get that right Fara?
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PinkBallons: @weed: You realize Sintime is gone, yeah?
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Anonymous48: @PinkBallons: Gone? Define Gone?
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Anonymous49: Kill youtself, Fara_Phoenix
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Anonymous50: Geez people, I read the comments 1-..20? Anyway both are right in some areas and wrong in others. Bring on the flames people! I'm about to be burned at the stake. :D
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PinkBallons: @Anonymous: Gone as in banned from this website.
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Anonymous51(50): PinkBallons, you're a moron.
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PinkBallons: @Anonymous: How so?
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@weed: and frakny is sintime

Newfag as fuck
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Anonymous54: Retards everywhere!!!!
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Fara_Phoenix: Dammit, this is still going?
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Anonymous55: ^ Yeah, I still come back and look at this ...
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Fara_Phoenix: Guess it's died down by now.
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Anonymous56(54): It will never die downnnnnnnnnnnnnn
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Fara_Phoenix: Keep the vibe alive, eh?
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Anonymous57(54): Yes, now let's dance to the grove of the jungle beat.
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Fara_Phoenix: Yeeah...maybe.
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Anonymous58(54): I need a definite answer!!!!
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Fara_Phoenix: Answers are boring, even computers can give them.
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Anonymous59: But you are not a computer,you're a living breathing person.
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Anonymous60: I'm not sure Peppy and Slippy can use those weapons. I'm also not sure they can't use them. You see, I simply can't decide.
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Miles-Tails-Prower: @Anonymous: This Argument startet with a comment like yours Anon59 .
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Anonymous61: Weed:(too lazy to get on my account) and December 31st 2012, is when this thread, met it's end... Let us remember, the laughter, the cries, the ragequits, the fags, and the stars of the show, Fara, Sintime, and new comer, Weed.
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Anonymous62: france as whore
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Pigma_Dengar: @Anonymous: Eat shit and die, kraut faggot.
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Tetragrammaton: @Pigma_Dengar: This thread is crazy
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Pigma_Dengar: @Tetragrammaton: I K R?
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Tetragrammaton: @Pigma_Dengar: It seems to be missing something, it doesn't have enough Star Fox rpers rallying to the comment section, as it should!
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Pigma_Dengar: @Tetragrammaton: That's because half of them were Fara, and the mods took care of them.
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Tetragrammaton: @Pigma_Dengar: In a way they made a lot of the comments funnier, when you realize it's all the same person that is.
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notmacacos2: this fucking thread
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Rat: tl;dr
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Franky_Whiskey: user image

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