Anonymous1: To all the haters...and you don't do weird shit? Stop bashin', this girl rocks. YOU KEEP ON BABY. Btw you are totally hot~~ I don't mean to be creepy but I guess I am. I would give you my Tumblr but I'm afraid of creepy people on here. I'm a greedler if you can guess which one. <3
appealus: The only fangirls that scare me are the ones who think everybody is or should be gay. Like the chicks who shlick to the idea of Dean fucking his brother Sam in "Supernatural". WTF?
Anonymous4: you guys gotta stop bashing on this shit being weird. youre looking at fucking once-ler rule 34 on your own accord so youre not "normal" yourself
Urbane_Guerrilla: @appealus: Well... that's the girls, and there are some, who are titillated at the idea of having their sausages two or more at a time. A pretty close equivalent to guys liking lesbian pics. Two excited bodies in the same frame...
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If I dye my hair black again, I might take more requests for hot Once-ler pics.
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There's so many Greed-lers I really have no idea where to start. My tumblr (though I rarely use it) is IEatPokemonOioioi
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