hueci: siiii,creo que hay mas de uno felis con el cambio de pene a consolador y solo tengo una cosa que decir....sweet baby(yeaah I think there are more of one than happy with a change of penis in consoler and I have only one thing to say).... sweet baby
Anonymous2: the previous image was a dickgirl image, now they chopped their dicks off and tossed them in meat grinders and are using the grinded meat as a dildo?
redraw this into a dickgirl image, stay consistent, god damn it!
Bellend: Anon2: Or, you know, maybe it's so that people who like dickgirls can have a picture and people who don't like dickgirls can have a picture too.
notanonymous: had the first two episodes online the weekend of March 23rd. AFAIK (haven't looked) they're not there any more, but probably are all over the chan boards that would cover Korra and bit torrent sites.
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redraw this into a dickgirl image, stay consistent, god damn it!
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Also, anon2 has issues.
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The official airing on TV is Apr 14.
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The art is good, but I dislike the oversized breasts
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