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TagsAshley_Williams, Jack, Mass_Effect, Mass_Effect_2, MintoFoularis, Miranda_Lawson
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Info1920x1443 // 653KB // jpg
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Norton: Nice.
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Anonymous1: Very nice
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Anonymous2: Nice! Make Liara please!!
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Anonymous3: where's Tali?
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Futurebad: Nice but where is tali?
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ohhellyes: need nude jack and nude miranda plus tali
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Anonymous4: Needs Liara and Tali
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Anonymous5: No, needs Samara
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Anonymous6: Doesn't need Tali.
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gagazulu: @ohhellyes: yes needs the nude version of everyone of them and also needs bude tali Anon 5 doesnt know anything
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Anonymous7: romancing tali is for neck bearded virgins who live in their moms basement. real men chose liara.
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Futurebad: @Anonymous: What if you romanced both?
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Anonymous8: I choose Ash since ME1 n proud!
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Anonymous9: Why doesnt this have liara or tali in it?
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Anonymous10(9): @Anonymous: Because the artist maybe wants all the human females in this picture instead of other speices?
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Anonymous11(9): @Anonymous: Looks like it payed off for you huh?
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Anonymous12: Where did you get that miranda unziped top model? i been looking for it everywere
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Anonymous13: the model is available on tombraiderforums
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Anonymous14(4): Anon6 if you were a real man, you wouldn't be on this site, ergo: you are the neck bearded vergin living in his mom's basement, plus REAL men don't look at porn, they bang women/men wichever is their preference, oh and they have jobs...

Bu-Bu-Bu-Burn baby burn into the inferno

P.S: British Geneticly Enhanced Babes (or BGEB for short) for the win...

Also for RPG fans: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim DLC Dawnguard is out for Xbox 360, The Extended Cut Mass Effect 3 DLC is out for all consoles.

For Shooter Fans: Halo 4 will be out on 11/06/12, Borderlands 2 will be out 9/18/12, Call of Duty Black Ops 2 will be out 11/13/12, TC's Ghost Recon Future Soldier came out about a month ago, Crysis 3 will come out sometime in 2013, and TC's Next Rainbow Six game will come out sometime in 2013
and is it weird that I put comments like these on porn sites?
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Anonymous15: Anon14: If you weren't a little girl you'd know that real men look at porn always, even while having sex and whispering sweet nothings into your ear.
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elflord123: All of them should be nude. Miranda's hand should be on Ashley's breasts or even better Miranda sucking Ashley's breast as Jack is fucking her with a strap-on, however I would prefer it to be Ashley and Miranda as they are my two favourite girls in ME. Ashley first and then Miranda. It is a shame that Shepard, both male and female, can't have them both. Having both of them would make the game more interesting.

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