Anonymous2: Sorry I just don't like attractive and successful Africans, like maybe you don't like... cheese or something. Just diffrent taste. they look to much like monkies
Freezer: ^ And he says it so casually. As if he's saying something like "We'll I never thought South Park was that funny." (Which would probably be more offensive to his ilk).
4daluvofart: so if "attractive and successful Africans" looked less like monkeys they would be ok to fab to is the statement then ? by the by.. a "attractive and successful African" would be a way of acting, like weirdo,or racist it would not be a race of people out the race you hate to jack your dick to anony2 ..the race
Anonymous4(3): though i do have to agree with anon2 in part, not the stupid internet racism but ive never been able to find the body structure of black women attractive even if i do like the dark skin sometimes (like in this picture)
Mongrelwanderer: I don't care who you are, this is sexy stuff right here. Now we just need dark-skinned Panty and Stocking in a pic with dark-skined human Twilight Sparkle. XD
Rat: FINALLY puked, fuck that felt good! Sure it burned my esophagus as hellfire but now I can fucking LIVE again. Felt like my fucking guts were being tap danced on by bigfoot... stupid sexy pizza.
ChaoticTentacles: Well let's see, you stuffed down two whole pizzas already. So yeah you probably will forget this conversation in a few days an eat three whole pizzas.
Sintime: ^ More like needing unwarrented merits for something that makes no sense, based on an opinion, if it wasn't true, then the people that are seriously fucked up wouldn't need to automatically demerit someone else based on something unchangable.
Anonymous15: These aren't attractive and successful Africans you fucking retards. what are brown skinned girls? Are you going to say a hispanic girl or an indian girl are negros?
Retro_Scourge: Soooo... Let me see if I got this right. Brown = attractive and successful African = Monkey?
Don't both of them have the same design as before without the brown skin? Nice job Rule 34 :)
Anonymous21: This is really good, my only issue is that stocking's hair being practical one color. Other than that it's probably one of the best Panty & Stocking pics on this site.
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Never seen a pair of black tits that looked so delicious!
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Now then... attractive and successful Africans!
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Don't both of them have the same design as before without the brown skin? Nice job Rule 34 :)
"ramble ramble ramble -insert stereotypical slur here- ramble ramble ramble.
Acting like it's still the 1920s.
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