foxyboy93: Everyone knows kyuubi (he's named kurama by the way) is a male. Enough female Kyuubi. Have a dom male kyuubi screwing fem naru or sakura or something but sheesh. Kurama is a badass, not a whore.
Kidd: Epic hawt fucksauce! Now that we have this....we should have 'her' fucking mozilla firefox
and quit bitchin people, its Rule63, da hell you think?
Anonymous7: @Anonymous: In the vast majority of japanese legends, Kitsune will take on the form of a female to seduce young noblemen. Thus, you're argument is invalid.
Suzuka: I wish Kurama, the nine tailed fox, was female.
The author could have been a bit perverse, comedic, and more creative throughout the series if it were.
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Hey umm, internet...
and quit bitchin people, its Rule63, da hell you think?
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The author could have been a bit perverse, comedic, and more creative throughout the series if it were.
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