Anonymous7: This Triana is perfect. just like the one off the show
P.S. Anyone who complains about how cosplay girls look will recieve a tyre iron upside their head. Be happy with what you have and if you can get a hotter girl to pose in cosplay porn prove it!
Anonymous12: anon 11 this is 34 the fuckers on here dream of that lol. and anon 10 if you think she's a c cup i'd hate to see what passes for D and larger in your neck of the woods....
Anonymous13: This is the opposite of the Moltov cosplay error. Tits are fine, but the face is super yikes! I miss Triana's cute nose, not this witch face!!!
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P.S. Anyone who complains about how cosplay girls look will recieve a tyre iron upside their head. Be happy with what you have and if you can get a hotter girl to pose in cosplay porn prove it!