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TagsAdventure_Time, Jake_the_Dog, Me-Mow, Random_Anon
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Info1700x2190 // 472KB // jpg
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Random_Anon: Here you are GFD, your request of Me-mow giving Jake a FJ, along with Themurderin (I think) wanting a cumshot... Y'know, this pic kinda makes sense, from what I can tell of Jake he kind of has a foot fetish. When Finn was a foot he said that he liked him that way, and always wanted to be a foot, not by stretchy powers but actually to be a foot, and he loved it when those creepy Clown Nurses kissed his feet to heal them.
Anyway, to those who requested other things, I sadly didn't have the time to draw them up last week. This week however I'll hopefully be able to get the done, so don't fret. :)
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Greatfullded7: Very good. It does not need much. Good job (^_^)b
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Greatfullded7: Oh I forgot: another request. This one is for my friend Alan. He likes The Amazing World of Gumball. I want to be generous. Perhaps a threesome. Gumball getting a blowjob from Anais while Darwin gets a handjob from her. I give him varieties of porn, but this time I can't make/find good AWOG ones. Sign it off as "To Alanctor02 from Greatfullded7. -R_A '12"
Thank you.
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Random_Anon: ^
Alright I guess, I'll get to it. :)
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Greatfullded7: ^Remember, I am relying on you. Don't let me down.
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MadBadEddy: i like your art style dude keep it up =)
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Blucan: dat dogcock...
also: hey GFD, can yot add any MORE pressure?
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Anonymous1: Hey I can say the mouth is better, and she is fucking something(Jake).......well FootFucking.....all in all pretty good! again I ask if don't like the word "Fuck" or "Fucking" tell me I don't want to offend anybody.
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Blucan: ^um... you do know you're on a porn site, right? offending people is our job.
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Anonymous2(1): Wait a second RA OH SHIT I commented the wrong guy the comment. Anon1's is for ThunderFap..I thought you were forgive me :(
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shinazuka: Hey Random, I have another request, and, as you've probably guessed, it's another Candy pic with my sim. I'd like Candy naked and straddling my sim's dick, who is sitting on the edge of a bed with one hand on Candy's lower back and the other on her butt. Her face is one of pleasure and being on the verge of orgasm, and he has his eyes closed and is kissing her neck or, more plausibly, her shoulder due to their FREAKING HUGE HEADS. Could you do that for me? ^^
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ThunderFap: i love your shading work RA, great job
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Greatfullded7: @Blucan: How am I adding pressure? I only want what I like.
(On topic) This is important to me. I want the best for Alan. So for more detail RA, make sure Darwin & Gumball have big dicks. Add text like "Ohh yes" or "I never knew you were that big". Include vivid detail like more human-like dicks or something...
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Random_Anon: ^
Alright I will. And please you two, no arguing... :\
@ shinazuka
Well, saw that coming. loljk
Uhh, alright I get a gist of the pic...little more detail if you would though I have trouble picturing it. :P
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Greatfullded7: RA, this may be urgent so do your best and try to get it uploaded soon. I will take my leave now.(Conversation end)
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Random_Anon: ^
Alrighty then, I'll try to upload it this Monday.
@ shinazuka (Again)
By trouble picturing it, I mean have trouble clearly picturing Candy and you... Like, is Candy sitting on your sim's lap while your sim is kissing her neck and such or...?
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Random_Anon: @ Anon2
No problem, we make mistakes. :P
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Themurderin: Thanks RA. I enjoy the pic, but my request was a revision of the pictures that you drew with Finn and Jake so that it shows penetration. :)

Oh yea and @Greatfullded7 lol go easy on him, he probably has requests up the ass. (Pun intended)
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LegoDude226: Hey Anon, I think you are one of the best pencil artists on this site. :D and I think its awesome how you fo requests and I was wondering, can you do one of me-mow giving jake a blowjob and finn fucking her from behind?
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Random_Anon: ^
You're too kind lol
But I'm not all that great, y'know there's still other people that's better than me with their fancy shading and proper drawing stuff and all that, then again you said one of the best. lol
Well, that's pretty much similar to >>795157, except with a BJ and Finn fucking her, but sure, why not.
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shinazuka: @Random: Yeah, the general position is like this:
Except she doesn't have to have her arms under his like in that picture. I'm not sure how complicated it'll be, but it'd be awesome if you did it for me.
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Blucan: Intrntz prnz is SRS BISNS
I ask for what i want and i take what i can get. And aside from Random's hatred of teh bewbz i've never been dissappointed.
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Random_Anon: @ shina
Ah, got it. Alright then, off to work.
@ Blucan
...Blu have you been drinking again?
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Blucan: Well, yes, but that's not news. i'm just repeating the "the internet is srs bsns" meme, and saying that when i ask you for a pic, you deliver. and that i'm grateful because you do free requests. You gettin' this GRATEFULdead? Random does this for free. but he dosn't HAVE to.
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shinazuka: @Random: Sweet! Thanks. ^^
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Random_Anon: @ Blucan
Ah, I see, and I told you no arguing alright. :\
@ shina
No problem. :)
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Greatfullded7: @blucan
Ya think Sherlock? He does'nt have to for you either. Have you seen how many times I said thanks? You asked for pics and gave some back, but can't RA give freebies? I have nothing; only 2 pictures made, not about the ten you already have. You are probably trying to knock me out so you get more. I am going to end this argument as not to troll. Random_anon, please forgive me for this. Maybe I'll drop that request. What does it mean that I have done nothing but Blu is shoving me away...
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Greatfullded7: My mistake. I have argued and broke a rule. sorry bout that.
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shinazuka: @Greatfullded7: I think the reason Blu was upset was because you kept stressing how important and urgent it was, which puts pressure on Random. Saying it one time is fine, but repeating it is unnecessary and unnerving.
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Blucan: ^exactly. trust me dude, i've tried, no matter how much you ask, you will never get your pix on any day but Monday. around 6-8 PM EST.
and why the hell would i "knock you out for more pics for myself"? i can't tell you how many times i've liked someone elses request better than my own.
TL:DR chill, it'll be done. and i mean no offense. EVER. i'm a troll, not a douche.
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Themurderin: Wonder if RA saw my post :( He usually gives a post confirming he read it :/
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Greatfullded7: Well sorry. I'm impatient. Take all the time you need. You at least must tell me if I am rushing you. Just tell me what's wrong and I can fix it.
@Blucan and shinazuka
I get it already! Just stop this arguing!
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Random_Anon: @ Themurderin
Right sorry.
I know you requested those, but weren't you the one who also asked for more cumshots in my pics as well? Well someone asked for that.
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shinazuka: @Greatfullded7: Ok, I just wanted to clarify why Blu was upset. No hard feelings, ok?
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Blucan: srsly dude. chill. we're all here for the same thing, let's get along, eh?
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Greatfullded7: :| I shall hold this grudge back.
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shinazuka: Truce. ^^
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Random_Anon: Yay peace! :D
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Blucan: aye.
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Themurderin: On a technicality yes. But what i really meant by more graphic pics was having more detail rather than them just in a sex position. Sorry if i confused you.

Like >>795157 (Pardon if i dont know how to hyperlink that) It just shows me-mow lying ontop of fin and jake leaning on her. I want to see more :)
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Random_Anon: @ shinazuka
Sigh, sorry to say bud, but I've been trying to draw your pic all day, and their proportions are just so odd everytime I draw the pic... I'm afraid I'll have to deny. :(
Is there by any chance you have another pic in mind that I can do that involves you two? Perhaps in a different pose? This one was just a pain in the ass to do... :(
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Random_Anon: Well...unless you don't mind a basic side view. Like the ref pic you gave me.
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shinazuka: D8 Dammit....I knew it would be a toughie. Alright. Maybe you can have her pressed against a wall and taking it from behind(still in the pussy, though), with one of his hands on her ass and the other higher up on her hip. I'd like her to still look like she's on the verge of orgasm.
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Random_Anon: ^
Same position, only up against a wall, yes?
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shinazuka: ^
No, she's facing the wall. She's standing on two legs and has her hands up against the wall while he takes her from behind.
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Random_Anon: ^
Alright, I'll get to it, at least it'll be easier. lol
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shinazuka: ^Thanks! ^^
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Homestuck_Anon: Hey Random, have you ever had someone enter your house, find all of these drawings on the papers EVERYHWERE! And they thought:

What the fuck
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Random_Anon: ^
I keep them well-hidden Homestuck, REALLY, well-hidden.
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Homestuck_Anon: I hate requesting, it makes me feel selfish, and nervous :Z but if you could fulfill this request many fans of Homestuck will be happy /)*3*(\

I would Like a picture of Vriska Serket having intercourse with John Egbert in the reverse cowgirl position. The angle to be at John's POV, like hes looking forward, and I want Vriska to be turning her head to the right, smiling at him with her tounge sticking out just a peek, and winking at him. Oh, also, I would like them in regular human form lol. Just go to this picture to see what she and John look like:

Many thanks! And if you refuse,i understand.
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Blucan: ^intercourse? what is this, church-sponsored sex-ed?
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Homestuck_Anon: Oh woopz. I posted twice, silly me.
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Homestuck_Anon: @Blucan: wut
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LegoDude226: Hey Random, hows the pic coming along?
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Greatfullded7: ^I have asked him that already. They came out pretty good and may be uploaded tomorrow
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LegoDude226: Awesome.
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Anonymous3: Sorry for the late posting. Basically the gist of what im trying to say is the pic i referenced was good in theory but it could be so much better.

In short. Show some penetration, or well, show some dick. lol
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Themurderin: Hey RA hope you dont mind me asking, but how old are you? Im very curious about that lol.
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Themurderin: Sorry for the spam of posts, Im Anon3.
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Anonymous4: Getting fucked with that would kill her in a nanosecond.

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